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Freeing The Sex Kitten (Vahn Seele x Soft Stroke)

Gwen smiled at Kitten. She really looked happy. Seeing her like this, Gwen really wanted to know who her last owner was. Not so she could return her, but so she could at least slash her tires or put a virus in her network. How could anyone do something cruel and unusual to such an obedient neko? She had even gone so far as to take the initiative to clean and organize her room. Gwen wondered just how much of the apartment that Kitten had cleaned.

Watching as she moved, a bit of concern began to creep into Gwen's mind. "Kitten, your leg is still injured." Gwen said, looking to see if the gauze had come off. The way she was moving, as quick as she was, it was almost like she hadn't been hurt the night before. Maybe it was something to do with her ignoring the pain? She certainly hoped not, as Gwen wouldn't want Kitten to be hurting herself needlessly to show that she was fine. There was no need to put on a tough act, or to lean on the conditioning that had trained her to ignore something as natural as pain. Sexual pain was one thing, but physical pain? That was a completely different matter.

Moving to get up, Gwen realized that she was still naked, as was Kitten. They hadn't bothered to worry about getting dressed, as the two of them had been a little preoccupied getting to know each other's bodies. There was also the lack of energy following a bout of orgasms that would have made the person in the next room jealous. Gwen went to look at Kitten's left leg, curious to see if the gauze was there, as well as if the damage looked to be healing on its own. If it didn't require a medical visit, then maybe it was something that hadn't been as serious as she had originally thought.
Kitten had been hoping that Gwen didn't mention her leg. While the gauze was still on, it didn't look as better as it needed to be. It seemed that the injury hadn't been completely serious, as it specifically seemed to have had the swelling go down. But walking on it clearly hadn't been doing it any favors. Just hearing Gwen mention her leg was enough for Kitten's tail to slowly droop back towards the ground and, more specifically, for her to flatten her ears to her head.

"I... I wanted to make sure I showed you how grateful I was for, being such a good owner," Kitten shook her head, "It doesn't hurt that badly! Honest!" Kitten smiled, showing that she could lift and put weight on her leg. In truth, she didn't look like she was in pain, and it didn't look serious enough to truly make it worth worrying about. But the fact she'd spent all morning on it without showing any signs of it was likely there to confirm what Gwen had thought. Kitten was trained, in some way, to ignore her physical pain unless it reached a certain threshold, which was likely why her beating the other day had been so obviously overdone.

"Do... do you want me to use the crutch again, Mistress?" Kitten asked, a bit of confusion on her face. She'd thought she might have been past that part already. Perhaps having already gotten over the hump with it. But it seemed she didn't. Right now, she thought she had this figured out! "If you, want me to do something then I will, Mistress." Kitten smiled gently, "You're my owner, after all!"
Gwen looked at her leg and she tried to hold a neutral face as she examined it. "Kitten, I'm not upset at your and I'm not mad." She said, looking back up to her face. She reached out to stroke her fingers against her face and over the side of her neck. "While your leg does look better, I do believe that it needs to be wrapped again and medicine put on it." Gwen said, seeing that it was still quite swollen. It was healing, though, and it warranted Gwen being careful.

"I'll make you a deal, Kitten. I will let you walk without the crutch on one condition. After we eat, I want you to let your leg rest for at least an hour with ice on it." She said, wanting to bring the swelling down. "I have some medicine to help with the swelling, and I can rewrap the gauze. If you'll do that for me, I'll let you walk around without the crutch. Sound fair?" She asked. She didn't demand anything. She seemed to be bargaining, a strange tactic to come from an owner.

Gwen was still dealing with the power dynamic between the two. She couldn't bring herself to make demands of Kitten, not quite yet. All she could do was to make careful, concise decisions when they were called for. For something like this? She couldn't demand that Kitten go around with the crutch. She was proving she could walk fine, but her leg wasn't liking the toll that walking put on it. "I want you to be healthy and safe. If your leg doesn't get better, I'll definitely have to take you to have it looked at. Might even ask them to put a cast on it to keep you off of it." She joked, wondering if Kitten could pick up on the humor.
Kitten, despite understanding that Gwen wasn't trying to be mean to her, couldn't help but feel her ears droop the more that Gwen talked. She felt like she'd messed up, that she'd done something wrong and made her upset. All of this didn't feel good to her; just the idea that Gwen wasn't happy with her, regardless of context, it hurt her. But she did her best to not look so downtrodden; she wasn't being scolded, after all. But it was certainly a case of 'not mad, just disappointed' in her eyes.

"Alright, I'll... I'll let it rest after we eat," Kitten nodded her head, "I, I'll make sure I don't do something like this again, Mistress." With that, Kitten slowly moved to help Gwen back upright, enough that she was able to hold onto Gwen's arm and gently tug on it while she did, "Thank you, Mistress. I'm... I'm happy to know that you care about me. It's... it means a lot to me that you do!" Kitten wasn't sure what she was saying. Something in her told her she had to say it. She wanted to say it. And so she smiled once more before turning her way to leave the room, making her way off towards the kitchen, her cute tush bobbing and swaying as she walked. Even if she was being sincere, their sexual nature was still present.

"What would you like to make for breakfast, Mistress?" Kitten asked happily, then paused, "Or, do you want to, erm, do you want to do my leg first?" She frowned, "I-I mean it doesn't matter to me, if you're okay with waiting then we can wait! I just, don't want you to not eat because of me!" Kitten's mind didn't work on her first. Gwen was always first. For better or for worse, that was just how it was.
Gwen smiled and stood up as she tried her best to back off. Rather than focus on trying to get her healed, Gwen would just have to take her to a vet. That would be the only way that she would be able to feel better about her leg. It was a hard call to make, given that she didn't know anything about the laws and rules on sex kittens. Could she just adopt a random kitten she found in the trash? She'd hope so, but there was no way to know for sure. Maybe she could show up first, ask about the process of adopting a kitten, then bring Kitten once she knew that they wouldn't try to return her to her previous owner.

Walking into the living room, Gwen's mind was a little busy figuring out the logistics of what they were going to be doing that day. There was always the option of staying in and just enjoying the calm, but Gwen was fairly certain that Kitten would find ways to keep it from staying calm for too long. Hopefully she hadn't done too much digging and found her sex toys. They weren't exactly hidden, but there was still a chance she hadn't gone looking under the bed. Maybe that spot was too typical. "Oh, right, food..." Gwen said, looking a tad distracted. "Let's eat first. After we eat, I'll sit you down on the couch and take care of your leg then. No reason to rush it, since you are still walking on it, which is a big improvement on yesterday." Gwen said, smiling as she went into the kitchen.

Once the two were in the kitchen, Gwen looked around for some basics: eggs, milk, juice, bacon. It was the staple breakfast, no matter what time it was outside. With the blackout curtains up, most of her apartment required interior lighting. On a whim, occasionally she'd open one of the curtains to let in some natural light, but it wasn't too often, given that she wasn't in the greatest neighborhood and didn't want to announce to her neighbors that she had a TV worth at least three or four months' rent. "Want to learn how to make bacon and eggs?" Gwen asked, opening the package and getting some of the cooking utensils ready.
Kitten didn't really think much in the long term. Part of that was just because she didn't have much reason to. She was someone that worked to pleasure in the here and now; thinking about the future was just something that didn't make too much sense to her. That may have been for all kittens, or just here. How emblematic of other kittens that Kitten was could be left up to Gwen to think about herself. If she was, there was a darkness hidden beneath her surface that showed the extent to which all of this was happening. IF she wasn't, then Gwen was being shown something more akin to what they'd done to Kitten specifically. What that meant, she wasn't quite sure.

With that being said, however, as Gwen lead her off into the kitchen, she smiled warmly and took note of the location of everything that Gwen took out. She noted where it came from, where she was going, and everything else that she was doing. She wanted to make sure Gwen would never need to ask her these things again. She moved over and gently wrapped her arms around Gwen's side once she had everything out, not caring about the curtains herself. If she was naked, it meant little to her. Clothes weren't things she wore by default, after all, unless some owner wanted to dress her up somehow.

"Of course, Mistress! I want to learn how to cook everything so I can do this for you too!" Kitten was happy to offer herself like that. It sounded almost like a slave, which only reminded them of the dynamic between them. For now, Kitten made her way over to the stove, knowing from some experience this was where to go, "I think we use this, right? And it makes a weird noise before you put food on it, right?"
Gwen kept an eye on the way that Kitten moved around the kitchen. She didn't notice in pain in her gait, no change that would worry her. She'd put the topic of her leg in the back of her mind for now. Feeling the warmth of Kitten's body against her side, Gwen nodded and led the way toward the stove. "These are the temperature knobs. You usually heat up a pan or pot prior to placing things on them. Depends on what you are cooking." She said, turning things on and showing her as she went through the various tasks.

The process of cooking bacon and eggs was a fine art, Gwen had learned. If she was careful, she could make sunnyside up eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs. Most times, though, she settled on making scrambled eggs. It was easier to do, and Gwen was never one to be cooking fancy meals early in the morning. With some quick training, she showed her how to cook scrambled eggs, offering a taste to show her what they tasted like plain, then adding just a little bit of salt and pepper for flavoring. When they were doing the bacon, that's when things became very interesting. The bacon sizzled and popped in the pan, Gwen showing her how to cook it to the consistency she liked: chewy, but a little burnt at the edges. "If you can't manage to do this every time, don't stress about it. Bacon is a fickle thing, I've learned." Gwen said, plating up the eggs and bacon. The bacon was set to cool on a plate with a paper towel stacked on it.

Once it was all done, she placed the hot cooking implements into the sink, setting the table for breakfast. She'd show Kitten more of the kitchen as she did this, eventually taking a seat at the table and pouring herself a glass of juice and milk. "That all seem easy enough to learn? I don't mind showing you things a few times, just to make sure that you don't feel overwhelmed." Gwen offered. She didn't consider it a failing if she had to guide Kitten through a few tasks a few times. It wasn't like she was expecting perfection. Kitten might be, though, so there was always setting that expectation that practice would be required early on.
Oddly enough, while she worked, Kitten didn't ask many questions. She was paying close attention, learning how exactly she could do all of this. She didn't want to have her owner for instructions again, or have to worry about doing this wrong. Instead, she wanted to just know what it was she had to do here. Therefore, she had to pay attention. She noted how long it took the bacon to sizzle, how many times Gwen would stir the eggs, when the eggs started to change over to a warm yellow and fluff up. She had to know a lot of thing here. There was a lot to learn for all of this 'cooking' stuff. Her last owner hadn't let her cook; she had a chef that did it for her.

"I won't mess it up, Mistress. I'll practice as many times as I have to!" Kitten declared, sounding determined. Her fists were gripped and her tail was thrashing from side to side to show the energy in her step. She watched them pour the grease into a small can, how the pans went in the sink, even how much milk and juice that Gwen poured into her cup. Kitten was nothing if not an avid listener and an eager learner. She sat down in the chair beside Gwen, pulling her chair a bit closer so she could snuggle up to Gwen's non-dominant arm; she wouldn't want Gwen not to be able to do anything, after all!

"I think I know this now, Mistress. I learned how to clean an entire house in two days, I can learn how to cook in a few more!" She declared eagerly, purring as she rubbed herself against Gwen a little more. Gwen was such a nice Mistress! She was going to learn everything she possibly could in order to please her. She looked over the food they'd made and cocked her head, "Do you want me to feed you, Mistress?"
Gwen liked the amount of attentiveness that Kitten had. It was as if she were a sponge, waiting for something to absorb. She might also be considered a sexual sponge, as she'd have taken any attention that Gwen was willing to pay her in either measure. Gwen looked to her as she asked if she wanted Kitten to feed her. Gwen smiled and shook her head, reaching up with her left arm and lightly stroking the back of her ears and over the back of her head.

"I can feed myself. I know you want to do things for me, but I can handle feeding myself, Kitten." Gwen said, leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Go ahead and eat your food. After that, we can get some ice on your leg and work to get the swelling down." Gwen said, using her right hand to start eating her food. She wouldn't keep petting the top of Kitten's head, as she wouldn't be able to eat if she were purring and getting attention, so Gwen settled for putting her arm around her side.

Taking careful bites, Gwen looked over to make sure that Kitten was settling into eating her breakfast. She didn't have any fears of her not eating to try and maintain some impossible figure for her. Gwen had never been a person to care that much about a person's appearance. For Kitten, though, she'd probably worry constantly about being enough for Gwen. She almost imagined that Kitten would fall apart if Gwen wanted nothing to do with her, in a sexual fashion at least. Lucky for her, Gwen was slowly becoming addicted to Kitten's presence. While she would never force herself on Kitten, gwen would definitely take the release when she could get it, which, if Kitten had her way, would be all the time.
It seemed Kitten wasn't someone that was going to deny food. After Gwen had given her some time to get some much appreciated headpats, she was quick to dive into her food. How she kept the figure that she had wasn't clear, given how easily and almost ravenously she dove right into her food. In fact it was almost silly just how quickly she did end up going at all of it. Kitten ask fast and quickly, just slow enough to enjoy the taste but not long enough to really think about it all. She didn't care about how much food she ate. She just knew it was good food and Gwen had made it, so it was food she should be eating either way!

"Thank you for the food, Mistress!" Kitten purred out happily once she'd finished eating. Gwen was still taking her time to eat, and so she just worked to gently move and snuggle up against the arm that was holding onto her. She remained there for a few minutes, letting the moment drift towards her. She was enjoying this. She enjoyed being around Gwen! And after a few more minutes of relaxing, Kitten turned towards Gwen and slowly smiled, "You're such a good Mistress, I'm so happy to have you!"

Suddenly, Kitten moved down and shuffled under the table. When she next popped up, Kitten was in the one place where it made sense for someone with her title on it to be: right between Gwen's legs. She looked up towards Gwen, showing that she wasn't putting weight on the injured part of her leg, as she purred out, "Let me show you thanks for the meal!" Kitten chirped out. Her overly long and addicting tongue slithered out of her lips and lashed around Gwen's thigh, draggggging along it until she turned to ddrraagggg along the other side. She turned to look up at Gwen and purred, "Such a good owner like you deserves a desert!"
Gwen smiled as she saw the way that Kitten devoured the food that had been given to her. Part of her wondered if she devoured it early to try and get to something more of her style, as she didn't seem to like the mundane tasks of living quietly, but Gwen let that thought go as she settled into her food. It was a judgment that she couldn't fully make yet, and she'd have to wait and see what kind of person--was that the right word? Yes, she was a person. No matter how much training and conditioning they put her through, Kitten was a person. Gwen would hold that fact in her mind with a steely resolve, not willing to let herself become engulfed in the concept of "lesser beings" that some might get into.

As she was about 3/4 of the way done with her food, Gwen noticed the lack of Kitten at her side. Looking over, she expected to see that Kitten had stepped into the other room, possibly to redo her bandage or get some ice put on her leg, to get ahead of what Gwen was going to do next. What she didn't expect were the hands and tongue that graced along her thighs, the teasing from her tongue making her body shiver and a certain part of her eager to oblige Kitten.

"K-Kitten... can you wait for me to finish eating?" Gwen asked. She almost feared that she wouldn't get the chance before Kitten had settled into parting her legs and diving that sweet, exotic tongue over and inside of her slit. Her hands were already showing to be a fair bit shaky as she remembered the bliss that it had brought her once before. With only a few bites left, Gwen finisshed them off before sitting back in the chair, looking down at Kitten as she, willingly, spread her legs to show the growing arousal that the lick before had given her. "Only if you want to, Kitten." Gwen said, lightly stroking her fingers along the top of her head and over her ears. She'd stick to her mental agreement to never force Kitten into sex, not that she would ever have to.
Kitten didn't need much of an incentive to do this. This wasn't some sort of thing she was doing out of programming. She genuinely had already fallen for her new owner, as short of a time as it was, which perhaps spoke to the way that kittens like here were trained. But, furthermore, she knew that she loved Gwen already. she knew that this woman was going to do everything she could to make her happy. she'd already made her incredibly happy. Everything about her, everything about her voice, her mannerisms, her love, it all just made her think of how happy and thankful she was to actually have someone like Gwen to care for her! So the least she could do is give back.

"You didn't have to stop eating, Mistress... i'd be happy to just do this for you as a nice way to help you get ready for the day!" Kitten purred, "But either way... I'll make sure that I show you how great this can feel!" Kitten eagerly leaned forward, pressing her lips right up against Gwen's warm slit. Her tongue came out and slowly, sslsloowwlly, licked her completely clean of all the arousal she'd built up. Kitten purred happily as she did, looking up to Gwen with sparkling eyes, "You taste wonderful, Mistress. Better than anyone else. I'd be happy to just taste you all day~!" Kitten smiled warmly, "For right now, I'll just have a few!"

With that, Kitten was off to the races. Her tongue slid down into Gwen, far less frantic and eager than she was the previous night. She was slow and meticulous, making sure to show her just how much she appreciated Gwen. It gave Gwen time to truly apprecaite how well her tongue had been designed just for this. Made to be perfect for this very action. This very thing. To make a person feel good. Kitten didn't go hard, she didn't press Gwen beyond her limits. This was her taking her time to just show Gwen what she felt, and let her enjoy the sensation that she could bring her in a moment like this.
Gwen felt the warmth and texture of her tongue against the inside of her thighs, as well as around her slit. God, that tongue was going to be the thing she'd need daily if Kitten kept this up. Imagine that, a twice a day regimen of getting tongue fucked by her sex kitten. Talk about things that you wouldn't expect to see in your future back when you growing up. Then again, perhaps some men had wanted this in their life. Not so much a sex kitten, prior to the craze, but a woman who would do something similar. Complete subservience, just for the sake of being worshiped and brought to orgasm as often as felt right.

Thoughts slowly lost cohesion as she felt the tongue press into her, Gwen moaning out as she laid her head back against the chair, closing her eyes. She let herself sink into the sensations of having that tongue dart in and around her walls, each spasming muscle responding to her tongue and inviting her further inside. Gwen wouldn't know what to do with herself, at this point. She kept her hands stroking and rubbing the back of Kitten's ears and head, trying to encourage her further. Panting and shivering, Gwen couldn't sit still in the chair for very long once Kitten had gotten started.

"K-Kitten..." She moaned out, panting and drawing one of her hands away from the back of her head. Grasping at her breast, Gwen began to knead her breast as she felt the pleasure building inside of her. It was not a fast winding, as it had been the night before. This one was slow and sensual, the coil of pleasure being slowly wrapped with care and precision. Kitten knew what she was doing, and Gwen had to remind herself to breathe a few times when she was trying not to moan out too loudly. It had been one thing to let her moans out loudly when it had been nighht. Everyone expects those kinds of things, and might excuse them. To hear them in the afternoon, well, that was just obnoxious.
Kitten herself was focused in on her task. Bringing pleasure like this, helping someone enjoy themselves, wasn't something that she had to truly think about. It was second nature to her, to sit down and have her fun, to just let her body do its talking. The warm petting and nuzzling that she was given from Gwen was the perfect sign that Kitten was indeed showing her skills off rather well. She could tell Gwen was someone that didn't have much of a sex life. Kitten would have to change that. But after how powerful she'd come on the previous night, she needed to focus on making sure that Gwen wasn't going to get overwhelmed now. She had to be built up to this feeling, not blown past it.

Slowly, Kitten's hands slid under Gwen's thighs and gently hefted them up onto her shoulders, letting Gwen rest comfortable while Kitten worked. The new angle let her tongue push to that much more space. Her tongue wasn't anything like a human's own; this was fully controlled, the texture rubbing against her walls going out and sliding smoothly as it went in. Her tongue would snap unnaturally to different areas, making it almost feel like some targeted, lifelike toy more so than a living, breathing neko. But Kitten wasn't going to let Gwen think about those things. They would just push her away from the lovely feeling of lust.

Kitten let out a small purr, her tongue moving around to find Gwen's sensitive spots, the places that would make her twitch and gasp, the ones where she'd work her up the most. She wasn't sure she could stop at just one release. Gwen was already far too good of an owner. She tasted far too good! She had to do something for Gwen. And so her fingers dug gently into some of those spots she'd developed the previous night as she leaned her face in, pressing her tongue, somehow, even deeper inside of Gwen, remaining perfectly happy and calm the entire while that she did just that.
Gwen didn't think there was ever a sex toy in the world that could match Kitten's tongue. It was unbelievable to feel, even after the first time. With kitten shifting her body forward, taking Gwen's legs and draping them over her shoulders, it only helped to intensify the amount of pleasure that was pressing through her. Gwen Tried to keep one hand on the back of Kitten's head, stroking her fingers along her head and behind her ears, while the other kneaded and groped at her own chest.

The hopes of keeping herself quiet were going to be out the window pretty quickly. What once she was able to contain behind a light bite on her lower lip was escaping from her mouth as it hung open. Unlike what she had felt last night, this build up was proving to have its own power behind it. Rather than being swiftly undone and thrown to the passion of her orgasm, Gwen was treated to a gradual climb that felt so much more intense.

Kitten's efforts would be rewarded with Gwen pressing her hand unconsciously against her head, gushing with an orgasm that burned slow and steady through her muscles. "F--Fuck..." She panted out, uncertain on whether this would be it, or if Kitten was going to try and keep her going. Gwen wasn't sure what to do with herself at this point. She could feel her muscles aching for relief, the tension of the orgasm looming with its shadow.
Kitten herself had given herself fully over towards the bliss that she was experiencing. There wasn't bliss in her doing this directly; she was left painfully on edge as she always seemed tobe the moment sexual things started. But emotionally, physically, she was filled with love and appreciation for how Gwen reacted to her. She could feel Gwen take hold of her head, feeling how she started to twitch and groan, feel that beautiful rush that signaled her Mistress was about.. to....

With a long moan, Kitten once more rode Gwen out through her orgasm, polishing her off in the most beautiful way she could. She spent her time in enjoying everything. She did what she could in order to make sure that Gwen got every possible drop of love out of this orgasm. Just seeing how utterly weak that Gwen felt was satisfying to her. Gwen would have to get used to this from now on if she wanted to keep up with Kitten!

"You taste... so amazing... Mistress..." Kitten panted out, slowly leaning her face up enough to muffle words out from Gwen's legs. She took a moment to purr, then gave her a few more licks and fully withdrew her tongue. Given how hard Gwen had gotten off, another one would just make her feel exhausted. One was good to set the fire. Now she'd just let Gwen simmer in it! "Thank you for letting me do that, Mistress. I love being able to do things like this for you."
Gwen let her grip loosen on the back of Kitten's head. It was nice to have Kitten taking care of her, being able to orgasm in a way that her own hand would never be able to on its own. Sure, toys were good, and the vibrators could push some pretty hard orgasms, but that tongue? God, she'd never be able to masturbate again, not without purging the memory of Kitten from her memories. "Letting you?" Gwen chuckled, stroking her nails along the back of her ears and smiling at her. "You are welcome to do that anytime it's appropriate." Gwen said, smiling as she tried to pull herself away from Kitten.

The effort was fairly difficult to muster, drawing her knees off of Kitten's shoulders. Once she was free of Kitten's grip, Gwen tried to stand. It took some effort, but Gwen soon was standing, gesturing for Kitten to stand up. "We're going to lay on the couch. I need to recover from your tongue, since I'm fairly certain you pulled all the energy from my legs with how well you pushed your tongue inside of me." Gwen said, smiling as she stepped into the living room.

Gwen managed to make it to the couch without much stumbling, but laying on the couch would be her last movement for a bit. Laying on her back, Gwen gave a faint gesture to Kitten to join her. "We'll have to ice your leg later. I can't get to the bathroom to get the medicine or the cold compresses from the freezer." Gwen said, watching Kitten as she moved about. She almost envied her ability to ignore pain. Maybe Gwen could learn to endure pain in a similar way over time.
Kitten felt a certain aount of satisfaction seeing that Gwen was, in truth, clearly taken down by just how hard she'd oragsmed. The fact that had been enough, though, spoke to Kitten that Gwen needed a lot more time spent being given love by her tongue. She'd need more time being shown how amazing it could feel to have sex in the first place. She'd meant this as a small perk to getting the day started, not quite making her completely drained by the time that she got out of bed!

"I understand, Mistress! Let's get you to the couch." Once Gwen had managed to stand up, Kitten did the same, helping to move Gwen over until she'd reached the large installation. She slowly moved to lay Gwen down on the bed, sliding her way beside Gwen and planting herself on top of Gwen. She just took a moment to purr before her tail curled up around Gwen's leg and held it ther,e showing her a moment of connection as the two of them lay together.

"You're a good owner, Mistress," Kitten purred out, rubbing her head gently against Gwen's shoulder, "A really good one. You've been so nice to me. I just wanted to show you how much I cared about you. Doing that is the easiest way for me to." Kitten reached her hand down to brush through Gwen's hair, "Whatever I can do to help you, I want to. I appreciate you looking after my leg. But I want to know what I can do to help even more!"
Somehow, in that sentence, Kitten had managed to show that there was something under the surface behind her efforts in bed. Sure, Gwen had only seen the positives on her side, but perhaps that was her jaded point of view on the idea. Kitten wanting to have sex with someone showed a sign of her trust. Then again, there was the other side of it. She was trained to have sex with people, whether she liked them or not. That was part of the problem. How did she differentiate what she wanted to do and what she was taught to do? Gwen wasn't sure, but she knew that thinking on it too much would leave her in a state of confusion she'd have trouble digging out of, based on her current ability to think.

"I appreciate that you want to help, Kitten. I want to make a good home for you here. Seeing you yesterday, bound and beaten, was painful for me to see." Gwen said, being as honest as she could with her. "You deserve to be treated well. You're very well-behaved and you're very giving. I'm just not used to someone as 'active' as you yet." Gwen said, leaning up and pressing a little kiss to the top of her head. "Make sure that I don't sleep more than an hour, okay? We have some errands to run." Gwen said, her mind wandering a little toward an idea.

"There are some toys under my bed, things you'll probably recognize. You can wake me up with one of those, you choose which one you want to use on me." Gwen said, feeling like doing this for her might be the best way to include Kitten's skillset in one of her tasks. With that, unless Kitten had something more to say, Gwen would close her eyes as she let her mind try to wind down from the earlier meal and tongue fucking she'd been treated to. The meal had been fine, that tongue, though? Jeez, she was going to have to get used to that at some point.
Kitten, for the few moments, enjoying hearing all of Gwen's words wash over her. She enjoyed the feeling of it. The feeling of having someone praise her. Hearing just how much she also enjoyed the time that she was with Kitten made her heart soar. So much of what Gwen did for her was just too much. She didn't feel she deserved it. Gwen said it was only yesterday but... to Kitten it felt longer. Maybe her sense of time wasn't right. But she took everything that she heard from Gwen and nodding, still rubbing against her softly and enjoying her warmth.

"...You really want me to, Mistress?" Kitten blinked, then nodded her head eagerly, "Of course, Mistress! I'll make sure that you enjoy it!" Kitten took a few more moments to snuggle with her, before slowly whispering, "Please have sweet dreams, Mistress!" With that, Kitten let her slowly relax. She wouldn't need any alarm. An hour for her was almost pinpoint on the dot. She let Gwen sleep, slowly holding onto her as she did. Ideas came to her mind as she did, but right now, she was thinking of more than that. She let Gwen rest for an hour, an hour on the dot. And during it, she dug through the toybox, coming up with what she wanted to do.

When Gwen woke up, she was done so with a kiss on the cheek and a small nudge on the side of her head. Kitten was smiling at her, and she giggled out, "It's been an hour, Mistress!" She purred, "I thought about what you were doing earlier and a few more things... and I came up with the perfect way for you to have some fun!"

When Gwen tried to move, several things were apparent. One, her arms were tied behind her back in expertly woven but soft knots. Second, Kitten had her legs spread open. Third, her vibrator was taped on her clit, and the double ended toy was sitting in front of her. Kitten smiled warmly and sat up, revealing she'd taken the large strap on that Gwen had and wiggled around with it. Just seeing all of the toys had given Kitten many ideas. And now she was going to act on them!

"You seemed super out of it after our last time having fun, and seeing as you don't have a lot of stamina... and seeing all these toys too, I got an idea!" Kitten beamed, "I'm going to build up your stamina by giving you some orgasm denial training! It won't take a half hour!"
Gwen's sleep was fairly undisturbed. She hadn't realized just how hard she had climaxed, but it had been enough that her body was needing some time to recharge. if it was something to do with how sensitive she was, or perhaps how deprived she was, Gwen wasn't really certain. her experience in the bedroom was fairly limited, thanks to a busy work schedule and a life that didn't revolve around sex.

When she woke up, she felt the constriction of her limbs and looked around with a bit of confusion. Wait, had she put bondage on the menu when she had asked for a wake up call? Oh, good grief, Kitten was wearing a strapon. At the mention of orgasm denial training, Gwen gve a slight tug at the bindings on her limbs, looking to Kitten with a mixture of confusion and uncertainty. "Wait, when i said a wake up call, I meant..." Gwen silenced herself. Kitten was being open, and stepping up with answers. If she shut her down now, all because she didn't know what was going to happen, she'd never be able to grow to understand Kitten's side of the world.

"Okay. What are you planning to do?" Gwen asked, tried to keep herself open to the experience. It was a lazy day, and she could afford a half an hour's time devoted to something that was a bonding experience with Kitten. This was her realm of expertise, after all. Gwen only hope that Kitten didn't have some big hopes that Gwen was going to be good at this. Orgasm denial sounded like something you did as a form of punishment. Maybe her perception was a bit off, though, due to her naivety in this part of her body.

When she looked at the eagerness on Kitten's face, Gwen couldn't bring herself to stop her. She just hoped that Kitten wouldn't seem too down on herself if Gwen didn't get the concepts right away.
The way that Kitten exactly said what she was doing didn't sound as though she wanted to do this for a malicious standpoint. The smile on her face, the tenderness in her eyes... it was clear that, on some level, she considered this something nice and fun. Something to reward with. Something she was used to. Perhaps that was it, truly. That Kitten saw rewards as being pleasured in all but torturous ways. But... then her eyes were nice and gentle. And Gwen's words didn't phase her. She could see the anxiety. Even with such a thing she... seemed nice and happy.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make you suffer~! All kittens go through ten levels of denial training. But they told us humans should go to five at most!" Kitten purred, "I'm just going to do level one here. Nothing dangerous at all! I'm just going to teach you how to hold yourself back and enjoy an orgasm. You came really fast for me so I wanted to make sure you get to enjoy it!" She spoke like she was a teacher of some kind. Which, maybe, she thought she was. And Kitten even moved to lay down beside her, "The restraints are just so you don't interfere, don't worry~!"

With that, Kitten reached down and clicked the vibrator on its lowest setting. With it taped right over her clitoral hood, it would no doubt be effective in time. Her hand moved to take the tip of the toy and gently press it against Gwen's lower lips, gently rolling it back and forth, "All you have to do is focus on how great it feels. Nothing else! I'll make sure I take care of everything~" She ran a hand down Gwen's body, "All you have to do is think about how good I can make you feel, Mistress!"
Gwen hadn't taken into account all that was going on around her. It wasn't until she felt the vibrator click on that her body was fully aware of the level of control that was being exerted on her. Kitten, for all her talk and her nice words, was going to be training her to have better orgasms. Would she complain? No, but she'd definitely have a talk with her after to let her know that surprising her with this kind of stuff wouldn't be okay. Then again, if she found that she was able to have better, more enjoyable orgasms after... Could she be upset with Kitten for it?

Those thoughts slid to the wayside, slowly, as she felt the touch of Kitten's hand along her body, and the tip of the strapon against her slit. She had been in a decent enough daze when she had first woken up, but she was now alert to everything around her The buzz of the vibrator against her clit was drawing some of her attention, but there was also the mixture of all of the sensations that her body was receiving from Kitten's ministrations. It was overwhelming, but her body had been somewhat dulled to the sensations. Perhaps all of the sexual activity, so close together, had left her a little numb to the build up. It was only a guess, but she was willing to bet that Kitten was going to throw her for a loop soon enough.

It would be evident in her features as she would feel her stomach tighten, her body trying to build up to an orgasm. Not a fast build, similar to what she had been witness to before. Just the slow, slight rise in breathing and the tensing of muscles from her chest down to her ankles. "K-Kitten..." She moaned out, eyes closing as she gave slight struggles against the restraints. She wasn't trying to break free of them, moreso just flexing her arms and legs as she adjusted to the sensations she was being treated to. It all felt good, a slow building fire that would setup the pyre that would send her careening over the edge eventually.
To Kitten, this was bliss. She'd been told to find a nice way to wake Gwen up, to show her ways she could make sex even better for her. She wasn't here to torment Gwen. She was training her! Kittens went through training, and training made sex better. In her mind, equating those two was just natural. Perhaps Gwen was someone that wasn't used to this feeling. In that case, she had to make sure that she trained Gwen nice and good. She'd make it so Gwen would love cumming just as much as Kitten did. And that her sexy times would last even longer with how well she was going to train Gwen to feel.

"Yes~?" Kitten asked gently as she heard Gwen's gentle moans. None of this was Kitten working to take her into an explosive state. That wouldn't help. Instead, her hands came to gently take hold of Gwen's chest. Her fingers rubbed all around those mounds, squeezing each spot they could find to just add another factor in for Gwen to enjoy. Her hips were almost like a machine, moving at the absolute perfect speed, precision, force things that only someone given years of training could accomplish. With the combination of her toy and the vibrator, she was the perfect thing possible to train her.

"Do you feel that feeling, Mistress? That feeling of wanting to cum? Right there, on the edge? Feel it for me. Tell me when you feel it~" Kitten worked her slowly. Steadily. She paced everything. She wouldn't let the excitement force her to cum. She wouldn't let her body make her cum before she could. She'd do everything that she had to for Gwen, "That's it. You're right there, aren't you? Feeling it?" Kitten smiled warmly, "Now stay there!" Suddenly, the vibe switched to the lowest setting. Kitten's toy buried in her fully. The stimulation, the pleasure, it was just enough to keep her on that very tip of orgasm. But refuse to throw her over, "The longer you hold here, the stronger you'll cum. And the longer you'll last~ One minute, Mistress, you have to stay here for one minute!" Kitten purred out, whispering in her ear, "I'm going to train your pussy to cum harder than you've ever felt... and train you how to handle it too~"
Gwen could feel everything that Kitten was doing to her. There wasn't a nerve in her body, a muscle that wasn't thrumming with the build of the release that was going to hit her. It didn't build quickly, though, which left a strange sense of burning agony that almost felt sweet. Rather than being rushed to the finish line, as she had sometimes been prone to do, care was being taken to deliver her to the throes of ecstasy with proper care and attention. Gwen could understand why someone might like this kind of attention, because it was almost like someone was taking care to give her body what it quietly was asking for, without having to be told to do it.

Imagining that Kitten had been through similar training as this in the past, and knowing that there were ten different levels of denial training, made Gwen wonder just how long Kitten could hold off on a climax. Gwen was a weakling in that area, in that she was too anxious to wait for something like an orgasm. Opening her eyes, she looked to Kitten, breathless and panting as the vibrator and the touches to her body were doing their job to bring her toward a peak. The words that came out of Kitten's mouth were muddled and unclear, as if her brain were drunk on the lust that it felt pulsing through her veins.

It wasn't until she felt that she was right there at the edge that Gwen felt her body jolt and go taut against the bed. Feeling the toy pressing completely inside of her, Gwen almost fell over at that moment. All movement stopped, the vibrator at her clit was turned to a level that she couldn't even feel anymore. She wanted, no, needed to cum. She was right there, all Kitten had to do was give her one more thrust, one more deliciously deep rush of her hips to send her careening over the edge.

One minute...

Gwen was too proud to beg. All she could do was whimper and try to move her hips to get some kind of rub of pleasure from the strapon to push her the rest of the way. She couldn't help it. Everything burned and made her feel incomplete at that moment. Even with Kitten so close to her, hips nudged up against her, Gwen didn't know if her brain could handle waiting a minute to cum. "P-Please... Kitten..." She said, losing the will to maintain her control. What kind of mistress, or owner, said please? She felt pathetic.
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