Blood Moon on the High Plains || Prince & Shadow

Clara wasn't just tight, she was impossibly and painfully tight. Having never before had a man of Zeke's size, her body resisted the cock penetrating her. She tensed, arching as he gripped her hair, hands gripping the barrel in front of her tightly. She let out a soft moan, eyes clenched tightly shut as the man invaded her inch by inch, stretching her as he went. Her body strained against him causing her to shiver as she felt his throbbing shaft push deeper inside. It was ecstasy, even through the pain, and she lost herself in that feeling, holding her breath without realizing it until her lungs began to burn. She gasped for air in the same moment that his cock filled her completely, pushing against the opening of her womb. A high pitched cry bubbled up from her lips as she reeled. Only his hands upon her kept her upright.

She was almost disappointed as his cock began to thrust, for that feeling of fullness and completion left her, but that initial brush of regret was swept away by the pleasure building deep within. He was working her toward another orgasm, one much larger than before, and she could do nothing about it except hold on for dear life and wait for the explosion. Each stroke pushed her closer and rocked her slender body against his, breasts were bouncing in time with his thrusts. When he found her clit, she let out a gasping moan at that new burst of sensation that traveled through her. His familiarity with the female body was quite apparent, though she had no thoughts of that in that moment. She only cared that he was pleasuring her in a way that her husband never had, pushing her closer to that edge once more.

The voice calling out from the store made her freeze and her eyes flew open. She loosed a small gasp and would have struggled to free herself from Zeke's grip if he hadn't clamped down on her body. Her heart drummed with fear, thudding against her chest. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she quivered in fear. What could she say? What could she do? If they found her in that position, her husband would beat her to death!

In a wavering voice, she called out. "Millie! No... ah... don't come back here! There's a mouse loose in the store!"

She heard a satisfying shriek from the front room and part of her fear dissolved. Panting, she threw a glance back at Zeke, begging him with her eyes alone for him to finish quickly. She wasn't certain how long she could keep the woman at bay.

"I almost got him, though! Maybe you'd better wait outside. I think there's more than one, and I saw them scampering along the counter."
Zeke was trying to hold back, a half-hearted attempt to keep things somewhat quiet. It helped that Clara was just such a delicate thing, at least compared to his normal woman, and he had a fear he might break her. She'd taken his cock, which had been a sight to behold, and her body now tensed under him under him, shaking with every thrust and setting her breasts to swinging. It was impressive that she even had the mental faculties to reply to her customer.

His fingers were relentless on her clit, rubbing her faster as he picked up his tempo. It was hard to completely muzzle the slap of his hips against her ass, but Zeke tried to tone down the force of his thrusts just a tad at the end. Still, he wondered what it sounded like in the main store, perhaps as if Clara was beating a rug out or stomping quite rhythmically on the floor?

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Millie called out from up front. "I can grab a broom..."

The sweet dam of pleasure that had been building in his loins was peaking, Zeke could feel it, and while he normally might try to prolong things, today he decided it was best to just cum as quick and hard as he could. He leaned forward, his beard nuzzling against Clara's cheek as he kissed it briefly.

"Bite my hand if you need to, because I'm going to make you scream."

His paw went around her neck, with his thumb and two big fingers slipping up to tease at her lips if she needed it. This close to the edge, Zeke couldn't hold back any longer and he drove himself into her hard and fast, his fingers a blur on her clit. She was pushed into the barrel, and soon he was rocking it and her body with his motion. His own grunting was hard to bite back, but he tried to make it sound like snorts of effort rather than cries of pleasure. Hopefully the scrape of the barrel hid some of it.

And then, finally, he was there, his hand squeezing at her throat as he slipped a finger into her mouth, his dick slamming into her and then burying itself deep one final time. He was spurting, cock jolting in the tight embrace of her walls, and spurting out his seed deep inside her. He threw back his head in ecstasy, eyes closed and a deep hum coming from his chest as he bit back his own cries. It felt good, as always, but especially sweet and unexpected today with this fancy doll writhing at the end of his rod and fighting her own cries of pleasure.

As he panted, sliding out of her slowly with a river of their juices draining after his cock, he thought how she'd just turned another shitty day into something, well, fun. No doubt, he'd be back to check in on Ms. Worth.

"Did you... get it, Clara?" asked Millie from the front, her voice now full of curiosity. "It sounds like a big one!"

"That was sweet, doll," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her face before giving a playful spank to exhausted body. "Now, go help your customer. I'll grab my Pa's package and head out the back."

He pulled his pants up and fished for his shirt, before giving her a final wink.

"I'll see you soon, real soon, Doll."
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There was absolutely no way that Clara could withstand the onslaught of Zeke's cock and experienced hands. While pumping her hard and fast, those fingers played her with the expertise of a professional musician strumming his guitar. She wanted to scream, to cry out for him, but she dared not -- not while they were so very close in danger of being caught. So she clung to the barrel, as helpless as a drowning woman being swept down the raging river, keeping herself above water only through force of will alone. Each and every thrust made her shudder and drove the breath from her. Each powerful slam of his hips against her rear drew a soft groan of appreciation. Never had she been fucked so completely, so deeply, and with such passion. There was little she could do for him to help him come, not in her present position, but she didn't balk at how roughly he was treating her. He'd not hurt her, hadn't slapped her around. Even if he had, she would have likely let him, being accustomed to such treatment, but she was glad that while he was merciless at fucking, he wasn't out to deliberately cause her pain.

"N-no! Don't... come back here. S-stay out there in case it comes running your way!" she yelled, her voice strained from the effort.

As soon as he warned her, she took the offered fingers, but didn't bite down on them. Instead, she drew them into her mouth and suckled at them, the heat of her tongue stroking them as another groan rumbled through her. The wooden barrel cut into her midsection as he drove her over the rim. Her breasts bounced against the lid, nipples scraping against the wood as they rocked. Her fingernails dug into the surface as she tried to keep herself from being crushed.

And just like that, he was coming and Clara did, as well. Her cries were muffled by his fingers, but still audible. She braced herself against the wall with one hand as he pumped her full as her cunt tightened about his cock. A choking noise came from her throat as that bliss pulsed over, sweeping her up in a rare orgasm and the best her body had ever experienced. The only thing marring the experience was the fact that she couldn't scream in earnest, couldn't yell his name in a fit of passion, but that was secondary to what was happening between them. Her entire body shuddered then, clamping down on him, milking him completely. Any fear of being impregnated was completely gone in an instant, though that regret and fear might come later.

The moment he finished, she collapsed against the barrel, desperately gasping for air, completely overwhelmed by the experience and how easily she'd caved to his demanding mouth and hands. With pleasure flowing through her, it didn't yet seem real. She couldn't quite believe it had happened. Not even when he began to dress to leave. She turned to face him, completely spent, but managed to push herself upright. Her eyes flitted over him, soft brown eyes once again taking in the measure of his body, flowing down his chest to his slick manhood. She glanced back to his face and had the grace to blush at his farewell, reaching to draw him into a deep kiss.

"I certainly hope so," she whispered. Once she let him go, she frantically went in search of her clothes.
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