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Fx F or NB Arknights Craving (WIP)


May 17, 2018
Hello! Thank you for checking out my thread, hopefully it won't disappoint in it's current work-in-progress status.

So I'm not usually too much into gacha games, or gritty, urban sci-fi with apocalyptic vibes, yet lately I've been absolutely obsessed with Arknights despite it ticking all those boxes. The setting, the art style, the music, the characters, everything meshes together so damn well and it's left me completely hooked. Obsessed even, with the amount I've been playing it over the last few weeks. So naturally the next step is to search for a roleplay within the Arknights universe involving the diverse cast of canon characters!

One thing I will stress right off the bat is I'm not particularly far into the game yet story-wise, so I would ask any potential partners to have a bit of patience as there's every chance I might not be aware of certain plot hooks and developments. That said I'm not particularly fussy about spoilers for the game's story, it's more the characters I'm invested in, so if a certain story beat is critical to a specific idea you might have I don't mind going to do some research to bring myself up to speed.

When it comes to specific characters and pairings I will say I'm really only looking for canon x canon stuff right now, or potentially OC x canon if doubling is involved, but for the time being I would prefer to keep things canon. Beyond that however, frankly I'm open to any and all ideas involving any of the characters! Like I mentioned before I'm not too well versed on the particular pairings the fandom loves, other than Lappland x Texas being everywhere, and literally anything involving Exusiai, so if you have any parings you'd like to explore or even just ideas of your own please bring them to me and I'll be happy to discuss them! Similarly to the story itself, I'm happy to go do some investigation and research on any characters that might be involved in order to fully capture them for an RP.

Anyway, for the time being this thread is a little bare while I familiarise myself with the setting more and decide on specific pairings I'd actually like to explore, but until then, feel free to send me a message with any ideas you might have and I'm sure we can work something out together!
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