Fx Any The Dreams of the World (Polyamory)


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
Below is the starter for this RP set in the Emada steampunk fantasy universe.

Along the way, the other women that will join Nakia on his adventure are Chloe Rose, an adorable, naive airship pilot that gets him out of the country when he gets overthrown by his evil brother Yusef in a military coup; Kalisha Haroun, a scientist who emigrated to Madieca from her village in Sudavadir after getting her arm cut off for having sex with a woman; and finally Sajida Dhawan, a fisherwoman who lost her husband to war between the Empire and Surabamba, and became a traveling merchant/healer.


A thousand years ago, Midvadir ("World Central Sultanate") was the most powerful nation on the continent of Orngath of the planet Emada. At noon each day, the planet's twin suns would cast no shadow on its capital, Madieca (“Middle City"), and representatives of tributary nations from all four corners of the world would gather to trade in its thriving riverside markets, study at its prestigious universities, and then seek an audience with the Sultan Supreme, who Vadirians claimed to have a direct line of communication with their Allfather, giving him great clairvoyance- but only through fathers, for reasons unknown. Whenever a Sultan died and the new male Sultan came to power, daughters of all nations would travel across the world to in turn offer their bodies as tribute for political gain, love, or simply to experience the Sultan's visions by way of his cock, and the Sultan could marry as many as four of them at once, and gain the rest as concubines if he so pleased.

The days when Midvadir commanded the world stage are long gone. Under the brutal tyranny of Yusef's great-grandfather, Sultan Ulerinj II, the administration of the sprawling state began to decline, the navy that once charted the entire world fell into disrepair, the fearsome Iron Guard rusted, and magic and the Sultan's visions began to fade throughout the kingdom. In the meantime, the Ananki Confederation and the Caledorian Empire quickly filled the void. Now the Empire rules most of the world with its superior technology, such as airships and internal combustion vehicles, while the elvish-ruled Ananki jealously guard the secrets of magic and dragon riding, and the merfolk of Olsea rule most of the oceans. Worried about the three superpowers, Yusef's father, Sultan Hanuku the Wise, offered an alliance to all the other nations. Some joined and some refused, but when the United Kingdom of Surai and Bamba (often shortened to Surabamba, as they had been one nation for two hundred years) was conquered by Caledoria, all remaining free nations banded with Midvadir for mutual protection.

The world was now down to four nations, all eyeing each other with suspicion, but Ananka, Caledoria, and Olseka knew the value of having a buffer state between all of them, and so continued the tradition of marrying off as many of their noble women as they could to the Sultan for political and economic benefit, while also lining up women to arrange for his successor. In March, Hanuku died peacefully in his sleep, and now in June, the world teeters on the brink of war unlike any ever seen. For now, an unsuspecting Midvadir is grieving but safe and awaits the crowning of a new Sultan, and the parade of potential brides eager to fill the harem hall that has now been vacated by Yusef's father's wives.


June 13th, 1893

Theodore, Nakia bin Iben Karadeniz’s guardian, stomped outside the new sultan’s bed chambers, pacing with fretting grunts. “Nakia, look, I know you’re tired, but some of these people have been traveling from thousands of miles away just to see you. I know you aren’t...vetting one of the princess candidates in your bedroom right now, so you better be completely exhausted to be ignoring your subjects like this.”

A minute later, the broad shouldered veteran growled, glowering through both his eyepatch and his good eyes, and decided enough was enough. He kicked down the door, only to see Midvadir’s head of state had escaped out the window; there was no doubt that Nakia was now on loose with one of the 18-year-old man’s favorite marketplace whores.

Nothing that boy did surprised him now. How had Hanuku put up with him for so long? Why did he have to die? Why did anything have to change? But whether Theodore wanted to admit it or not, Nakia was a man now, And that both excited and scared him.

Meanwhile, at the agreed upon meeting place in the market, Akari Takahashi leaned up against a beam that was covered in shadow. There, the seller ignored her while she snuck an apple and ate it. It was the first time she’d eaten in three days. However, all that effort and sacrifice was worth it to get here on time and get close to the Sultan through letters, but not too close so as to be shoved into the official line of suitors. She figured that a guy like him, one penned up in a royal cage, would jump at the chance to have a forbidden fling that couldn’t get him into any trouble before choosing his wives.

It was also refreshing, Akari admitted, to be using her real name. The only Akari Takahashi she knew of was officially dead, and after she scammed the Sultan? She could pay off the Thieves Guild, buy an island, and live there for the rest of her natural days from the sale of one Midvadir royal ruby. So why not go without a bang, writing herself into legend in the process, ruby or not?

Perhaps there were more valuable things that Akari could secure from the young, powerful Sultan, and purred at what she, a tight 19 year old Gudarian beauty, might have to do to get them.
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