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Fx Any Snug's Extras

The Snuggubus

Nov 15, 2019
The fieriest pits of Heck
Hi! Check this thread for everything you need to know about me.

Done? Cool. This thread is here for actual plot prompts. Whatever I feel inspired for. I will add them at will, remove them at will, but most importantly, this is an everchanging thread. Come back later if you don't like what you see right now!

Not That Fight Club
You were lucky enough to get into this invite-only club. The premise is simple; every month, you gather in a mansion and put your money into the prize pool. Once the clock starts, you are allowed to go anywhere you want. When two people meet, they can choose to engage in a fight, in which the first to cum loses. It is common courtesy for the loser to get the winner off afterward, but not obligatory. The person with the most points at the end of the night wins the prize pool.

How you choose to go about this is on you; are you confident in your abilities as a sex partner enough to engage in intercourse right away? Will you try to wrestle yourself into a position where only you are pleasuring your partner or will you seduce them into it? Will you lay traps around the mansion? Will you duo up with someone, even though only one of you gains points? Can you trust them?

I used to run this RP way back when to a player of mine. Tons of fun. It consists of both out-of-game relationships with the fighters, a money system where you can buy toys and other tools to aid you, and in-game sessions of intense sex-fighting. I personally like to add my own Shonen spin to it by adding mysterious abilities into the mix for the extra fun!

Now, I can run this with only girls for one guy, BUT my favorite is running this with both guys and girls, with a female protagonist.

Inching Closer (FxF only)
This is a classic cute gay story; One of our characters knows she's into girls, and keeps slowly leading her classmate and friend to "experimenting". This would be a very slow burn RP, with our characters sharing stories about themselves, helping each other studying, "practicing" kissing, which would lead to fondling... so on, so forth.

Oh yeah! I have Star Wars plots saved up! (Click me!)

League of Legends
I've played League. A lot of League. And I know a lot about the lore so I'm totally down to RPing League characters. And K/DA comes from an AU that takes place in our world, so I'd be totally down to playing as/against one of the queens. Plus, this is my outlet for not having money to buy All Out Evelynn.

As far as my preferences go, Evelynn and Ahri are my favorites, and I do find Seraphine cute despite all her controversies. Akali is fine, and I'm really not fond of Kai'sa. I'm willing to play with/as an OC against one of them, or two members against each other.

Also, yes, I watched Arcane, it's amazing.

Dragon Age
I love the setting, the places, the lore, the characters, and would love to find people with similar interests. I played the first game to death, the other two only once, so I'm up to date for most of the lore, except for the Inquisition DLCs. While OCs are loved, I also would love anything with Cassandra, Sera, Leliana, Josephine, Dagna, Isabela... Gosh I'm so gay.

I'm a huge nerd and simply adore the game. I have 4 active tables currently, and they're not enough. I also make all my characters get in a romance, either with other PCs or with NPCs, I'm a huge sucker for romance. Finally, tieflings are hot. So if you share that love, hmu~

Phone Messages
I've always loved the idea of an RP that follows the format of phone messages. Quick, short messages, back and forth, realistic dialogue, pictures sometimes. Not necessarily an entire RP with this concept, maybe just a section, but it's something I've never done and always wanted to do.

Pairings I Ship:

Persephone x Nyx (Hades):
They both keep Hades in check, they both care for Zagreus like a son, and they match as well as any cottagecore lesbian matches with a big titty goth gf! I would require knowledge of the game to play this one.

Franziska Von Karma x Adrian Andrews (Ace Attorney): Very sweet ship, obvious hints at BDSM. Not a lot of knowledge required here, just the basics~

Pike Trickfoot x Key'leth, of the Air Ashari (Critical Role C1): SPOILERS - Hard to find pictures of them together, much less people shipping them. I'm aware this is an odd one, and a completely self-indulgent one, but to me they just fit! Key'leth is an elf, she'll live on for centuries, she has to move on from Vax. And I don't think Pike would stick with Scamlan, they never really fit. Key'leth would grow into a strong leader for the Ashari, but a sad person, one who needs comfort, and who better to bring her that then the embodiment of comfort herself.
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