Bhinas quickly took stock of the situation, giving a polite half bow. "Our apologies, as we were unaware that this was someone's home." He would look mildly confused, and fairly apologetic, as he continued. "From the outside, it appeared to be a box inside the Caverns of Carnage, a dungeon full of treasures and battle. As it was, an old world police box from the Age of Technology is an odd sight to see here, and rather out of place."
He would shrug, as if saying 'what can you do'. "We opened it to see what was inside, and can I assume, from how it sucked us in here, your wand, and how you do not seem worried that we likely pose little to no actual threat or danger to you?" His tone was reasonable, and he was trying to not fight. Something about this was setting his instincts on edge, and while he liked the plunder and the joy of standing atop ones foes as much as the next man.... he liked to think himself smart enough to know when to pick his battles.