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Mirkwater WCF.

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When Margaret opened the door to C49 there was a smug smile on her face. as she headed for the common room to have a quick look around to make sure all the conspirators against Erica had gotten the message.
"One of these days Margie," a brunette in her early forties, who was in for aggravated assault hissed at her as she entered the room.
"You're not a young woman anymore," the brunette added and suggested that some day, sooner or later, someone would take her down.
Margaret simply ignored the threat and walked around the room with her arms crossed underneath her breasts. She stopped momentarily by Alyson and watched the card game while resting a hand on her shoulder. It was well known that Alyson was one of Margaret's allies and back up in case she would actually have to resort to physical assertion of the informal power she held in the corridor. The touch was simply a signal between them for Alyson to keep her eyes and ears open and to be ready, just in case.

Back in C48 Molly had returned her attention to the her book but it was clear she was restless and after maybe half an hour she slipped off the bed and walked down the corridor calling for one of the guards, expecting the same guard to respond that had brought her there but instead it was a young blonde man that looked a bit like a jock who came to the door asking what she wanted. Molly read the nametag sowed onto the left breastpocket of his uniform: Steve Anderson, before she asked if he would be able to get her a pen and some paper, preferably a notebook.
"Oh and something to draw on too," she added and began detailing a long list of art supplies she would like to have.
As she would find out the WCF had an art room and nothing larger than an A4 sketch pad and charcoals would be allowed in the cells, for security reasons.
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