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Freeing The Sex Kitten (Vahn Seele x Soft Stroke)

Vahn Seele

Apr 3, 2020
The sun was beginning to set between the skyscrapers of the city, casting a faint orange glow along Gwen's face. Walking at a slow pace down the active street, Gwen let her mind wander through the tasks that she needed to get done that evening. Nudging some of her hair behind her ear, keeping the loose strands of black hair out of her face, she pulled out her phone from her jacket to see if she had any missed messages. Working as a tech consultant for local firms left her with calls and requests at odd hours of the day and night. As she was walking, she saw a man being "serviced" by a neko, Well, it was less being serviced and more being taken orally, as he didn't appear to be giving her much of a choice. To her credit, she was taking it like a pro, but there was no mistaking that she needed to breathe from the tint in her face.

Giving herself a wide berth of the open display, Gwen stepped around them as she moved around a corner, thankful to put that behind her. Gwen was far from a prude. Living in the city, you had to be tolerant to the sexual habits of those that owned and "operated" their nekos. "Sex Kittens" were an extremely valuable commodity, some going for several hundreds of thousands. Gwen had done her best to keep her money in her bank account, as having a sex kitten in her home didn't exactly appeal to her.

Her black dress trailed down over her form, shifting down her curves until it reached just above her knees. It was a somewhat conservative dress, her job asking for professionalism in all aspects. While most of her job could be done from home, it was easier to work out of the office as her apartment was located in a neighborhood that she wasn't proud to have the background noise end up on conference calls. It was getting better, as some tenants were being kicked out and the noise complaints were being responded to fairly quickly, but there was always that off-chance that someone might shout some obscenity that would be extremely hard to explain.

Making another motion to adjust her hair, the loose ponytail barely containing the long, black mane that went down to her lower back, Gwen stopped short a few blocks of her apartment. She could see, down the alleyway, something that didn't look quite right. Raising a brow, Gwen made sure to pull out her phone, dialing the emergency line and keeping her thumb pressed just over the call button. In her other hand, she drew a can of mace from her purse. "I can have the cops here in less than a minute." Gwen called out, seeing the form of a shadowed figure running off. The movement had made her thumb nearly twitch and press the call button.

What had they been doing down here? There was no need to hide it if they were using a sex kitten. Truth be told, with the convention of sex kittens, rape had been on the decline. There was always the worse matter of murder, but she didn't smell smoke, didn't hear any kind of struggle. If they had been dumping a body, it was something that Gwen wouldn't be able to ignore. Stepping around a pile of garbage, the sun mostly hidden from within the alley, Gwen tried to get a closer look to see what she had stumbled upon in her walk home.
For years now, all she'd been, was a good kitten.

It was what was expected of her, of course. From the moment she'd been able to do so, that was all she'd been trained to do. Trained to love like a kitten. to make love like a kitten. She'd been trained just the way that any owner should have wanted her to be skilled in. She'd spend her days being trained by the owner at the Pound, the first home she'd truly known, and then learning how to repeat those skills on her other kittens. Learning what made them each squirm and squeal for her, what made them feel good. What, one day, her owner would want her to do. What her owner would want her to be.

And she was a good kitten. One that knew what was right, and what was wrong. Over time, some of her poundmates would get angry and snap, then go off somewhere and they wouldn't quite come back. If they did, they weren't always the same. She never questioned it. After all, she wasn't going to get angry. She was just the kitten she wanted to be. The trainers would praise her for her skills. She could do anything she was told, without question. Without shame. Without dignity, or desire, or whatever it was that she truly needed. If it wasn't servicing an owner, she didn't need it.

Two weeks ago, according to what she'd heard, she'd met her. The owner that would take her away and teach her everything about her new life. She'd been so... so happy. So happy to see someone wanted her. To happy when her new owner dressed her up in pretty clothes and took her home, and used her. Just like a kitten should be used. It'd made her feel like it was perfect. And the first week, had been nothing but bliss. Love for her, even. She was being used like she always wanted to. Like she knew she should! And maybe, it'd last forever! It'd seemed that way. Her owner, was a good owner.

...But then, the last few days had been odd. Her owner had started talking to others. They'd been talking about other things. Talking about other kittens. Then, she'd seen them. Two beautiful kittens, twins of some kind, servicing her owner. And her owner had simply told her that she wasn't needed anymore. That she wasn't good enough. Those words had struck her. She'd told something to the men that she'd seen around the large house. Saying that returning her would be a hassle, something about things she didn't understand. Her owner... the woman that she thougth she'd devote herself to said goodbye to her. And then, the men had grabbed her and... and... and...

Nothing made sense to her as she lay in the alleyway. Gwen could see everything. She was completely naked, her clothes stripped away and her body tied up. A gag and blindfold was on, making her unable to call for her or anything else. She was completely bound and tied up, the ropes around her body thick and tight. Beside her was a rather large dumpster. The kitten, however, wasn't moving much. Her body was covered in bruises and marks. She was only faintly breathing, and even then her ears and tail were completely limp. Everything about her position, was showing someone compromised, vlunerable. Given the dumpster... the context was rather clear. But the kitten didn't know that. All she was doing was sobbing softly. Nothing made sense. None of this made sense. Why was she here? What was going on? Why was she in pain?! What did she do wrong?! Hearing Gwen approach, she weakly struggled, trying to work her way away. The men were here again. They'd gone to get something else, hadn't they? She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to get hurt again.
Gwen wasn't sure to make of what she was seeing. She'd never seen anyone, not even a sex kitten, be brutalized and left in an alleyway. Sex kittens were meant to have owners, to have a home. She contemplated calling the police, but she knew what was going to happen. They'd pick her up, take her back to wherever she was from (likely a bad home), and then she'd be properly taken care of next time. Seeing the way that the poor thing tried to pull away from her, Gwen felt her heart give that much more of a lurch in her chest. This wasn't the humane thing to do, even for a trained sex kitten with no rights.

Walking forward, Gwen leaned down and spoke softly as she placed her hand gently on the kitten's shoulder. "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid of me." She said, trying her best to put on a soft, soothing voice as she drew her hand up. Carefully, she pulled the blindfold off of the kitten and undid the ball gag that was stuffed into her mouth. "There, now you can see and talk." Gwen said, smiling as she tried to figure out what she could do for the poor thing. She wanted to be indifferent, to get back to her apartment and relax for the evening. Stuffing her phone and mace back into her purse, Gwen shifted back a little. She'd have to undo the ropes that were binding the neko, to give her a little room to stretch her sore limbs. Looking her over, there was no sign of a collar or any kind of tagging to say who her owner was.

Thinking on it a moment, Gwen knew precisely what she was seeing. Someone had meant to dispose of a sex kitten they no longer needed. They had either gotten a new one and didn't want the old one, or they had found some pleasure in taking her in, breaking her in, then doing away with her. It was something she had seen reports of, and it had always seemed less than real when she'd see the reports. It was just a sex kitten, of course, but they didn't need to be disposed of this way. There were second-hand pounds, auctions to sell them. If she were to be cleaned up properly, this one would have probably been able to turn quite a deal. Now that she was without papers, though, Gwen couldn't do that. She'd have to do the work to get her new papers drawn up, get her tested... This was all quite the hassle.

She tried not to make it seem as if the kitten were to blame for this, as she wasn't tying herself up and beating herself to get attention, but Gwen couldn't just leave her in the alleway. After a moment of indecision, Gwen undid the ropes that were binding her limbs, holding out her hand to the kitten. "Come with me." She said, curious to see if, once she was free, the kitten would follow her home. Once she was given a proper bath, maybe something to eat and her wounds tended to, she would make for quite the sex kitten.

As Gwen waited to see what kind of response she would get from the neko, she gave a tentative glance to the area around her. There was always the slight chance that someone was still around, lurking to see what fate befell the kitten that Gwen was soon to, likely, take back to her apartment.
Why was her owner doing this? There wasn't anyone else that she knew that would do something like this. This had to be her owner. It had to be them, doing something to her, right? She'd seen it. She'd taken in two new kittens. Pretty kittens, good kittens, too. Ones that... could do more than she could, she guessed. Who could just be better than her. Was that it? She didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to think about that. If that was true, then her life was... it was wrong. A kitten without an owner wasn't even a kitten. She was wrong. She was just so, so wrong. And, and if she didn't have an owner, then she didn't have... she didn't have anything. Nothing. If her owner had left her.... for a kitten to displease their owner...

That voice. That... that wasn't her. It wasn't her owner. It was a woman's voice. She slowly shifted up to look towards them, as far as her head would allow her to go. But the voice was close. She tried to wriggle away a bit more, but when the hand touched her, she froze solid. For a long few moments, her fear gripped her. She felt it moving around to the gag. They'd stuffed that in her when she'd made too much noise after they started hitting her. The blindfold was on from the start. When it was remove, her eyes, showing the characteristic slits of none other than a kitten, slowly focused and blinked to try to take in what she was seeing. It took several seconds to adjust. But when they did, she was able to get a good look at Gwen.

For those few seconds of eye contact, the kitten could see something was... wrong. This girl was looking at something. She didn't know what it was. But she had to be. Or, was she thinking? She wasn't sure. She couldn't ever fully understand what an owner was thinking. It was too much for her. But right now... right now she could at least focus. She would focus as much as she could. But the kitten wouldn't speak. Part of it was that she wasn't meant to speak to an owner without permission. But, given how pained she was... she didn't want to say anything. She was too afraid. Too pained. Too... too ashamed.

The human undoing her bonds was a shock. The kitten took a long time to look over them, her eyes hazing over as she did. Her last owner had put them on her... but this one, didn't? She wasn't sure what this human was doing. But she knew those words. Come. She knew what that meant. There wasn't much hesitation as she tried to stand up and follow. Instead, her left leg gave out rather quickly. A few steps forward revelead it'd taken a massive strike to the side. The kitten only hissed out in pain as she hit the ground, before picking herself back up. Then she stumbled forward again. Just to fall over again. She kept doing it. She was told to come. If only her stupid leg would work!

"i-I'm sorry, ma'am..." The kitten mumbled out. Her voice was sweet and soft... cute, would be a good word for it, even as fresh tears were streaming down her face, "I-I'm trying, p-please forgive me..." She shook her head, gritting her teeth to force herself to walk forward faster. She had to follow this woman, "T-Tell me where to go, I-I'll... I'll follow."
It took some effort on the part of the kitten, but she did manage to stand and get a few steps. Gwen, knowing the way back to the apartment, would have to lead. Straightening up and turning, Gwen took a few steps before she saw the kitten take a hard fall. Stopping where she stood, Gwen watched what this poor kitten was doing. She wasn't begging for Gwen to help her. She wasn't asking Gwen to carry her. She was apologizing for not being able to keep up. Was this the level of conditioning that a kitten went through? Their self-preservation was put on hold for the wants and needs of people? While Gwen wasn't sure if kittens had feelings, she could see that she was crying. The tear stained face looked to Gwen like one of both frustration and lack of understanding.

Looking to see which of her legs were giving her the trouble, Gwen held up her hand, speaking with a soft authority. "Stay still." She said. She'd known well enough to come along, maybe she'd know the other command, too. She spoke the language, likely had a comprehension for speech, but there was a disconnect somewhere. They'd trained the self out of her. Whether she chose to stay or not, Gwen noted that it was her left leg that was causing the problem. Her right appeared to be in an okay enough shape, minus the fact that it was hard to tell if she was covered in bruises or dirt from the pile of trash she had been laid in.

"Take my hand, walk without putting too much weight on your left leg. If you have to, lean against me to keep yourself walking." Gwen said. With that, Gwen tried to lead the way, taking the kitten's hand in her own as she tried to walk her back to her apartment. If she came across any difficulty, Gwen would do her best to slow down to give the neko a chance to either catch her breath, or regain herself.

As the two of them walked, Gwen didn't say or do anything other than walk with her at her side. Taking in the kitten, whether it be temporary or permanent, was going to be interesting. She'd have to do some reading on proper care for a kitten. She'd seen some articles advertised on people who assisted with both training and teaching owners how to properly care for a kitten, in the humane way. Their methods, from what she had read from some of the short excerpts, focused on keeping them conditioned. They were meant to be treated as pets, as tools. To treat them as anything more than that was beyond what they were ever meant to be. Gwen wasn't sure if she believed all of that, but the determination in this kitten to walk, even on a messed up leg, proved how well she was trained.

The apartment would be a few blocks away, which left Gwen walking next to the battered kitten for quite a few people to see. She tried not to draw her eyes to meet theirs, because most of them would likely be looking at her like she was hauling out a piece of trash. It was either that, or they assumed she had been the one to do this level of damage to the neko. Either way, she didn't want to give anyone the satisfaction of drawing her eye line.
The kitten looked ready to break down in frustration. Why couldn't she walk? She could handle this. She was told to come, she had to follow that. She had to do something! She had to do it! It wasn't even in her mind to do something like ask for help, to demand that she be given some sort of help. She was supposed to be a good enough kitten to handle herself. To... to just. to just keep going! She had to do it! She had to keep going, and-

The command to stay ramrodded her to the ground. If she was told to stay, she was going to do so. Her trainer had been very clear that if she was given a word she understood from anyone, even another human, she had to obey. Because that was what she had to do. What she had to be. And thus, when the human got down to look at her, she didn't move to look. She just let the other woman inspect her body. She'd do that regardless. But when the next command came, she looked up with a confusion blinking in her eyes. A confusion pulsing with worry as she was told to let the huma help her. She... she wasn't meant to do that, was she?

"Y-Yes ma'am," The kitten responded as simply as she could. She reached up and gently wrapped her arm up with Gwen and began to walk. With her leg being supported, she didn't have as much issue. She would walk straight forward, even if she still looked to be in pain. Having this human, this... potential owner, help her along, it was too much to ask for more of. Tears were streaking down her eyes as she walked, but she didn't speak. She didn't do anything. It wasn't her place to. She couldn't. She didn't even think to. She was already being helped. Already being hauled along. And for a long while, she did that. Stayed walking straightward. Nothing in her eyes other than the desire to just follow this human along.

When the two had finally started to make it a few more blocks, the kitten seemed to notice people were starring. She looked down at her own body, seeing just how filthy she was. She hadn't even noticed until she'd seen the other looks. At which point, she slowly began to whimper, "Ma'am, I'm... I'm making the others look at you," Her tail, until now just dragged along behind her, tried to curl up, "I... I am, sorry, about this, ma'am. Normally my ow-" The kitten locked up. 'Owner.' No... that was the wrong word. She was... she wasn't owned anymore. She looked almost struck with pain as she continued, "M-My last owner... w-would, make me look nice. I-I'll make myself look nice for you when... when I can..." She paused, "Are... are you... are you my... my owner now?"
Gwen was thankful that they were nearly to her apartment. The large, brick buildings were somewhat similar in appearance, given that the architect who built in this area didn't have the creative gumption to do something other than brick and red. It had often caused confusion with some, especially the drunk, knocking on the wrong doors and harassing people to be let back in a home that was not theirs. The thoughts toward the bland sameness of the neighborhood were broken as she looked toward the kitten. Voicing her concern, Gwen didn't know whether to explain that it didn't matter, to comfort her, or to simply leave it alone. She was speaking without being spoken to, something she knew a lot of kittens were chastised for. Given that she was without an owner, though, it could have just been her trying to put the situation in terms she could understand.

"For now, yes, I will be your owner. You can ignore the way others look at you and me. Their opinions aren't worth thinking about." Gwen suggested to her. When they came up to the door, Gwen slid her key into the door and nudged it open. She didn't let her hand leave the kitten's, even as they were entering the apartment. As she was right handed herself, this left her fumbling a little with the keys. Once they were inside, Gwen's apartment would be on full display for the kitten to see. The main entry led into a small living room, a decent-sized couch facing a large TV in the main area. Off to the side was a small kitchen/dining area combination, the kitchen having tile and the living room have carpet. A small hallway in the back of the living room would lead toward the bedroom, the door of which was currently closed. The room was a mixture of neutral and cool colors, with the kitchen taking more of the grays and whites and the living room having more of the gray and blue.

Guiding her to the couch, Gwen gestured to the couch. "Sit. I need to look at your leg." Gwen said, fully expecting that the girl would do just what she said without question. Moving over to a nearby lamp, she clicked it on, getting more light to be able to examine the damage that had been done to the neko. "Do you have a name?" Gwen asked, curious to see just how attached her last owner had been to her. It likely hadn't been much, given that the neko had been discarded with the trash, but it was possible that she could have been given one. Sex kittens had created a weird change in the world. With a sub-race of subservient human-feline hybrids, desires were much easier to be acted on. Gone were the days of safe words and the trouble of trying to find compatible partners. Just get an obedient kitten who will do whatever you say.
There was some bit of relief that seemed to rush through the kitten as Gwen declared herself her new owner. She was owned again, just like a kitten should be. It felt right, as though alleviating some deep rooted fear in her. But, at the same time, she also looked, almost... melancholy. She'd lost one owner and had been saved by another. Trading owners was a painful thing. She'd lost someone that she'd been ready to devote her life to. And while Gwen was helping her, she still didn't understand why she was in this situation. Why she'd been hurt, beaten down, and then left like that. She didn't know and... and it terrified her. The unknown wasn't something she normally thought about... but, now she had to.

But those thoughts kept her occupied until she entered the house. Right now, she was barely taking any of it in. When she was told to sit, she did so without question. Her leg truly looked bad. It wasn't broken, but someone had clearly tried. Walking on it all this time, and probably more so her dragging herself around on it the first few times, made it look far worse than it likely should have. She was still a filthy kitten, covered in bruises and a few cuts, her hair was frazzled, eyes filled with tears of confusion and pain, and sitting perfectly still. As Gwen worked about looking over her leg, the kitten blinked at the question, almost as though it was a simple answer.

"No, m-ma'am, she... she said she would think of one for me," The kitten lowered her head, "D-Do you wish to name me? I'll accept any name you give me! And, if you want to brand it on me, just show me where so I know what to hold still!" Some girls back at the pound had been branded with their name. Some of them were dirty words, others weren't. Most of them had it branded above their slits, she recalled. For now, though, she lowered her head as Gwen observed her and slowly got out, ...Thank you for... for taking me in, ma'am. I... I failed as a kitten with my last...o-ow..." It seemed she ahd emotion; she looked as though she was talking about a divorce! "...I-I will, I will serve you to all that I can, ma'am. M-My life belongs to you. Everything does. P-Please, tell me what you want from me, and I'll do it!"
Gwen wasn't a medical professional, so she wasn't exactly the best to be able to say that her leg was okay or not. Perhaps she could arrange some kind of a checkup. She had heard that there were clinics for those that wanted to take proper care of their kittens, similar to vets. Normal veterinarians had refused to take on the responsibility of caring for nekos, as they wanted no part of the sex kitten craze that had sprouted up. This created a space for clinics and training, specific to taking care of the physical, mental and sexual aspects of a sex kitten. It wouldn't be cheap, but, if her leg didn't show improvement in a day or two, they would have to go see someone.

Gwen drew her eyes up to look at the neko. Nameless, kicked out and beaten by her last owner. The way she was talking, it was almost like she was heartbroken; a lover separated without just cause. "For now, keep the name Kitten. I'm not branding that into you, so you can let go of that notion." Gwen said, standing up and looking over the remainder of Kitten's body. "I'm going to run a shower. You're too filthy for a bath, and I need to make sure that there are no cuts or scrapes hidden under the filth." Gwen said.

Looking around, Gwen held up a hand to Kitten. "Stay seated. I'm going to get you a crutch to walk with. We need to keep you off of that leg." Gwen said, going to a closet in the hallway. She'd broken a leg at one point in her life, and she could've swore she kept the crutch from that when she had moved in. After a bit of searching, she found what she was looking for. Returning back to Kitten, she started to offer the crutch before realizing she might not know how to use it. "Before you can 'serve' me, we need to take care of you. That includes getting you clean, bandaged up, a meal and some rest. After that, we can figure out what new role you will play for me. Do you know how to walk with a crutch?" Gwen asked, waiting expectantly for Kitten to chime in with either an answer, or something akin to the confusion she'd been feeling for what felt to be the entire interaction with Gwen.
This new owner was a nice woman. So far, the kitten could feel that much from her. She wasn't pushing her to do anything just yet, or trying to make her serve her. At first, she wondered why. She was a good looking kitten, right? Then she recalled what she looked like, and her ears, which by now had started to move and animate again, went down to her head. She... she must not have wanted to do anything to her, because she was filthy. She knew what being dirty was, obviously; she'd cleaned herself up from several sessions with her last owner, after all. But she knew that she must have looked truly disgusting. It made her flinch when she understood and quickly think of a way to move forward with it all.

"K-Kitten is is then, thank you," Kitten nodded her head as soon as Gwen left. When she returned with the crutch, however, she stared at it as though she wasn't quite sure of what to do with it. It was far too big to be something like a toy, even if it did get thinner towards the bottom... but it didn't look like something used to hurt her with. Her last owner had been into making her yowl, so she knew a lot of that by now. That thing was... well. The kitten refused to say anything for the moment. She didn't want to admit that she was just a dumb kitten. For the moment, she just looked down. Kitten couldn't figure out waht it was. And she'd already asked too much of this owner. She'd... she'd already taken too much.

"I.. I don't..." Kitten mumbled nervously, her body tense and rigid, "I-I'm sorry, ma'am, I-I've done my best to learn everything I can!" She blinked and then shook her head. Without warning, she stood straight up, putting weight on her damaged leg and a small round of tears falling from her face as she did, "Where is your shower, ma'am? I know how to shower. I can clean you! Or, if you would like to use me in the shower, I can do that too!" Kitten almost looked a bit more... happy, to offer herself for use like that. She took a long step forward, this time forcing herself upright. She truly had no sense of self-preservation. It was all for her owner.
Gwen looked at Kitten with a look of concern, as well as disdain. She could likely have a broken leg, and she was, again, standing on it and offering herself to Gwen. She'd lost everything that told her what pain was, maybe even forced to endure it while taking care of tasks for her owner. "I said to sit, Kitten." She said, taking a stern voice. "I appreciate that you want to serve me, to take care of me, but you can't do that if you are hurt." She said. To reiterate her point, she took the tip of the crutch and gave a light tap to the side of Kitten's left leg, trying not to hurt her, but signal what she was talking about.

"Your leg is hurt. That feeling? When my crutch touched your leg? That is pain. That tells you that something is wrong, and if it isn't taken care of, something bad can happen, such as losing your leg. How would you expect to serve me if your leg is gone?" Gwen asked, softening her tone. "We will shower together in a moment. During that shower, I will be cleaning you and we will take care of your wounds. After I'm sure you are properly bandaged up and on the mend, we'll get you some food and then rest." Gwen said. "Now, to use this crutch, you put it under the arm of the leg that is hurting."

Gwen began to give both a verbal explanation and demonstration of what she was trying to teach her about the crutch. Gwen wasn't certain if Kitten was a fast learner, or if she'd muddle through it, but she held out the crutch in offer to her. "Show me you know how to use this. You'll be using it to walk around for at least the evening until we can make sure your leg is getting better." If she was being realistic, Gwen expected that she'd need to be using the crutch for the better part of a few days. The crutch had a soft bit of padding at the top, worn from degradation in isolation, but it was still padded to be comfortable.
Kitten could feel pain. She'd known what pain was for a long time. She'd been trained to handle pain, in both a sexual and non-sexual sense. Sexual pain would e when an owner wanted to hear her. She know how to get louder, how to make herself howl and moan and make sure it was all heard. On the nonsexual side, she knew how to ensure it. She had to serve her owner, after all. If she was in pain somehow, that wasn't important. But not as important as servicing her owner, however. When she was told to sit down, that order overrode everything she was given.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry, ma'am," Kitten slowly placed her hands in her lap, thinking for a few moments. Being lectured like that, stung. It wasn't like a child who was given a stern talking to; she looked as though her words were beating her over her head with a whip. She'd just wanted to serve her owner. It... it wasn't important, how she felt. She had to do what she had to do. That was what was important! Right? This owner was... weird. She hadn't asked for anything. She hadn't stripped yet and demanded love. She was... she was taking care of her. That wasn't... that wasn't something she was quite prepared for. She wasn't ready for an owner like this. But... but she'd serve her regardless.

"Y-Yes ma'am," Slowly, Kitten took hold of the crutches and slowly placed her weight on it. It wasn't that hard to use. It was just her using it as her leg, instead of the one she had. As she slowly fumbled her way the first few steps, she got the hand of it. Her owner was being nice to her. That... that was going to be important. She'd have to make certain she served her owner right back! "I can, I can use this, ma'am. It's... it's something even a kitten like me can do," She smiled gently, "Where... where is your shower? Do you need me to bring us anything?"
Gwen hated the look that settled on her face. Kitten looked as if she had physically beaten her, a form of punishment that Gwen wasn't wanting to resort to. If giving her a form scolding made her shrink away that badly, she would have to temper her reactions when she spoke to Kitten. "You don't need to apologize to me. Just listen to what I say." She said. While she didn't want to be an authority over Kitten, as she wasn't looking for a slave of her own, Gwen could see that Kitten was responding better with the authority that Gwen was trying to exert over her.

Seeing that she was able to move around at an okay pace, Gwen reached out and have her an affectionate pet on the back of her ears. "Use that crutch for now. I want you to be in good health, Kitten. Any owner should take care of her kittens, not use them and toss them aside when they feel they've served their purpose." Gwen said, smiling. "The bathroom is down that hall. Go in and run a warm shower, setting the crutch aside so it doesn't get wet. There is a metal bar in the wall you can hold onto. Keep your weight off that leg as much as you can." Gwen ordered.

Once she saw that Kitten was doing as she ordered, she went and gathered some medical supplies and towels. With everything in hand, Gwen set her supplies down on the sink. The bathroom was fairly nice, with a solid white marble sink and a two-in-one bath/shower combination. Once she was able to get her kitten clean, she would make sure she had her own chance to get herself clean.

With all her things gathered, Gwen began to undress, revealing the light skin of a person who worked an inside job for long hours. Her breasts were able to fill a handful each, her nipples small and pink at the tips. She took good care to keep herself shaved from her legs to her bikini line. She wasn't thin, having some healthy weight to her, but Gwen never cared to focus on her body. Her mind was her tool, and she was always mindful to eat healthy when she could.
There were many things that Kitten wanted to say this this woman. She was being so nice, kind, gentle... all things that she wasn't sure how to respond to. She was owned, after all, and this woman wasn't using her. She hadn't asked for anything yet, other than the kitten working to keep herself okay. That, didn't make much sense to her. So many things about this woman made, no sense at all to her. She wanted to be better for this woman, try to be a good kitten but... but at the same time, she was also making everything, out like she didn't need to be...?

"Understood, ma'am," Kitten was quick to follow orders. She wasn't an idiot; she was clearly a person, someone with the ability to think, feel, but simply without a sense of self, a feeling of worth and love that humans had. Something she hadn't grown up with, something now that she had no idea of. A piece of her, missing. But as she made her way into the bathroom, she was quick to run the shower and do as she was told. Slowly moving to turn the water on, tempering it until it was warm to the touch but not burning hot, and finally ended up with her stepping inside. Within seconds, the water turned gray and brown as it washed over her, pouring away the muck on her body that she'd only cared for when her Owner had mentioned it.

Kitten watched rather plainly as Gwen undressed inside the bathroom. Kitten was holding onto the bar as asked, leaning in gently to get a better look at everything. What she saw was a sight that she didn't react much too. Seeing the warmth of her body, the small and cute curves, all Kitten did say when Gwen stepped forward was, "You're a very pretty woman, Ma'am. I'm glad to be your kitten."

Part of Kitten felt she needed to offer herself up. She needed to say something, perhaps present herself. But part of her could tell, this owner wouldn't want that. She had said she would wash the kitten, and that was all. So, that's what she did. She remained relaxed and calm, ready for her owner to clean her as she asked, or clean the owner if directed. Like a good pet.
Gwen smiled as she was paid the compliment from Kitten, stepping into the shower behind her as she watched the water spray down the body of her new pet. "Thank you. I imagine you can be just as beautiful, when in the proper care of someone who wants to take care of you, just as much as you want to take care of them." Gwen said. Gathering a bit of soap into her hands, she looked around, realizing she didn't have anything like a cloth to aid her efforts in trying to remove the grime that was adhered to Kitten's body.

With no other option present, Gwen began to run her fingers over Kitten's body. With each swipe of her soapy fingers, more of the filth would begin to fall of of her body, Gwen smiling as she felt the soft skin on Kitten's body. "See? All it takes is a single shower and you can wash away bad things." Gwen said, trying to speak soft and reassuring to Kitten. "No matter what you've gone through, a shower can be a reset." Gwen said. Her hands made ministrations to wash away things from less erogenous areas, but she soon found that she had to run her hands over Kitten's breasts and between her legs to give her the proper care she would need.

She tried not to make the act of cleaning Kitten sexual, but it was inevitable that Gwen would grow a little aroused at touching and cleaning Kitten's body. Her face would gain some embarrassment as she looked over Kitten's body. She really was a beautiful girl. It was hard to believe that someone would cast her aside, especially because of how subservient she was. "Tell me something, Kitten, you've not even asked me my name. Do you trust me as your She asked, lathering up her hands with some shampoo to begin to take care of her hair and tail, making sure to not go against the grain with her hair and tail.

The more she cleaned, the murkier the water became. Just like any amount of cleaning, though, it would begin to clear again as there was less to clean off of Kitten's body.
Showers were not normally a calm time for Kitten. They were usually just a change of setting, something that she had learned many owners would like to have as a place to have fun. They liked ordering her around in showers. Her last owner often would make her dirty, then take her to a shower and make her 'dirty again' until she had her fun. Gwen, however, wasn't doing that. She was just showing her love, care and affection. Things she normally didn't see. She was actually being washed... something that she normally would have to handle herself. Why was this owner being so... so nice to her?

The more that she was cleaned off, the more it was clear just how beautiful Kitten really was. Everything about her body was smooth and felt wonderful to the touch. She was made to be perfect, someone that one wanted to hold onto, to rub and kiss and bend over and toy with. Her breasts were perky, firm, and smooth, a feeling that would make someone want to just hold them, play with them and watch them bounce for them. Her lower lips were pristine and smooth as well, and just gliding a finger across them would make it clear just how aroused Kitten was with how Gwen was touching her, scrubbing her down and all. But she didn't show any sign of it. She was perfectly calm.

"I'm not sure what you mean by, a reset, ma'am," Kitten responded. Once she'd come to start working along her hair and tail, Kitten would naturally lean her head back and let Gwen work with them. It was said touching these areas would make sex kittens naturally aroused... but again, Kitten showed no sign of it. IT was easy to test the theory was true by touching down there, but she didn't say anything. She didn't think of her own pleasure like that. Everything about her... was strange and odd.

"You, brought me home, and said that you were my new owner," Kitten responded simply, "I trust my owner more than anyone else. As long as you own me... why would I need to know something like your name? My... last... she, didn't let me know her name. You only need to tell me what I need to in order to serve you, ma'am."
As Gwen took care to clean the remaining parts of her body, Gwen had a curious thought that popped into her head. As a programming consultant, she was born with a curious nature. Reaching down between Kitten's legs, Gwen let out a light gasp at how hot her lips were, how aroused she could feel she was just from the slight touch.

Drawing her fingers away from her slit, Gwen kept her thoughts to herself. She still had to take care of mending her other parts before inquiring further about Kitten's condition. "Well, as long as I'm allowed to name you, I'm going to let you have my own name in return." Gwen said, smiling as she moved to stand in front of Kitten. This blocked the stream of water, shielding her from the water for a moment. "Call me Mistress Gwen." She said, smiling as she reached her hand up and cupped her cheek. Leaning forward, she pressed a light kiss to the top of her head.

Remembering how Kitten had seemed to light up at the idea of taking care of Gwen, she gave a moment of thought before nodding. "I washed you, now it's your turn. Use the soap and, if you do a good job, maybe we can play a little bit later." It didn't feel like she was taking advantage of her now that Kitten was properly clean. If she was going to be taking care of her, why not get something in return?

"Just make sure you lean your left shoulder against the bar if you use both hands. I want as little weight on your left leg as possible." Gwen specified, realizing she'd have too give direct orders and not allowing Kitten to read her own instructions quite yet.
Kitten's conditioning when it came to sex was as rigid as itw as, odd. She'd been trained her entire life not to ask for anything sexual. She could be pumped full of aphrodesiacs and put in front of porn, and still not ask her trainer for anything... which, coincidentally, had been exactly how she was trained. Kittens were trained to never ask for sex, and came with two commands owners could use. 'Come for me' would throw the kitten into a flurry of sexual orgasm. 'Stop' during any period of sex would make them immediately stop any sense of orgasm. A kitten ordered to stop could go through a gangbang and never cum once (coincidentally...).

So when Gwen asked her for her name, Kitten nodded, "Understood, Mistress Gwen!" The kitten's tail perked up, swishing a bit under the water. Upon being told to go and take care of her, her eyes lit up. Some of the tension and confusion released from her as she now had an objective to do. Something to work towards. Something that she could hold onto. The next order likewise prevented her from hurting herself more. At the moment, she looked to the bar and pressed up against it, and immediately went to work.

Unlike before, Kitten knew what to do. She had taken note of all of the bottles used and worked to instantly get using them on Gwen. Her owner... her new Mistress, she needed to be clean. Her hands were skilled, precise and quick. She didn't use a lofa at first, instead taking her hair and massaging it out of all of its kinks, only then working to put all of the shampoo in, working to the root as much as she could without hurting Gwen. When she did grab the loofa, she was thorough. Unlike Gwen, she didn't have a reaction to work over her sexy bits; they were scrubbed without pause and without any other motion. She never asked Gwen to move, even with the angle that she had to take to do it. She repeated the washing once more to ensure Gwen was spotless. If there was dirt left on Gwen, Kitten would bite off her own tail. She was efficent. Fast. And thorough.

"Are there any spots you think I missed, Mistress?" Her address had changed. Now that she knew what to call Gwen, she did so readily.
Gwen did her best to accommodate Kitten's efforts in helping to clean her. She took notice of the way that Kitten seemed to perk up when she was given an order, something that she could do that had a measurable grade of performance. She'd have to do that regularly to help lift Kitten's mood. Anytime she was rubbing or scrubbing at something that was sensitive, Gwen tried not to focus on it as a sexual touch. It didn't work too well, as she would let out a slight moan before biting her lip to cut it off, keeping her pleasure contained for the moment.

Her train of thought was restored when she looked and found that all of the dirt, what little there was on her body, was no longer present. She did a little twist to let the water rinse off any of the water to evaluate the work properly. Seeing that she had done the task with efficiency and grace, Gwen smiled and looked toward Kitten. "Thank you. I'm clean and so are you, now." Gwen said, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you, Kitten." She said. With her thanks given, she turned around and turned off the water, reaching out to gather up two towels. Setting one on Kitten's shoulder, Gwen decided on her next order. "Dry yourself off as best you can, without putting any pressure on your left leg. Once we are dry, I'll bandage your leg, make sure it is going to heal, and..." She stopped, wondering how to do this. "then, we'll go make something to eat together."

Gwen used her towel to dry herself off, leaning forward a little and giving her hair a thorough rub with her towel to get rid of as much moisture as she could. Once she was no longer dripping, not in the sexual sense at lease, Gwen stepped out and held out her hand to Kitten. "Once you're dry, sit down on the counter, keeping your leg off of the ground, so I can look it over." Gwen said, offering her hand in case she needed it for support.

Perhaps Gwen had the makings of a good mistress. Perhaps she just had a kitten that was training her in the process.
Hearing the way that Gwen would moan when her hands came around to scrub her more sensitive bits was a feeling that made the Kitten happy. Kitten knew how to handle these things. If she was good at something, making people feel good was it. She would deepthroat, fuck, suck, lick, and anything else that people needed. She was a good kitten, she knew how to handle herself. And so as she finally pulled back and could tell just how good she'd made her new Mistress Gwen feel, she was just happy. Happier still to hear the praise that Gwen gave her, knowing that she'd made her task go the way she wanted it to. She'd done what she was asked!

"Yes, Mistress!" Kitten truly did seem happier without needing to make her own decisions. Perhaps that was as far down as she'd been stripped of autonomy. She took the crutch and used it to hold herself up, toweling herself dry and moving to do the same for Gwen for a few moments with her own. The next command simply was followed by her giving a little nod of her head when dry, hoping her perky rear up on top of the counter and sliding to hold her leg out. Naturally, she spread her legs, ensuring that Gwen could see everything that she truly did wish to. Or everything that she could have wished to.

"Is this enough, Mistress?" Kitten asked, waiting for her to move and bandage it, "I'm not that good at cooking, I should say that now. But I can do my best! I'll do what I can! I'll make the best food I know how to!" She purred a bit, her tail moving to wrap around her non-injured leg. Everything about her perked up the more that Gwen wanted to use her. Use was her state of being. Her default. Her desire. The thing she knew how to do.
The demeanor of the conversation had truly picked up. Once she had learned how to interact with Kitten, things just started to move more smoothly. Given such power over Kitten, was it right for her to take advantage in such a way? She couldn't help but sneak a peek between Kitten's legs, seeing what her body was offering. If she had thought just the touch of her slit was arousing, the sight? She was pristine compared to what most other women looked like. There wasn't a facet about her that was left to be undesirable. It took some real willpower not to lean forward and drag her tongue along Kitten's slit, taking a taste of her for herself.

Remembering that she was meant to apply proper medical aid to Kitten's leg, Gwen set to work looking it over. Kind of like she had thought, there was some damage to it. Wrapping the wound with some gauze, she placed a safety pin in it and carefully gave a little bit of pressure to various spots on her leg. "Tell me if this hurts?" She asked, moving her leg only slightly in some ways, pressing her fingers in what she assumed were tender spots. The filth had made her leg look far worse, but she wasn't convinced yet that it was all clear. Gwen would, as she promised, keep her eye on the leg after a night's rest.

Standing up, Gwen smiled at Kitten, reaching out and giving her a light rub behind the ears. They were so cute, the way they twitched this way and that. Gwen wasn't happy with her circumstances, as Kitten was broken. She'd been carefully chipped away at until the only thing left in her mind was a compliant sex kitten. Hopefully, Gwen might be able to help bring something back that she had lost, helping to restore some of who she used to be.

"Just watch me and you'll learn the basics. We aren't doing anything complicated with cooking quite yet." She said, stepping away from the counter. "Come with me to the kitchen." Gwen said, keeping a careful eye to make sure that Kitten was using her crutch before leading the way and setting to the task. Gwen didn't want to do anything too out of reach for her, especially given that she was injured both mentally and physically after her abandonment. Sandwiches would be the first thing she learned, a meal that was easy to prepare and Gwen had plenty of supply of ingredients for. Sure, it wasn't cooking, but it was a way to provide a meal without using any hot implements. Low risk, and it gave her a chance to offer reward and praise for completion, much the same as giving her the task of washing her mistress's body.
There wasn't much of anything that would indicate that Kitten was embarrassed at showing her body. In fact, she seemed to naturally do so. It was a rather odd feeling to see, someone that wasn't willing to show any bit of modesty. But that was just the one that Kitten had become. And, as always, there wasnt sadness in her eyes. No thing that showed she regretted where her life was. She was happy to obey orders. Happy to do as she was told. Happy to comply and do what the Mistress she was with wanted. It was just that. Her happiness. Her happiness in life to serve. To pleasure. To be a good kitten. All of it was there, and Gwen was going to see firsthand how deep that ran.

"It only hurts a little bit, Mistress Gwen," Most of Kitten's responses were something to that tune. Now that she was clean and pristine, it wasn't like they'd done too much damage to her body. Her leg was just bruised and sore, with potential to become worse if she kept at using it. But right now it looked as though she was out of the woods. Only two spots made her actually wince and start to tear up, but even then she didn't act like it was bad. The bone felt right and nothing looked wrong, at least, to someone that wasn't a doctor. There was only so much that someone could do, and Kitten wasn't exactly eager to ask for more.

The second that the hands touched her ears, however, Kitten seemed to melt into the touch. It was a common way of showing praise to a kitten, to pet them like that. Any amount of petting, in truth, would make them happy. So being pet like this was just as ign of love! And she was certain she could come to love her new Mistress. Her purring poured out from her lips as she pulled her crutch up and nodded, following her until the two of them were in the kitchen. Kitten followed orders perfectly. She was happy to do things like follow orders. She was just happy to be around someone already praising her! Even if, she wasn't sure why.

"I can handle learning the basic things, I think, Mistress Gwen," Kitten responded, nodding her head, "I'm not a dumb kitten." The way she phrased that said a few things. To Kitten, they would often call kittens that couldn't do things like speak as 'dumb' or 'stupid.' Her last owner had said she wasn't one. And so she smiled, watching the way that the ingredients for a sandwich were being pulled down, resting on her crutch and taking in the location of everything. She memorized her environment remarkably well.
Gwen helped Kitten in making her sandwich, making one for herself along the way. She also poured a glass of milk for each of them, carrying them to a nearby table and setting them down for the two to eat. "Take a seat, Kitten, and eat. I'll sit with you in just a moment." She said, stepping away to grab her phone to make sure she didn't have any messages. Thankfully, there hadn't been anything happen while she was in the shower. Looking down and over herself, she realized she was still naked after the shower. Being dressed didn't seem to matter that much, as Kitten was naked, too. Making sure that she didn't leave any blinds open, Gwen came back to join Kitten for the small meal that they'd made together.

Taking her seat next to Kitten, Gwen reached out a hand and stroked her fingers along the back of her ears once more. "You're not a dumb kitten. You learn fast." She said, smiling as she drew her hand back and took a bite of the sandwich. As she ate, Gwen thought on what her next steps were. She could keep Kitten, that was an option, but she'd need to do some reading. There had to be some books or instructions that would help her to better understand. Gwen had been learning things fairly quickly, the same that could be said for Kitten in the tasks Gwen had given her. The truth of it, though, was that Kitten was abandoned and needed a home. Gwen didn't trust giving her to anyone else, not yet. She'd been discarded once, and there was likely a chance it would happen to her again.

Once her plate was empty, Gwen looked over to Kitten. "Do you feel better, now that you've had a shower and something to eat?" Gwen asked, checking to see if Kitten had any input to give. It was easy to see that her mental state was improving, as she was smiling and more responsive. Gwen only hoped that Kitten would, truly, be able to let go of what had happened today. So long as Gwen was her mistress and owner, she'd do her best to keep her happy.
It wasn't that hard to make food for her Mistress, it seemed. This was said to be basic, though, so she knew this couldn't be that intense. She would have to make sure to learn more! And learn an awful lot more. And even more and more! Her Mistress seemed happy to let her learn, something that some other Mistresses weren't rather keen on letting their kittens do. She'd been taught by her trainer that she was going to have to learn how to do things. She didn't want a kitten that was just dumb. But, that was also confusing, since she seemed to go back and forth on it. SHe'd have to also take time to learn about her Mistress, then! That line of thought stopped hte worry in Kitten's head.

The warm petting on her head was enough to once more make her rather happy. Kitten slowly worked on eating, just focusing on the food. She intentionally waited until Gwen had taken two long bites before she started herself. By default, if she was given food, she could eat so long as she waited for her owner to do so first. That training was enough that she didn't have to ask orders for it. She wasn't sure what exactly Gwen wanted from her, but that was alright. If she was an owner, she would be told when she had to know. She ate rather quickly, but didn't ask for more. She knew it was enough. She'd never ask for more than she needed, after all!

"I feel much better, Mistress Gwen," Kitten smiled gently, "I'm happy to know that I'm fulfilling my tasks. I'm so happy to be with such a pretty and kind owner!" Her ears and tail perked up happily as she spoke up, slowly leaning in to look a bit more insistently at her owner, "But, Mistress, you haven't asked me to do anything for you yet." She slowly leaned in and cocked her head in a bit of confusion, "Do you want me to do anything for you, Mistress? Or... or am I asking too much?" The Kitten wasn't sure. SHe didn't understand Gwen. But Gwen was naked, and she hadn't asked for anything yet!
Gwen looked to see that Kitten had finished her plate, giving her a smile to show that she was happy. "I'm glad you are starting to feel better." Gwen said, looking to the leftover plates and empty glasses on the table. She was paid a compliment for her appearance, as well as her kindness so far, which made Gwen feel a bit of warmth in her heart. She'd been taking care of Kitten's basic needs so far, nothing that was terribly difficult. This left Gwen feeling confident that she would be able to keep up a good home for her. What could be difficult about providing food, shelter and affection to Kitten?

"Well, before we get into any of that..." Gwen said, her face showing a faint hint of embarrassment. Even if Kitten was so ready to take care of her needs, Gwen felt almost as if she shouldn't ask. It had been a while since she had been given proper attention and the touch of Kitten's fingers on her body had sparked her needs more than she had anticipated. Perhaps she was overthinking things, though. "Come with me to the bedroom." Gwen couldn't hide the fact that her face was slightly red. With a quick trip to drop the dishes off at the sink, Gwen led Kitten into her bedroom, going past the living room and through the hallway toward the closed door.

Opening it, Gwen's bedroom would be on display for Kitten to take in. There was a slight mess of clothes laying in the floor, but it wasn't the thing on her mind at that moment. Taking a seat at the edge of the bed, Gwen looked back toward Kitten. The room had a few things that would stand out, such as the computer desk, a large dresser, and a closet in the back. THe bed was fairly large, with thick, soft comforter on it. "Come sit with me. This will be where you'll sleep." Gwen said, offering Kitten the large bed to share with her.
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