Queen of Disaster
Serpentine Beauty
- Joined
- Aug 8, 2019
- Location
- Europe
First things first: An example of my writing. This is generally how long my starters tend to be and depending on my partners they could stay in this length.
I'm Queenie or simply Q and I'm an experienced role player. I've been writing for over ten years but for around 6 years in English.
Currently I'm looking for new RPs, especially around the idea of a D/s relationship. I don't have certain cravings but like any other writer on this site I have my preferences. There are things I have a neutral opinion for, but also themes I do not like at all. But first let me tell you about the things I enjoy.
Romance. I love Romance. I love love stories. And no, I don't mean rosepetals and Titanic and walks on the beach. I mean the love between two people - in the case of roleplaying - two characaters. A love that develops through hardship and pain and sex. Every time I start a new story it is exhilirating writing about and reading about the two characters, and how they meet and clash and fuck. I enjoy writing about the wonders of relationships and the things they have to go through, and how the characters grow and develop - mostly for the better. I just love writing about the dynamic between a woman and a man. With that I want to clarify that I only write the female character; and in regards of BDSM I only write the submissive character (at least in sexual context as I can write quite a feisty gal).
This doesn't mean I don't enjoy to write side characters. No. I think side characters are important plot devices to bring the story forward. They bring in the drama and intrigue, of course depending on the plotline of the roleplay.
When it's about Grammar and Spelling, well, it is quite important to me. Yes, English is not my first language, but I try to better myself and I am a little bit of a grammar nazi, at least when it's in German. I need good and literate writing, and only want roleplays where the texts are written in third person. First person just doesn't do it for me. Without literate writing a roleplay will be abandoned by me - and that fast. Also, because I love going back to the roleplays I enjoyed most, and also because I love to reread everything like a good book. Even if it's only about certain scenes.
Toxic relationships, possessive Alpha males, dark romance - those things do it for me. I just love the topics of obsession and manipulation, conflict and the human psyche. Furthermore, in terms of sexual themes I enjoy writing BDSM the most. I know the topic, I researched quite well and I know my way around it. Things like subspace and subdrop are no foreign terms for me. On the contrary. I know my stuff.
Of course it doesn't have to be BDSM. I enjoy erotica writing in any way as long as it isn't always the same. One sexual scene can be rough, the next gentle.
Regarding the male characters, yes I mentioned I enjoy them being possessive and dominant but I also love when these men go soft and loving when it's about their lover. Even if it's toxic I do want the romance.
Last but not least Genres. I can write fantasy, but at the moment I am looking more into modern settings, which can have fantasy, but more on the low side of things. I would enjoy writing a historical setting as well, though. However, I am open minded and open to listen to suggestions.
I am open to discuss different plots and ideas, I can listen and always try to be as honest as possible, even if it is hard at times. But I will try not to dissappoint, although, I cannot make any promises.
Other than that I do need a certain regularity. One post per week is enough, but I would love to post more than that. I can post daily as well!
However! If you do decide to PM me I expect more than one liners and "Would you be interested in my idea?" or "Wanna rp?" will not be replied by me. If you got an idea? Great! Include it directly in the PM! But please put some sort of effort into your PMs. If you don't I won't feel motivated to consider you as a RP partner.
If you have read so far, congrats! On the very bottom of my search thread you can find my ideas and cravings.
1. Fairy Tales: Rapunzel - Golden Blood
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
In my version of Rapunzel she grew up in the tower and had a mentor whom she called by his first name. He raised her and he is her whole world. As a Witcher he has magical power and initially he kept her because of her golden blood. It is very powerful magic that she is unable to wield but every country would keep her locked up as well as anyone who is in possession of her. The Witcher is away sometimes months at a time until one day he returns. Since she was a child he had sometimes punished her with spankings and she is a young adult when he decides to punish her again and realizes - it arouses her. On the brink of war and councel to a king and someone finding the tower their relationship changes - and suddenly the Witcher wants more from her than her blood.
Does a handsome prince find her? Does she leave the tower on her own? Is there a war on the horizon as kingdoms fight for power?
2. Fairy Tales: Snowhite - The Hunter
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
After the kings death the Queen has risen to power. Now there is nothing else left that can take away her station as one of the most powerful people on the continent - if there weren't a prophecy about a woman appearing who is more beautiful than her. The Queen jealous of her stepdaughter wants her dead and plans to have her killed. But servants talk and there are few who are still loyal to the dead king and his lineage. Because of this Snowwhites nanny is able to help the princess flee. Running into the woods Snowwhite hopes to survive.
The Hunter is one of the queens most important and loyal men. He is her commanding general who is a strong fighter and his strength is unparalleled. Because of this the Queen entrusts him with a task - find Snowwhite, kill her, and bring her her heart. And he does find her. However, what the Queen doesn't know is that the Hunter loves the princess and he had always done everything from the shadows to protect her. And so when he finds her he sends his men away first and decideds to bring her into his own home, a rather extravagant manor. The Queen receives a heart after his return but she doesn't know it's a deers heart.
3. Religion
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Possible Romance, Toxic Relationship, Corruption)
My character could be running away from a cult she grew up in and is saved/picked up by your character who takes her in; or she is very religious and starts working for the new handsome priest as a housekeeper; or maybe she is a nun working as an assistant at a school or hospital or has the duty to show around a bishop that is visiting - we can do all kinds of blasphemous things with this. It would involve my character being inexperienced and virginal who will be seduced and corrupted by a man who wants to own her in every possible way.
4. The Ex
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Romance, Toxic Relationship, BDSM)
In high school our characters were together and they loved each other dearly. They didn't have the best home lifes but they had each other. Your character wants to have a better life for his girlfriend and himself and to make money he starts to associate with the criminal underworld. My character would not agree with this lifestyle but then she has a scholarship waiting for her and she goes away. She breaks up with him because she can't watch him becoming a criminal and possibly being killed by some thug. She truly loves him and it breaks her heart when she breaks up with him. But she hoped if she broke up with him he would stop trying to make money for the two of them and find happiness without her; that he'd stop being a criminal.
Years later she had everything going right for her, has a stable career, enough money to live somewhat comfortable and yet she doesn't feel happy. Her boyfriend is sweet but she misses something in the relationship. One night after a date with her boyfriend someone knocks on her door. When she opens it it is your character. What has he been up to? Was he in jail? Why was he here? To get her back of course.
If he is now part of the mafia, a gang or another criminal group is up to you. But he would definetely be a part of the underworld, maybe he has become a king ruling over the underworld kingdom. Maybe he is just a right hand man. Maybe nothing of those. That is up to you.
5. Agoraphobia
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, BDSM safe sane consensual, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Healing)
Agorphobia is the fear of leaving the home. My character would have exactly that. Now, maybe she needs to leave the house due to debt. Maybe someone from her family moves in with her to take care of her or someone returns was gone for a while - a step/brother perhaps? Or maybe she got assigned a therapist who lives with her and helps her overcome her agoraphobic fears? In this idea I would definetely want to have corruption included.
6. The convict
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Romance, Toxic Relationship, Corruption, BDSM safe sane consensual)
The idea is that my character is a naive woman. She either works at the facility or decided to write letters to a convict.
In my idea he gets out of jail and it's your choice why he was in prison. If it was because of tax evasion and he came out early due to knowing the right people, or if he murdered someone or because he's with the mafia... If he has tattoos or not, whatever. But he should be dangerous with many connections. (what can I say, I like em dangerous)
He is intrigued by my character for whatever reason. And maybe he first stalks her, maybe he contacts her to meet a few times, maybe he kidnaps her maybe all of those things.
7. The younger lover
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, BDSM safe sane consensual, Romance, Healthy Relationship, Comfort)
In this plot my character would be a business woman who is cold and hates crying in front of others. She'll be in her late thirties or early forties. Single and childless too. Her last relationship was years ago.
Your character in his mid twenties meets her for the first time in a vulnerable moment of hers. At first she blocks his efforts to be with her but she gives in at some point. He introduces her to BDSM dynamics and she submits to him. Of course she won't quit her job and I don't want a 24/7 slave/master dynamic. The dynamic between them helps her relax as there is finally someone taking care of her for once and she gets to relax.
8. The Siren
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Corruption, Healthy Relationship or Toxic Relationship)
A musician or someone who is part of the music industry (popmusic, rock, classical doesn't matter) is on vacation on an island. Maybe he has lost his inspiration and muse, maybe it's really just a vacation.
After a huge storm he hears someone sing with the most beautiful voice he has ever hard. Wanting to own that voice feeling sudden possessiveness he goes to look for the singing woman only to find her sitting naked on the beach. She is beautiful and her eyes seem strange to him. She doesn't speak any language he knows. Where did she come from? Who is she? What is her name?
In the end he decides to take her with him.
For this she will be a siren. She was washed up during a large storm and because she dried in the sun her fin turned into two legs. She has never experienced something like this and she sings songs she has heard over the years from other sirens or pirates. Because of modern technology sirens keep more to themselves. A human man finds her and it's hard to communicate. Slowly he teaches her his language by pointing at things and telling her what said object is named.
9. The Harem
(Historical Setting, Romance, Healthy Relationship, Corruption, Culture Shock)
An English aristocratic lady meets a handsome dark skinned foreigner from the Orient. He fascinates her and the feelings are mutual. Due to deception he is able to add her to his harem but she is soon his favorite despite her hating the fact that she is one of many.
In this I will not write a Harem but only the female character. Yes, I will write side characters but I won't indulge in more detailed erotica with another female character.
10. Fandom inspired RP
I recently watched Across The Spiderverse 2 and I - as many others - fell in love with Miguel O'Hara. That character just makes me giggle and kick my feet like a schoolgirl with a crush. I'd love to write a RP either with him or a similar character. Maybe a DILF with his daughter who also has a dangerous secret job? Or maybe he's part of the criminal Underworld? If you are interested please let me knew and we can discuss the specifics.
11. Here some pairings I am open to play out:
She had no idea how much time had passed. She knows that several years had gone by by the way her hair had grown and with how the children had grown but they all had no idea how old they truly were. The years weren't kind either and she detested how children had been involved. And as the oldest of them she had taken on the role of caretaker looking after the young woman and children that had been put into cells with her. And thankfully these... people let them stay together, their faces obscured by masks and goggles. She could only ever discern if they were male or female. She didn't know their names as these scientists didn't even mention them. And her own name? The childrens names? If she wouldn't remember them as the only fully developed adult all of them would have forgotten them. But to these people, these scientists, these- these monsters they were just numbers.
In the beginning she had hoped for someone to rescue her but the more time had passed the less hope she felt. As girls came and went - some probably dying due to the experiments - all she could hope for was survival and that some day there would be some way she could take her girls and flee with them hand in hand. With a low sigh she looked at the bowl of soup the small cantene she was sitting in only around three tables and a few chairs. They weren't many but at least they had each other.
"Audrey?", she looked up from the bland soup and forced a smile, "What is it, love?" The young girl had arrived after her but she was one of her longest companions. A few years younger than her too.
"Aren't you hungry?", there was a worried look in Sarahs dark eyes and Audreys own smile softened: "Of course. I'm fine. I was just- thinking." Thinking about her past, thinking about her family, thinking about the sun and air and rain- God, how much she missed the rain. She felt her heart clench in her chest. Sarahs worry lessened and so she went back to her conversation with one of the other girls. Looking around her Audrey looked at the clothing that looked more like hospital gowns. Everyone had their hair down. No jewellry, no tattoos, no personal items or individuality. It was torture and inhumane; being kept like an animal, like an object, a white mouse in a mad scientists laboratory. She knew it had something to do with desginations and Alphas and Omegas but she didn't know what truly. She wasn't an Omega, just a Beta like all of these girls. There weren't any mirrors either. And- she looked down at Sarahs neck. There were only bandaids on everyones necks, one on each side. None of them were allowed to remove them. At times Audrey let her fingers trace these strange band aids thinking of how whenever she was picked up she was put in a room where she was put to sleep. And when she woke up again she was back in their cell. At least it was now like that. In the beginning she had received all kinds of fluids and shots and she remembered an unbearable painful and torturous fever. The memory made her shudder and she was glad that it only happened once.
After dinner was finished the youngest of them, the seventh one, called Mary put her hand in hers and Audrey smiled before she leaned down and picked up the child. (A child, she thought to herself, an innocent child- she shook these thoughs off and tried not to think of the implications) "Did you like your dinner?", Audrey asked a twinkle in her blue eyes and laughed at the crinkle on Marys nose and the clear distaste on her features: "No. It had brokkoli." Audrey laughed a bit louder and cuddled her closer before her voice became stern ignoring the scientist and guards walking beofre and behind them: "I know you don't like it but you really need to finish your greens. So you can grow big and stro-"
Red blarring lights suddenly surrounded them. A loud alarm cracked through the air and their ears hurt. Immediately all the girls huddled around Audrey seeking out her motherly protection. But they weren't allowed to stand still and one of the guards pushed Audrey violently forward. "Walk!", he barked at her and she winced and ducked her head before she hurried her steps. Mary whined and buried her face against Audreys neck and her hold tightened around the little girl. "It's okay. I'll protect you.", she whispered again and again into the girls hair. But it was strange. Their path changed and they were pushed into different halls until they stopped at a door. It slid open and before they could say anything they were pushed inside. Then it closed and they were left alone. Quickly she left Mary in Sarahs care and she ran up to the door. Hitting the door she tried to talk to someone while the alarm continued blarring: "Hello?! HELLO! What's going on! Please!"
But no one answered. No one came. Nothing happened.
However, suddenly a thought occured to her. What if- What if someone was finally going to get them? What if they would finally be rescued?
In the end all they could do was wait out whatever was going on.
It felt as if the alarm was blarring on and on, hours passing, as they sat against the wall, cuddling together, hugging and the youngest of them crying and whimpering. Audrey pressed her lips together trying to remein strong. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't sob. She wouldn't scream for help. Not anymore. Her eyes stayed strained on the door watching the metal like a hawk as her arms were wrapped around the girls in a protective manner. And then the alarm suddenly stopped. The red lights turned back to the normal painful white. Her heart was thundering in her chest. It felt as if time was standing still and her whole body was tense when the door finally opened.
And the person that entered was no one she had ever seen. No one she was familiar with. His height, his body type, the way he was dressed in combatative gear was nothing she was used to from the people running this place. Even his face was hidden and he looked like someone that belonged to a special unit. The FBI? S.W.A.T? She didn't know. She didn't care. But she was anxious. She was afraid. She pressed her girls against herself and her back against the wall.
"Who are you?!", she yelled at him blue eyes glaring at him her silky brown hair long and uncut and her pale skin glowing in the white light of the lab. It was clear she was afraid. Her girls weren't the only ones trembling. She was too. "Leave us alone! I warn you! If you come any closer-!!"
In the beginning she had hoped for someone to rescue her but the more time had passed the less hope she felt. As girls came and went - some probably dying due to the experiments - all she could hope for was survival and that some day there would be some way she could take her girls and flee with them hand in hand. With a low sigh she looked at the bowl of soup the small cantene she was sitting in only around three tables and a few chairs. They weren't many but at least they had each other.
"Audrey?", she looked up from the bland soup and forced a smile, "What is it, love?" The young girl had arrived after her but she was one of her longest companions. A few years younger than her too.
"Aren't you hungry?", there was a worried look in Sarahs dark eyes and Audreys own smile softened: "Of course. I'm fine. I was just- thinking." Thinking about her past, thinking about her family, thinking about the sun and air and rain- God, how much she missed the rain. She felt her heart clench in her chest. Sarahs worry lessened and so she went back to her conversation with one of the other girls. Looking around her Audrey looked at the clothing that looked more like hospital gowns. Everyone had their hair down. No jewellry, no tattoos, no personal items or individuality. It was torture and inhumane; being kept like an animal, like an object, a white mouse in a mad scientists laboratory. She knew it had something to do with desginations and Alphas and Omegas but she didn't know what truly. She wasn't an Omega, just a Beta like all of these girls. There weren't any mirrors either. And- she looked down at Sarahs neck. There were only bandaids on everyones necks, one on each side. None of them were allowed to remove them. At times Audrey let her fingers trace these strange band aids thinking of how whenever she was picked up she was put in a room where she was put to sleep. And when she woke up again she was back in their cell. At least it was now like that. In the beginning she had received all kinds of fluids and shots and she remembered an unbearable painful and torturous fever. The memory made her shudder and she was glad that it only happened once.
After dinner was finished the youngest of them, the seventh one, called Mary put her hand in hers and Audrey smiled before she leaned down and picked up the child. (A child, she thought to herself, an innocent child- she shook these thoughs off and tried not to think of the implications) "Did you like your dinner?", Audrey asked a twinkle in her blue eyes and laughed at the crinkle on Marys nose and the clear distaste on her features: "No. It had brokkoli." Audrey laughed a bit louder and cuddled her closer before her voice became stern ignoring the scientist and guards walking beofre and behind them: "I know you don't like it but you really need to finish your greens. So you can grow big and stro-"
Red blarring lights suddenly surrounded them. A loud alarm cracked through the air and their ears hurt. Immediately all the girls huddled around Audrey seeking out her motherly protection. But they weren't allowed to stand still and one of the guards pushed Audrey violently forward. "Walk!", he barked at her and she winced and ducked her head before she hurried her steps. Mary whined and buried her face against Audreys neck and her hold tightened around the little girl. "It's okay. I'll protect you.", she whispered again and again into the girls hair. But it was strange. Their path changed and they were pushed into different halls until they stopped at a door. It slid open and before they could say anything they were pushed inside. Then it closed and they were left alone. Quickly she left Mary in Sarahs care and she ran up to the door. Hitting the door she tried to talk to someone while the alarm continued blarring: "Hello?! HELLO! What's going on! Please!"
But no one answered. No one came. Nothing happened.
However, suddenly a thought occured to her. What if- What if someone was finally going to get them? What if they would finally be rescued?
In the end all they could do was wait out whatever was going on.
It felt as if the alarm was blarring on and on, hours passing, as they sat against the wall, cuddling together, hugging and the youngest of them crying and whimpering. Audrey pressed her lips together trying to remein strong. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't sob. She wouldn't scream for help. Not anymore. Her eyes stayed strained on the door watching the metal like a hawk as her arms were wrapped around the girls in a protective manner. And then the alarm suddenly stopped. The red lights turned back to the normal painful white. Her heart was thundering in her chest. It felt as if time was standing still and her whole body was tense when the door finally opened.
And the person that entered was no one she had ever seen. No one she was familiar with. His height, his body type, the way he was dressed in combatative gear was nothing she was used to from the people running this place. Even his face was hidden and he looked like someone that belonged to a special unit. The FBI? S.W.A.T? She didn't know. She didn't care. But she was anxious. She was afraid. She pressed her girls against herself and her back against the wall.
"Who are you?!", she yelled at him blue eyes glaring at him her silky brown hair long and uncut and her pale skin glowing in the white light of the lab. It was clear she was afraid. Her girls weren't the only ones trembling. She was too. "Leave us alone! I warn you! If you come any closer-!!"
I'm Queenie or simply Q and I'm an experienced role player. I've been writing for over ten years but for around 6 years in English.
Currently I'm looking for new RPs, especially around the idea of a D/s relationship. I don't have certain cravings but like any other writer on this site I have my preferences. There are things I have a neutral opinion for, but also themes I do not like at all. But first let me tell you about the things I enjoy.
Romance. I love Romance. I love love stories. And no, I don't mean rosepetals and Titanic and walks on the beach. I mean the love between two people - in the case of roleplaying - two characaters. A love that develops through hardship and pain and sex. Every time I start a new story it is exhilirating writing about and reading about the two characters, and how they meet and clash and fuck. I enjoy writing about the wonders of relationships and the things they have to go through, and how the characters grow and develop - mostly for the better. I just love writing about the dynamic between a woman and a man. With that I want to clarify that I only write the female character; and in regards of BDSM I only write the submissive character (at least in sexual context as I can write quite a feisty gal).
This doesn't mean I don't enjoy to write side characters. No. I think side characters are important plot devices to bring the story forward. They bring in the drama and intrigue, of course depending on the plotline of the roleplay.

When it's about Grammar and Spelling, well, it is quite important to me. Yes, English is not my first language, but I try to better myself and I am a little bit of a grammar nazi, at least when it's in German. I need good and literate writing, and only want roleplays where the texts are written in third person. First person just doesn't do it for me. Without literate writing a roleplay will be abandoned by me - and that fast. Also, because I love going back to the roleplays I enjoyed most, and also because I love to reread everything like a good book. Even if it's only about certain scenes.
Toxic relationships, possessive Alpha males, dark romance - those things do it for me. I just love the topics of obsession and manipulation, conflict and the human psyche. Furthermore, in terms of sexual themes I enjoy writing BDSM the most. I know the topic, I researched quite well and I know my way around it. Things like subspace and subdrop are no foreign terms for me. On the contrary. I know my stuff.
Of course it doesn't have to be BDSM. I enjoy erotica writing in any way as long as it isn't always the same. One sexual scene can be rough, the next gentle.
Regarding the male characters, yes I mentioned I enjoy them being possessive and dominant but I also love when these men go soft and loving when it's about their lover. Even if it's toxic I do want the romance.
Last but not least Genres. I can write fantasy, but at the moment I am looking more into modern settings, which can have fantasy, but more on the low side of things. I would enjoy writing a historical setting as well, though. However, I am open minded and open to listen to suggestions.
I am open to discuss different plots and ideas, I can listen and always try to be as honest as possible, even if it is hard at times. But I will try not to dissappoint, although, I cannot make any promises.
Other than that I do need a certain regularity. One post per week is enough, but I would love to post more than that. I can post daily as well!
However! If you do decide to PM me I expect more than one liners and "Would you be interested in my idea?" or "Wanna rp?" will not be replied by me. If you got an idea? Great! Include it directly in the PM! But please put some sort of effort into your PMs. If you don't I won't feel motivated to consider you as a RP partner.
If you have read so far, congrats! On the very bottom of my search thread you can find my ideas and cravings.
Ideas and Cravings with Images
1. Fairy Tales: Rapunzel - Golden Blood
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
In my version of Rapunzel she grew up in the tower and had a mentor whom she called by his first name. He raised her and he is her whole world. As a Witcher he has magical power and initially he kept her because of her golden blood. It is very powerful magic that she is unable to wield but every country would keep her locked up as well as anyone who is in possession of her. The Witcher is away sometimes months at a time until one day he returns. Since she was a child he had sometimes punished her with spankings and she is a young adult when he decides to punish her again and realizes - it arouses her. On the brink of war and councel to a king and someone finding the tower their relationship changes - and suddenly the Witcher wants more from her than her blood.
Does a handsome prince find her? Does she leave the tower on her own? Is there a war on the horizon as kingdoms fight for power?

2. Fairy Tales: Snowhite - The Hunter
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, BDSM)
After the kings death the Queen has risen to power. Now there is nothing else left that can take away her station as one of the most powerful people on the continent - if there weren't a prophecy about a woman appearing who is more beautiful than her. The Queen jealous of her stepdaughter wants her dead and plans to have her killed. But servants talk and there are few who are still loyal to the dead king and his lineage. Because of this Snowwhites nanny is able to help the princess flee. Running into the woods Snowwhite hopes to survive.
The Hunter is one of the queens most important and loyal men. He is her commanding general who is a strong fighter and his strength is unparalleled. Because of this the Queen entrusts him with a task - find Snowwhite, kill her, and bring her her heart. And he does find her. However, what the Queen doesn't know is that the Hunter loves the princess and he had always done everything from the shadows to protect her. And so when he finds her he sends his men away first and decideds to bring her into his own home, a rather extravagant manor. The Queen receives a heart after his return but she doesn't know it's a deers heart.
3. Religion
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Possible Romance, Toxic Relationship, Corruption)
My character could be running away from a cult she grew up in and is saved/picked up by your character who takes her in; or she is very religious and starts working for the new handsome priest as a housekeeper; or maybe she is a nun working as an assistant at a school or hospital or has the duty to show around a bishop that is visiting - we can do all kinds of blasphemous things with this. It would involve my character being inexperienced and virginal who will be seduced and corrupted by a man who wants to own her in every possible way.

4. The Ex
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Romance, Toxic Relationship, BDSM)
In high school our characters were together and they loved each other dearly. They didn't have the best home lifes but they had each other. Your character wants to have a better life for his girlfriend and himself and to make money he starts to associate with the criminal underworld. My character would not agree with this lifestyle but then she has a scholarship waiting for her and she goes away. She breaks up with him because she can't watch him becoming a criminal and possibly being killed by some thug. She truly loves him and it breaks her heart when she breaks up with him. But she hoped if she broke up with him he would stop trying to make money for the two of them and find happiness without her; that he'd stop being a criminal.
Years later she had everything going right for her, has a stable career, enough money to live somewhat comfortable and yet she doesn't feel happy. Her boyfriend is sweet but she misses something in the relationship. One night after a date with her boyfriend someone knocks on her door. When she opens it it is your character. What has he been up to? Was he in jail? Why was he here? To get her back of course.
If he is now part of the mafia, a gang or another criminal group is up to you. But he would definetely be a part of the underworld, maybe he has become a king ruling over the underworld kingdom. Maybe he is just a right hand man. Maybe nothing of those. That is up to you.

5. Agoraphobia
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, BDSM safe sane consensual, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Healing)
Agorphobia is the fear of leaving the home. My character would have exactly that. Now, maybe she needs to leave the house due to debt. Maybe someone from her family moves in with her to take care of her or someone returns was gone for a while - a step/brother perhaps? Or maybe she got assigned a therapist who lives with her and helps her overcome her agoraphobic fears? In this idea I would definetely want to have corruption included.

6. The convict
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, Abuse, Romance, Toxic Relationship, Corruption, BDSM safe sane consensual)
The idea is that my character is a naive woman. She either works at the facility or decided to write letters to a convict.
In my idea he gets out of jail and it's your choice why he was in prison. If it was because of tax evasion and he came out early due to knowing the right people, or if he murdered someone or because he's with the mafia... If he has tattoos or not, whatever. But he should be dangerous with many connections. (what can I say, I like em dangerous)
He is intrigued by my character for whatever reason. And maybe he first stalks her, maybe he contacts her to meet a few times, maybe he kidnaps her maybe all of those things.

7. The younger lover
(Modern Setting, Slice of Life, BDSM safe sane consensual, Romance, Healthy Relationship, Comfort)
In this plot my character would be a business woman who is cold and hates crying in front of others. She'll be in her late thirties or early forties. Single and childless too. Her last relationship was years ago.
Your character in his mid twenties meets her for the first time in a vulnerable moment of hers. At first she blocks his efforts to be with her but she gives in at some point. He introduces her to BDSM dynamics and she submits to him. Of course she won't quit her job and I don't want a 24/7 slave/master dynamic. The dynamic between them helps her relax as there is finally someone taking care of her for once and she gets to relax.

8. The Siren
(Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Corruption, Healthy Relationship or Toxic Relationship)
A musician or someone who is part of the music industry (popmusic, rock, classical doesn't matter) is on vacation on an island. Maybe he has lost his inspiration and muse, maybe it's really just a vacation.
After a huge storm he hears someone sing with the most beautiful voice he has ever hard. Wanting to own that voice feeling sudden possessiveness he goes to look for the singing woman only to find her sitting naked on the beach. She is beautiful and her eyes seem strange to him. She doesn't speak any language he knows. Where did she come from? Who is she? What is her name?
In the end he decides to take her with him.
For this she will be a siren. She was washed up during a large storm and because she dried in the sun her fin turned into two legs. She has never experienced something like this and she sings songs she has heard over the years from other sirens or pirates. Because of modern technology sirens keep more to themselves. A human man finds her and it's hard to communicate. Slowly he teaches her his language by pointing at things and telling her what said object is named.

9. The Harem
(Historical Setting, Romance, Healthy Relationship, Corruption, Culture Shock)
An English aristocratic lady meets a handsome dark skinned foreigner from the Orient. He fascinates her and the feelings are mutual. Due to deception he is able to add her to his harem but she is soon his favorite despite her hating the fact that she is one of many.
In this I will not write a Harem but only the female character. Yes, I will write side characters but I won't indulge in more detailed erotica with another female character.

10. Fandom inspired RP
I recently watched Across The Spiderverse 2 and I - as many others - fell in love with Miguel O'Hara. That character just makes me giggle and kick my feet like a schoolgirl with a crush. I'd love to write a RP either with him or a similar character. Maybe a DILF with his daughter who also has a dangerous secret job? Or maybe he's part of the criminal Underworld? If you are interested please let me knew and we can discuss the specifics.
11. Here some pairings I am open to play out:
CEO x Subordinate
Soldier/Superhero x Civilian
Bully x Victim
Doctor/Therapist x Patient
Royalty x Commoner
Criminal x Lawyer
Primal Hunter/Dom x Primal Prey/Sub
Alpha omegaverse x Omega omegaverse
Employer x Babysitter
Older male x Younger female
Soldier/Superhero x Civilian
Bully x Victim
Doctor/Therapist x Patient
Royalty x Commoner
Criminal x Lawyer
Primal Hunter/Dom x Primal Prey/Sub
Alpha omegaverse x Omega omegaverse
Employer x Babysitter
Older male x Younger female
Semi-incest (Step-)
Dirty Talk
Innocent Female
Semi-incest (Step-)
Dirty Talk
Innocent Female
Non-con (might be convinced with the right story)
Incest (Now a maybe)
Older female x Younger male (might be convinced with the right story)
Non-con (might be convinced with the right story)
Incest (Now a maybe)
Older female x Younger male (might be convinced with the right story)
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