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Keep What You Steal (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
He had been to many raids in his lifetime, since he was a young man of fifteen hard winters. He always came home with new weapons, new armor and furs, new men and women happy to serve a better purpose and join him rather than die. This trip was going to be no different. He had heard of new land to conquer and had set out to claim it. If there were others there, he would give them the choice to stay and die or return home with him and be something more. He wasn't an unreasonable man. He was a good chief and pulled his weight instead of sitting on some chair and growing fat. No, he would not become his father. His father was a short, fat, bitter man; Derek was the polar opposite. Tall, muscular, with a presence that didn't demand respect but more commanded it. Everyone in the village looked up to him for safety and survival, and he gave it to them - as was his responsibility.

When they made landfall, they were met with resistance, as expected. He slammed his axes into shields and broke them and the men under them until he couldn't pull his axes back, to which he just stole new ones as he made his way through the different homes. If they were full of women and children, he told them where the ships were should they wish to live. Any house he met that had men in them, well, nine times out of ten was met with death. He kicked open the door of one home and stopped, spying only one single woman within.
She was shorter than him, but there was a fire in her eyes. She rushed at him, shouting obscenities as she raised a sword over her head and swung it downwards toward him.
He brought up the bludgeon he had taken and blocked her swing, watching her blade sink into the wood. This was not a first but it was still a surprise.
"What angers you so, woman?"
She took a blow to the arm and cried out as she swung the sword back at him, trying to catch an opening.
He grabbed the blade and winced as it bit into his hand. She was brave and strong. Beautiful even.
His hand and arm began to shake as blood dripped from the wound but he didn't stop. She wanted a fight, she would get one.
These two continued, trading blows and both getting equally beaten. She had seen s man run from the house, he had been hiding in the bedroom. "Ye fekkin coward!!" She screamed as she slammed her fist into the invader's jaw.
He rubbed his jaw, obviously she was as strong as she was beautiful. "It would appear that you need a new one."
"I live across the sea, but we have plenty of food and resources to last several will live as my equal and you will be able to run the village in my stead when I leave for conquest." He told her.
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