Mx Female Shall we?


May 23, 2019

Main thread is a little old and dusty, so resurrecting this old one for the quick and dirty requests. Pun partially intended

My preferences and other info are mostly on my other thread, but I will leave the basics here too:
  • Story smut
  • No one line responses, but not expecting novel responses either. 200-500 words is sweet spot.
  • Onsite only; PM's or Threads are fine.
  • Flexible schedule. I don’t expect daily responses from you, nor should you expect them of me.


Some loose ideas and settings, open for plotting and worldbuilding. Each one is a jumping off point, meant to get the creativity flowing. Also not opposed to ideas you may have, provided they are in my limits listed on my main thread.

Cyberpunk - robot limbs, neon lights, and anti-corporation freedom fighters
More of an aesthetic than a real plot. While I did play the Cyberpunk game I'm not really interested in Night City, but something similar to it. The idea of mercs and neon lights in a mega city does sound fun though. I have a few basic plot ideas in mind, but nothing real solid just yet.
Let's Start a Religion- cult fun!
MC is a young, charismatic man who was started his own religion (cult) and amassed a large amount of followers. Think Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5 if you've played. But not him exactly. With his followers gathering a large amount of guns and other armaments, who is YC? A young detective sent in to investigate? A fellow member of the cult trying to gain favor? Tons of possibilities here really.
More of a setting than anything else, but would love some sort of RP in nature. Would love something where are characters are camping and sleeping (among other things) in tents. Could be light-hearted trip, or maybe they are running from something/someone?
Dima- A fantastical adventure!
Dima is a world I built for a D&D campaign, but would love to adapt it for an RP setting. Even though world is prebuilt, I definitely would be open to some worldbuilding. As a matter of fact please help build out the world more. The sort of plot I had in mind is your typical adventuring party exploring together. Thinking like a sort of episodic adventure with some smaller plots tied into a overall larger one.
Big Iron- fun in the ol' west
Loose plot idea, but more of a setting here: the wild wild west. MC is a stranger in town, a ranger by trade. He's after an outlaw, and that's about as much as I have. YC could be the outlaw, or perhaps the one who hired him. This doesn't even have to be 19th century America, could be desert-like planet or post-
Space - the final frontier
Another loose plot idea, and more of a setting. Would play something where our character explore the far reaches of the galaxy, and maybe each other, in a sort of episodic type adventure. Could both be explorers, a captain and his passenger, or any other pairing. Would love to plot more!
The High Republic - golden robes and retro-futurism
After finishing Jedi Survivor, I have a STRONG desire to play something set in the High Republic era. Knowledge of that game isn't required, but if you just look even a little into / know anything about The High Republic that's great. Basically Jedi number in the 10's of thousands and are in their prime. They mostly operate as peacekeepers throughout the galaxy, as their were always intended to be. The easiest plot here is for our characters to be partners, exploring and solving problems in an episodic type adventure. Perhaps with some loose overarching plot as well.
Strong preference for OC x OC. But I can play certain canon characters I know well.
  • Pokemon
  • Naruto - Boruto
  • Nier Automata or Replicant
  • Fallout or Skyrim
  • Soul Eater
  • Final Fantasy 14
  • Star Wars
  • Fallout

Lastly, any ideas you might have! I am open to trying everything at least once! Have a strong craving to write, so bring me your ideas!

Writing Samples

Do the order of these play some significance? Updated periodically.
The air outside was crisp. It brushed against the young man's face as he stepped out of his downtown apartment. Winters in the city were usually pretty tame, however today was particularly chilly. The sky was bright blue, and only long thin clouds hung in the sky. It was still early in the morning, so the streets were quiet. Only the sounds of the occasional car passing by or the wind between the tall buildings could be heard. After making sure his front door was locked, he stepped down concrete stairs and onto the sidewalk. A short commute on the subway, and the man would be at his cozy job as a financial consultant for some big company that sold who knows what. It was his job just to make sure that they were making money on what they were selling.

The city came to life as he continued down the street and neared the subway entrance. It was a contrast to his apartment in the quieter part of town; but that was part of its appeal. Cozy empty streets became crowded walkways filled with people from all walks of life. The man often imagined what sort of lives the people he passed every day on the street had. Each passerby had their own story. Their own lives full of their own highs and lows. Each had a story they were the main character of. To them the man was just another passerby, or a side character they might exchange a word or two with. Each could carry about their days independently of each other or become a part of each other’s story in some way. That would be up to them to decide.

After walking a bit longer, he would at last arrive at the subway station. Despite how large and populous the city was, the station was fairly clean. It did carry a scent of gas and fried food from the café, however. It made for an interesting combination of smells. The man arrived a few minutes early for the subway. The trains were usually late anyways. It would give him a few minutes to grab something to eat for breakfast. The café had some ready-to-eat breakfast sandwiches that weren’t half bad. They were culprit behind the other smells down in the station. The sandwiches consisted of a fried egg, bacon, and a hash-brown sandwiched between two buttered pieces of toast. Just the thought was enough to make his mouth water. The man exchanged some loose cash in his pocket for the sandwich, and a warm cup of coffee.

Food in hand, the man had all he needed to wait for the train. The wait would only last a few minutes, and the screeching sound of the train could be heard ahead of it sliding into the station moments later. The man boarded the train and took his seat. He would ride the train almost to the end of the line, at the Prudential Commons stop. That would be more than enough time for him to enjoy his breakfast along the way. The man discarded the paper wrapper to the sandwich and quietly ate it. Occasionally he would check his phone. There was not much to check, he mostly just found himself scrolling through the social media apps he had aimlessly. It was a good distraction at best.

On his phone a notification lit up from his dating app. "It's a Match!! You and Val both liked each other!" Well that was something. From her photos she looked pretty cute; surprising him. It wasn't that he was unattractive, he just had some confidence issues after his last break-up. So the message came a surprise. As he began to formulate his response the ding from the traincar alerted him that his stop was up. With a bit of a sigh, he stood and promptly exited the train.

This station was not as nice as the one by his house; the smell for one was not as pleasant. A telltale sign of being downtown. The station was also more crowded, and he would have to wade through the wall of people to get to the exit. He did his best, weaving between people and finding a path where he bumped into the least amount of people possible. It was a game that he had gotten quite good at. Came with life in the city.

The city air was heavier than the air by his house. It assaulted just about all of his senses as a cool breeze traveled between the buildings. The man checked his watch: he was just on time. The company building was only a short ways away from the station. One of the perks of the company he worked. Without any delay he began the next leg of his journey. Just a short walk through the concrete jungle.

About five minutes of walking passed and he found himself before glass doors to his office building. The building itself was a large glass building that touched the sky, the largest in the city, adding another piece to the overall skyline of the city. The walls mainly consisted of large glass panels making up the walls, and a prominent notch cut the building in half. His company had their offices on the 30th through 33rd floors. The other floors belonged to other companies that leased the space as well. Though he had never been past the 40th floor, they went all the way up to 62.

The entrance lobby was massive. White marble covered the floors, with intricate designs carved into the floor. The walls were mostly glass with the occasional metal beam or plain white wall separating sections of glass. At the center of the room was a desk that rose up from the floor, made up of a darker colored marble that concealed the wooden desks within. He would wave to the cute blonde receptionist he always did, and make his way to the block of elevators at the far end of the room.

A telltale "ding" rang out and the metal doors of the elevator opened before him. He stepped inside and waited a moment as a few other stepped inside as well. Only four more people filed in, but it was still a bit cramped. They pressed the buttons and after another "ding" the elevator began to ascend. It would stop every few floors or so until finally stopping at his floor. The man stepped out onto his floor and the doors shut behind him.

Before him lay another open lobby, yet not nearly as large as the one downstairs. To left side a few black leather couches were pressed against the wall with a small glass table opposite of them. Scattered on the table were various magazines and newspapers. For the few people that still actually read them. To the right side was a glass door that lead to the offices, just past a large wooden reception desk. The man walked past the desk and waived at the receptionist, who stopped him.

"Oh sug, the boss wanted me to tell you that everything is a go for that conference. I emailed you your boarding pass and flight intermarry. Hopefully Hawaii is still as warm in November." she said with a smile. There was a bit of a southern drawl in her voice; she moved up here from South Carolina as he recalled.

"Thanks Barb, I'll get those printed out and ready." he replied with an equally cordial tone. "Appreciate ya."

With that brief exchange over, he walked through the glass door to the right and down the short hallway till he reached his office. It took him almost 8 years at this company to finally get his own office. With the office came a larger pay raise, and company trips like the one he was taking in a few weeks. The man worked in marketing, and a company had hired their firm to build a whole strategy for their new product. While he wasn't too familiar with the product he would be attempting to market, he figured that information would come when from the conference. Why else would they be paying to fly him halfway across the globe?

From the moment they entered the hotel room, their lips and not left each other's. Their combined lust was manifesting in a hot and heavy cloud that hung in the air around them. It drove them into this room, and would lead them to the bed where they might finally see some release. After what felt like years with their mouths together, he was the first to pull away and remove his shirt. Already sweating from the heat of their passion. While he undressed she followed suite; starting with her own shirt and bra exposing her breasts to him. The man got returned his mouth to hers and pressed her against the wall. His hips would grind into hers as he deepened their kiss, and his hand reached up to caress her breast. The other hand would moved towards her stomach, edging into the seam of her jeans. Just barely too tight to fit his hand. Without leaving her lips, his free hand deftly undid the button to her jeans to allow his hand to slip into them. His slender fingers found her moistened slit, and began rubbing along it in slow, methodical cycles. Muffled moans escaped their lips, filling the air around them.

Time slowed down to where he had her up against the walls for years. Finally he broke the kiss once more, removing his hands from her body as well. They moved to the button of his own jeans and began to unfasten it. Mirroring her movements, they both removed their jeans and tossed them aside. With a smirk on his lips, he dropped to his knees in front of her. Face inches from her panties. His fingers pulled her panties aside, allowing him to replace the fabric over her folds with his mouth. His tongue around her lips and he pressed it into her gently. The taste was intoxicating. Naturally, her legs parted against the wall allowing him better access. The free hand returned to gently pull her slit open, and he pressed his tongue into her deeper. He kept her lips apart and slid his tongue upward, finding the nub of her clit as he did. Once found his tongue danced around it, making small circles and occasion flicks. Her fingers moved into the curls of his brown hair, encouraging him not to stop.

The man would take her just to the edge before stopping. Only when she began to beg would he let her reach her climax. She would cry out with pleasure as he finally let her reach it; his covered in her arousal. Now it was his turn.

He stood up and she slid down to her knees before him to trade spots. The girl would then pull his boxers down, finally allowing his hard cock to spring free. It was a decent length, and pretty thick. She gave it a few strokes with her dainty hand before take his tip in her mouth. In response he let out a long sigh and tangled his fingers into her hair. Encouraging her to take more. Inch by inch, she took more until he felt the back of her throat and she pulled off to get some air. Then returned to his length once more. Her bright blue eyes looked up at him as she bobbed up and down on him. He let sighs and groans out to encourage her.

"Fuck..." he would even mutter. Just as he began to feel himself get close, he would pull her off of him completely. Now it was time for the main event.

Waves gently crashed against the small rocks scattered along the island's coast. A gentle breeze blew in from the salty ocean, leaving a lingering scent into the air. But the thing the man felt the most, was the blasted sun. It blazed in the air above him; heating the sand below his feet and reddening his skin. To avoid serious damage he would need to make shelter soon. It was a project that he was currently working on. The island had a small forest, nothing too grand, that had trees and large palm leaves that could be used for some shade. The problem he faced was getting the darn things to stay still. The faintest breeze was enough to knock over any structure he had attempted to build. If only he paid more attention during woodshop. If only he didn't get on that fucking plane.

Hours past. The sun was lower now, but still a problem. It also seemed he passed out again from the heat. Not great either. This time he woke up more alert and with a bit more energy. Building some sort of shelter would be easier now that the heat wasn't as unbearable. So he got to work. There was plenty of driftwood and scraps of metal strewn about the beach from the wreck. He even managed to snag a dark blue seat cushion that was on the plane. The cushion was waterlogged now, but when it dried out it would make a decent pillow.

The metal sheet he found was used to make a sturdy wall facing the west. That way as the sun set, it would provide more and more shade. To support it, he grabbed two sturdy branches and buried all three items into the sand to form a triangle shape. After banging on it several times, he confirmed that the structure was sound enough. Then again getting crushed by a sheet of metal sounded better than starving to death. Finally, he grabbed some palm leaves and roughly wove them into a sort of covering for the non-metal side of his new home. It was not the best, but it was better than being in the sun all day.

The sun was almost set by the time he put his finishing touches on his new home. Some wet cardboard formed a better floor than the rough sand below him. Plus the seat cushion made a nice pillow. Good thing it was a thousand degrees outside so he would not need a blanket. But what he would need next would be a fire.

Fire came easy. Guess those years in the scouts all those years ago helped. There was plenty of deadwood at the edge of the forest that burned pretty great, and he had some left leaves out in the sun early to dry. After rubbing some sticks together for a few minutes, he was able to make a decently sized fire. It would be enough to keep him warm enough through the night. The man sat down next to the fire and rested a bit now that the work was done. All he would need now would be food.


The man woke up the next morning the same way he woke up the morning before: the sun's blazing heat. At least it was mitigated by the small shelter he had built. But more uncomfortable than the heat was the feeling in his stomach. It had been a while since he eaten something. The last thing he could remember eating was those stupid peanuts on the plane. Oh how he missed them now. What he would give to see those silver packages wash ashore with the rest of the junk that did.

What could he even eat? He didn't know anything about fishing, but it seemed like his best bet. Or maybe some fruit in the forest.

Driven by hunger, he began to walk down the edge of the forest looking for anything edible. Hell he even considered just the leaves poking from the ground.

After some time walking, he came across his savior: a tree with coconuts.

It took a few tries to get them down. First he tried throwing rocks. Secondly shaking the tree as best he could. What finally did it was a large stick that he found, with which he was able to knock a few loose. They hit the sand below with a soft thud.

Now his issue would be opening them. If he had a machete or big knife it would be easy. But maybe smashing it with a rock would work just as well. Maybe he could sharpen one into some rudimentary hatchet of sorts. But he didn't have the energy to do so right now.

So smashing it was.

The man carried the three coconuts he acquired back to camp where he had a good smashing rock present. Once back at the camp, he sat by the fire with his legs spread and the coconut between them. Then he got to smashing.

A few minutes went by and he hit a weak spot, finally splitting the coconut open. Once it was open, he eagerly sipped at its milk and sighed in relief. It was like he was on vacation. Minus the fighting for his life part. Using his fingers, he picked at some its flesh and ate it eagerly. From what he read somewhere, coconuts had a decent amount of calories so it would hit the spot.

Though he would still need something long term if he were to survive this island.


Another morning waking up on the island; third of fourth by his count. Though who knew how long he was out before waking up the first day. Even thinking about it made his head hurt though. Surely he had a concussion, probably even long term damage from spending this much time in the sun and after such a traumatic event like that plane crash.

Speaking of, maybe today would be a good day to check out some more of the wreckage. It was just down the beach only a short walk away now. The fires were out on the second day, and was safer to look through now. Perhaps there could be some good salvage he could use. Hopefully food.

After a short walk down the beach, he was at the wreckage.

The plane was a small one used just to get over a stretch of ocean between San Diego where he left, and the island he was headed to. Not the one he crashed on. There were other passengers, four to be exact, but he had not seen any signs of them. Not even a trace of their bodies. Which was curious enough, considering he was relatively unharmed. The body of the plane remained intact, save for its wings and the back half. What was left of those parts laid scattered along the coast for a good mile or so. There was a sizable ditch where the plane skid into the sand behind it, and the cockpit was mostly buried.

The man stood now at the entrance to wreckage. More water and flowed into it now, and was nearly knee deep. It was sinking slowly. A few more weeks and the ocean would have it. From his entry, he could see something useful: the nets on the back of the seat. They held all the safety info he would need on the plan, but now could be used to hold fish. He would tie them all together place them overnight to catch some fish.

Ripping off the seat was easy now given that they were still waterlogged, and he was able to grab all 8 nets from the seatbacks. When he got back to his camp, he would tie them all together to make a bigger net. In the overhead bins there were a few other suitcases he had left behind. There was nothing of real value in them aside from clothes and books. In one though, he found a stash of junkfood. There were chips, candy, and even a few bottles of water. This must have been that larger gentleman's suitcase he remembered. Thank god the bags were still sealed.

He stashed the nets in the bag and then zipped it up tight to bring back to camp.

He would be eating good tonight.


When the man got back to his camp, he unloaded the suitcase and opened a bag of chips. Salt and vinegar: not his first choice, but definitely his only choice. He would snack on them as he got to work on his net. It was surprisingly easy to make; all he had to do was just tie the ends together to make single net. There were some gaps in it but he figured fish were dumb enough to still get caught. The current started a few yards into the water, so he would put it there overnight while he slept.

While the sun was still out, he brought the net a a large metal pole out into the water. The current started a few yards out so it took a small amount of walking, but eventually he could feel it by his knees. Now that he was out far enough, he stuck the pole into the sand and forced it to go a good foot into the ground. The sand was soft, so he worried it would get knocked over by the same current. But he was hopeful. Once the pole was secure (enough) he tied the net around it, and it was instantly caught by the current. Any fish that swam into it would be stuck in th net. That is unless the whole thing got swept away.

The net was set now, and the man made his way back to the shore. By his guess it was still just after noon so he had a good amount of daylight left. The sun was getting to be unbearable, so he would spend the rest of the day rummaging through the suitcase he snagged. In total there were: 4 more bags of chips, 3 melted candybars, and 2 bottles of soda. The soda he would dump out and reuse the bottles for water. The clothes inside were way to big for him to wear, but they made for a nicer floor of his shelter. As he pulled the last bit of clothes out, something fell into the sand.

It was a cellphone.


Of course it didn't work. From what he could tell there was no electricity on this deserted island, so the phone would prove useless unless it could be charged. At least he would be able to emulate the feeling life back home by having a cellphone within reach. At the very least that comfort was there. He tossed it into the pile of clothes and other random object he kept within his shelter. Just like home, he had a lot of clutter around.
Last edited:
First bump, no real changes. Still testing the waters with this thread
Bump with new idea, also added random section for just vibes I'm craving
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