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What's YOUR kind of favorite treat?

  • Something with chocolate!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Something sweet~

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Sour's the best!

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I like bitter things.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...Salty?

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Hm... Something that isn't exactly 'food'...

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
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B I T T E R Anodyne

Feb 9, 2009
Sometimes §Ï?εεÏ? â?? â?? â??
â?? â?? â?? Slightly Ã?ιÏ?Ï?εя â?? â?? â??

â?? â?? â?? Sometimes §Ï?uя​

      • Feeling: ...Meh
        Listening: World is Mine by Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku
        Craving: D. Gray-man.... Donâ??t get me started.

        Hello out there! You may or may not have seen me around the forum; I'm...well, relatively new here would be an understatement, since I'm a bit of a lurker. It's more of the fact I can't seem to find a lot of people to roleplay with; three out of...five? of my roleplays are currently active, and I get a reply once a week due to business on their side. This is where the roleplay request thread comes in handy. I do both yaoi and het, though right now, this thread is for yaoi. If you want me to play a girl, feel free to PM me; Iâ??m getting up the female version of this thread when Iâ??m done with this one. So now, here comes the long winded introduction, so brace yourselves.

        </watches people run away>

        ...As I was saying, I'm B I T T E R Anodyne, though I was from Darker, I had a different username from there. I come from Darker, as mentioned before, and I came from Gaia before that, so I have a pretty good background with roleplaying. I'm...semi-literate to literate, at least I think, never really thought about it before. I can type three paragraphs no problem, but I usually mirror, so if you give me two sentence response, I might just give you a five sentence response in return. =3

        Now, I'm not a grammar nazi, but if every other word is misspelled, and you don't use the lovely shift key, I might roleplay with you...Just not very into it. I don't mind the few mistakes that dot your post, especially if it's very long; we are all just human after all. Length, preferably a juicy, detailed paragraph or more; I think I can match you up to ten paragraphs, I've never tried going beyond that.

        Activity Something I must stress, as I've had a good deal of roleplayers start with me...And never post. Honestly, if you are going to go through to effort to make a plot and talk to me, is it that hard to bring yourself around to post? I don't mind you telling me that you are busy with collage or university, or school, or you are sick, or even if you don't want to do the roleplay anymore! Just don't leave me hanging, and yes, I do frequent the Outbox to see if you've read it or not; habit from Gaia and Darker. If you tell me you are too busy and you want to end it, I will oblige, and keep the thread open if you ever want to do it again. However, if the plot doesn't fit your style, just tell me. I will ask you what is wrong, and if we can change it, but if it something beyond control, I will let you be on your way. PMs, might be a little tricky, since I seem to be having a bit of trouble that someone isn't getting my replies; think of it this way; I reply usually within the first day or two, and if I'm busy, within at least four days. If you didn't get it, feel free to buzz, nudge, poke me until you get your reply, and for OCC chatting, I might just not post, since I think that there is nothing really more to talk about on that subject. I don't expect you to post every day nor I hope you don't of me, but there might be something off if I see you posting fifteen times in another roleplay for three weeks, and not a zip on ours. Writer's block, I understand; everyone gets them at the most inconvenient of times. And I will try my best to tell you when I'm busy, or going away, or something. I hope you can do the same! And as you see, this section is quite long; something I find, very, very important.

        Kinks I, personally, don't have much of a limit, be as gory, smutty or whatever as you like. The only limit I do have, is...scat. Other than that; I'll be mostly interested in trying it out, though you will have to pardon my ignorance in some kinks, and I might need some guiding through or some tips before we start. Just tell me what your limits are, and we can go from there.
        Psst. I love bondage, toys, fairytale/fantasy in general...Dark and kinky are two words I adore.
        And I will get a Rabbit Hole. Soon.

        Up or Down? I'm a switch. At least, that's what I hope to be. Unfortunately, I got more experience in being a submissive than a dominant character. So if you want me to be a dom, please cut me some slack; I've never gotten through a full scene with me playing a dominant character.

        Plots I like plots. Please, even if it's something with rough edges, just give me something to work with, a basic plot, a time line, and...we can wing it from there. It's not like we suddenly can't talk during roleplay~

        Others I don't think there is anything else really to add. I roleplay on PMs, and thread. Also AIM and MSN, but PM me for what those are. And please, please, be nice/respectful/kind/tolerable. I will respect you, and you respect me, and we all get something nice out of this encounter. Anything else, don't hesitate to ask on this thread or PM. Hell, a simple chat will be alright as well. I don't bite. =3
        Well, maybe a bit...

        That was quite long. Now on with the show![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
â??â??â?? Ò? Ä? η â?? Ï? м Å? â?? P Ä? Ñ? я Ñ? η Ä¡ Å? â??â??â??

¤ - The more, the more I want to roleplay the pairing, max is five
â?¾ - I have a plot!
The pairings are listed seme/uke, unless stated by a:
â?¼ - Interchangeable

  • á?¦ Fandoms will be first up. I have a pretty large grasp of the anime world, weather I know the plot pretty well, or I havenâ??t watched it at all; most of the one Iâ??m craving or are really popular are on my list, but if itâ??s not on there, I still might know it, just drop me a message! However, I do not know Bleach and Naruto, and donâ??t plan on watching/reading them anytime soon.

    D. Gray-man

    Yullen (Kanda x Allen) - ¤¤¤¤¤
    Lucky (Tyki x Lavi) - ¤¤¤¤¤
    Debitto x Jasdaro - ¤¤¤
    Kanda x Lavi - ¤¤¤�
    Lavi x Allen - ¤¤¤�
    Tyki x Jasdebi - ¤¤¤
    OC x OC - ¤¤¤�


    KAITO x Len â?? ¤¤¤¤

    Kingdom Hearts

    Sora x Riku - ¤¤¤¤¤
    Axel x Roxas - ¤¤¤¤¤
    Zexion x Demyx - ¤¤¤¤¤�
    OC x OC - ¤¤¤¤¤�

    Alice in Wonderland

    Cheshire Cat x White Rabbit â?? ¤¤¤¤
    Cheshire Cat x Alice â?? ¤¤¤¤
    Mad Hatter x Dormouse x March Hare â?? ¤¤¤¤
    Cheshire Cat x Dormouse â?? ¤¤¤¤

    And I will get up more when this is set up properly~


    á?¦ Originals, I like mostly anything, but fantasy and dark pairings surely make my day! I'm open to almost anything, so if it's not on my list, and it's original, most likely I will do it. And since all the possible possibilities are too much to list, you can mix and match as well!

    Prince x Kidnapper - ¤¤¤¤�
    Prince x Harem Boy - ¤¤¤¤�
    Prince x Prince - ¤¤¤¤
    Prince x Pauper - ¤¤¤¤
    Bodyguard x Gypsy - ¤¤¤¤
    Assassin x Gypsy - ¤¤¤¤
    Prince x Assassin - ¤¤¤¤�
    Joker x Invading Warrior - ¤¤¤¤�

    Feudal Japan
    Samurai x Ninja - ¤¤¤¤
    Samurai x Gaisha (Crossdressing) - ¤¤¤¤

    Modern Day
    Too many to list!

    Elf x Dark Elf - ¤¤¤¤�
    Dragon Anthro x Unicorn (Unipeg) Anthro - ¤¤¤¤�
    Circus Ringmaster - Circus Performer - ¤¤¤¤�
    Circus Ringmaster x Human - ¤¤¤¤�
    Circus Performer x Human - ¤¤¤¤�

    And once more, more will come up when needed.[/list:u]
â??â??â?? P ι Ï? â?  Å? â??â??â??

á?¦ Here are the plots from the pairings before! Of course, you can change the name of the topic if you like the plot, but not the name.

  • Name: Stockholm Syndrome
    Pairing(s): Prince/Kidnapper
    Availability: Yes
    Plot: A prince is kidnapped from his home (Or some high ranking male in a more modern RP if you like), and his held for ransom. However, he starts to bond with his captor, particularly the one who was looking after him, but not in a usual way. Being a prince, you must like your pets or people waiting on you, and you most likely won't like being badmouthed or hassled by some lowly person....Which was what the thief was doing; disliking the prince for being an uppity royal pain, though he has to be nice, he was a prisoner of high standing.... Unfortunately, it's not like the prince has those restraints....
    Kinks: Bondage, Mind-games.. (To be discussed)
    Notes: Not my idea, but a friend's from Gaia, all the credit goes to her!

    Name: Woven Illusions
    Pairing(s): Circus Ringmaster x Circus Performer, Circus Ringmaster x Human, Circus Performer x Human
    Availability: Yes
    Plot: Humorously-and-comically clown would talk of a fairy-tale made-out of lies...
    Come one, come all! It's the show you've been waiting for, the performers seem a bit...Too good. Of course, that is a circus, come, laugh, watch the people tower over you, the bright joy of it all! Laugh with the clowns, watch the fire eater devourer flames... Gasp when the knife becomes a hair's breath closer towards the thrower's target. Of course, as magical as it all, please don't forget, secrets of the circus...should remain a secret. Most of all at night, you might not want to see what you want to see. And if anyone sees you...They might not want to let you go again.
    Kinks: Mind games, hypnotism, threesomes(To be discussed)
    Notes: Might want to try this out in a group roleplay...

    Name: Fabula Pensadilla
    Pairing(s): Any Wonderland pairing
    Availability: Yes
    Plot: Alice was a girl who needed to escape reality. Upon asking for her wish, she received it; being brought into a world of madness and nonsense all seemed like a dream. Of course, she was just a little girl then. At that time her little story seemed cute. Like all children, Alice grew up into a young lady who soon became a wife. It would not be long after until she was called Mother. Over the years, Alice never dropped her stories of Wonderland. Claiming them to be true even in her older days, it became an obsession. One that worried the doctors. Put on more medication then one could imagine, Alice was only getting worse. There were times when she couldn't tell the difference between reality and Wonderland. Calling strangers funny names like 'Mr. Hatter' and 'Grumpy Caterpillar'. It was on a cold day in November, Alice was having a mental breakdown. She had secretly been neglecting her medication, and in a rush of paranoia chopped off her husband's head thinking he was the Queen. As soon as she felt the warm liquid of her loved one's blood covering her hands she realized her mistake. A few hours later she hung herself, only leaving a single message carved into the wall;

    We're All Mad

    The funeral of the two were held six days later. Because of this tragic event, Alice's poor son was left orphaned. He remained in the orphanage for three years until he was nine and finally adopted by a wealthy old woman. Raised in a manner of work and no play, he was left constantly studying while all the other children got to play outside. The boy had even become home schooled. Life was becoming dull, and very quick. Soon reality seemed hopeless. He needed to go somewhere else. Escape this awful world...And in a chance of coincidence, the son managed to inherit a certain aspect of mother's mind. Closing his eyes and drifting away, he soon discovered that Wonderland is a lot more real then the Doctors claimed it not to be.

    Though... through the years of medication, Wonderland is not the same as it once was.

    Kinks: Drugs, threesomes, multiple partners, toys (To be discussed)
    Notes: Might want to try this out in a group roleplay...[/list:u]
Cute. ^^ I'll give you a support bump.

I can role play with you as well, I could play a boy.
We can just talk about it though since I'm not particularly
in decent health. Just let me know though if a girl being
a boy is a problem. ;D​
Heya! I noticed you had a lot of RPs involving Princes. I happen to have a plot for one in my RP thread. If you're interested you can find it here.
  • Well, I was just throwing some ideas out, in case people didn't know what to expect...
    Interesting plot though~

    Bump up![/list:u]
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