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Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

"So you'd want to have an Osiris laser job, that's fun? Having your pubic hair permenantly removed by some machine?" He said as he pointed to a nearby advertisement.
Smirking he wrapped his arms about her and slowly walked her over to a room on the far end of the hall. "I think I know something fun, would you like to dance?" He asked her slowly.
Taking her hand in his he walked her into an empty room. Walking away briefly he came back and music began to play as he once again too her hand.
"No dear I hear it too." He said to her slowly as he took he hand in his and leaned down to peck her lips. "Shall we begin?" He asked her slowly.
"Its voice activated." He said as he grinned." Waltz" he said before a light tune began. Placing one of her hands on his shoulder then one of his on her hip he took her other hand in his free hand and began.
Hawk quirked a brow "Impressive." she commented, before moving into the beginning steps of the dance, slightly hesitant. It had been years since she had danced, and something this..calm to boot.
He laughed softly as he gently whisked her about from the lead. "Well you learn alot in order to infiltrate the ranks of the upper class." He replied with a soft laugh. "I can do many things most might find surprising."
"Hm, really? Like playing the kazoo while doing backflips?" she asked, easing slowly into the dance steps, moving with him, part of her movements seeming like the dance of a fight, instead of waltzing to classical Osirian music.
"You would be amazed." He said slowly as he stroked his fingers along her hand while he danced with her. "This isn't a knife fight my darling, you're not angling to slip a blade between my ribs." He said to her slowly as he pulled her slightly to shift her off balance.
"If ye can do that, I'd love te see it." she stated with a grin. In response her body eased a bit and she stepped with him nodding "Told ye I havenae done this in awhile." she commented.
"I can walk a tight rope while throwing knives, I've done it before." He said with a smirk as he kissed her cheek. "I know you haven't my dear, but I'm your lover, not an enemy." He said slowly. "Though from some of the bite marks you left one could assume both." He added with a chuckle.
"Ye make a woman feel inferior." she commented with a smile and shrugged "Ye'll heal and I already apologized." she commented, smirking.
"You make a man feel tasty the way you bite." He said with a snicker as he kissed slowly along her cheek and gently rubbed his cheek to hers after.
"I love your enthusiasm." He said slowly as he continued to waltz with her before stopping. "We should head back up to the room, foods probably up there already." He said to her with a smile.
He swatted her backside playfully as she walked and laughed as he followed behind her. "Mm I could see that."
"Oh, you plan to be brawling that way with other men?" He asked playfully.
"Mm I see, if you say so dear." He said as he wrapped his arms about her hips and followed her.
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