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NBx Any drag this sissy out of the closet

Gentle Slap

Jul 20, 2020
On the outside, I'm the type of guy that only likes females. Really. I'm not attracted to males at all. But... I've realized that even the "non-standard" girls are attractive to me. Maybe even more so. The first time I got hard for a cross dresser was an embarrassing moment that I denied of course. How I wish that I had let her toy with me for the rest of my life. I envy girls like that. I want to BE one. When I see one in pornography, I want to be HER so badly. I imagine so many scenarios where I'm taken. See if you like any below or want to suggest others, please DM me.

* The John who gets changed. I've finally decided to just go for it. While on a business trip, so with plenty of privacy, I find a "rainbow" type of strip club known for seedy activity. I go there with lots of cash. Oh my goodness. The "girls" there are the sexiest I've ever seen. Some of them stunningly beautiful. Some of them are sex with a capital exclamation point. I know I'll never have the courage to come to a place like this again so I'm very enthusiastic. Drinking and paying for lap dances. My hands are exploring. I'm harder than I've ever been. When one girl (you?) takes it out and waves it in my face, I am faced with a dilemma. I didn't want "this part" but I don't want to offend you. Staring at it, right in front of me. Seeing the rest of you... I don't even realize you're waving it closer and closer to my face. Well, this story can continue in many directions. I'd love if you can get me to just accept it, and come here often for exactly this purpose. Even more if you can start "dressing" me for the part. Dropping a wig onto my head. Lipstick. Transform me little by little.

* CD or Trans roommate. I honestly didn't know when I moved in. Renting a room from you was all I could afford. I was happy to have it. When I first saw you as a female, it took me a moment to figure it out. You were... attractive. This story could go two ways, based on if you looked sexy/trampy/hot to me or if you looked heart-breakingly-pretty to me. What do you prefer? I'd love to explore the journey from shocked and afraid to belonging to you.

* Straight Wannabe. I sometimes go to the bars that cater to "the other team." I sit there like an idiot taking a drink at the bar and trying not to stare. No courage to speak to anyone. I don't know anyone. I'd die if anyone knew I was here. I know I'm here for the wrong reasons. I'm not wanting to make a new friend. I'm not trying to expand my horizons. I just want so badly for one of you to ... to... I don't even know. My fantasies range all the way from falling in love to being abused and made fun of for my desires. I just want to be known.
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