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Freeing The Sex Kitten (Vahn Seele x Soft Stroke)

More so than anything, working to service her owner seemed to be a bit of a happy spot for Kitten. They were sex kittens, after all. They were meant to be pets, loyal, loving, and to do what they were told. But, above all, they were ones that would work to service and pleasure the one that they devoted themselves to. It was all that they truly did desire, all that they wanted. All that they needed. And so seeing that Gwen was blushing, that she actually seemed to like what she was saying and doing, it was bringing her joy that most couldn't understand without the feeling of a kitten in their lives.

"Yes, ma'am!" Kitten understood the bedroom. That was where she always went for lust and love. It was a place where she knew what she would do; in a sense, there she was in her element. And so she stood up and made her way along with Gwen, not hiding the fact she was eager as well. The small trip was one that Kitten remained calm for, but was happy to finally be making. Gwen was a nice owner. And a nice owner would be nice to her in bed, right? Maybe! She would be happy to do as she was told. And she was happy, ready, and calm, up until she finally made her way into the room and saw where Gwen told her to sit.

"You want me to sleep on the bed, with you?" Kitten blinked, "Not on the floor?" The only times she normally slept on the bed were special occasions. Special times where she was allowed to, usually after long, intense nights where she wasn't allowed to leave. Right now, she sat down on the bed with Gwen and gave a small smile, "If... if you're sure then, Mistress..." She rubbed her hand along the bed. She was waiting for an order, command, something to let her know what to do next.
Gwen was pulled from her thoughts as she heard the question. The floor? Why... Why would she be asked to sleep on the floor? Maybe it was a dominance thing. From what she had been able to understand so far, just in her experience working passively with Kitten, she was noticing a trend of dehumanization. Sure, she was a neko, bred and trained to service one facet of a person's life. To think that would extend as far as to control their sleeping habits to the point of where they slept? If you're going to have a beautiful creature like Kitten with you, why wouldn't you want her near you as much as possible?

"Yes, Kitten. I want you sleeping in the bed with me." Gwen said, reiterating what she wanted from her. "And, because you've been good, and careful on your leg, I think that we should both be given a reward." Gwen said, smiling. Here was going to be the hard part for Gwen. Asking what she wanted from Kitten was going to feel awkward, almost dirty to do so. "I want you to take care of making me cum." She said, not certain if she had to give specifics on what she wanted. "Do I have to be specific for that? I've never owned a kitten before." Gwen asked, feeling like she had gotten in deeper than she was probably ready at that moment.

What did she want Kitten to do for her? Would her tongue be enough? Probably, given that Gwen was still aroused from the earlier touches in the shower. Not just that, but she'd felt just how warm Kitten's body had been when she had touched her slit. However, Kitten didn't seem to let her own arousal rule over her the way it might a normal person. She'd been good, though, and Gwen was curious to see what sex with her would be like.
Kitten listened to Gwen rather expectantly, and when she heard the order, she smiled gently and nodded her head, "I'll do that right away, Mistress Gwen, I'll make sure that I show you how good of a kitten that I am!" Kitten blinked at Gwen's statement, not quite sure of what that meant. It'd been an order, right? Why was there a need to ask if she had to be more direct? "I'm not sure what you mean, Mistress. I'll do what you tell me. As long as I understand, I will!" Kitten just smiled after that. she truly didn't get what was being asked. But she wasn't going to make it difficult for her to understand any further.

"I will say, Mistress, that I'll do whatever you ask me to either way!" Kitten smiled, "I've been trained for everything! And I'll do whatever you ask. I was told to say something... oh!" Kitten smiled, then spoke as though reciting a mantra, "As a sex kitten, I'm able to fulfill any number of roles! Do not think of me exclusively as someone to use. I am able to do whatever you would like! Be that topping or bottoming, domming or subbing!" When she finished, she just smiled, "Now that I've said that... I'll make sure I make you feel nice and good, Mistress!" Gwen hadn't said anything about her she wanted this to go right now. She didn't have much in mind, so it was just the default, then!

Slowly, Kitten moved to crawl up onto Gwen's body. She sat down in her lap, smiling gently as she leaned in and docked their breasts as she pressed her lips against Gwen's own. It was this kiss that would show Gwen that Kitten's tongue, was far longer than normal. It didn't have the full rough texture of a feline, but it would feel different than any normal human. She spent her time in kissing Gwen, in wrapping her arms around her, in showing her a nice time. She would make sure she did this right!

"What sort of woman are you, Mistress Gwen?" Kitten asked once she pulled back from the kiss. Her questions sounded far more sensual than they were. To her, this was just getting information, "Do you have anything you'd like me to use on you? Something you'd like to see from me?" Her both smoothed up against Gwen's own, "Tell me what sort of things you enjoy, Mistress!"
Gwen was caught off guard by how quickly things were escalating between them. Sure, she was a sex kitten and this was her general domain. She was trained for this, but she even had a verbal statement of her responsibilities and capabilities. Once the preamble of her status in life was laid out there, Gwen was frozen in place as Kitten moved over top of her, taking a seat in her lip and distracting her with a kiss. It was a small, tender kiss that developed int something far more in-depth and intense. Gwen didn't have to take any leads, as Kitten was the more experienced between the two.

Her sexual history was a lot less flavorful compared to Kitten's. She'd had a few boyfriends, but most of them had not been able to meet her criteria as adequate partners. Whether it be for personal, sexual or professional reasons, none of the men that had shared time in her life had stuck for long. Women had given their own challenges, but had been more appealing as she grew a bit older. Feeling the foreign touch of the neko's tongue on her own sent sparks of arousal to her core, making her shiver and shudder. Gwen returned the embrace of arms around each other, fingers running down Kitten's back as she wondered just what she would do with her. Sure, she had toys, but it was still an area that produced a fair amount of embarrassment for her.

When the question was posed as to what kind of woman she was, Gwen was stuck without an answer. No one had really been able to push her for answers like that. Gwen had to take a moment to think, breath coming in and out with a bit of difficulty at first. "I like being touched, being licked." She said, blushing embarrassment taking hold of her face as she looked at Kitten. It was a struggle to admit these things, as it was the weak area of her life. "I also like it to be mutual. I like to give as much as I take." Gwen said, seeming very firm on that point. Even if Kitten was trained for this, and she saw it as her responsibility, Gwen was going to make sure she had just as much fun in bed as she was having.

The more she thought on it, the more she wished she had been more dominant in her past relationships. She'd always been passive, willing to do as others might want her to, rather than what she truly wanted. With Kitten, she'd get that chance to figure out who she was in the bedroom, without fear of reprisals.
Generally, most people would tell a neko what they wanted from the get go. Namely, if they wanted to be topped, bottomed, or something more than that. Many people would assume that nekos were always submissive, but that wasn't the case. Behind Kitten's eyes was an extensive and somewhat terrifying amount of sexual history. She knew how to top someone, how to dominate someone, how to become the perfect mewling submissive and just guide someone into finding what they wanted. If it was there, she knew how to do it. And all while she was being asked to take the lead. Things that she was used to. And Gwen's response made her think for a moment.

"I'll remember that, Mistress Gwen," Kitten nodded, smiling sensually towards Gwen. All of that fear, that confusion, that sense of neglect, it'd faded away. Now, Kitten was doing what she knew, what she was trained for. She could feel that perhaps Gwen was someone that didn't quite know things. She would need time to figure her time with Kitten out. She could sense these things thanks to her training. And so she slowly moved her hands up to gently take hold of Gwen's shoulders and purr, "I'll handle this for you right now, Mistress. Just tell me if you want anything. I'll be sure to help!" Kitten smiled gently, "Just tell me if you're enjoying what I'm doing."

With that, Kitten's eyes flashed, and with a small shove, Gwen was pushed down onto the bed. Kitten had a decent weight to her if she pushed. She crawled on top of Gwen and pressed their lips together more aggressively. She was taking control here. If her owner was unsure, this would tell her more about them. If Gwen wanted something more controlling, Kitten would give it. IF she wanted something slower, she'd give it. But right now, she was lightly holding Gwen down, kissing her, gauging what she liked. She'd compile everything she needed to know how to pleasure Gwen. She'd become the perfect source of her fantasies.

While she kissed, Kitten's tail was on the roam. All over Gwen's body, the tip of it would flick over the skin. Finding areas that she responded to. Places she tensed to, places she liked. And that tail brushed over both of her breasts, flicking the nipple each time. It traced small shapes and circles over Gwen's belly, her sides, her arms, her thighs... and, gently, even slid directly up against her labia. A ghostly touch, something that if Gwen didnt' feel it, she could easily dismiss it. But Kitten wanted to feel more of how Mistress reacted to her! "Does this all feel good, Mistress Gwen~?"
Gwen was thankful to see that Kitten was able to take some control. For now, she'd be full of jitters and uncertain, given that most of her encounters in the past had always been with someone who knew what they wanted. She could get input from them, learn what they liked, but the conversation had rarely gone back the opposite way. She'd had her share of orgasms, but she would have to say that a good number of them were not at someone else's hand.

When she was pressed back against the bed, Gwen didn't struggle against her. Whether it was by shock, or just surprise at the forwardness that Kitten was showing, Gwen saw Kitten taking a dominant role and was willing to comply with it. Maybe dominant wasn't the right word, but perhaps assertive? Sexually assertive. That was a quality that she could benefit from learning in future relationships. As the kiss deepened, Gwen didn't struggle against Kitten. The feeling of the soft tail, the way it drew along her body in a probing fashion left her shivering and shuddering when she found spots that were particularly sensitive. Her breasts and slit were rather obvious weak spots, but feeling the soft touch along her sides and stomach made her jump, gasping out and trying not to fall apart on the spot.

In less than a few minutes time, Gwen felt that Kitten had learned more about her than any of her past partners. She was efficient, and Kitten might very well know her body better than Gwen did. At the question, Gwen gave a faint nod, trying to catch her breath. "Y-Yes..." She panted out, unable to find any words other than affirmation and declination.

The longer that Kitten remained on top of her, the more Gwen wondered if she should tell her about the toys under her bed. She didn't have a vast collection, but her past partners had nudged her toward the usual stuff: strapons, vibrators and double-ended dildos. There were also some restraints hidden underneath the mattress, something that Gwen had completely forgotten about until her thoughts had tried to dig into the hidden away sex toys.
Kitten truly had learned a good deal about Gwen. It seemed that Gwen perhaps was truly someone that didn't exactly want to be in full submission, but wanted to be controlled. She wanted someone to guide her through things, to make her feel good. Was there more to all of that? Perhaps. But Kitten would just learn along the way. Right now, as she felt how easily that Gwen melted to her tail, melted to her words, her touche,s her everything, it just made Kitten feel happier than ever before. She was making her Mistress feel good! That was more than what she needed to know she could keep going. To make her want to keep going.

"Kitten will make sure Mistress Gwen keeps feeling good...~" Kitten leaned in and gently took hold of Gwen's lip to nibble on them. She was in control right now. Not many owners wanted this, but Kitten was happy with it. Her tail kept roaming. Kept touching. Kept making sure that Gwen felt it all. Felt all that it could do. Her hands had started ot move as well. Moving to touch the spots her tail couldn't. Her breasts, her sides, the little crux of her back and roaming around Gwen's tailbone. All things that she could keep making sure Gwen was on edge with.

"Kitten will be sure you feel amazing..." With those words, Kitten's fingers drifted down and just gently toyed with Gwen's lower lips. She didn't press in, or put pressure on them. Simply roamed her fingers on them. Feeling their arousal, feeling how she'd made Gwen feel. Feeling what spots there would make Gwen jump and gasp. She would make certain that she had Gwen's body memorized in full by the time this was over. Her other hand had come up to gently take hold of Gwen's breast, slowly roaming her fingers over it and squeezing in small places. And her tail was still roaming. She was a multitasking machine. She could do this. She could make her owner happy! Once she was gushing, Kitten would have done her job. The 'mutual' command would come later. Right now, she was showing Gwen the wonders that came with having a woman truly appreciating her body.
The words that came from Kitten's lips seemed just as effective as her touch. She wanted to feel good, to have her body twisted into a tight knot of pleasure that would send her over the edge and to the brink of unconsciousness. She'd only ever had that feeling a few times in her life, and she never could figure out how she had managed to drive herself to that point. Kitten, to her credit, was pushing her further and making what she thought an orgasm to be simply pale in comparison to what she was providing her. No wonder people spent money on sex kittens. It was almost like therapy.

Each word she spoke, as little as she did, made Gwen melt that much more beneath her. When the touch became more direct, when her hands became part of the process, Gwen was wiggling and writhing beneath her. She could feel the building tension of an orgasm that might knock her out. As she felt her hand at her chest, and at her core, Gwen dug her fingers into the bed. Nothing had even gone inside of her at this point, and she was already soaked and needy beneath Kitten. Even so, Gwen never spoke. Moans, crying out pleasure? She wasn't shy about that. She couldn't, however, vocalize words in that moment.

Gwen's mind raced with different thoughts. Was she submitting to Kitten because it was what she wanted? Was it just easier to do it that way? Something in her resonated the thought that she should e pushing back. She shouldn't just lay there and let Kitten take care of her. It wasn't Kitten who was supposed to be the Mistress in this situation, right? No, Gwen was supposed to be in control.

With that thought trying to solidify itself in her mind, Gwen didn't act on it. If that was how she truly felt, she would get her chance to exercise a more dominant side. Kitten wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon. Gwen was her owner now. She could enjoy being a submissive toy for a little bit, just to see what it was like under the expert care of someone who was trained to spot what someone might want or like.
There was a certain rhythm to how kittens like her worked. There was a technique, a way that they were trained to perfect and know above all else. It wasn't something robotic; that would make this entire thing feel far less passionate than it truly was. No, this was someone that simply knew how to work the body. How to drive the senses wild. How to twist them into a knot that only she could undo. Be that by making them want to cum, or by making her want to. There were many ways for her to approach this. Ways for her to go in with this woman. But right now, she just knew it was her duty to make certain that this woman came and came hard.

Kitten was wordless at this point. There wasn't any need to speak. She could see something was brewing in Gwen's eyes. Something that she wasn't sure of what it was. Perhaps it was just the way that this was going. Perhaps Gwen wasn't fully someone that wanted to submit control. That was fine, if it were the case. But she knew that Gwen was enjoying this. She was enjoying the feeling of it all. And she knew that she was going to have even more fun when she finally, eventually, let the woman release.

Which, so happened to be now. Gwen was needy, aroused and already craving her. Kitten leaned up and gave her lip one soft little kiss, then her entire body shifted. She shifted down and pulled Gwen's legs to hang off the bed. Kitten got down on her knees, purring as she moved her face up to the one spot where it could be going. Her tail wrapped around one of Gwen's legs to hold onto it and give a basis. Her lips came to Gwen's lower ones. She looked at the way Gwen was. There wasn't a need to tease, or to make Gwen feel anything longer like this. She gave a small purr, then thrust her face forward. There wasn't holding back here. She was going to yank that knot apart and make Gwen burst with it. Her tongue, that oh so long tongue, slid all the way into Gwen's depths and explored eagerly, feverishly. Her hands came to dig into Gwen's thighs, right into those spots she'd found with her tail. Her tail stroked along her thigh. The buildup had led to this. It was time to make her owner feel pleasure.
If Gwen thought that their interaction had been intense so far, she was wrong. With a strength and agility that Gwen wouldn't have expected from her, Kitten had puleld her into the perfect position to pin her down and finish off the knot of pleasure that had been building inside of her. The moment she felt the warmth of her tongue sinking into her slit, Gwen's back arched against the bed and her eyes closed tightly.

Don't scream... Please, don't fucking scream... It was pointless to try and talk herself out of it. Her body was running on its own as every muscle in her body began to tense in orgasmic bliss, her slit gushing with arousal around Kitten's tongue. It didn't want to end, though, as her muscles were contracting and relaxing in rapid fire all over her body. She was panting and moaning out loudly, one of her hands moving off of the bed and pressing against the back of Kitten's head. Her thighs closed around the sides of her head, trying to keep her in place as her walls tightened and overflowed with more of her sweet, orgasmic bliss.

What felt like an eternity couldn't have been more than a minute, Gwen's body going lax as she loosened her grip and fell flat against the bed. She was certain that someone had heard her. She knew that she had lost her composure and let her neighbors know that she was enjoying the best orgasm she'd had in her life, thus far. Gwen didn't care. She was panting, sweating, twitching a little as she rode out the aftershocks of bliss. She was almost at the point of passing out, her eyes trying to close as she lay on the bed in a state of complete ease.

While she had saved Kitten from what would have likely been her death, Kitten might have just unlocked a side of her that Gwen had been struggling with for a long time.
The moment that Gwen moved to suddenly clamp her head between the twitching owner's thighs, Kitten zeroed in on her goal. Everything in the world fell away. All that mattered to her was her owner. All that mattered was that she make Gwen feel as incredible as she could. Her tongue was relentless, thrusting and slurping inside of Gwen even as her walls contracted and arousal was leaking out of her. Kitten simply lapped it up, used her lips to slurp and drink in all of the nectar her owner gave her. She worked to drive out all of the orgasmic bliss she could get from this woman. All of the pleasure, all of the lust, she wanted to burn through it in this moment.

When Gwen finally did start to come down, Kitten had pulled her face back. She'd been trained to hold her breath for almost 5 minutes. Some owners didn't want to have their kittens come up for air, after all. If Gwen had gotten her from a pound, she could have bought a kitten trained in longer intervals, up to 10, even. But instead, as she felt Gwen let her go, she simply took a few breaths, staring at Gwen's lovely little slit and slowly dragging her tongue along it. She cleaned it diligently, working around her thighs and pelvis to completely clean Gwen up. It was the perfect form of afterglow; in this way, she could both be useful to her owner, and bring her further pleasure.

And, after she'd finished with that task, she simply moved to climb back up and gently lay down on top of Gwen, leaning in to give her a small kiss and snuggle on her, her hands moving to gently rub Gwen's sides to help calm ehr down. She'd had an intense experience, and now she needed to calm down. A cool down, as it was. Kitten just held herself on top of Gwen, enjoying the feeling, the sensation, and more importantly simply the warmth that Gwen gave off. She'd made her owner feel good. She'd made her owner happy! And that was all that mattered to her.
Gwen couldn't sense much at the moment as the slowness of reality coming to stand before her was not quick. Things were still out of focus, her muscles ached and begged for her to not move. When she felt the weight of Kitten on her, she wrapped her arms lazily around her, stroking her fingers up and down her back, slowly moving up to stroke behind her ears. "Good girl." She said, shivering as she enjoyed the warmth of having her Kitten laying on top of her.

There weren't anymore words that could be said. Gwen laid like that for at least a few minutes as her muscles began to gain control. Flexing her fingers and toes, she began to slowly stir, looking down at Kitten. Should she try and return the favor to her? It only felt right that she do that for her. Kitten had made her entire world explode in color that she didn't know it had, at least in the sexual sense. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to the top of Kitten's head, nuzzling her nose against her hair as she closed her eyes.

"You broke me for a few moments there, Kitten." She said, teasing as she smiled and laid back against the bed. "I know that you don't expect me to return the favor, but would you still let me?" Gwen asked, wanting to hear and feel Kitten get the same level of ecstasy that she had received. To say that she could perform in the same manner as Kitten would be a total lie. She was nowhere near as good in bed as she was. She'd been trained to be good at it. Gwen, on the other hand, was timid and careful. Concise to focus in on what her partner wanted. In this case, Kitten was both her partner and her pet, and while she was her owner and shouldn't be required to return the same favors, Gwen felt an ache that told her it was what she should be doing.
Kitten was happy to lay there with her owner. Knowing that she'd brought her bliss, a wonderful afterglow, was more than enough for her. Just feeling how she reached up to stroke her ears, hearing those two, beautiful little words thrum through her mind, it made her extremely happy. This was the reward that she lived for. The thing that she was taught to value above all else. What she wanted, craved, desired. Not the sex. Not the lust. But the affirmation of knowing that she'd done what was desired from her. And, in turn, what she could perform for those desires. She was happy to be here with Gwen. Happy to be owned again.

"I'm glad to know that I can do that for you, Mistress!" Kitten purred at the comment of being broken for a few moments. Gwen had enjoyed it! Another step to making her affirmation just bubble up within her even more, "You, want to return the favor... as in?" Kitten blinked. She wasn't quite sure why Gwen was asking that. She was... asking for the chance to do something like that? Well... that was an order. A question from an owner was still an order. Anything that could be taken as an order, was an order. And so Kitten slowly nodded, "If you truly want to, Mistress, you don't need to ask permission for it."

Kitten wasn't one to refuse the order any longer. Slowly, she moved to lay down beside Gwen, curling up into her side. Just one look down at Kitten would make clear that she was aroused. Very... very aroused. In fact Kitten looked like she was ready to burst even more than Gwen did after she'd been toyed with. Yet Kitten didn't seem to notice. Slowly, she laid down on her back and stretched her legs open, showing her reddish-pink, dripping and warm slit that was just begging for attention, "You can do what you want to me, Mistress Gwen!"
Gwen looked to Kitten as she spoke, showing that she was grateful for the chance to be able to take care of her mistress. Gwen smiled, knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that Kitten didn't need to be rewarded with reciprocity. She'd have been fine to never touch herself, never give herself any pleasure so long as Gwen was taken care of and satisfied. What a sad way to live, where your own pleasure was always put on the back burner, while you tended to others. In some ways, Gwen had been just like Kitten, to a much lesser degree. She hadn't been trained to do the same things, which would be fairly obvious, but Gwen was still too reserved to ever voice what she wanted.

As Gwen watched Kitten move to lay at her side, spreading her legs, Gwen moved to lay on her side, pushing herself up so that she could better appreciate what her Kitten looked like. Minus some of the scrapes and bruises, especially the bandage on her left leg, Kitten was truly a beautiful neko. She'd have to rethink her name one of these days, as Kitten just seemed too bland for something as perfect as her. She needed a better name, but Gwen wasn't sure what to give her. She didn't feel she had earned the right to give anything a name that was sentient.

Pushing that thought aside for now, Gwen let her hand move to rest at Kitten's stomach, drawing up and cupping one of her breasts, lightly kneading it. "I'm not as experienced as you, Kitten, but if you want me to do something for you, just ask." Gwen said, stroking her thumb over her nipple and feeling the warm skin underneath her touch. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against Kitten's cheek, slowly kissing down her neck and trying to remember how she had used to do this with other women in the past. Being careful not to bump her left leg, Gwen wrapped a leg around her waist, taking her time to let her fingers on her hand explore and get a feel for every curve of Kitten's body printed in her memory.
Perhaps, to Gwen, it was sad that Kitten lived her life without a desire for pleasure. But that was something Kitten didn't understand. To her, it was odd that she would ever seek something outside of what her owner wanted. To do that would be to ignore what the owner wanted, of course. And her wants, her needs, weren't always there in the same way that they were for Gwen. She wouldn't ever ask for something like this. She wouldn't understand why she would ask. To her, she could be burning to cum, her body put on complete edge and burning at the edge, but never go and desire to ask for it. Never ask to do something like that. It just wasn't who she was, or who she saw herself ever being.

But right now, she wasn't focused on that. She was focused on Gwen, As she slowly looked to see Gwen overtop of her, she gave a warm smile. Just seeing her owner appreciating her body made her feel beautiful. That was what she needed. Being attractive to other people didn't matter. It just mattered if Gwen liked her. If her owner liked her. Thus, just having one hand move to cup and grope her chest made Kitten let out a long mewl of pleasure; an animalistic noise that was quite unlike the others she'd made. Just touching her like that made the heat from between her legs increase. Just looking at her did it. Gwen's touches were turning her on, more than anything else.

"I just want to know that my Mistress enjoys my body," Kitten answered truthfully. Just feeling those kisses were like fire burning down her body. Just having her on top of her like that, memrizing her, feeling her up, it was a powerful sensation. She was truly driving her kitten wild with it, not by what she did, but by what she meant. All the while, the heat of the kitten would keep building. She would blush, twitch, her legs were jerk and her tail moved to curl up around Gwen's waist. But nothing more. Nothing else. Even as Kitten felt her world burning in delight, she just smiled, groaned, shivered and purred. Nothing more, nothing less.
Gwen kept trying to do what she knew, and it felt like it was enough for Kitten. She'd said it as plainly as she could, that all she wanted to know was that Gwen was happy with her body. Gwen smiled and nuzzled her face against Kitten's neck. "I like your body very much. More than that, though, I like that you're my Kitten." Gwen said, having picked up on the fact that Kitten liked being praised. It wasn't hard to pick up on that positive reinforcement, telling her how she was feeling or thinking, was a good thing. It was written in her reactions and how she was responding to Gwen.

Drawing her leg off of Kitten, she let her hand slowly move down, feeling the smoothness of the underside of her breast and slowly trailing her fingers down. She moved down in a side-to-side pattern, letting her fingertips explore and play to their content until she began to feel herself moving down past her waist. Once she knew that she was close, Gwen moved to press her fingers gently over Kitten's heated lips, her head leaning up to press her lips to Kitten's. She kept the kiss short, not opening her mouth to accept her tongue. "When you cum, you'll cry out my name." Gwen said, a hint of dominance starting to perk up in her demeanor. It was small, but it was something that Gwen was slowly growing into.

After speaking her words, she pressed one, then two fingers past Kitten's lips and into her flower. Feeling her slick walls, the heat that they were putting off, Gwen was surprised that Kitten was still sane at how horny she felt. Slowly pressing her fingers in and out, she rubbed and prodded for any spots that produced particularly potent results from Kitten's body. At this point, she couldn't tell what was effective or not, though, as she'd likely been holding onto enough arousal that she probably could tell her to cum on the spot.
How did she end up with such a nice owner? The last owner had used her, and made her feel good, but not like Gwen had. So far, Gwen had just made her happy beyond any measure. Hearing her claim that Kitten belonged to her, that she was her kitten, sent a shiver down her spine. Gwen's words, her love, her desire to take her like that, was more than enough to make her feel over the moon with love and lust. And all of that was even before Gwen had done anything like touch her, to try give her delight. Kitten truly was someone that lived to serve and served for praise.

With the two side by side, Kitten turned and tried to press her face into Gwen's shoulder, to nuzzle her and ground herself. Instead, she was moved to kiss with Gwen, just to disguise the feeling of fingers pressing against her core. This time, the mewl that came form Kitten was truly full of desire and need. It was one that showed how utterly aroused she was, how hard she had to be fighting to keep herself from going crazy with this. How much she truly loved the feeling of having someone down there. It all came together to just slowly make her whisper out, "Y-Yes, Mistress!"

And then Gwen's fingers were at work. Kitten pressed her face up against Gwen's shoulder, rubbing against it with a long purr. Instead of more human noises, all the sounds that Kitten produced sounded like that of a true feline. She mewled, whined and purred, she let out small yowls as she felt the fingers digging into sensitive spots. Just touching her could show Gwen how utterly horny she was. She was holding back at the moment, but that was only because of the feeling of it all. Being here, like this, toyed with, her mind had other things to think about than cumming... but that would likely, and very soon, change.
Gwen was happy to have Kitten curling against her, reacting in a way that showed that Gwen hadn't lost her touch. She'd always been better at taking care of someone else's needs over her own. No matter what she did, no matter where she touched, Kitten was responding in a positive way. Her fingers moved in and out, pressing and prodding less in an experimental way and more in precision the more she was able to figure out what made Kitten squirm and twitch.

The noises she was making were very different than what she had expected. She'd known that she was part feline, but it seemed that sex drew out every single bit of her feline nature. Yowling and mewling, her body was arching in ways that showed Gwen she was falling apart in much the same way that she was. The difference came from the fact that Kitten had probably been holding back her orgasm for much longer than Gwen had. Who even knew if her last owner had ever let her let an orgasm loose.

Gwen focused her fingers as much as she could, trying to press her to the point of hitting release, Gwen nuzzling her cheek against Kitten's as she whispered into her ear. "When you can't hold it back anymore, cum for me kitten." Gwen said, issuing her order. She wasn't telling her to cum then, but only when she couldn't hold it back anymore. She imagined that tell her to cum was probably a command she had been taught, as well as holding it back the way she had been for the better part of who knew how long.
Gwen was a nice owner. She was giving her so much, so much love and lust and everything. Her mind wasn't able t truly make more than that. She was already lost far, far too much in pleasure. Gwen had driven her to depths she normally didn't go to. Which, given this was only a few minutes into them having fun, likely said a lot about the life that Kitten lived. But that didn't matter. Not much of it likely did matter. She was enjoying this.

When Gwen gave the order, Kitten's eyes momentarily dilated, as though her brain was accepting it. She took the order as literally as one could: when her body could physically not hold back anymore, she would hit her orgasm. It was true if she'd been told to cum, she'd do so on teh spot. But this order ensured that Gwen would see just how far the kitten could go. Just how long she'd been trained to truly endure, without an order on her body. Without something forcing her not to.

...It was almost five minutes before Kitten's eyes crossed and she let out a long mewl. By this point, she truly did feel like she was about to go off. It was an incredible amount of time for anyone... and all the while, Kitten hadn't voiced a single complaint. It was only then, after so long of taking Kitten, of seeing just how powerfully her training had helped moderate her own pleasure, that her head threw backwards and she let out a long yowl as she came, "GGWWEEENNNNNN~!!!!"

Kitten truly didn't hold back. Gwen would feel all of it. The spasming, the gasping, the way her body slicked with sweat and her lower lips seemed unable to stop. Her orgasm took her through the better part of a minute, far longer than anything Gwen would likely have ever seen. If she'd thought her orgasm was going to knock her out, Kitten looked like her body was burning through everything she had. She was cumming not for herself, but for her owner. For Gwen. And so she did with everything she could.
Gwen was wondering if something she was doing wasn't working. She hadn't realized that Kitten was going to take her order to the point of literal exhaustion. When she felt her walls grip down on her fingers, Gwen knew she'd finally pressed her over the edge, sending Kitten spiraling into an orgasm that Gwen felt jealous of. Perhaps itw as because she didn't hold herself back, wasn't trained as well to hold her orgasms to the point that it would consume her so fully.

When Kitten began to cry out, to scream her pleasure out for Gwen, she didn't stop. Pulling her fingers out now would be cruel, as she needed to be slowly coaxed down. With this, she slowed the movements of her fingers, letting them slowly take her back from the edge and milk every drop of pleasure that her body could give. Once she felt that she'd done well enough to keep her from losing her mind in bliss, Gwen drew her fingers free and brought them to her lips, taking a taste of her Kitten's sweet orgasm.

That single taste made Gwen shudder, making her want to move to gather up more from the source directly with her tongue. As Kitten would be sensitive, though, following such a hard release, Gwen decided to put that off for another time. There would be plenty of time for her to send Kitten over the edge with more than just her fingers. Cradling Kitten against her body, Gwen stroked the back of her head and behind her ears, letting her come to lay against her, humming softly. "Such a good girl." She said, knowing now that her neighbors would probably never get any decent sleep as long as she kept Kitten in her apartment.

"You can rest against me, Kitten. This is where you belong, with me." She said. She tried to say it in a reassuring manner, to let Kitten know that she had a home, and it wasn't going anywhere. More than that, though, she had an owner who was going to appreciate her.
If Kitten had been told to, she wouldn't have orgasmed at all. Her body was trained to withstand large amounts of pleasure, and for her to deny it so. The fact Gwen had told her to have a limit was just letting Gwen see how powerful it was. How deep her training had gone. How utterly subservient and lovely that Kitten could be, and just how powerful she could release. Her juices had a sweet taste to them, someone cultivated to make those enjoy eating them out. Kitten would always taste sweet, but never enough to overwhelm. Just enough to make someone want more, and likely make their toys cum harder just to be able to allow for it.

Thus, as Gwen slowly cuddled her up, Kitten was barely even conscious. She was slowly purring, but no other noises were coming out of her. She was limp and exhausted, barely able to think straight. Gwen's teasing had been potent, but not completely overwhelming. She was just there, a kitten that had almost erupted, a kitten that loved the sensation of having her owner taking her like this. A kitten that was just happy to be with Gwen. Gwen's words were the perfect thing for her to hear as she slowly drifted off into a long rest, the command taking effect subtly as she drifted off into sleep.

Gwen would find that, unlike a person, Kitten was rather light. It was easy to cuddle her up like a stuffed animal, or to slide out form under her. Nekos were perfect like that. Designed to be able to be in any situation, anything. Kitten was an arcehtypical example of it all. Of what nekos had become, and how they didn't hate their station in life. How they enjoyed it, even. How they loved the feeling and everything that came with it. And most of all, how they would enjoy their life, no matter what came down on them. As long as Kitten had her owner, there wasn't anything for her to fear. Nothing at all. Adn so she slept, happy, content, and cuddling Gwen warmly.
Gwen was careful in how she moved around the bed. She found that it didn't take much effort at all to move Kitten to accommodate a comfortable sleeping position. Once she was comfortable, and had a blanket draped around the two of them, Gwen laid her head back against a pillow, letting Kitten rest her head against her chest. As she laid like this, exhaustion began to slowly settle over her. Before she let the rush of it all hit her too hard, she made sure she had an alarm set for the next day. She wouldn't have to go in for work, thankfully, so that gave her plenty of time to get Kitten acclimated to life in the apartment. It also offered up the opportunity that Gwen could possibly squeeze in some appointment to get her checked. It wouldn't be okay if something were to be wrong with Kitten that wasn't visible on the surface level, beyond the scrapes and bruises.

As she let those thoughts filter through her mind, Gwen soon found herself falling asleep. Her dreams were filled with nothing at first, just the blank void she was used to. Soon enough, she was having dreams that she always associated with her mind trying to compartmentalize the day. Vague imagery of the day, coupled together with more vivid images of Kitten and her together. Some of the imagery was comforting, while others were more enticing. She was too tired and used up to have a wet dream, but Gwen was certain that a wet dream was due in her future after all of the things they had done thus far.

The night would pass without much changing. Gwen was a steady sleeper and didn't toss or turn very much. The apartment had blackout curtains up that kept most of the sunlight out, which was why Gwen had to lean on the alarm clock on her cell phone to remember to get up most mornings. She preferred the dark in her space, though, as working on computers had given her plenty of reason to need to keep things shielded. It was always harder to read a screen with natural light filling the room. If she were reading paper media, sure, but computers were the way things were displayed almost 99% of the time. Through the night, she kept an arm around Kitten, not wanting to let her go, keeping her cradled to her chest.
Normally, Kitten would wiggle her way out of her owner's embrace to give them some love while they slept. She'd found that owners enjoyed it when they were catered to like that, being treated like someone that was important enough to have it. But this night, Kitten was too exhausted, too drained as well to even consider something like leaving the bed. She was happy and warm, and Gwen's grip on her was just firm enough to keep Kitten form considering moving. Kitten was too tired to do anything like wake up either, being warm and cradled by Gwen as she was. It was just time for her to rest in a dreamless, comforting sleep as her mind slowly recooperated from what had happened, memories she didn't want to have were stored, and everything seemed to finally come together to reset her for the next day.

Kitten woke up before Gwen did, both for the fact she was a light sleeper and she naturally didn't need as much sleep as Gwen did. The first time she tried to get free, she wasn't able to, and resigned herself to sleeping another hour with Gwen. By then, she'd gotten herself rather awake, and thus the second time she tried to break free was with much more gusto. She slowly pulled herself free from Gwen, swiftly replacing herself by a pillow so as not to wake up Gwen. Now that Kitten was awake, she had tasks to do. Things in her mind she would do without question. Things that had to done for her owner!

When Gwen would wake up, her room was more organized than it had ever been. Everything was cleaned and dusted, her laundry was either folded or sorted, and even her closet had been sorted by color. Kitten herself had also taken away the blankets and replaced them with fresh ones. When she strode into the room, Kitten was still naked. Seeing Gwen was awake, she slowly beamed and crawled up on top of Gwen, laying partly on top of her with a happy smile beaming on her face as she gave Gwen a long, happy kiss, "Morning, Mistress~!" Kitten purred out, licking her cheek, "Did you sleep well?"
Gwen was far more exhausted than she had anticipated. Her alarm hadn't even woken her up, leaving her feeling drowsy as she began to slowly stir. Looking around, she could only see a faint fuzziness as she tried to look for where Kitten had gone. Had she gotten up early? Perhaps she'd just dreamed that wonderful dream she'd had. That left a part of her to feel sad, as she had begun to find that she enjoyed Kitten's presence around the apartment. Living alone, while she was capable of it, did have its drain on her.

As her vision began to clear, she saw a moving figure. Well, she definitely hadn't dreamed up Kitten. She was there, standing naked and rushing to climb on top of her, pressing her lips to Gwen's in a long, passionate "wake up" kiss. Drawing back from the kiss, Gwen smiled and reached up to affectionately rub at the back of Kitten's ears. "I slept well, yes, Kitten. How about you?" Gwen asked, offering the same question. After how hard the poor thing has climaxed, it was a wonder she was up and around.

Looking around the bedroom, she no longer saw the mess that she had let accumulate in her bedroom. "Did you clean up my room?" Gwen asked, taking a cursory glance of things from the bed. She was tempted to get up and do an inspection to see what she had done around the bedroom, but she was also keen to stay in bed with Kitten for a moment longer. "You di-" Gwen stopped herself. This was the role that Kitten had given herself. She was trying to do something nice. The least she could do was to thank her and praise her for it. "Thank you, Kitten. I appreciate you cleaning up my room." Gwen said, knowing that was the better route to take with this conversation.
Kitten had been happy to do the cleaning. She had wanted to do more of the house, but Gwen was rather... well, she didn't know where to find the cleaning supplies, and all of this had been with her using paper towels, some cleaner under the sink, and her own tail. How that worked was a bit of a kitten trade secret. But as it were, she'd managed to clean this place from head to toe, and the praise that she was given by Gwen made her even happier than just getting to have Gwen pet her. In fact, just having Gwen smiling at her like this was making her tail start to undulate rather noticably. She lived for praise, after all!

"Of course, Mistress! I'll do all of the cleaning that you need from now on. I just need to know where you need things cleaned and how to do them!" Kitten beamed rather expectantly. She was just happy to be around Gwen. Just happy to... well she was being all the happy right now. After she took the moment to be praised, she sat up and slowly popped up from the bed, showing her spry and quick she could be as she danced over to nuzzle into Gwen's side from the side of the bed.

"I would have made you breakfast but, I didn't know what would happen if I did," Kitten admitted, slowly looking over her shoulder at hte clock, "But I think it's a bit past breakfast! We could try to make lunch?" At least Kitten didn't have a complex of not wanting to eat food, "And after that, we could spend our day together! See what we can do and, maybe even have more fun!" Kitten smiled warmly. She'd do anything for Gwen. Play any game, do anything, be anyone. If it made her owner happy, she'd do it!
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