Dragon Admirer
- Joined
- Aug 18, 2020
- Location
- US CST (Chicago)
For rp writers who always wanted to romance the fiery dragon and escape the knight in shining armor, this is for you.
Alistair the Gym Rat: in a grungy part of town is an old gym with the most cheery trainer, a wolfir named Alistair! He's ready to help you meet those workout goals and get those gains with you, always followed by a post workout quickie in the lockerooms before anyone else walks in.
Klaus of Briar: On the deep thickets the dim woods lies a darkwood cottage with deep purple windows. Inside is the austere, cultured study of cursed Barretto, a werewolf blessed with sentience and shunned by humans and werewolves alike. A severe yet gentle force with dark black fur just barely silver tipped, step into his strong arms and feel that merging of civilized and feral.
Viktor: Viktor is a descendant of wolfir, those blessed by angels to retain their sentience in their wolflike form. While he unnerves the guards he assists as a ranger he does mean well. Sure some of the deer he hunts were slain with fang and claw over bow and arrow, he pressures himself to be a good man and do what he thinks is right. There's one problem: the moonmad curse runs deep in his blood, and the full moon surfaces a more feral side of him. As his love, can your voice reach him so deep down in there?
I’m open to crafting a new idea between the two of us, one we can make that we both really enjoy! I do also have scenarios for monstrous lovers and human x monstrous lovers to share as well. I’m comfortable playing either side of each pair, so I’ve left their genders neutral in each summary!
Part of what I enjoy about monstrous partners is the chance to play more exaggerated size differences on either side, either playing a beefy minotaur twice as tall as YC who can toss her around like a sack of potatoes or a lithe faerie dragon smooshed up in YC's cleavage. It's something I enjoy exploring, and if you would like an amount of sizeplay involved in our rp let me know! We can most definitely try some things out. Just be careful, I've awakened new kinks in a number of people.
If this thread has sounded like a good time send me a message! We can make something fun.
I love to write nonhuman characters and how they perceive romance with their human or nonhuman partner. I adore finding ways for big dragons to give courtship gifts of 20 oxen to their partner, or how a minotaur might give physical acts of love like building a house for YC or carving her something special with his own two hands. I specialize in rp with monstrous partners, for people who want a great big lover who can support them emotionally with feelings and physically with abs.
Story is important for laying the foundation of more intimate scenes. I am here for the smut, but story sweetens the smut. Some of my rp partners want to get started on smut second message, a longer running rp I have took six out of rp months to reach the first sexual scene. I can adjust story and smut as my rp partner needs, this is not an issue. Developing a bond with your monstrous partner is a crucial part of the experience! This does not mean a romance is necessary to start an rp with me.
You can find my most recent example of my writing here, and all my writing is uploaded to this Ao3 account, and my F-List is here. I lean smut heavy, but I thoroughly believe story can take place in a smut scene with acts of vulnerability and trust.
My strengths come from working with you on a scenario that makes us happy. To me good rp is a dance, working with what we give each other to elevate it past something I could just write. I am happiest as a switch, I hesitate to use labels because even the biggest minotaur beefcake can let his partner take control in a tender and affectionate moment. As far as post length goes, I focus on quality more than quantity. I’m not a stickler for length, so long as it forwards the rp in fun ways.
I also want to create a space that feels safe for us both to write in and explore different kinks or likes. This is strictly a non-judgmental zone. All my rp partners I’ve hosted had radically different needs, likes and dislikes. I do like doing a solid amount of planning for an rp to ensure we both have a good understanding of what we're to expect from our rp. I like to discuss what is the vague direction of the story, kinks we want included, and what you need to feel comfortable in an rp scenario with me as your rp partner. Your level of comfort is important to me.
The following will be a hard no for me
Story is important for laying the foundation of more intimate scenes. I am here for the smut, but story sweetens the smut. Some of my rp partners want to get started on smut second message, a longer running rp I have took six out of rp months to reach the first sexual scene. I can adjust story and smut as my rp partner needs, this is not an issue. Developing a bond with your monstrous partner is a crucial part of the experience! This does not mean a romance is necessary to start an rp with me.
You can find my most recent example of my writing here, and all my writing is uploaded to this Ao3 account, and my F-List is here. I lean smut heavy, but I thoroughly believe story can take place in a smut scene with acts of vulnerability and trust.
My strengths come from working with you on a scenario that makes us happy. To me good rp is a dance, working with what we give each other to elevate it past something I could just write. I am happiest as a switch, I hesitate to use labels because even the biggest minotaur beefcake can let his partner take control in a tender and affectionate moment. As far as post length goes, I focus on quality more than quantity. I’m not a stickler for length, so long as it forwards the rp in fun ways.
I also want to create a space that feels safe for us both to write in and explore different kinks or likes. This is strictly a non-judgmental zone. All my rp partners I’ve hosted had radically different needs, likes and dislikes. I do like doing a solid amount of planning for an rp to ensure we both have a good understanding of what we're to expect from our rp. I like to discuss what is the vague direction of the story, kinks we want included, and what you need to feel comfortable in an rp scenario with me as your rp partner. Your level of comfort is important to me.
The following will be a hard no for me
- Watersports/excrement
- Lactation
- Hard vore
- Noncon
- Insects
- Underage/Old Age
- Cheating/Adultery
- Eggs/Oviposition
- Pregnancy (as a fetish, not as a story element)
I’m looking for an rp partner who is looking to play an active role with my boys. Below you will find numerous characters and scenarios, telling me which boys you're interested in will help me understand your likes. I don't expect you to read every option, just the ones you find most interesting.
Even if the rp is a one off smut heavy scene I’d love to have some character chemistry.
The rp partners that have made me happiest share a love for these nonhuman characters, are relaxed, understanding for IRL interruptions, communicates well on when they would like, and comes in with a zeal to make a shared experience.
Even if the rp is a one off smut heavy scene I’d love to have some character chemistry.
The rp partners that have made me happiest share a love for these nonhuman characters, are relaxed, understanding for IRL interruptions, communicates well on when they would like, and comes in with a zeal to make a shared experience.

- Dragon: will love and treasure you as part of their hoard! Fiercely protective, possessive, and will throw their weight around with you. Come in boyfriend and husband sizes. Cuddle up to the soft scales of their underbelly as the tips of their claws graze your skin.
Chromatic: chromatic dragons are rougher around the edges, but we love them for it. They can end up being bad boys with soft spots.
Valloth (red, fire): Valloth is a wild boy who’s filled with lots of emotions and understands none of them. He feels things at 300%. He’s possessive of his lover, loves to give a good pounding within your limits, and won’t admit it but he’s a big cuddler, wanting to curl up for a snooze holding you tight.
War Machine: locked away beneath the king’s keep is what he intends to make his weapon of war: a red dragon. The princess of the keep discovers him one moonlit night, the two forming a bond in their captivity and plotting their freedom by way of princess kidnapping. Princess Kidnap Scenario.
Dragon Dating: He is several tons of muscle, scales like armor, breath of fire, laying over his trove of gold. You are.. hopelessly smitten. Can you flirt with and romance him? Lighthearted dragon romancing scenario.
Nove Rhudare (blue, lightning): Nove is a large boy, a rotund boy with a belly. He’s more laid back but more vain, into a kind of slow burn dominating, his idea of a rough time is to collar and leash his lover and use it to pull her down his cock. The dragon lairs up in a beautiful desert lounging upon fine silks he’s raided across the world. He exudes power in his assumptions, in being the best.
Worshipped: Nove Rhudare is a dragon worshipped by a group of lizardfolk, elves, humans, kobolds, whichever your heart desires to rp as (even one not listed). Nove has requested you to serve him personally, requested your touch specifically. Lift his heavy jewelry and adorn his great body with paint. Don’t be late, he’s expecting you before him soon. Dragon tribute scenario.
Kier Varlais (green, chlorine gas): Kier Varlais grew up being told he was the spirit of the forest, then in a fight with his brother learned the value of a good lie. He cloaks himself in a great cape of moss, one where birds nest and woodland creatures hide. He acts as a benevolent prince of the woods to any who come across him. In bed he likes to rile up his lover, enticing and inciting them with wordplay.
The Sacrifice: Shamans and druids of the town believe a great lord resides over the forest and sees to the bounty of pelts and meat the town needs to survive. Omens have been drawn deciding the chilly fall will lead to a harsh winter. You’ve been chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon in hopes of gaining his favor, but in his clutches discover lies from truths. Dragon sacrifice scenario.
Apophis (black, acid): a dragon who sets out after knowledge and hides it beneath the mountains, Apophis continues the tradition of cruelty in black dragons with his sadomasochism. He enjoys giving pain and receiving pain, and is likely the kinkiest dragon on the list. He’s into bondage going as far as pegging, and even further.
Spellbound Apprentice: In your first day of classes at Corcyra Mage College you discover your professor to be a powerful black dragon. He proves to be a strict instructor, expecting the best from you while giving the best. Studying into the small hours of the night together will something more bloom? Student/teacher scenario.
Ako (white, frost): Ako is a unique case among dragons. A fey stole his ability to speak, and cursed him to have to get along with the world without words. He does his best to give nonverbal communication, and is more susceptible to his dragony urges, ESPECIALLY when a rut takes him. He’s also a special case in that in white dragons the female is dominant, but demands the male top. This leads to him becoming a panting mess over you as you drive him wild.
Downed Dragon: Ako is hunted by dragonslayers in the highlands, you find him wounded in a cave as a snowstorm sets in. The shared intimacy in treating his wounds draws out warmer affections from the mute dragon, wanting to protect you in return. Wounded dragon scenario.
Metallic: these are the (mostly) good boys we all know and love. They’re typically more in control of how they feel.
Lord Braxxar (gold, fire): Lord Braxxar is considered nobility among dragons, being one of the dragonlords of the Companions of Bahamut. He is stately, his words are measured, his scales are polished. Lord Braxxar is also a more traditional dragon, caring for his partner, while he retains in control he may have her ride atop him for her own safety.
Marriage to the Dragon King: your father has seen fit to wed you to Lord Braxxar, the King of Dragons. Handmaidens prepare you for the ceremony to take place in the dragon’s glacial citadel in the north pole, carried off by the dragon with the conclusion of the day’s events. You’ll learn what it means to become the bride to the King of Dragons. Arranged marriage scenario.
Sir Belorrel (silver, ice): Sir Belorrel is a knight in the companions of Bahamut. His family has assimilated into a small mountain town, masquerading as a line of proud nobles. In doing so he’s also taken up baking, and is quite the pastry chef. Sir Belorrel the Silver Tongue is cocky, confident and able to back it up, and prone to bisexual panic. He just enjoys sex for sex’s sake, he doesn’t need to top or bottom or dom or sub, he just wants to share the experience with someone. He’s also a huge tease.
In Mountain Mists: Belorrel’s always caught your eye in town. Handsome, good with words, kind, a stellar baker, and a heartthrob among men and women alike. He always seems to take time to himself where the mountains meet the northernly forests, one day you go to see for yourself and find a silver dragon racing among the peaks. Dragon discovery plot.
Russi (bronze, lightning): pirates know better than to venture too close to the reefs called home by the great dragon Russi, nicknamed Hurricane Russi for they way he sinks pirate ships. Rain follows where he flies, his wings kicking up great gales, his lightning and thunder crashing high above. Becoming his lover, you’ll find his tender side, find his gentler parts of him on his tropical islands. He’ll respond with a soft “aye” as he prepares to take you in the island moonlight, your back against the soft scales of his underbelly.
Knighthood: Recently admitted to the Companions of Bahamut, YC has been knighted alongside chivalrous Sir Russi. Eager to get out and do good in the world, the two of you learn the dragon/rider bond intimately as he becomes your bastion of thunder. Dragon rider scenario.
Shipwrecked: in the midst of a fierce storm that tore your sails and tossed your ship into the sea. Wood splintered and water flooded, throwing you into the ocean. A massive figure speeds through the water as everything goes dark. You wake in the clutches of a great bronze dragon, curled up in his seaside palace of a lair. A dragon rescuer scenario.
Bayorth (copper, acid): Bayorth is a silly dragon. A more innocent one. He loves puns, jokes, and above all loves hearing you laugh. He’s a lighthearted fellow and lives high above the forests in a mountain shaped like his smiling face. In his spare time he’s taught the woodland creatures draconic phrases to say how wonderful he is. Bayorth is also a virgin, you’d be his first time, and is ridiculously endowed even by dragon standards. Bayorth is also the kind of lover who likes to laugh with his love in a lay. He has a lot of power, he just needs to be taught how to use it. He’s yours to lovingly overwhelm.
Old Friends, Big Changes: You grew up with Bayorth, a kind of childhood friend. Just a touch different from you. The dragon’s parents sent him off to a mage’s college for the past ten years, and you’ve both been able to keep in contact over hippogriff mail. Over time a romance through words has been teased, flirted with, never outwardly stated. Tomorrow he’s to return to town! So many changes have taken place with you both having come of age. Expect to have butterflies. Childhood friend scenario.
Lissalth (brass, heat): one of two dragon twins, Tobalth and Lissalth, Lissalth is playful. He loves to talk, to talk with his partner, figure out what works and what doesn’t, what words work them up, what sensations drive the mad. He’s a more casual lover, sometimes a good conversation gets interrupted by a better climax, and that’s fine. Its more about the social experience. As a lover he likes to let you take control and reward you oh so well for it.
Friendly Competition: dragon twins Tobalth and Lissalth have invited you to their lair. They’ve been having disagreements over how to best treat a woman, both romantically and sexually, and you’re to be the judge for them. They’ve got quite a few ideas to test out on you between their human and dragon forms. Twins, smut heavy scenario.
Alternative Dragons (fun boys who don't quite fit the typical model dragon)
Nix (faerie): for a dragon measuring just over two feet long, Nix most definitely sees himself several sizes larger. Faerie dragons are known for their playful attitudes, smaller stature for dragonkin, colorful and vibrant scales. Nix likes to assume he's the one in charge despite being so entirely squishable, loving to be dominated as much as he tries to dominate. A good bratty sub or small dom depending on taste!
Valloth (red, fire): Valloth is a wild boy who’s filled with lots of emotions and understands none of them. He feels things at 300%. He’s possessive of his lover, loves to give a good pounding within your limits, and won’t admit it but he’s a big cuddler, wanting to curl up for a snooze holding you tight.
War Machine: locked away beneath the king’s keep is what he intends to make his weapon of war: a red dragon. The princess of the keep discovers him one moonlit night, the two forming a bond in their captivity and plotting their freedom by way of princess kidnapping. Princess Kidnap Scenario.
Dragon Dating: He is several tons of muscle, scales like armor, breath of fire, laying over his trove of gold. You are.. hopelessly smitten. Can you flirt with and romance him? Lighthearted dragon romancing scenario.
Nove Rhudare (blue, lightning): Nove is a large boy, a rotund boy with a belly. He’s more laid back but more vain, into a kind of slow burn dominating, his idea of a rough time is to collar and leash his lover and use it to pull her down his cock. The dragon lairs up in a beautiful desert lounging upon fine silks he’s raided across the world. He exudes power in his assumptions, in being the best.
Worshipped: Nove Rhudare is a dragon worshipped by a group of lizardfolk, elves, humans, kobolds, whichever your heart desires to rp as (even one not listed). Nove has requested you to serve him personally, requested your touch specifically. Lift his heavy jewelry and adorn his great body with paint. Don’t be late, he’s expecting you before him soon. Dragon tribute scenario.
Kier Varlais (green, chlorine gas): Kier Varlais grew up being told he was the spirit of the forest, then in a fight with his brother learned the value of a good lie. He cloaks himself in a great cape of moss, one where birds nest and woodland creatures hide. He acts as a benevolent prince of the woods to any who come across him. In bed he likes to rile up his lover, enticing and inciting them with wordplay.
The Sacrifice: Shamans and druids of the town believe a great lord resides over the forest and sees to the bounty of pelts and meat the town needs to survive. Omens have been drawn deciding the chilly fall will lead to a harsh winter. You’ve been chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon in hopes of gaining his favor, but in his clutches discover lies from truths. Dragon sacrifice scenario.
Apophis (black, acid): a dragon who sets out after knowledge and hides it beneath the mountains, Apophis continues the tradition of cruelty in black dragons with his sadomasochism. He enjoys giving pain and receiving pain, and is likely the kinkiest dragon on the list. He’s into bondage going as far as pegging, and even further.
Spellbound Apprentice: In your first day of classes at Corcyra Mage College you discover your professor to be a powerful black dragon. He proves to be a strict instructor, expecting the best from you while giving the best. Studying into the small hours of the night together will something more bloom? Student/teacher scenario.
Ako (white, frost): Ako is a unique case among dragons. A fey stole his ability to speak, and cursed him to have to get along with the world without words. He does his best to give nonverbal communication, and is more susceptible to his dragony urges, ESPECIALLY when a rut takes him. He’s also a special case in that in white dragons the female is dominant, but demands the male top. This leads to him becoming a panting mess over you as you drive him wild.
Downed Dragon: Ako is hunted by dragonslayers in the highlands, you find him wounded in a cave as a snowstorm sets in. The shared intimacy in treating his wounds draws out warmer affections from the mute dragon, wanting to protect you in return. Wounded dragon scenario.
Metallic: these are the (mostly) good boys we all know and love. They’re typically more in control of how they feel.
Lord Braxxar (gold, fire): Lord Braxxar is considered nobility among dragons, being one of the dragonlords of the Companions of Bahamut. He is stately, his words are measured, his scales are polished. Lord Braxxar is also a more traditional dragon, caring for his partner, while he retains in control he may have her ride atop him for her own safety.
Marriage to the Dragon King: your father has seen fit to wed you to Lord Braxxar, the King of Dragons. Handmaidens prepare you for the ceremony to take place in the dragon’s glacial citadel in the north pole, carried off by the dragon with the conclusion of the day’s events. You’ll learn what it means to become the bride to the King of Dragons. Arranged marriage scenario.
Sir Belorrel (silver, ice): Sir Belorrel is a knight in the companions of Bahamut. His family has assimilated into a small mountain town, masquerading as a line of proud nobles. In doing so he’s also taken up baking, and is quite the pastry chef. Sir Belorrel the Silver Tongue is cocky, confident and able to back it up, and prone to bisexual panic. He just enjoys sex for sex’s sake, he doesn’t need to top or bottom or dom or sub, he just wants to share the experience with someone. He’s also a huge tease.
In Mountain Mists: Belorrel’s always caught your eye in town. Handsome, good with words, kind, a stellar baker, and a heartthrob among men and women alike. He always seems to take time to himself where the mountains meet the northernly forests, one day you go to see for yourself and find a silver dragon racing among the peaks. Dragon discovery plot.
Russi (bronze, lightning): pirates know better than to venture too close to the reefs called home by the great dragon Russi, nicknamed Hurricane Russi for they way he sinks pirate ships. Rain follows where he flies, his wings kicking up great gales, his lightning and thunder crashing high above. Becoming his lover, you’ll find his tender side, find his gentler parts of him on his tropical islands. He’ll respond with a soft “aye” as he prepares to take you in the island moonlight, your back against the soft scales of his underbelly.
Knighthood: Recently admitted to the Companions of Bahamut, YC has been knighted alongside chivalrous Sir Russi. Eager to get out and do good in the world, the two of you learn the dragon/rider bond intimately as he becomes your bastion of thunder. Dragon rider scenario.
Shipwrecked: in the midst of a fierce storm that tore your sails and tossed your ship into the sea. Wood splintered and water flooded, throwing you into the ocean. A massive figure speeds through the water as everything goes dark. You wake in the clutches of a great bronze dragon, curled up in his seaside palace of a lair. A dragon rescuer scenario.
Bayorth (copper, acid): Bayorth is a silly dragon. A more innocent one. He loves puns, jokes, and above all loves hearing you laugh. He’s a lighthearted fellow and lives high above the forests in a mountain shaped like his smiling face. In his spare time he’s taught the woodland creatures draconic phrases to say how wonderful he is. Bayorth is also a virgin, you’d be his first time, and is ridiculously endowed even by dragon standards. Bayorth is also the kind of lover who likes to laugh with his love in a lay. He has a lot of power, he just needs to be taught how to use it. He’s yours to lovingly overwhelm.
Old Friends, Big Changes: You grew up with Bayorth, a kind of childhood friend. Just a touch different from you. The dragon’s parents sent him off to a mage’s college for the past ten years, and you’ve both been able to keep in contact over hippogriff mail. Over time a romance through words has been teased, flirted with, never outwardly stated. Tomorrow he’s to return to town! So many changes have taken place with you both having come of age. Expect to have butterflies. Childhood friend scenario.
Lissalth (brass, heat): one of two dragon twins, Tobalth and Lissalth, Lissalth is playful. He loves to talk, to talk with his partner, figure out what works and what doesn’t, what words work them up, what sensations drive the mad. He’s a more casual lover, sometimes a good conversation gets interrupted by a better climax, and that’s fine. Its more about the social experience. As a lover he likes to let you take control and reward you oh so well for it.
Friendly Competition: dragon twins Tobalth and Lissalth have invited you to their lair. They’ve been having disagreements over how to best treat a woman, both romantically and sexually, and you’re to be the judge for them. They’ve got quite a few ideas to test out on you between their human and dragon forms. Twins, smut heavy scenario.
Alternative Dragons (fun boys who don't quite fit the typical model dragon)
Nix (faerie): for a dragon measuring just over two feet long, Nix most definitely sees himself several sizes larger. Faerie dragons are known for their playful attitudes, smaller stature for dragonkin, colorful and vibrant scales. Nix likes to assume he's the one in charge despite being so entirely squishable, loving to be dominated as much as he tries to dominate. A good bratty sub or small dom depending on taste!

- Werewolf/Wolf Person: wild, ferocious, intoxicated by the full moon with fluffy fur that makes for great cuddles. Werewolves are as loyal as they are aggressive, protective of their lovers, able to recognize their lover’s scent in the frenzy of the moon.

Alistair the Gym Rat: in a grungy part of town is an old gym with the most cheery trainer, a wolfir named Alistair! He's ready to help you meet those workout goals and get those gains with you, always followed by a post workout quickie in the lockerooms before anyone else walks in.
Klaus of Briar: On the deep thickets the dim woods lies a darkwood cottage with deep purple windows. Inside is the austere, cultured study of cursed Barretto, a werewolf blessed with sentience and shunned by humans and werewolves alike. A severe yet gentle force with dark black fur just barely silver tipped, step into his strong arms and feel that merging of civilized and feral.
Viktor: Viktor is a descendant of wolfir, those blessed by angels to retain their sentience in their wolflike form. While he unnerves the guards he assists as a ranger he does mean well. Sure some of the deer he hunts were slain with fang and claw over bow and arrow, he pressures himself to be a good man and do what he thinks is right. There's one problem: the moonmad curse runs deep in his blood, and the full moon surfaces a more feral side of him. As his love, can your voice reach him so deep down in there?

- Minotaur: most people know them for their enormous tempers, but get to know one well enough and you might learn of their great gentleness. Lovers with extra beef, minotaur are very physical, often displaying and performing their emotions instead of using words to express themselves. Able to support you emotionally with feelings and physically with abs. Their wedding gift to you will be a house they built with their own two hands.
Andros: big, lovable, entirely oblivious to YC's advances, Andros is one large himbo minotaur fresh for sweeter romances. His arrival home to you is first marked by heavy hoofsteps, then by a familiar thud as he hits his head on the doorframe adding to the sizable dent. Well meaning, kind, polite, caring, get yourself a himbo twice your size with a set of horns to hold onto when things get heated.
Demos: a powerful warlord has rallied the countryside against a tyrant king. Their leader, Demos, is a great minotaur with a body toned by violence. Brash, aggressive, and with little shame, lays with the warrior-king easily take themselves into camp and can lead to rowdy public scenes. Brutal to his enemies and benevolent to his friends, do you have the will to court a barbarian-king?
Exiled: being cast out from town might as well be a death sentence. Its not the cold or the wolves, but the fabled minotaur. A violent criminal was too exiled from town and the fey saw fit to torment him with the shape of a bull, casting the beast into the mountains. Its said he slays any exiled into his domain and eats their meat from their bones. YC: ranger, traveler, an exile like him, what will she discover for herself in the woods?
Demos: a powerful warlord has rallied the countryside against a tyrant king. Their leader, Demos, is a great minotaur with a body toned by violence. Brash, aggressive, and with little shame, lays with the warrior-king easily take themselves into camp and can lead to rowdy public scenes. Brutal to his enemies and benevolent to his friends, do you have the will to court a barbarian-king?

Exiled: being cast out from town might as well be a death sentence. Its not the cold or the wolves, but the fabled minotaur. A violent criminal was too exiled from town and the fey saw fit to torment him with the shape of a bull, casting the beast into the mountains. Its said he slays any exiled into his domain and eats their meat from their bones. YC: ranger, traveler, an exile like him, what will she discover for herself in the woods?
- Lizardfolk/dragonborn: scaleclad lovers on a more managable scale, they’ll find your warm-blooded heat addicting. Their smooth scales feel wonderful to press up against, the rattle of a bellow deep in their chest is a forceful sound that will touch you to your core. These lovers can be found in verdant forests as hunters of the supernatural, harsh desert landscapes as survivalist guides, even tropical island chains as pirate captains. Maybe as the dragon ruling over the swamp a handsome lizardfolk servant of yours catches your eye and your interest.
Kesh: Agile, quick witted, the lizard from Calakmul is one of the best demon hunters this side of the isles. The lizardfolk is severe as he is quick. His ability to speak your language is limited but his ability to speak his own is flowery and romantic. A proud demon hunter, that cold, calculating nature will start to melt as he becomes immersed in your character.
Rhask: Of the pirates on the coast none are as cunning and swift as Rhask. Once his mind is set on something or someone it keeps his focus until he has it in his arms. Unlike most pirates he keeps a moral code, abides by old pirate code in as chivalrous a way a swashbuckling lizard decides to making him a dangerous flirt and even worse ally. Trust and love dance on a blade's edge with any romance involving the scoundrel.
Nekli: a brand new world has been discovered, a great continent-island full of lush jungles, canyon deserts, and tropical coastlines. That's where YC met Nekli, a lizardfolk from the island. Unlike most of the other islanders he was excitable, happy to show you the sights and wonders of his home and share them with you. A little shy, quick to pick up on your language, Nekli is an earnest soul seeking to entwine with your own.

Rhask: Of the pirates on the coast none are as cunning and swift as Rhask. Once his mind is set on something or someone it keeps his focus until he has it in his arms. Unlike most pirates he keeps a moral code, abides by old pirate code in as chivalrous a way a swashbuckling lizard decides to making him a dangerous flirt and even worse ally. Trust and love dance on a blade's edge with any romance involving the scoundrel.

Nekli: a brand new world has been discovered, a great continent-island full of lush jungles, canyon deserts, and tropical coastlines. That's where YC met Nekli, a lizardfolk from the island. Unlike most of the other islanders he was excitable, happy to show you the sights and wonders of his home and share them with you. A little shy, quick to pick up on your language, Nekli is an earnest soul seeking to entwine with your own.
- Naga/lamia: half-snake lovers who want nothing more than to get you caught in their coils. Snuggly yet dangerously alluring. Comes with snake lower body or with legs. You’ll sleep cozy with the thick muscles of their body wrapped around you. One popular setting I've featured naga in is the stone pyramids of Galasca nestled in lush rain forests, drizzling puddles illuminated by the magic neon of the city.
Prince Asutali of Galasca: the idealist prince has lived a troubled life in the neon rainforests of Galasca. A proud naga royal who paints his scales just because he finds it beautiful, he reads all kinds of books on history and philosophy in his garden of snakes, one he would be delighted to share with you. Dedicated, passionate about his beliefs, the prince has some darkness troubling his heart. To romance him is to traverse the intrigue of an angry den of snakes.
Sytar God-King: ruling over devoted naga and yuan ti, Sytar has cast himself as a kind of god. Every morning he is painted gold from his head down to the last scales of his tail, and every night that paint is washed away by hand. Laid back yet intense, the god-king is known for turning cheery to wrathful at the drop of a hat. He also knows what he likes, expecting his followers to make sacrifices of what he likes in his name. At times this has meant people, people he consensually shares some time with behind closed doors. The coils of a naga are thick, Sytar's ideal way of keeping his partner thoroughly dominated all night long.
Alixi: in a little town at the rainforest's edge is a charming little jewelry stop that grows just as verdant inside as the rainforest outside. A rather large, rather thick naga by the name of Alixi makes his wares here. Well meaning, the naga has seen troubled times and now just wishes to love in the sun. Marks of these times story his body, marks he's beautified with his own golden tattoos and markings. All those coils and muscles, YC will enjoy making him come apart at the seams all around you with such wonderful, such sweet sounds.
Sytar God-King: ruling over devoted naga and yuan ti, Sytar has cast himself as a kind of god. Every morning he is painted gold from his head down to the last scales of his tail, and every night that paint is washed away by hand. Laid back yet intense, the god-king is known for turning cheery to wrathful at the drop of a hat. He also knows what he likes, expecting his followers to make sacrifices of what he likes in his name. At times this has meant people, people he consensually shares some time with behind closed doors. The coils of a naga are thick, Sytar's ideal way of keeping his partner thoroughly dominated all night long.
Alixi: in a little town at the rainforest's edge is a charming little jewelry stop that grows just as verdant inside as the rainforest outside. A rather large, rather thick naga by the name of Alixi makes his wares here. Well meaning, the naga has seen troubled times and now just wishes to love in the sun. Marks of these times story his body, marks he's beautified with his own golden tattoos and markings. All those coils and muscles, YC will enjoy making him come apart at the seams all around you with such wonderful, such sweet sounds.

- Leonin/lion-person, tiger-person: if the proud roar of a lion makes your heart skip a beat then a night out with a leonin is the perfect date for you. Leonin are a good bit larger than humans, their fluffy manes make excellent handholds when things get rougher. Your knight, your guardian, your king, these savanna rulers have such a regal, noble tone to every act they make, whether it be guiding through the crowd as their love or pinning you to the headboard.
Captain Maua: captain of the guard, noble Maua holds high prestige in the capital city. Over seven feet tall, always well dressed with custom tailored suits, and always well groomed keeping that mane like a glorious sunburst. Self assured, confident, direct, he prefers to "go for the throat" to fluster his parter as much as possible. He loves to remain in control, the leonin is cocky with the ability to back up his attitude. Maua regularly entertains dragons in his bedroom, his imposing presence enough to make even them crave being dominated. With his claws tilting your chin to meet his eye you'll receive a direct, "get on the bed," understated by such a thrilling growl.
King Rokas: lord of the Seddi plains, King Rokas is a good and noble leonin leader. Wise, proud, his deep voice brims with benevolence. One of the larger leonin over eight feet tall, he commands absolute authority among his people. He enjoys sharing intimate lays over a full 24 hours, making them into whole experiences. He also has little care for interruptions, you may find yourself between his thighs caressing his manhood as an advisor meets with him, coaxing him to climax as he carries on the conversation.
Rain (in Summer): Rain in Summer, or Rain, is a tiger-like tabaxi bounty hunter of the Jali coast. Friend or foe to YC, he's proven an effective tracker and wrestler, able to wrangle most down and pin them beneath all that weighty muscle. Loud, crass, antagonistic, most love to hate him but can't deny just how effective his methods are. So that begs the question: are you his partner or are you his prey?

King Rokas: lord of the Seddi plains, King Rokas is a good and noble leonin leader. Wise, proud, his deep voice brims with benevolence. One of the larger leonin over eight feet tall, he commands absolute authority among his people. He enjoys sharing intimate lays over a full 24 hours, making them into whole experiences. He also has little care for interruptions, you may find yourself between his thighs caressing his manhood as an advisor meets with him, coaxing him to climax as he carries on the conversation.

Rain (in Summer): Rain in Summer, or Rain, is a tiger-like tabaxi bounty hunter of the Jali coast. Friend or foe to YC, he's proven an effective tracker and wrestler, able to wrangle most down and pin them beneath all that weighty muscle. Loud, crass, antagonistic, most love to hate him but can't deny just how effective his methods are. So that begs the question: are you his partner or are you his prey?

- Hydra: be careful, hydra heads typically don’t get along. They’re all going to order you different wines on your date to each gain your favor. A hydra can turn a lay into an orgy, with three tongues for three devious purposes. Navigating love through a hydra can be a tricky but rewarding maneuver, winning over the affections of all three personalities feels just as good as hearing the unique sounds each makes as they moan over you.
Rasero: down by the lake, closed off by the dense treeline is the local cryptid, a hydra recently migrated in search of tastier fish. Whats discovered is not one, not two, but three personalities in one. Ra, pessimistic, skeptic, doubtful, giving you a wary eye as he glances from afar. Se, charming, charismatic, sultry, curious, biding his time through conversations. Ro, ever cheerful, sweet, innocent, even shy as things get heated. Three unique personalities for three unique reactions in your intimacy as you explore each other.
This blog stores images I adore and would love to use for a monstrous rp! If any one catches your eye add them to your message to me and we can set something up!
I’m open to crafting a new idea between the two of us, one we can make that we both really enjoy! I do also have scenarios for monstrous lovers and human x monstrous lovers to share as well. I’m comfortable playing either side of each pair, so I’ve left their genders neutral in each summary!
Minotaur warlord x dragon mount: this is a scenario I’ve been craving for a while. The idea is dragons usually can dominate just through size difference, but a minotaur is one of the few that can really handle them. I’m open to playing either side: the minotaur is a powerful leader of a warband and the dragon is their mount in combat, outside battle they’re raucous lovers who fight for dominance in every lay. In this scenario they’ve just returned from a successful raid and are looking to celebrate. This scenario requires both parties to want to play dom and can take on themes such as risky to public sex, it matters little to them who sees.
Werewolf/minotaur guard x vampire noble: this scenario can use either as the guard, the idea here being they don’t know the vampire noble is a vampire. This leads to them being evenly matched in bed. While they don’t need to be as aggressive as the minotaur/dragon, they don’t keep a strictly dom/sub relationship, and try to get away with what they can behind closed doors and between diplomatic meetings.
Dragon x Dragon: There are a number of ways to take this rp. They could be benevolent dragons looking over a town and doing their best to keep it safe with having as little influence as possible. It could be two proud red dragons adding to their hoard as indulgently as possible. Maybe two dragons in a knighthood of dragons and riders as the riders’ dragons form a more romantic relationship. Dragon romances can run along many tropes and I’d love to ta
Werewolf/minotaur guard x vampire noble: this scenario can use either as the guard, the idea here being they don’t know the vampire noble is a vampire. This leads to them being evenly matched in bed. While they don’t need to be as aggressive as the minotaur/dragon, they don’t keep a strictly dom/sub relationship, and try to get away with what they can behind closed doors and between diplomatic meetings.
Dragon x Dragon: There are a number of ways to take this rp. They could be benevolent dragons looking over a town and doing their best to keep it safe with having as little influence as possible. It could be two proud red dragons adding to their hoard as indulgently as possible. Maybe two dragons in a knighthood of dragons and riders as the riders’ dragons form a more romantic relationship. Dragon romances can run along many tropes and I’d love to ta
Dragon x noble: In this scenario the noble has arranged for a dragon to sweep them away from an arranged marriage or other sort of terrible royal event. In the following intimacy their relationship blossoms into something more as they learn more of each other.
Yuan ti x sacrifice: the human is sacrificed to a serpentine yuan ti who accepts the sacrifice into their home. They live lavishly alongside the yuan ti as they’re hesitant to actually kill them, displaying dismay for the sacrifice ritual. Can they convince the yuan ti to lead in a new direction? Does their relationship deepen into something new?
Minotaur Warlord x Barbarian/Lover: a minotaur rules a horde of fearsome warriors who raid the countryside plundering the king’s richest trading routes. The minotaur is proud, wise, bold, demanding your giving him head continues as his warriors report the latest battle, finishing down your throat as he puts belligerent advisors in their place. YC could be a bride of his, a warrior or knight, even a royal who fled the royal family to be with him. Its a scenario that entices a lot of exhibitionism, he does not care if someone walks in during sex, in fact he wouldn’t be opposed to it in public in the slightest. He is stern, demanding, but he will not be played maliciously, abusively, or cruelly. This will not be a dubcon or noncon rp.
Minotaur x wanderer: foraying into the cold wintery woods by exile, exploration, or desperation, the human descends into mountain perils such as the wolves, harsh cold winds, or avalanches. The minotaur finds them, this hulking tower of furs and horns, and brings them back to their home, warming them and caring for them. In these sweeter times where the minotaur shows their gentleness, could there be something more?
Werewolf/human: Lost in the woods, banished or hunted, the human comes across the cursed home of the wolfir: a werewolf blessed by the angels to retain its sentience as a wolf, though cursed in wolf form forever. Cast off by humans and werewolves alike, they live in seclusion reading and studying the world. Their well dressed looks and noble airs betray the wildness that remains beneath the blessing. The wolfir protects the human from werewolves and humans like, and the two learn from each other in spending more and more time together.
Yuan ti x sacrifice: the human is sacrificed to a serpentine yuan ti who accepts the sacrifice into their home. They live lavishly alongside the yuan ti as they’re hesitant to actually kill them, displaying dismay for the sacrifice ritual. Can they convince the yuan ti to lead in a new direction? Does their relationship deepen into something new?
Minotaur Warlord x Barbarian/Lover: a minotaur rules a horde of fearsome warriors who raid the countryside plundering the king’s richest trading routes. The minotaur is proud, wise, bold, demanding your giving him head continues as his warriors report the latest battle, finishing down your throat as he puts belligerent advisors in their place. YC could be a bride of his, a warrior or knight, even a royal who fled the royal family to be with him. Its a scenario that entices a lot of exhibitionism, he does not care if someone walks in during sex, in fact he wouldn’t be opposed to it in public in the slightest. He is stern, demanding, but he will not be played maliciously, abusively, or cruelly. This will not be a dubcon or noncon rp.
Minotaur x wanderer: foraying into the cold wintery woods by exile, exploration, or desperation, the human descends into mountain perils such as the wolves, harsh cold winds, or avalanches. The minotaur finds them, this hulking tower of furs and horns, and brings them back to their home, warming them and caring for them. In these sweeter times where the minotaur shows their gentleness, could there be something more?
Werewolf/human: Lost in the woods, banished or hunted, the human comes across the cursed home of the wolfir: a werewolf blessed by the angels to retain its sentience as a wolf, though cursed in wolf form forever. Cast off by humans and werewolves alike, they live in seclusion reading and studying the world. Their well dressed looks and noble airs betray the wildness that remains beneath the blessing. The wolfir protects the human from werewolves and humans like, and the two learn from each other in spending more and more time together.
I do have practice in running multiple partners for a player in an rp. I'm also open to my partner running multiple partners. I'm hesitant to do so because it often leads to my offer being taken advantage of and I do not end up enjoying the rp because it ends up so one sided, my kinks and interests end up on the wayside as I serve my rp partner without receiving in return. I have my multiple partner scenarios listed below. In any multiple partner scenario I expect there to be an amount of switching, I do not enjoy exclusively playing dom or only playing sub roles in multiple partner scenarios. This is about sharing control, for example my dragon character could ride YC hard in a few lays, and control could be exchanged by YC handling his member in a blowjob. I also prefer giving my partner a wide range of varied body types, personalities, and types of lays through these, all things we can work out if this catches your interest.
Home of the Dragon-Touched: deep in the northern mountains lies the home of the dragon-touched, an enclave of men and women devoted to the service of dragons. The dragons themselves may find their way to the natural hot springs of their home and have their scales bathed by a number of attendants, and may even receive some intimate treatment and get a little extra help. YC is one of these dragon-touched, and services a variety of dragons in any way they see fit. Some dragons come mid rut ready to dick down, some are more casual and hold conversation as YC strokes them off, some might have their first sexual encounter with YC as several tons of flustered dragon, and some are asexual and want to be pampered with good conversation. It is YC’s duty to see to their needs and in return the dragons have great respect for the dragon-touched and treat them well. This scenario can be short or long term and allows a variety of lovers and experiences for drastically varied scenes.
Taenth's Ball: the brass dragon Taenth hoards lifelong relationships with humans. She enjoys these once in a lifetime romances from dawn until dusk, and between these she holds the wildest parties between all her lovers at her desert city lair. This serves as a great way to assemble any number of monstrous lovers all in the same spot without needing to do logistics on how a werewolf, a dragonborn, and minotaur are in the same scene together with YC. It also allows us vignettes going around the party, keeping recurring characters as we like them. This is smut heavy but not smut only, characters will have personalities and there will be intimacy and downtime between lays. This scenario offers a lot of chances for public sex and exhibitionism.
Worshipped: In this scenario you play as a dragon (or some character worshipped as a deity) on your holy day. The menagerie of lovers you keep has come to worship you, and worship you thoroughly as their goddess. This can come in many forms from sweeter gifts and offerings to steamier lays between multiple worshippers at once. Whether or not YC is an actual deity is up to you, but your worshippers believe you are. Dragon is the recommended choice for YC letting multiple characters worship and please your body at once in elaborate lays.
The Concubine(s): YC is a royal, nobility in a higher order. MC is lowborn, possibly part of the military, brilliant but their lowborn status or monstrous status prevents them from sitting on formal councils for the royal. A deal is struck: MC will be entreated as a concubine. This will allow them to sit in and comment on meetings without their status interfering. There are other items that come with becoming a concubine, such as wearing a collar showing ownership to YC, wearing revealing, thin clothing of a concubine, serving YC in bed, and staying within castle limits. This rp typically begins with one character, more can be added for a kind of informal council for YC as we go advising in matters her own advisors have less experience in. Ideally, romance blooms between characters as affections grow with mutual trust and attention.
Home of the Dragon-Touched: deep in the northern mountains lies the home of the dragon-touched, an enclave of men and women devoted to the service of dragons. The dragons themselves may find their way to the natural hot springs of their home and have their scales bathed by a number of attendants, and may even receive some intimate treatment and get a little extra help. YC is one of these dragon-touched, and services a variety of dragons in any way they see fit. Some dragons come mid rut ready to dick down, some are more casual and hold conversation as YC strokes them off, some might have their first sexual encounter with YC as several tons of flustered dragon, and some are asexual and want to be pampered with good conversation. It is YC’s duty to see to their needs and in return the dragons have great respect for the dragon-touched and treat them well. This scenario can be short or long term and allows a variety of lovers and experiences for drastically varied scenes.
Taenth's Ball: the brass dragon Taenth hoards lifelong relationships with humans. She enjoys these once in a lifetime romances from dawn until dusk, and between these she holds the wildest parties between all her lovers at her desert city lair. This serves as a great way to assemble any number of monstrous lovers all in the same spot without needing to do logistics on how a werewolf, a dragonborn, and minotaur are in the same scene together with YC. It also allows us vignettes going around the party, keeping recurring characters as we like them. This is smut heavy but not smut only, characters will have personalities and there will be intimacy and downtime between lays. This scenario offers a lot of chances for public sex and exhibitionism.
Worshipped: In this scenario you play as a dragon (or some character worshipped as a deity) on your holy day. The menagerie of lovers you keep has come to worship you, and worship you thoroughly as their goddess. This can come in many forms from sweeter gifts and offerings to steamier lays between multiple worshippers at once. Whether or not YC is an actual deity is up to you, but your worshippers believe you are. Dragon is the recommended choice for YC letting multiple characters worship and please your body at once in elaborate lays.
The Concubine(s): YC is a royal, nobility in a higher order. MC is lowborn, possibly part of the military, brilliant but their lowborn status or monstrous status prevents them from sitting on formal councils for the royal. A deal is struck: MC will be entreated as a concubine. This will allow them to sit in and comment on meetings without their status interfering. There are other items that come with becoming a concubine, such as wearing a collar showing ownership to YC, wearing revealing, thin clothing of a concubine, serving YC in bed, and staying within castle limits. This rp typically begins with one character, more can be added for a kind of informal council for YC as we go advising in matters her own advisors have less experience in. Ideally, romance blooms between characters as affections grow with mutual trust and attention.
Part of what I enjoy about monstrous partners is the chance to play more exaggerated size differences on either side, either playing a beefy minotaur twice as tall as YC who can toss her around like a sack of potatoes or a lithe faerie dragon smooshed up in YC's cleavage. It's something I enjoy exploring, and if you would like an amount of sizeplay involved in our rp let me know! We can most definitely try some things out. Just be careful, I've awakened new kinks in a number of people.
If this thread has sounded like a good time send me a message! We can make something fun.
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