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Slaves to Passion (greybishop & ShadowOfDesire)

She shook her head. "If it is as bad as I'm thinkin', the river'll flood. Don't want to risk it. I say we press on and suffer the rain. The trees will buffer the worst of it, though if the winds pick up, we might have to hunker down. All depends, though." She pulled four apples from her pack and tossed two of them to Lukas. It seemed she'd come prepared for his horse's sweet tooth. Her mare was eager for her treat, as well. She swung about as Jacelyn whistled and stopped eating the water grasses long enough to plod over to see what the ranger had in her hand. A moment later, she was munching contentedly at her apple, core and all, lipping at fallen pieces from the river bank.

Jacelyn walked a bit to ease her sore muscles and get her circulation moving in her legs while she took a bite of her own fruit. "What's the worst you've marched in? Rain or heat? Done plenty of the former and little of the latter. Not true heat, anyhow. Hear there are vast oceans with no water in the southern continent with waves of sand rather than water. Have you ever seen them?"
As Lukas fed one of the apples to Paulus he answered Jacelyn. “Oh aye lass, when I served Izantium. One o’ their Princes, the lord of Kairo decided to rebel, so my orta as well as some others were sent over the Sea to put him down. We landed in Alexander’s old city then marched up the Nilus, but by the time we arrived the rebels had fled into the sand sea. So we followed.” The sellsword thought for a moment as he fed his charger the second apple, then went on.

“A strange place Gyptos is, even along the Nilus. But once you stray from the great river, well … There’s a fair amount o’ rock and scrub to be found to be sure, but also the oceans of sand ye’ve heard of. And aye, all the sand does look a might like waves, especially after a good hard wind has rippled over the top of it.” Lukas scratched at his beard, looked away and then continued. “As for water, well it’s only to be found here and there in holes the Gyptians call an oasis. O’ course as we followed the rebels we came to discover they’d poisoned some o’ the holes, and others weren’t enough to slake the thirst in all of us.” The big man grimaced. “And believe me, we were thirsty; trudging through that sea was like walking into an oven; your mouth, your tongue, your eyes, your skin all dried out as quick as if you were a chicken being roasted. Men started dropping, as did horses …” Lukas stroked his charger’s nose before he continued. “We were as weak as babes when we finally caught up with the Prince. Fortunately his men were almost as bad off, and most were palace guards and household troops, not veterans; so we did win in the end, but it wasn’t pretty. And those of us left then had to trudge back to the Nilus …”

The sellsword pulled a cloak from his bags and draped it over his saddle pommel before he remounted. Then as they continued on their way, he went on answering the ranger’s questions. “But despite all that, it’s always been the cold and rain that’s been the worst for me.” He thought for a moment and then kept talking. “When I was with the Order, we followed a band of Rus raiders that had decided to strike in the dead o’ winter. So it wasn’t just rain, it was freezing rain we rode through; the horses helped and suffered o’ course but so did we, catching the wind with our bodies as we tracked the raiders; a recent snow at least made that bit easy enough.” Lukas’ eyes went glassy and he seemed to shiver, as if he was remembering that ride. “We finally caught up with them as they were crossing a frozen lake; that fight was an even bigger mess than the one in Gyptos. Horses and men were sliding everywhere, and the rain made it hard to see, much less tell friend from foe. I was doing my best afoot against one big raider when the ice gave way beneath both of us and in we went; I thought I had died and am pretty sure to this day my heart stopped for a few seconds. It was as if the life had been sucked from my body. But the gods were smiling on me; even though I’d gone all the way under, the water was only up to me armpits so I was able to get my head above water, though not much more. Then one of my comrades pulled me from the lake, while another made sure the raider went to the bottom …”

The sellsword’s eyes went glassy again for several moments, then he turned in his saddle towards Jacelyn and grinned. “We won that one too, by the skin of our chattering teeth and set up camp right there on the lake’s edge. I stripped off everything and when the rain stopped I stood over a smoking fire for a long time with a blanket over my head, thinking I’d never be warm again.” Lukas’ grin broadened. “Almost roasted me chestnuts that day. Though you can be certain they were no bigger than grapes when I first stepped up to that fire.” The sellsword chuckled. “Feast or famine, that’s the way o’ the world, innit lass?”

As if on cue that was when the rain began to fall on the two of them; Lukas just sighed as he flipped his cloak over his shoulders, then pulled up the hood …
Jacelyn laughed knowingly at the end of his story, mirthful gaze dancing over him. "Oh, aye, I know that biting cold all too well. The Northmen embrace it and often throw themselves into icy waters to see how long their chestnuts could take it before they emerged pink and half frozen as they ran for the warmth of the longhouse fires. The northern waters ice over every winter, though there are some places further north that are frozen no matter the time of year. There are great masses of frozen water there the color of the palest blues and milky whites, floating upon the sea. There are storms so cold that it is said that fires will not burn and a man could freeze to death in a matter of minutes. I have not seen men die in this manner, but I have seen men lose limbs to the cold."

As the rain began, Jacelyn also pulled up the hood of her cloak and drew it tightly about her body to keep the rain from trickling inside. She'd ridden completely sodden with the heavens beating down on her on more than one occasion, but would never willingly choose to do so. Not when she had a waterproofed cloak and leathers to keep her underclothes from becoming sodden. Everything would be damp by the time they reached the farm, of course, but she hoped not to be truly soaked.

There was nothing terribly remarkable about the forest on the other side of the bridge. The trees pressed in over the road in places, providing momentary relief from the constant patter of drops against their hoods, but they canopies were too thin near the path to be of any true shelter. Jacelyn pushed her mount into a canter once more, and the mare started forward eagerly, wanting warmth and shelter as much as her rider.

Dark skies hid the sun and made the forest and the day itself gloomy. The foliage hung heavily, dragged down by the rain, leaves and branches dripping with water. The hoof beats of their mounts were muted upon the thick carpet of old leaves that blanketed the road. Their one blessing just then was that this particular path wasn't so widely traveled that the road had been churned into a river of mud to suck at their horses and slow them down. Then again, if they got into a spot of trouble along the way, there were no guarantees that anyone would happen by soon enough to save them.
The pair rode along in amiable silence for a time, heads bowed and shoulders hunched; while it was no freezing rain, it also wasn't a warm summer shower either and the treetops and their cloaks could only do so much to keep them dry. At least the road they were on hadn't yet turned to mud this far out, which made him rest a little easier; no carts or wagons made it less likely there were bandits hiding off the road in the rain, ready to strike. Still though, the sellsword forced himself to keep glancing up into their surroundings as they went along...

Intermixed with wondering how far it was to the farmstead Jacelyn had mentioned, Lukas considered all she'd said about her time with the Northmen; it seemed like she'd been a general servant and laborer when she'd been enslaved by them, along with being used as a plaything by the men in the evenings. That sounded about right to the sellsword, since he knew the Northerners were a rough and tumble lot, unlikely to set aside their female captives in harems full of pleasure slaves. It suddenly dawned on Lukas that while he knew how Jacelyn had been freed from the Northmen, he didn't know how she'd been taken by them in the first place. So he reined his horse closer to hers and began speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard above the pattering of raindrops and the thudding of hooves.

"Aye lass, I heard similar tales from the Varangi who settled on the northern shores of Germania. They spoke of ice wraiths, vengeful spirits of those who had frozen to death, who would blind the living out of spite or push them from a slippery slope to send them to their doom." Lukas briefly fingered the small hammer totem that hung from his neck before he went on. "And one time an old sea captain told me of giant white snow bears, bigger and fiercier than any that dwell in our caves. He said they'd swim about in the freezing waters quite happily, and lounge atop the frozen water floating in the sea to sun themselves!" The sellsword laughed at that particular tall tale then leaned forward and spoke to his horse as he patted the side of its neck. "What do you think of that one boy? What would we do if some raging white snow bear came charging out of the trees at us? We couldn't flee across the river, because it would swim right after us!" Paulus studiously ignored his rider, and kept grumpily cantering along beside Jacelyn's mare.

Lukas leaned back and spoke to Jacelyn as casually as he could. "So besides watching their ice baths, what was it like for you living with the Northmen?" He paused for a moment and then went on in the same tone. "And how were you taken by them in the first place?"
While Jacelyn wasn't so certain about the existence of white bears, for she'd never seen one herself, she couldn't discount the possibility. Even normal bears came in a range of colors, so why not white to blend in with the snow and ice? The idea of a bear floating on ice upon the ocean was a comical one, and also made her smile, as did Lukas' conversation with her horse. Her mare's ears flicked backwards briefly, but she was as unimpressed as Paulus and didn't miss a single step as they traveled on.

Pulling her hood down a fraction against the rain, she lifted one shoulder in response to the sellsword's line of questioning. "The Northmen are a harsh people, and the weak do not survive either the clans or the weather. You learn to be strong, or you will perish. Living among them is a hard life, but not without some measure of joy. They are fierce warriors, but laugh as easily as most do. Their feasts were grand, and they were fond of them, especially after victory in battle. I was a domestic slave, a thrayed... thrall in common tongue, and trained at an early age to do whatever was required -- cooking, cleaning, tending the fires and to the children, farming, caring for the animals. If something needed doing, especially a dirty or disgusting job that no one else wished to do, it would be given to me. I slept among the animals or in the bed of my master if he wished, or the bed of one of his guests if they desired. One thing that can be said that they feed their servants well, for a starving slave is a weak slave. I am fortunate in that, at least."

"My mother was a pleasure slave from the south that was given to a Northman noble in trade. She was with child even then, though she knew it not. When I was born, it was clear that my time was far too early for her master to have planted a child in her belly, and that that some southern lord likely sired me before my mother was traded away. Even so, he was not cruel to me. My mother was one of his pampered favorites, and he wished to keep her happy, so he allowed her to raise me until I was old enough to be of some use. Truthfully, I believe he waited so long to gift me to another because he wished to keep my mother in her milk, which he himself indulged in from time to time. He gave me to one of his lords when I'd seen six winters, and I was raised in the house of my master with his other slaves."

"I was not unhappy much of the time, but nor was I truly happy. I wished to find my own path beyond the mindless drudgery, perhaps even prove myself in battle, but thrayed aren't allowed the use of weapon save for blade meant for preparing food or household tasks. We were considered property, not people. Had I attempted to wield a sword or bow, they would have broken the fingers of the hand that dared to touch a weapon. I did not pick up a bow until I was in service to Mathis and he set me as his ranger's apprentice."
Lukas paid close attention to what Jacelyn told him, and thought about it for quite awhile afterward as they rode on in the rain. That she came from southern stock and might also have blue blood in her was amply confirmed by her fine features, quick mind and strong spirit. But beyond that he considered the ranger’s actual parentage and upbringing as well. She’d been born and raised in bondage, and was the child of a pleasure slave too; to the sellsword that went a long way towards explaining Jacelyn’s desire to reembrace that life, albeit with a master of her own choosing this time. Mulling things over even further though, it also presented some difficulties and opportunities.

If the lass’ mother was still a pampered favorite of a Northman noble, buying her freedom wouldn’t come cheap. Of course the years might not have been kind to the woman or she might have fallen out of favor, but given how comely and quick witted Jacelyn was Lukas tended to doubt that. Was there any chance the ranger’s father could be of some help? If she knew who he was finding him probably wouldn’t be very difficult, but getting assistance from him was another matter entirely; there had to be some reason why he’d traded away Jacelyn’s mother. But did the southerner know the pleasure slave he no longer wanted was carrying his child when he gave her to the Northman? And more importantly, what might he think about seeing his bastard daughter now that she was fully grown? The ranger would probably pose no threat to any issues of succession, so there was a slim chance he might be willing to help for sentimental reasons; it wasn’t much of a hope, but still worth considering.

Lukas was about to broach the idea with Jacelyn when the trees they’d been riding between suddenly parted, revealing a field to one side of the road and a farmhouse in the distance. Peering through the falling rain the sellsword couldn’t make out very much but the place seemed to be tended well enough, and despite not seeing anyone about he thought it safe to assume they were all inside sheltering from the elements. Putting his thoughts of the ranger’s mother aside for the moment Lukas brought his horse to a walk and looked over at Jacelyn. “It this the farmstead you were hoping would let us spend the night?”
Jacelyn perked up at the sight of the farmhouse. They still had a candlemark or so before true sunset, but the gloom of the rain deepened the shadows. The farmhouse windows glowed softly golden in the false twilight, spilling out into the muddy yard. As they turned down the lane, passing fields of growing crops and pastureland, the rumbling bark of a dog sounded to warn his masters. The giant black hound emerged from the darkness with hackles raised, bared teeth a slash of white as it growled in warning.

"Aig fois," Jacelyn said calmly.

The change in the canine was immediate. His head cocked at the words and his tail began to wag. As Jacelyn dismounted, boots splashing in the mud, the dog came to inspect her. After a quick sniff, he butted his wet head against her hand for scratches. Dark eyes swung to Lukas, but the ranger caught the dog's muzzle before he could growl at the swordsman.

"He's a friend, too," she said firmly before releasing the hound.

The door opened then, spilling light and warmth into the night. A broad silhouette filled the door and they heard the familiar click of a cocking crossbow. "Who is out there?!"

"Hail, Martin! 'Tis Jacelyn and her traveling companion. We were hoping to intrude upon your hospitality this night and shelter from the rain."

The crossbow lowered. "Jacelyn? Ah, well met! Aye, the loft is always open for you, Ranger. Take your mounts to the stables and return for some supper. It is simple fare, but hot and filling."

"My thanks," she replied. Without further discussion, she took hold of her mare's reins and led her away.

The stables were located to the left of the main house in a giant barn that served to store farm equipment and feed for the animals, house any beasts that needed to be culled from the herds for any reason, and also housed a small milking parlor and stanchion. The farmer's own horses were enjoying the warmth of their stalls, though poked their heads out curiously as Jacelyn opened the doors to admit their own beasts. It was a relief to be out of the constant patter of rain. She pushed back the hood of her cloak as she began to remove her mare's tack and saddle.

"Martin is a good man. He's the father of four. Two boys and two girls. The boys help him with the farm and the girls care for the house. His wife and their littlest, a newborn boy, both were taken by the pox some years back. I try to bring the children something if I know I'll be traveling this way. They don't often get to the village. There are farms scattered out this way, but you can go for weeks and miles without seeing another family."
Despite the gloomy rain Lukas grinned as he watched Jacelyn calm the big black dog, then he called out to the ranger. "That's the biggest puppy I've ever seen. But he seems to like you, so I think we'll be alright. Does your four legged friend have a name?" The sellsword also let Jacelyn handle talking to the farmer with the crossbow and was equally pleased to see everything sorted out with him quickly so they could get in out of the weather, with the prospect of a hot dinner added in for good measure...


As they tended to their horses Lukas noticed the hound walk into the barn and sit down, so when he was done he pulled a strip of dried meat from his saddlebags and offered it to the beast; after a quick sniff it was snatched up and gulped down in a flash. With the ice broken the sellsword then offered the hound his fist to sniff and seemed to pass the test as he too received a head butt requesting a scratch; Lukas was happy to oblige and as his fingers dug in around the hound's ears he had a look around the inside of the place. It was larger than he'd expected but more importantly, seemed stoutly made and well tended to; he was confident Paulus and Jacelyn's mare would be fine overnight, and that he and the ranger would be even better up in the blessedly dry hayloft. And on top of that, between the hound and their horses the sellsword was quite confident they'd sleep soundly that night, with no worries of being crept up on.

After wiping down his weapons Lukas left his longsword and hammer up in the loft, then sheathed his long knife and buckled it back around his waist. Most of his armor was left out to dry in the air, but he bundled up his mail hauberk and tucked it under his cloak before also picking up the apples Jacelyn had brought along to trade for their lodging and board. Then they quickly made their way through the growing gloom to get to the warmth and light of the farmhouse...


As they entered the farmstead's main building Lukas could see it was as well made and cared for as the barn. The lion's share of the credit for that had to go to the farmer, but the sellsword could see his four children were undoubtedly of great help too; his two boys were well on their way to being as broad shouldered as their father and the girls, though much more slender of build, both seemed tall and strong. Putting the apples down for Jacelyn to actually present, Lukas pushed his hood back and held his right hand out to the farmer.

"Good evening to you and your family. I'm Lukas, riding along with Jacelyn for a bit to help her out with some work for Lord Mathis. My thanks for your hospitality this evening; it's going to be a wet one I think." Then the sellsword raised his arm a little, so Martin could see the chainmail carried beneath it. "Might I hang this over something near your hearth tonight, so the links can dry out some before I don it in the morning?"
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"They just call him dog," Jacelyn replied to Lukas' question, smirking slightly. She gave her mare a rub down with dry hay before leading her into the warm, dry stall with a bucket of water, feed, and plenty of fresh hay to eat and bed.

Like the sellsword, she was eager to get out of her armor. Her own wasn't nearly as heavy as Lukas' but was still an inconvenience she'd do without whenever it was safe. The leather was slightly damp, but far less than her mare's tack. She left all of the leatherwork hanging over one of the empty stalls to properly dry. Though bowstrings did not fare well in the rain, she'd kept her bow strung just in case it was needed. Now that they'd reached relative safety, she dried her bow, and unstrung it so the catgut wouldn't stretch. She left her bow and quiver hanging on the stall, as well, but took her belt knife with her which was primarily used for eating, but could be used for defense in a pinch.

After eagerly darting across the yard with Lukas, she scraped her boots as best she could before entering the house. The house itself was well kept with fresh hay scattered across the floor to absorb the moisture and the mug, along with anything else that was dropped from the table. The ranger collected the bag that Lukas had carried for her and settled at the table, opening the sack to reveal the items within.

Martin nodded to Lukas and gestured to the fire. "Well met, Lukas. I'm Martin and this is my family. If you are a friend to Jacelyn, then you are a friend to us, as well. You can put anything you need dried by the fire. The rack there should hold it nicely until you retrieve it." The chimney was made of field stone likely pulled from the plot of land upon which the house stood. A series of large iron hinges had been built into the structure inside, each able to swing out or swing in over the fire. They were primarily used for cooking, but could also hold anything that needed drying.

Once Lukas settled his chain mail, he'd find the children clustered around Jacelyn at the table. She'd emptied the apples into a large wooden bowl upon the table and they were immediately set upon with each child grabbing one after an exclamation of thanks. The apples weren't the only thing the ranger had brought along with her, however. She also withdrew a sack of flour, a cask of honey, and bag of tea. Beyond the food items, there were packets of silk ribbons that the girls pounced upon. For the boys, she unrolled a leather board that had been inked with lines in a curious grid pattern. A bag held several white polished stones and a single red.

"You brought us fox and geese!" the youngest boy exclaimed. His grin was well worth the effort it had taken her to procure the board and stones.

"I told you I would," she said. "We'll have to play a game before I leave."

Martin shook his head at the boys that immediately began to set up the game on the table. "You spoil them too much, Ranger," he grunted. "All of us, really."

Jacelyn shrugged. "It is well worth it for the hospitality you offer whenever I'm out this way. Besides, Lukas is a big man with a big appetite. I knew I had to compensate for that somehow."

Marin laughed. "I doubt you can eat more than my boys, swordsman. They're bottomless pits!" He waved a hand at the table. "Sit! The girls were about to serve up dinner. I've mead and ale if you favor one over the other."
"An ale Martin, if it's not too much trouble" Lukas replied before turning to hang his hauberk up near the fire to dry. With that chore out of the way the sellsword then settled in at the table and took a moment to watch Jacelyn with the farmer's children; to Lukas they seemed quite enamored of the ranger, and not just because of the gifts she'd brought them all. That made the sellsword wonder if Jacelyn had ever considered having children of her own and the notion made Lukas grin; while he was quite certain the lass would make a wonderful mother, the thought of her belly swollen with child was a hard one for him to picture.

The sellsword noted how the girls pouted when they were pulled away from Jacelyn and their new ribbons to begin serving up dinner, and his eyes turned to the game the boys were now fascinated with. He'd liked it as a boy himself, though he'd never quite understood how a flock of geese could capture a fox by surrounding it. Much better in his mind was the game Mikael had shown him in Izantium, shatranj, which was a game of war of sorts. Lukas had never been very good at it, losing his shah to Mikael's chariots more often than not, but they'd whiled away many an afternoon on that balconey overlooking the Golden Horn playing nonetheless. When he was in the south the sellsword had heard the game had made its way west, and he wondered if he could find a board and pieces this far north.

Once the food was on the table Martin quickly gave thanks to the gods; after that the boys hastily suspended their game so that they could dig into their food, while the girls ate more slowly so that they could take turns peppering Jacelyn with questions. Lukas had some of his meal and took a sip of his ale before turning back to Martin.

"This food and drink really hit the spot, especially after a long day out in the rain. Thank you again." After a little more ale the sellsword then went on. "While your young ones eat and chat with Jacelyn, I was wondering if I could ask you about the old tin mines up the road. That's where she and I are bound. I know they're about a day's ride away, but anything more you know might be helpful."

The farmer wiped his mouth and turned to look at Lukas; for a moment it seemed as if Martin was going to ask why the sellsword was interested, but then he seemed to decide to hold his peace on that score and simply started talking.

"They've been pulling tin from the ground up that way since the days of the Imperials, or so my father's father said. O' course back then they just worked the streams to get the ore they wanted. By my grandfather's time it was all open pit beamworks to get to the lode they were lookin' for, and they came down this way from time to time to buy food." Martin had some more of his dinner, then went on.

"By my father's day most o' the pits had been scraped clean, and slow but sure the miners began drifting away. An' that's how it's stayed, as far as I know, though... " the farmer sipped a little mead before he went on "... five winters or so ago, some came back for a time to try their hands at pulling the ore straight up from underground. A few of us got hopeful more'd return, but it never worked out; I heard one fellow say the granite was too hard, while another complained about water flooding their diggings. Either way, they didn't last very long at all."

"Do you remember who's purse was funding the new diggings?"

"Nay Lukas, can't say I ever knew that. Not the sort o' thing a farmer pays attention to."

"Aye Martin, I was raised on a farm. Believe me, I know full well how much you have to worry about from day to day. Many thanks for sharing what you know."


As Martin turned to keep an eye on his children and other guest, Lukas drank some more ale and considered what the farmer had just told him. Given what they'd learned at the temple, starting their search for Isolde and Balan at the most recent diggings struck the sellsword as their best bet, and he wondered if Jacelyn knew where those were...
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While Lukas conversed with Martin, Jacelyn indulged the boys in a couple of games. She allowed them to pick the side they wished, and while she wasn't as hard on them as she could have been, she didn't allow either of them to win. They put up a good show of it, however, and she led them on a merry chase to prolong the fun. When the inevitable end finally came, they died in dramatic fashion which had all of the children laughing. She relinquished the game to them at long last, and the boys decided to team up against the girls for what (they thought) was an easy win, though after watching the ranger play a few times, the girls had a couple of tricks to play. Snickering at the first exclamation of surprise, Jacelyn left them at it and rose to help deposit the used dishes and cups into the washbasin.

"Many thanks for the meal, Martin. If we could indulge in your hospitality, do you think we might also break our fast before we leave? We'll be up as early as you and on our way."

"Aye, nae trouble in the slightest, Jacelyn. Join us and get something warm in your belly before you go. You always bring plenty of payment in the way of food and entertainment." He flashed a grin as he glanced at his children busy with their game. "It'll be difficult to pull them away from that to do their chores tomorrow."

The ranger grinned. "I'm sure you'll manage." She finished the rest of her mead and then turned her attention to Lukas. "I'm for bed if you're ready. Sounds as though the rain has slacked off a mite. With luck, it'll be gone by morning."
Lukas clasped hands with Martin as he stood. "You have some stout boys there. And your girls are as clever as they are pretty." The sellsword raised his voice a little before he went on. "Especially the lass with the freckles;" Martin's youngest blushed crimson, while her older brothers howled with laughter and her big sister gawked at her open mouthed. "We'll see you in the morning Martin."


As they walked back to the barn Lukas told Jacelyn of what he'd learned from the farmer. "So I'll leave it to you to decide on the morrow. But if you know where these newer diggings are, I think they'd be the best place to start. Besides being easier to hide, it seems to me that lairing underground there might appeal to followers of this Dis Pater..." Lukas turned his head and spat onto the ground "... if that's who took Isolde that is."


Outside the barn Lukas stopped, looked up at the clearing sky, then looked back at Jacelyn. "I think you're right. But that'll be a mixed blessing; the ride to the mines'll be less of a chore, but scouting them out would've been easier in a downpour." The sellsword shrugged. "But we'll deal with all that as the gods will it."

The big warrior looked away then looked back at the ranger. "You did well with the children tonight; they adore you." His voice stayed low and friendly as he went on. "I think we'll be dry and warm enough in the hayloft tonight. And thanks to Dog and the horses I'm rather sure we'll be safe enough and have some privacy too." Lukas looked back up at the sky, then at Jacelyn. "It's also really not that late, even if we'll be riding at dawn. So what you're going to do is this..." The sellsword thought for a moment before he continued.

"Care for your horse and do whatever else you need to do before bed. Then climb into the hayloft and remove everything except the necklace I gave you and the rune on your arm; fold your clothes neatly and place them to the side. After that kneel and wait for me; you can place a blanket under your knees if you wish, since the boards up there are rough." Lukas waited a moment then added something else. "The sack with your collar and cuffs will be between your knees, unopened and where I can see it."

The big man's voice had stayed the same the whole time he was talking to the woman. "Do you understand?" While the sellsword wasn't barking at Jacelyn in the least, it was clear from his tone and expression that nothing he'd just said had really been a question...
Jacelyn studied him with some unknown emotion, reaching up to caress his beard after he'd spoken. "I understand," she assured him. One corner of her mouth lifted as she turned and disappeared inside the barn.

With his commands and the anticipation of what he would do to her this night spurring her on, Jacelyn was quick with her chores. Her mare was well cared for, though the ranger did stop at her stall to ensure she had enough food and bedding. The beast was already dozing contentedly, so she let her be. After filling a bucket from the rain barrel outside, she claimed one of the clean stalls for herself and gave herself a quick wash, undressing until she wore only her shift and her stockings. As he'd not specified how she should wear her hair, she loosened it and rebraided a single plait that ran down her spine. Afterward, she carried her blankets and her pack up with her along with one of the lanterns. It was a dangerous object to have in the barn, but Martin knew how careful she'd be with the object, especially with her own beast housed in the stables.

The loft was warmer than below and dry. The rain still pattered above on the wooden shingles, but the seams had been sealed and waterproofed with enough pitch to keep any leaks at bay. The hay sat in huge domed piles about the loft. Jacelyn moved to the edges where two collided and spread her bedroll and blanket atop the hay to provide them with a somewhat cushioned bed. It wouldn't be as comfortable as the one they'd shared in the inn, but it was better than sleeping on the floor or hard-packed earth. Saving a blanket for her knees, she undressed and prepared herself as Lukas had commanded. Her shift and stockings were folded and set aside. The sack that she knew held the collar and other items he'd bought for her sat upon the floor between her knees as she finally knelt.

With her rear resting on her feet and her palms placed loosely upon her thighs, Jacelyn waited in quiet anticipation for Lukas to join her. She was nervous, but those feelings were understandable. It had been a long while since she'd served any man the way she'd agreed to serve Lukas. Mathis held her bond, but he'd never claimed to be her master. He actually abhorred being referred to as such. She obeyed his commands, but none of those commands had ever forced her to share his bed. He'd never touched her in that manner, though he had plenty of opportunities.

Now she was waiting for the man that would claim her body and, to some extent, her infallible obedience.
Lukas gazed up at the stars coming out between the clouds while he gave Jacelyn time to do as he’d directed; with the rain slackening off it seemed it would be a pleasant enough night after all. Then when he finally reckoned the ranger should be ready and waiting, he entered the barn and headed up to the loft; he was pleased to see the woman nude and kneeling as he’d told her to be, and he walked right over and squatted down in front of her.

The big warrior looked the slender ranger up and down before his eyes locked onto hers. “Very good lass” he said sincerely, “I like your hair that way. Now just keep doing as you’re told and everything will be fine.” Then the sellsword’s hand reached out to cup the bottom of one of Jacelyn’s breasts, fondling her gently as if he were inspecting a melon in the marketplace. After a few moments his thumb also began tracing circles around her nipple, brushing lightly over her areola as he kept talking. “You’re making this all so easy for me Jacelyn. But there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Lukas reached for the sack between the ranger’s knees and took out her collar, which he fastened snugly about her neck using a small lock retrieved from the blue velvet pouch. Next came her wrist cuffs, which the sellsword clipped together behind Jacelyn’s back. After that Lukas helped her stand and walked her carefully back until her shoulders were pressed against one of the wooden posts which supported the barn’s roof. “You’re to keep yourself up against that until I say otherwise.” Then the sellsword retrieved a neckwrap from his bags, doubled it over and blindfolded the bound woman.

After admiring his handiwork for a moment Lukas reached out to caress Jacelyn’s cheek and then lightly kissed her. His tongue flicked out to brush over her full lips for a moment or two, but then he abruptly lowered his head and kissed one of her nipples before he began licking and sucking on it tenderly; once her bud had swollen nicely in his mouth he shifted his attention to its sister. Finally pulling his head back Lukas enjoyed the sight of the ranger’s full breasts and hard, wet nipples for a moment before reaching into the pouch and pulling out two small, finely crafted clamps that were connected by a long, slender chain. The sellsword adjusted both clamps using their little thumbscrews, then attached them to Jacelyn’s nipples; there was no way for him to truly tell how they felt, but from the look of them the little clamps seemed to be putting a delightful amount of pressure on the blindfolded ranger’s tender buds. “The jeweler told me he fashioned these for some noblewoman who ended up not wanting them, and he offered them to me for a reasonable sum;” Lukas gave the chain a little tug which made Jacelyn’s breasts bounce. “I thought you’d like them. Especially since they’re part of a set.”

Squatting down again Lukas nudged Jacelyn’s feet further apart and sweetly kissed her sex. Leaving his lips where they were the sellsword’s tongue then flicked out and began tracing over the ranger’s pink lips and the swelling little pearl at the top of her slit. Once he’d gotten the woman sufficiently aroused Lukas then reached into the pouch for his final purchase; another piece of jewelry that looked a bit like an oversized woman’s hair clip with two small pendants dangling from the open end. Using his fingers he carefully pressed her lips together and then slid the clip down over her so that its open end pushed her sex gently closed; when he released it, the dangling pendants also pulled down on the clip so that its closed top pressed against the hood which surrounded Jacelyn’s oh-so-sensitive clitoris.

Standing up Lukas looked over Jacelyn and liked what he saw. “The jewelry suits you lass. I think you’ll like it when I let you see it. But for right now you’ll have to take my word for it. Now I’m going to get myself cleaned up, so you just stand right here; I don’t want you stumbling about and falling out of the loft on me.” The sellsword looked over his shoulder and was happy with how far the ranger was from the edge; she’d really have to go quite a way to be in any danger. Then Lukas picked up the lantern and took it with him as he climbed down the ladder, leaving Jacelyn nude, bound and very much in the dark …


The entity watched the two of them with a great deal of interest; the way their twisted souls meshed really did seem to make them a perfect match and it was beginning to think of the man as a kindred spirit of sorts. But right now it was the woman who interested it more and so a bit of itself left the hammer and wafted towards her like a puff of black smoke in the darkness; as it got closer to her the smoke split, with some of it settling into the jewelry that now adorned her chest while the rest inhabited the clip attached to her sex. The effect of its presence really was quite limited; both trinkets now weighed a trifle more and would never accidentally slip off, but that was about all. It thought that a fair trade for now being so very close to her, and its eightfold senses expanded to begin basking in her dark radiance …


All of the little gods who once ruled that place would have been puzzled by what the entity chose to do with and for Jacelyn. But it had existed for a long, long time and learned that a little mischief was often a welcome cure for boredom. More crucially though, it had also come to understand not only how creatures like these acted, but the rhythm of the multiverse as well; what was important wasn’t always obvious and very often the best place for it was ex machina. As it reconsidered that simple truth it remembered a time in a place very much like this one, when all it had done was keep a little boy’s mind working during a fall; it had eaten well that day. These creatures made it so easy sometimes, which is why it had existed for almost forever, and would probably exist until the end of time …

The incident the entity is remembering, or perhaps foreseeing - realistic and not for the faint of heart. Just like life.
Before he'd ever touched her, the swordsman made her breath catch with only the merest glance. When he squatted down to her level, Jacelyn found herself staring at his face, searching his eyes and his expression as he praised and fondled her. She was trembling when he seated her collar, though with an eager anticipation rather than fear. The intimacy involved as his fingers grazed her skin while he fastened her new bit of jewelry was something that a free-born could never understand. She closed her eyes as she felt the weight of the leather squeezing gently and heard the soft click of the lock that prevented her from removing it. She'd never remove it, even without a lock attached, for that was his responsibility. Even though she wasn't his slave, not truly, the fear of punishment was still deeply ingrained in her soul.

The fingers at her wrists made her open her eyes, and she watched him secure her cuffs, each one a symbol of the freedom she was willingly abandoning. There was no resistance in her arms as he linked them together behind her back. The positioning automatically brought her shoulders back, causing her breasts to jut outward, creating an elegant line to her body as he pulled her to her feet. She barely registered the rough wood between her shoulders as he pushed her against the post. With the blindfold in place, she could no longer rely on her sight to tell her anything, so she listened to his movements as he dug about in his bag for his secret purchases. Had she seen his gifts, she would have known their purpose instantly, even before his mouth dipped to her breasts to harden her nipples, but blinded as she was, she could only wait in breathless anticipation until the metal first touched her sensitive skin.

The initial brush of cold made her to jerk slightly. Each little twist of the screw pinched her nipple even harder and caused her to moan, the soft noise stifled as she bit down on her lip. It was a delightful pain, however, and one that faded into the background... until the moment he tugged on the chain. The pull caused her breath to catch once more, and she shivered, biting back another moan. Even the slightest touch caused her sex to throb, and it was more than ready for him when he knelt to lap at her folds. Jacelyn's head rolled back to press against the post while his hot tongue explored her, stroking her to full arousal, unrelenting until her clit was pulsing madly and her pussy was dripping wet.

She sucked in a breath the moment his clamp closed off her sex and clit, leaving them both longing for more. Her body ached for more of his attention, for his hands upon her, for his lips against her own, and his abandonment was sweet torture that she knew she'd likely endure time and again. She didn't mean to whimper, but couldn't help the soft noise from escaping as he gave his orders. Nodding her understanding, she finally remembered to breathe as the softened light that bled through her blindfold began to fade to utter black.

Left in the dark without his distracting touch, Jacelyn could feel every bit of the weight that he'd affixed to her body. The collar sat comfortably, resting on the curve of her neck without squeezing too tightly, the metal loops that rested against her skin beginning to warm. The cuffs at her wrists were well padded and didn't bite or cut off her circulation, which she greatly appreciated, and as she gave them a proper tug, she found she couldn't budge them in any direction. The longer she waited alone, the heavier the chain linking her breasts seemed to become. She could feel it dragging at her nipples, drawing them down. Worst of all was the cruel contraption that pinned her lower lips together. She could feel the metal pressing against her clit, as well, and wondered if she'd be able to rub the clamp against herself by closing her thighs. She didn't attempt it, however, for she was a patient woman and devoutly wanted to discover what else Lukas had planned.

As the minutes stretched, her breath became louder in her ears and she strained to hear any noises from below. He'd left her far more vulnerable than she'd been in a long while, and if he'd decided to abandon her, she'd be left in the dark until the farmer discovered her naked body the next day. She knew that wasn't Lukas' plan, however. He needed her still. More importantly, he wanted her, and he'd yet to have his fill. That didn't make the waiting any more excruciating, however.
Lukas took his time cleaning up and getting ready for bed; given how Jacelyn had trembled and moaned as he’d prepared her, he was quite confident she’d be just fine waiting for him up in the loft. As he washed up he considered that notion a bit more and once again came to the conclusion that she had the soul of a slave, at least when it came to her intimate relations with men; but what did that also say about him? When he’d first been given Ilse he’d taken to it – taken her – without hesitation, but also told himself that was just his reaction to being bound into service as one of the Izantine’s Janissaries. But as time had gone by he came to realize that was a lie, and that it was simply in his nature to want to … possess a woman he was truly interested in, at least when they were together in the dark. It was a strange notion and one that unsettled him, so much so that after he’d left Ilse (or maybe after she’d left him?) he hadn’t acted on it … until he’d met a tall, lean ranger who’d been blessed with piercing blue eyes …


Back up in the loft Lukas first ensured the lantern was hanging safely from a stout hook and nowhere near any of the hay; besides not wanting to burn Martin’s barn down, getting Jacelyn out of a raging inferno was also the last thing he wanted to do. Then, after taking a moment to look over the ranger, he walked over and stood close by her. “Nicely done again lass; it looks to me as if you haven’t moved in the slightest. I can see you’ve been taught to obey … or perhaps are just inclined to do as you’re told.” He paused for a moment. “In the right circumstances that is.” One of the sellsword's big hands curled behind Jacelyn’s neck while his thumb caressed her cheek, and the other lightly grasped the chain dangling from her nipples; then he kissed her.

The kiss started out sweetly enough, with his mouth brushing up against hers. But then Lukas grew more insistent and after licking Jacelyn’s full lips, he pushed his tongue into her mouth; as he did the fingers wrapped around her neck grasped her a little more tightly, to keep her head from moving, while his other hand began gently tugging on the chain. After flicking over her sharp little teeth the sellsword’s tongue began twirling about hers, and then pushed as deeply into her mouth as it could go – and all the while his one hand kept squeezing the back of Jacelyn’s neck through her collar, while the other kept her full breasts bouncing …

After a time Lukas broke the kiss and pulled his head back a little; a thin trickle of spittle still linked their lips and Jacelyn could hear him breathing heavily as he looked at her face. “Nicely done indeed lass. Now let’s see how the rest of you is doing.” The ranger could hear him squat down in front of her and then felt the backs of his fingers running lightly over the smooth skin of her inner thighs for several moments, never quite touching her sex. Then his fingertips stroked through the patch of short, curly hair which covered her mound, playing with it for a while almost as if he was brushing it. Then, quite suddenly, he slipped the metal clip up and off the bound ranger’s sex …

When he and Ilse had been together he’d adorned her with similar jewelry, though back then it had been provided to him by the Sooltan. She’d enjoyed the experience as much as Jacelyn seemed to, and had told him afterwards that when the clip came off it caused a pleasurable, tingly sensation as her blood started flowing freely again, which in turn made her very, very sensitive. So as Lukas pocketed the clip his tongue flicked out and traced over the ranger’s pink lips – which he could see were puffy and very wet – and then began tenderly circling around her swollen bud. At the same time two of his intertwined fingertips replaced his mouth on her lips and began slipping slowly inside her, not rushing as they opened and explored the bound woman’s dripping slit …

Lukas took his time teasing Jacelyn, moving his tongue and fingers slowly while he let the sensations build within her. Then, once his thick fingers were fully sheathed in her warmth and wetness, he pulled his head back and spoke to her kindly for a moment. “You’ve been a very good girl Jacelyn, a proper little slave if there ever was one. Very obedient. I’m pleased, so now you’ll be rewarded. You can go ahead and tremble as much as you like, and moan as loudly as you want, so that we’ll both know how much you’re enjoying this.” His tongue flicked out once more while his fingers twirled inside her. “And I don’t just mean the feel of my tongue and fingers, do I? Oh, you do like those to be sure, do enjoy being licked and filled up like any woman. But more than that it’s being bound and blindfolded, helpless and vulnerable, that’s gotten you all hot and bothered; don’t even try to deny it.” He paused one last time. “Go ahead and let go lass. You’ve earned it and I want to see it.”

Done speaking his words Lukas’ mouth returned to the top of Jacelyn’s slit and gently suckled on her swollen bud for a few moments. Then his tongue went back to lightly flicking over and around it while his fingers started pumping within her; his digits started off slowly enough, but then began moving much harder and faster than his tongue was. And all the while the two metal clamps stayed fastened to her swaying breasts, and the dangling chain pulled down on her poor, trapped nipples …
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She heard him return to the loft before he ever touched her, so she didn't start when he finally spoke, though her breath did catch as she felt his strong hand wrap about her slender neck. His kiss was ever welcome. Had she not been blindfolded, she would have automatically closed her eyes and melted against him from that kiss alone. The added teasing of the slight tugs at her breasts made the invasion of his mouth all the more enjoyable. The clamps at her nipples weren't painful, but they did exert a steady pressure that faded into the background of sensation... until the moment he gave that delicate chain a tug. She moaned softly against his mouth as he claimed her, lips parting dutifully to allow him to delve as deeply as he'd like. She returned the intensity of that kiss, tongue exploring his mouth to stroke and tease and taste him. Like him, she was left breathless when he finally broke away and panting softly.

Feeling him retreating was disappointing until she realized where he was headed. His touch had her skin tingling wherever he touched, his fingers able to spark the brightest flame within her body. She squirmed slightly as he teased, though those slight movements were nothing to the reaction he caused the moment he removed her jewelry. Jacelyn loosed a high-pitched whimper involuntarily the moment she was freed and the blood came rushing back into her sex. Her toes curled as he purposefully began to stimulate that sensitive flesh with mouth and fingers. Drawing in a shaky breath, she groaned as he began to fan those flames once again, driving her upward so easily, pushing her higher with his expertise.

Like his previous whore, Jacelyn enjoyed every moment of his twisted attention. The pain heightened the pleasure. Even something so small as her bouncing breasts and clamped nipples put her into the mindset of an enslaved whore, for that was precisely what she'd been taught to be. She'd existed for so long for the pleasure of others that being at Lukas' mercy was a delight that threw her into the past. He was far more considerate than any of her previous lovers, however, and for that she was thankful. He might tease her, use her, even gently abuse her in some fashion, but she trusted that he'd never truly harm her. It was liberating, as freeing emotionally as the day Mathis had removed her chains, and she held nothing back.

As his commands were exactly the sort of permission that she'd been waiting for, the ranger forgot all else except the feel of his plunging fingers, questing tongue, and the sharp tug at her nipples now and again. She rocked her head back against the post, crying as she felt herself delving closer to the pinnacle. Each rhythmic pump and eager lapping against her clit made her squirm against him, made her hips buck to chase that pleasure. His efforts were rewarded in very little time as she tensed against him. Her body suddenly exploded, making her scream, and she dug her fingers into the post behind her to keep herself upright as her knees quivered and threatened to buckle. That burst of pleasure shot through her, centered around her clit, and then filled her entire body with heady euphoria.

The view from where he knelt was spectacular. Her body shuddered several times, channel tightening about his fingers, and her wet pussy was now soaked and dripping. What didn't cover his face was oozing down her silken inner thighs. Breasts heaved as she panted, swinging that chain back and forth above his head.
Lukas’ fingers kept pumping into Jacelyn’s body and his tongue kept gently flicking over her sex while the bound ranger screamed and quivered; he wanted to draw her pleasure out for as long as possible and as he did he could also hear the horses snorting and shuffling below them, unnerved by the helpless woman’s cries of ecstasy. That made him wonder if they could hear her up at the farmhouse as well, and whether they’d be getting odd looks again at breakfast tomorrow. But soon enough the sellsword’s digits slowed and his head pulled away from her, all too mindful of how sensitive a woman could become after reaching her peak. As he looked up at Jacelyn, Lukas was pleased by how tightly her sopping cunt was still clutching at his fingers and how the chain between her sweaty breasts swayed while she gasped for breath; she’d completely lost control of herself just as he’d wanted, which made him smile.

The big warrior wiped her juices from his mouth with his free hand, even though he’d rather enjoyed how she’d tasted; a little on the tart side, but sweet nonetheless. Then he slipped his fingers from within her and was unsurprised to see them glistening in the lantern light; instead of wiping them clean he held them together as he stood and looked down at the bound woman before him. Despite everything he’d done for and to her, she’d kept her scarred back up against the rough post just as he’d instructed; that impressed him, and when he spoke to her there was real warmth in his voice. “Well done lass, well done indeed. You’re beginning to understand how this is going to work; you do as you’re told and you’ll be rewarded.” He paused and thought for a moment. “The carrot works so much better than the stick, don’t you think? Pleasure is so much better than pain.” He paused again. “Though in your case …” his fingers gave the chain connecting her nipple clips a sharp little tug, in part to remind her that her body was still his to do with as he pleased and in part just because he liked seeing her firm breasts bounce. “… I’m not so sure about the last one.”

After another short pause he went on more seriously. “But you have made a bit of a mess lass; you should see what your inner thighs look like, very unladylike. And I’ll have to dunk my head in a bucket to clean your juices out of my beard, though that’s alright too. But the fingers of my sword hand are another thing entirely.” He held the two wet fingers of his right hand up under Jacelyn’s nose, so close that the blindfolded ranger had to be able to smell herself on them. “What if I had to grab my hammer right now, hmm? So I think the least you can do for me is be a good little slave, and clean your master up. And since your hands are occupied...” And with that Lukas’ left hand gently wrapped around the back of Jacelyn’s collar while his two other fingertips lightly touched her full lips … and went no further. And then he waited, forcing her to do nothing other than just taste the hint of herself brushing against her sweet mouth …
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Her body quivered from the pleasurable released, and her knees felt weak, but she remained standing and as tight to the post she could manage. Still breathing heavily, body flushed, she tilted her head back at his praise and drew in several shaky breaths. It wasn't the first time she'd been restrained, pleasured, or punished. But it was the first time she'd done so of her own volition, because it was what she wanted rather than because it was forced upon her. It made Lukas different. It made their entire relationship different than any other she'd ever had.

The slight tug at her breasts made her moan quietly. He already knew her, it seemed, or at least that dark part of her that craved the pain along with the pleasure. That he was willing to give her both was rare. It was already far more than any other man had been willing to do before him. She didn't feel as though she deserved the pain or needed to be punished, exactly, but it was all she'd known and was familiar to her, even a comfort at times. Misery was not eternal, thankfully. The lack of pain was nearly as sweet as the pleasure given.

It was impossible not to smirk at Lukas' teasing words. She could very much feel the mess she'd made -- the mess he'd created, if he was being truthful.

As he neared, she shivered at the smell of herself on his fingers, heady and strong. "I would hate for you to not be able to grip your formidable weapon," she purred.

The moment his finger touched her lips, they parted obediently and her tongue snaked out to lap at the juices coating them. She remained against the post, but leaned forward to take those fingers into her mouth and suckle. Her head bobbed in mimicry of how she'd sucked his cock, sliding down until his fingers were fully enveloped. Another moan rose into the stillness of the barn as she lapped at his digits until they were completely clean.
Though Jacelyn couldn’t see it Lukas smiled as the ranger moaned and leaned forward to suckle on his fingers; besides being incredibly intimate he thought the gesture was nicely symbolic as well. As she used her mouth to clean him he began gently moving his two digits back and forth, probing deeper within her and lightly brushing his rough fingertips over her pink little tongue; he wanted the ranger to grow accustomed to him using her body as he pleased and she was making that quite easy for him. Once his fingers were clean he slid them from inside Jacelyn’s mouth and spoke to her warmly. “Good girl, all nice and clean.” Then, after giving the bound woman's full lips a tender little kiss, he stroked over them with his now clean fingers and kept talking to her.

“I really do like your mouth lass. Besides being so kissable, it also says the cleverest things. And you use it when we’re drinking together, and for other little chores like eating and breathing. But when you’re wearing my collar …” He paused for a second. “I think you understand that right now your mouth is just another warm, wet hole in my comely pleasure slave’s body. One of three the gods gave you for me to use and enjoy as I see fit.” The sellsword chuckled lightly then gave Jacelyn’s mouth another sweet little kiss. “Which is not to say I don’t appreciate the rest of you as well …”

Lukas’ big, rough hands left Jacelyn’s head and cupped her two bare breasts from below. “Your tits are amazing. So round and firm.” He fondled her as he thought for a moment and then went on. “Maybe I should take you down to the milking parlor, put you on all fours and get us a bucket of fresh milk for the morning.” The big warrior laughed lightly as he continued to massage the bound ranger’s breasts. “Of course then you’d probably start lowing as loudly as you did a few moments ago, letting your bull know you wanted to be mounted.” After another pause Lukas continued on in a mock serious tone. “The horses heard you before you know, when you screamed. I wonder if they heard you in the farmhouse as well? So it’s probably best we stay up here, so that you have one less thing to explain to those clever girls over breakfast.” The sellsword actually doubted Jacelyn would have to explain anything to anyone in the morning, but making her squirm a little at the thought somehow seemed appropriate to him. “So now, where was I?”

Lukas’ hands released the ranger’s bosom and he stepped away from her a moment. Then his fingers returned to her shoulders and gently pushed her to the floor, where a blanket was now rolled up awaiting her bare knees; as she sank down the sellsword shifted his grip to the bound woman’s armpits so she wouldn’t topple over as he guided her down. Once she’d settled into position Lukas nudged her legs a little wider with the toe of his boot and then calmly spoke to her once more. “Back straight and head up even if you’re on your knees slave.” The big warrior waited for Jacelyn to adopt the posture he wanted and then stepped away from her. She could hear the rustling of clothing and then sensed him stepping back in front of her. A moment later a rounded knob of hard, warm flesh lightly touched the ranger’s mouth; it was silky smooth, coated with a salty slickness and emanated a musky odor that told Jacelyn the head of Lukas’ cock was now brushing against her full lips. Then the hayloft grew quiet and still as the big warrior stood there, once again waiting to see if the woman kneeling before him truly understood what was expected of her given the lot in life she'd chosen …
Jacelyn couldn't help but moan as he fondled her breasts. Her shoulders rolled backward to press them into his hands even more, stomach trembling as each squeeze and pinch served to stoke the flames rising between her thighs. And when his hands fell away, her tits were left bouncing at the whim of the chain between them, still enslaved by those tight clamps that made her breasts even more sensitive than before.

Though she knew that the sellsword was only teasing her, the thought of having the farmer and his children bear witnessed to her submission caused her to flush. When she'd been freed, she'd left her years of slavery behind her. Most did not know her history, nor how she was raised. She'd kept that story from most for the simple fact that people tended to look at her differently when they discovered the truth -- as though she was tainted in some fashion, or that her years of service had left a mark for all to see. Only those with whom she'd shared intimate moments with had ever seen her physical scars. The rest were emotional, and she kept those well hidden.

The ranger knelt before him obediently, offering no resistance to the pressure exerted on her shoulders. It was a tricky maneuver while blindfolded and bound, so his guiding hands were a comfort, and she trusted him to keep her safe. Her natural inclination was to sit back on her feet, but his direction caused her to straighten like a rod. Her shoulders pushed back once again to correct her posture, presenting her chained breasts to him. Her chin tipped upward, seeking his face though she still could not see. She waited in that position for a few moments, an eager anticipation drawing out between them as she listened to the sound of his clothing being adjusted.

Instinctively, she knew what was to come, and the moment she felt that warm flesh against her lips, she opened her mouth for his length. Like with his fingers, her tongue darted out first to taste him, gliding over the soft skin of his cock. A soft groan rose in her throat as she pushed her head forward to properly greet his pulsing manhood, lips closing about his girth. Her head bobbed forward and the suction increased as she stroked him with her mouth. The smell of his natural musk filled her nose. She felt herself grow even wetter as the combination of smell and taste caused her to squirm. She longed to close her thighs tightly against that pressure as her current position offered no relief, but the act was now for his pleasure and not her own.
A wave of contentment washed over Lukas as Jacelyn began willingly sucking on him. He knew the act she was performing meant different things to different people and as he watched her, he thought back to the first time someone had taken his cock into their mouth.

It had happened when he was back at the monastery, with another boy. Heinrich had been a year older and also a little bigger, and had made the mistake of trying to shove Lukas around with the help of some friends. It had worked for awhile, until Lukas caught the older boy alone and beat him to his knees; then, on a whim, Lukas shoved his cock into Heinrich’s mouth. The older boy had tried to push him away, but Lukas just clubbed the side of Heinrich’s head until he stopped resisting and started sucking.

Afterwards Lukas was sure Heinrich would go running to the Brothers to rat on him and prepared himself for the beating he knew would follow. But that never happened, so a week later when his balls were again feeling very full Lukas sought out Heinrich, twisted his arm and once again emptied his seed into the older boy’s mouth. After that they settled into a regular routine; at first Lukas assumed Heinrich was going along with it because the older boy was embarrassed and ashamed of what the younger, stronger one had forced him to do. But then one day Lukas caught Heinrich stroking himself as he sucked on Lukas’ cock; he slapped Heinrich in the face, made him put his dick away and told him he could play with himself in the dark like all the other boys did – Heinrich did as he was told and as usual, Lukas emptied his balls down his throat.

Finally though, Lukas became old enough to earn the privilege of going to town by himself once a week and there he discovered the village girls; he quickly learned that some of them liked it when he was just as demanding as he’d been with Heinrich (though for some reason he could never bring himself to be anywhere near as violent with them as he’d been with the older boy) and that was the end of his “relationship” with his former tormentor.

As Lukas’ thoughts returned to the present he smiled down at Jacelyn’s bobbing head and gently stroked her hair. “Very nice lass” he praised in a warm voice. “I see you understand what’s expected of you. And you’re very good at it.” The sellsword thought for a moment before he went on. “If you’re ever at a loss for what to do, for how to please me, remember what you’re doing right now and just do that.” He continued to stroke her hair as he continued. “If you do, I promise you it will make me very happy.”

The big warrior enjoyed the feel of the bound ranger’s lips and tongue servicing his shaft for a while longer, then used his hands to gently still her moving head. “Alright lass, time for you to take a rest while you learn something else.” He caressed her cheek as he went on in a kind tone. “I imagine you’ve experienced this before and know what to do; just try to relax, let it happen and breathe when you can.” He waited for a moment to let that sink in, then felt compelled to add something more. “I promise I won’t choke you Jacelyn. Just let it happen and I’ll give you the chance to breathe.”

As he held her head still Lukas began stroking his manhood into and out of the kneeling woman’s mouth. He started out slowly at first, gently running the head of his cock over Jacelyn’s tongue several times to enjoy how she felt against the sensitive underside of his glans. But then his strokes got progressively deeper, until he finally felt himself bump against the back of her mouth – and knowing there was no way to be truly gentle about it, he just pushed his swollen cock all the way into her before she could begin gagging. The feeling of absolute control he felt in that moment was as intoxicating as the way her throat constricted around his shaft, and instinctively convulsed in a desperate attempt to either spit him out or swallow him to clear her windpipe. But after several seconds of bliss, he stayed true to his word and pulled his member from her mouth, letting the bound ranger gasp for breath as her own saliva and the juices that were beginning to flow from his body dribbled from her lips.

As he gave Jacelyn time to compose herself, Lukas once again stroked her hair and praised her. “Well done lass. That was just perfect.” Then, surprising even himself, he went on with the slightest tone of … concern perhaps in his voice. “So I’ll give you a choice. We can either stop now and move on to something else. Or you can remain kneeling there for awhile, so I can keep using your mouth like another cunt.” Jacelyn suddenly felt the instep of one of Lukas’ now bare feet between her spread legs, rubbing lightly against her dripping mound for a moment. “And since you’re being such a good little slave, while you kneel there I might even unclip one of your hands.” There was a short pause before the big warrior went on. “So which do you prefer lass? Speak now while you have the chance, or I’ll make the decision for you. And remember, a smart slave always addresses her master politely …”
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Willingly sucking a man off was a vastly different proposition than being restrained and having a cock shoved down the throat. Jacelyn moaned again as Lukas impressive member filled her mouth completely. Her body convulsed around him as her lungs began to protest being denied oxygen. She squirmed, but the movement only served to drive him in even deeper. She swallowed and shuddered again as he filled her and held for what seemed an eternity. Her face pressed against his groin and the smell of his natural musk filled her senses. She felt herself grow dizzy, and the lightheaded feeling rushed over her the moment he withdrew and allowed her to breathe. Her suffering heightened her pleasure. It wasn't a new revelation, but it was certainly one she'd not been able to indulge in quite some time.

She was a grown woman, capable of killing man or beast, but she found herself leaning into his touch as he rewarded her with a few moments of affection. His decision was a challenging one, for there was no telling what he had in store for the ranger. While discovering what else he had planned had drawn her curiosity, there was something comfortingly familiar about what she was already doing. As she tried to decide, she found herself unable to focus... not with his cock so tantalizingly near.

After licking spit and pre-cum from her lips, she tilted her head slightly upward as if to look into his eyes. Her hips arched to rub against the foot teasing her . "Whatever pleases you most, my master, I will gladly follow wherever you guide." Her tongue extended capture his cock once more, unable to withstand the urge for another taste when he lingered so very near.
Lukas grinned as Jacelyn strained to rub her wet sex against the instep of his foot; she’d clearly enjoyed having her mouth taken and used, and he rewarded her by pressing up against her needy mound a little harder. But then, when she answered his question, he dropped his foot to the floor as a look of … shock maybe came over his face; it wasn’t just what she’d just said, but her tone of voice as well. Yes she’d addressed him as ‘master’ for the very first time and said all the other right things too, but it was the notes of sincerity and … need he heard in her voice that truly affected him so. He suddenly wanted to see her eyes and so Lukas crouched – regretfully dropping his hard cock away from Jacelyn’s searching tongue – and removed her blindfold.

The first thing the bound woman would notice was that the sellsword was now as naked as she was, his hard, scarred muscles all visible and coated with a sweaty sheen that gleamed slightly in the lantern light; his swollen cock twitched as it stuck out from his groin between his crouching legs pointed straight at her flat stomach, and it was also coated with their combined juices. Lukas was staring into her eyes as he tossed the blindfold away and then caressed her cheek, seemingly looking for something inside her or perhaps searching for the right words to say. But as the moment drew on the big warrior remained silent, seeming to struggle inwardly as he looked at her. Finally he pursed his lips, cleared his throat and spoke to her gently, though she could see he was trying to appear stern. “Alright lass. Since you seem to be enjoying yourself, and have been so …” he hesitated, as if he was again attempting to find the right words “… polite, we’ll just keep doing this. There’ll be plenty of time for other things in our future.”

Lukas caressed Jacelyn’s cheek as he looked at her tenderly, then he reached behind the woman and unclipped her wrist cuffs from each other. As he brought her hands around in front of her body he held them both, seemingly checking to see if the blood was still flowing freely to her fingers but really because he just wanted to. Once he was sure the ranger’s hands were unharmed Lukas then clipped her left hand to the ring at the back of her collar, so that her fingers could rest against the rear of her neck; as he held her right hand the sellsword kept on speaking to Jacelyn gently. “I’m going to let you have a little freedom, but it’s your right hand only for now. You can do whatever you want with it except take these off …” Lukas tugged down on the chain connected to the kneeling ranger’s nipple clips. “If you do that it’ll make me very cross. I put them on, so I’ll decide when they come off, understood?” There was a grin on his face as he said the last, though what he meant by ‘cross’ was left unsaid. “Now where were we?”

The big warrior stood and once again slipped his hard cock into the kneeling woman’s welcoming mouth; while he looked down into her brilliant blue eyes he gave her a few final instructions. “Try to keep your eyes open and focused on mine lass; your eyes are beautiful and I want to see them.” He paused before he went on. “And when I give you my seed, I want you to try to swallow it all. So that we both know a part of me is left inside you. Understand?” And with that, without waiting for an answer Lukas resumed fucking Jacelyn’s face and throat with his rock hard cock …
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His sudden withdrawal put her off balance, though before she could wonder what she'd done wrong, he'd removed the blindfold. She blinked to let her eyes adjust to the dancing light of the lantern, bright eyes seeking his automatically. The intensity of his stare made her stomach quiver, as did the caressing touch of his calloused palm against her skin. Her head tilted against that hand like a little pet seeking affection, and she turned her head a fraction to kiss his wrist. Though she was still panting softly from having her mouth so thoroughly stuffed, it was obvious that she was still extremely willing to continue.

She searched his expression for some hint at his thoughts, but could discern nothing but the lust and desire in his eyes. Blessedly, his words calmed her fears and she nodded her understanding. Being uncuffed was a small relief, though he'd not restrained her long enough for the cuffs to chafe or her arms to fall asleep. The care he took at massaging her hands warmed her spirit, though she studied his face rather than the activity. Her gaze finally fell to her wrists as he gently lifted one arm and twisted it to lock one cuff to her collar. It was an awkward position, and one that would undoubtedly cause some fatigue in her muscles if left for too long, but she trusted Lukas to have some inkling of her limits. Granted, everyone had a different tolerance for pain, but if he treated his woman in similar fashion, then she guessed he'd have some idea of what she'd be feeling.

A hiss spilled from her lips as he gave her chain a wicked tug, sending another pair of jolts through her nipples, though that exhalation was the only protest she would utter. His cock was soon in her mouth again, and the ranger nearly melted as her upturned eyes met his and held. The shared moment was one she'd not soon forget as he watched her suck his cock, as he gripped her head and began to stroke himself in her mouth. Soft glugging noises filled the loft as he plunged into the back of her mouth again and again, causing her to shudder and gag more than once. Her eyes watered, but they remained fixed to his. Her breasts bobbed, the silver chain bouncing between them as his thrusts shook her slender frame.

The hand he freed did not immediately dip between her thighs. She could make herself orgasm with only a few brief strokes against her clit, so it was not her own pleasure that she sought to enhance. Rather, she reached for his heavy sack and began to fondle them as they bounced. Another groan rolled through her, rumbling in her chest and through his cock at the feel of his tightening balls. She stroked them, caressed and teased, rubbed each in a slow, languid circle as she watched him watching her. Her tongue caressed the underside of his cock, providing another counterpoint of feeling against the raw lustful emotions. She wanted his seed, and more than that, she wanted to swallow as much of him as she was able. She would have done that even without his command, if only to taste him again.
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