She raised a brow, but took the box carefully, waiting for Xeno to open his first. The box was made from a worn wood, stamped on the side with the Osiris emblem, one of the highest ranked weapon-smiths in the 'Verse. Inside, lying snugly along soft padding the colour of storm clouds, was a gleaming pistol, all cobalt and sleek. A small box of high grade ammo fit into the box as well, armour piercing rounds, with a silencer in it's own container. The gun once held would fit perfectly into Xeno's hand, and was inscribed with the date, and the Chinese character for "Protection".
Also there was a Bowie knife, the hilt wrapped in leather and the metal a shining blue-silver, the pommel was stamped with the Osiris sigil as well, and etched into the blade was the Chinese character for "Strength." Hawk was watching him, hands on the box, unopened still "They're for you. Just in case." she stated awkwardly, quietly fearing the day when his powers would not work and all weapons would be stripped from him. She was a practical woman, too practical. A caring gesture that one wanted to see could be hidden in a clumsy gesture of trying to protect. Silence spanned a moment and she looked down, opening the box that Xeno had slid over to her.