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Vampire Tower (new people go to the request thread!)

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He thought for a moment, only smirking to himself. "Do as I want with her?" He tapped his foot a little. "She seems playful. I'll take her as my slave..." He ran his finger along her cheek once more. "I think i'll have plenty of fun with you."
Joanna was just about to beg Crane not to open the door, to tell Alexander anything to get him to go away. "Please," she whispered, just as the door opened. When Alexander had her wrists caught, she forced her terror to transform itself into derision, at least on the outside. "I forgot to do this last time," she said in pure disdain just before spitting in his face, it landing exactly at the tip of his nose. When he offered Crane the opportunity to choose what to do with her, she laughed. "What, the Vampire Lord no longer chooses his own punishments? Why is this? Does this other scare you or something?" She laughed again, then heard Crane's words. "S-slave? Me? I promise you, sir, I am not playful." Her eyes had widened in terror. The man had touched on the only thing she feared more than death: the death of her independence. THAT was why she fought for abolition.
His free hand went over his nose, a look of hatred crossing his eyes as he wiped the spit from his face. A snarl crossed his mouth as he looked at her, and he backhanded her, hard. Throwing her against the far wall, enough to knock out a bear if he had to, he turned to Crane. "I will take care of her later. You do as you wish. I will be back. And if she escapes..." His eyes turned to a deep crimson for a moment before he turned away. "...then you will be the object of my fury." And with slow, even steps, he left the room, closing the door.
Mia and Echo made their way from the kitchen, Echo perched on Mia's shoulder as the little creature licked away at the spoonful of peanut butter Mia offered him. They had both had some fish Mia had found in the icebox and fried up quickly...they hadn't eaten anything in days...and were now just munching away on the peanut butter as they headed to their room. Mia stopped suddenly, remembering that they needed Alex to get to their room. She sighed.

"I wonder where he is..."
He was walking down the hallway, going down to the entrance hallway, when he saw Mia standing around. He needed something to cheer him up, so he went over to her. "Is there anything you need?"
"We want to go up to our room..." She purred at him, offering Echo another spoonful of the peanut butter.
He nodded. "I'm sure you know where your room is." He picked her up easily in his arms and went back to the second, floor, finding on of the holes in the ceiling before jumping up easily. He unlocked toe door and lead her inside. "I'm sure you know where your room is. Get some rest. After earlier, I'm sure you need it."
She purred louder as he picked her up in his arms, Echo jumping down onto her stomach. As he set her on her feet, Mia cradled Echo, looking back at him.

"You'll come visit later, right?"
He smiled and nodded, his hand going out and scratching her lightly behind the ears. "Of course I will. But right now I have to go down and wait for new people to arrive. I'll be there later." He smiled and brushed a lock of hair from her face before turning around, going back through the door and down to the entrance hall.
"Okay." Mia headed for her room. It took her only a few minutes to find it, and once inside she closed the door and headed straight for the bathroom. She started to run the water for a bath, letting it run as she headed back into her room to find some clean clothes.
Crane looked over to the vampire girl before him and ran his hand through his hair, sighing a bit. Everything locked once more when Alexander had left them. He didn't care much for what he'd do to her later. He figured he'd as well place a spell on the girl as she was out of it. Knowing that she'd wake up soon if she were a slightly strong vampire at least. The enchantment placed made it so that if she attempted to leave out of any window, door, or whatever that lead outside, she'd pass out immediately. And even the thought of escape would send a shock through her body to give her fair warning.
Jo wasn't out for long, a couple minutes at most, and when she woke, she was already trembling. She knew that even if she could escape - which she knew she couldn't - Alexander would destroy everything in his path to find her. Seeing that Cran was still in the room, she quickly rose to a sitting position and scurried so that her back was against the wall directly beneath the window. The strong, stubborn woman was, once again, that which had taken 50 years to drill out of her personality. Terror rippled through her body. "Wh-what are you going to do with me?" she asked softly.
Crane sat in silence even after her question. She seemed so scared and it was revitalizing. He hadn't had anyone be so frightened in awhile. His victims usually never got the chance to even be scared. He looked to her, smirking a little just to get thoughts running through her mind. He knew she had to figure out some things he might do on her own, just for the fact he was a vampire and he was a guy. He wasn't all too sure what he was going to do with her yet, though.
Joanna merely sat against the wall, huddled into a ball, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin on top of them. She watched the man carefully, looking for any sign that he might attack. Being vampire herself, and having spent two thirds of her life living with Alexander, she had quite a few ideas of what he might do. But she really hoped that he didn't choose any of those.
Crane tapped his foot and continued to look at her. He could keep the mind games up and have fun. He slowly rose to his feet and walked towards her slowly. He had a smirk on his face still and soon was standing just inches from her. He slowly moved down so he was face to face with her, staring into her eyes. He then leaned in a bit, a bit too close and stared into her eyes even more. "Boo." Was all he said after a couple minutes.
Joanna stared at him, a voice at the back of her mind screaming at her: Don't just stare at him, you fool! Glare at him, spit at him, SCREAM at him! What is wrong with you?! Her eyes began to clear slowly as she regained control over her fear and disdain crept into her features. Still looking into his eyes as he walked toward her, she merely raised one eyebrow indifferently. "Boo? Is that the best the big bad vampire can come up wiht?" She laughed without a whole lot of humor.
His eyes narrowed at her laughter. He then brought a finger in and ran it along the front of her body now. "You decide to laugh? Big and mighty when the lord isn't around. Perhaps i'll just call for him or just go about and have fun with you." He finger stopped at her thigh. "Oh, how it'd be to have fun with this body."
Joanna shivered and her eyes closed momentarily as he touched her. She quickly recovered and stood, slowly, doing her best not to touch him in the process. "I'm not afraid of Alexander." Liar, whispered a voice in her head. "What? Afraid you can't handle me?"
Crane rose to his feet and used his body to press her into the wall. "Oh, I think I could more than handle you. But the way he sends fear into you is delightful." His hand grabbed her thigh and squeezed a bit. "What do you think you'll do? Be defiant still? Give in? Perhaps...the dungeon suites someone like you." He smirked a little. "I'm sure you know all about that place."
Joanna gasped and twisted a little, trying to get away. "I don't know what you're talking about." When he mentioned the dungeon, her eyes went wide - but in mock excitement instead of terror this time. "The dungeon?! Oh please do! I wonder if they still whip you every quarter hour?!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm.
Crane let off a soft laugh, seeing right through her. "Should we just go find out? I think I might even take that whip to you myself." He ran his hand up her body, keeping a little pressure against it. He wanted her to be sure to feel the hand, possibly even tease her body with it as it ran over sensitive parts of her body.
Joanna shivered again, hoping that he thought she was faking the pleasure. "Oh, please, Master, do! I would love to bear the wounds from your whip, Master!" Okay, so she was just a little more than a bit over the top. Oh well, it wasn't really like she cared what he thought.
Crane bit at her lip a bit, smirking to see a reaction. He could tell she was enjoying this more than she let on. And he just might break it out of her. His hands took hold of hers and pressed them against the wall. "Do you really want to test me on that? The more sarcasm you show, the more i'll be willing to just give you what you 'ask' for."
Joanna nearly moaned as he nipped at her lip and caught her hands. Her eyes slipped closed for a moment. "Well then, maybe you should make me shut up." The words were out of her mouth before she knew it, followed immediately by her eyes shooting open."I" she bit her lip to keep from saying anything more.
Crane laughed softly at her moan and her words, even as she tried to say something to cover up. He found something to be very different about her, even if he was able to seduce her as quickly as any other victim before him. She was a vampire, but she was still a victim. He wondered what it was, but he didn't intend to kill her at all. Though he was going to get her to shut up. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply.
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