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Last TV show you watched

Watched a little bit of Finding Bigfoot before work today.
Recently been getting into animation. Pantheon is a really good animated series. It's about a company that figured out a technique to store a human mind in a hard drive. But of course, as a company, it uses the technology to enslave its deceased employees for all of eternity to keep them working without anyone knowing. The series follows an enslaved dead scientist's widowed wife and daughter as they uncover the conspiracy. Another good one is a sci-fi space series called Scavengers Reign.
I haven't exactly been watching much television of late but I'm currently rewatching Star Trek Lower Decks and honestly that show is still missed. This is my second time watching it and damn it is a shame Star Trek series aren't lasting longer.

I'm starting Banshee again. Probably one of the most underrated TV series out there.

Just finished watching Landman, which was very good, and on the final episode of Paradise, which was surprisingly good.
Black Doves, it's sort of Slow Horses-lite. Very dry humour, lots of violence and forget Chekov's gun, they have Chekov's RPG
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