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The water bending apprentice((Stormgale & Kunoichi))

Jun 21, 2010
Yara hurried out over the ice, moving away from the large village made of ice. The village of the northern water tribe was an impressive sight, shaped and maintained by the powerful water benders who lived in it. But Yara's destination was outside the village, out in the plains of ice. It was just a hut, where she met in secret as often as possible with a skilled water bender who was teaching her. In the northern water tribe, it was forbidden for women to learn water bending for more than healing. For a woman to fight, it was not allowed. Yara wasn't satisfied with that though, and luckily she met this bender willing to break the rules and teach her secretly to really water bend, and to fight with it. It seemed almost as if it were taking too long though. Maybe it was the secretive nature of it, maybe he was holding back and not really teaching her as much as he could, as she'd been training with him for a while now, and still only knew the basics. But she was determined, no matter how long it took, she would become a great water bender. She hoped tonight, would be a chance for the training to turn to something more advanced. She hurried up to the hut, stopping outside to catch her breath a bit. "I'm here! I came as quickly as I could."
He sat in the hut, furs wrapped loosely around his frame as he rested against the wall, icy blue eyes looking right at the door as she entered. His expression was unreadable, passive and yet seemingly cold "You are late" he said as he stood up, meeting her gaze for a moment "Let us see if your skills have improved better than your punctuality" he added, stepping out into the icy cold, the ice itself shifting with the gesture of his hands, forming a ring "Now then use the stance I taught you" he said, taking a low one of his own... as always the first move was her's.
She bows her head to him. "Yes, I'm sorry sir." She watches him as he exits the hut and moves to follow him. She pulls her hood down, showing her dark brown hair since there were no icey winds blowing tonight. She straightens up her parka, the thick fur coat keeping her nice and warm in the cold of the north. She nods to him, hearing his instruction, and shifts into the stance he had been teaching her lately. She then moves her hands fluidly in a lifting motion, lifting some of the snow. It then turns to water and she moves it around herself before sending it flying at him.
He carefully looks at her, eyes taking in every detail: Her Stance, her expressions, the way her breath mists in the air, the outline of her body under the heavy outfit. "You will have" he said as he caught the attack, using the momentum to coil it around him returning her attack with double the force. He decided to start add incentive to her training, his first attack designed to soak through her heavy fur, let the chill of the Arctic entice her to avoid the next one.
Yara holds her stance, watching him coil the water around and send it back at her. She braces herself, trying to stop it before it hits her, though only some of it is stopped, the rest hitting her face, and arms as she lifts them to try and defend herself. Her sleeves become soaked, letting some of the biting chill through, making her shiver a bit. She wipes some of the water from her face, letting out a breath. She brings and arm back and then swings it down, and up in a half circle motion, sending a wave of the snow toward him.
Rin smirked at her attempts at defense, pushing both his hands forward to part her wave, causing it to harmlessly pass by him "Amateur" he commented under his breath as he swept his hands, two waves of snow crashing into her from either side, designed to trap her between them, binding her helplessly. His icy eyes looked over her as he brain pondered, wondering whether she needed even more incentive to actually improve.... perhaps she did.
Yara didn't expect the move, finding herself suddenly trapped by the thick snow. She squirms and struggles, trying to move. If she could just move her arms she could bend her way to freedom. She looks up, watching Rin. "I'm not done yet..."
"Yes you are" he said matter of factly "If this were a real fight you would be dead by now" he added, voice as cold as the air around them "Let me show you" he said, taking out a small knife and walking casually up to her helpless bound form, pressing it against her throat for a moment "I could finish you right now" he stated, before dragging the knife down her front, splitting the warm protection of her fur coat, forcing her to feel the icy chill.
She frowns at his words, sighing softly. "That's because you've only taught me basics. I need to learn more advanced.." She stops, seeing the knife as he moves toward her. She squirms and struggles herder against the snow binding. She tenses as she feels it against her throat, feeling very helpless, especially hearing his cold words. "N-no, wait.." She looks down, confused as the blade runs down the front of her thick warm coat, splitting it open to expose the tunic she wore beneath it. She shivers lightly as the cold slips in through the now opened coat. "Why did you do that? My coat is going to have to be sewn up now..."
"A lesson you must learn" he said as he continued cutting, now removing the protection of her heavy fur pants "Every time in our spar I would be able to Kill you, ill remove your clothing so you can feel the cold of death instead" he added, releasing her bindings with a brush of his hand "Try again" he stated as he sheathed the knife in his belt, eyes appraising her again, seeing her as nothing more than a mixture of Stances and movements.
Yara's eyes go wide as the knife cuts down the waist of her pants, feeling them drop to her ankles. A blush crosses her face lightly, and another shiver moves through her body as the cold now reaches her bare legs. "My pants! how am I going to explain my ruined clothes to others..." She looks up frowning at him as the snow releases her. She stands there now, in her opened coat, tunic, which hung down enough to cover most of her under garment. She takes another stance, determined to do better this time as she didn't want to loose any more of her clothing. Both for the sake of staying as warm as possible, and because she would really rather not have her body shown off. She jerks her arms quickly forward, sending the snow in front of her at him, forming it into a large wall of snow. If it hit, she would try to make it surround him and trap him.
"You wanted to learn at any cost, so stop your complaining" he said simply, eyes narrowing as he stretched, waiting for her inevitable attack./ He crouched low, throwing his arms forward as piercing tendrils of ice followed, ripping apart the wall of snow and causing it to just coat him "Don't be so obvious" he said simply "Subtelty is the key to victory" he chided. The Lance's of ice careened forward, if they hit her she would find her tunic torn to shreds by the precise projectiles.
She swiftly moves to the side, avoiding most of the ice shards. A few of them manage to open some tears in the back and shoulder of her tunic, but it was still mostly intact. She throws an arm forward, sending some of the snow toward his feet, hoping to trap him in place, then moves her other arm in a pulling motion to pull a wave of snow toward him from behind. She would have it turn to water just before hitting him, and if it did hit, would try to turn it to ice to hold him.
He let her hit him, feigning surprise as the ice wrapped around his legs however as the water rushed over him he bent it, giving him a little wiggle room in the seemingly perfect Icy prison, enough to turn the tables when the time came. "So Can you finish what you started?" he asked, taunting her... trying to play on her pride and her anger, seeing if she would take the bait and make the obvious mistake of coming closer.
She smiles as she sees him trapped in the ice, or at least seemingly trapped. She sighs a bit, and takes a couple steps closer. "Do I really need to? I have you trapped, and we're just training... Aren't we?" She smiles a bit and looks him over. "I wonder if this means I get to cut open your coat now." She smirks a bit and bends some snow into water, lifting it to her hand where it forms into a jagged ice dagger. She starts to move closer to him, holding it up tauntingly.
He smiled sardonically at her "If you don't you treat our training seriously... then you will never learn" he added, flicking his wrists as the ice cracked around him. He slammed his fist into the ground, the snow surrounding her and soaking into her cloak, his bending quickly freezing it, making her outfit brittle like paper. He then stepped forward and ripped off the front of her tunic like paper, she might as well be wearing that now.
She watches in shock as he's able to break the ice around him, yelping as the snow forms up around her, freezing into her clothes and making them brittle, not to mention cold. She looks to him wide eyed, not moving for the moment from the shock of the attack, as he steps up to her and grabs the front of her tunic, through the sliced open coat. She gasps as he so easily tears away the front of it, exposing the white sleeveless undershirt that stopped just under her chest. She quickly moves back from him, trying to keep him from tearing any more of it off, shivering from the cold. "S-stop ruining m-my clothes." She tries to send another wave of snow at him, then another from another angle, and a third from yet another angle.
"No Pain no gain" he said, knowing she was off balance now he easily deflected her attacks, flowing like the water through them. "And you have not suffered nearly enough" he murmured. He placed his palm on the ground causing the snow to rise up form underneath her to bind her, freezing it to ice in a moment, leaving her midriff exposed in the icy cold. He knelt down in front of her for a moment, letting her bask in the helplessness before her slowly, inch by inch started to cut open the last of her clothing, the soft sound of cloth being cut by the sharp blade the only sound in the air.
Yara cries out as the ice forms up from beneath her, enraged that he seemed able to fend off her attacks so easily. Clearly, he was holding out on her, not teaching her everything he could. And now she was being punished for it. She looks down, frowning as she watches helplessly while his blade cuts through the remains of her tunic, and the sash that was holding it together. As the ruined garment falls open, the white loincloth she wore as underwear becomes fully visible. She was now in nothing but her underwear, in the freezing ice, aside from the opened coat and and torn tunic hanging onto her shoulders. "Th-this is a horrible w-way to teach..." She shivers, her teeth chattering a bit as the cold starts getting to her in her unclothed state.
"I never said I was a good teacher, I only said I would teach you" he said with a dry chuckle, using his knife to tear off the rest of her clothing, leaving her skin exposed to the cold. "Now then let's see if some time outside will toughen you up and help you focus" he said with a smile, leaving her bound by the ice, going back inside his hut to go drink some tea. Either she would free herself, or she would learn a little humility... it was a win win for him.
Her eyes go wide as the knife slices through the small undershirt, freeing her breasts, leaving them exposed to the cold. A blush crosses over her face and she yelps out. "No! Not my underwear, please!" But it was too late, as the knife slices through her loincloth as well, leaving her completely naked aside from her boots. "Noo!" She squirms and struggles again the ice, desperately trying to get free to cover herself and not let him see her naked body. She didn't want to be stuck like this, left fully exposed to the biting chill, but her arms were trapped, how could she possibly free herself.
He gave her a little while, letting humility sink in... and for her to understand possibly why he was exposing her to the elements, so she could understand them, feel them... become one with them. Eventually he slipped outside and broke the ice, picking up the girl and carrying her inside to the warmth, silent as he took care of her. He wrapped a blanket around her nude body, forcing her lips open to make her drink tea, slowly bringing her back to the warmth.
Yara's coat and shredded tunic fall from her shoulders as the ice breaks and her nude body drops. She shivers, looking up weakly as he carries her inside. She clutches the blanket around herself, curling up. Her mouth opens gladly to take in the hot tea, feeling the warmth inside. She looks up at him, somewhat confused at his kindness, but grateful he didn't leave her to die. She had to try to remember, this was all part of his unorthodox training, and she should try to accept it.
He talked to her, his voice lacking his usual icy barb "It is the core of bending, ice must be broken down into water before it can be truly bent" he said simply "Thus you must be broken before I can shape you into a true bender" he stated, looking down at her passive form "Until you become nothing, there is only so much I can teach you" he offered her some more tea, softly stroking her hair... letting her rest.
She looks at him, still looking somewhat confused, but she nodded, trying to accept it. She drinks more of the tea, starting to warm up, holding the blanket tightly around her nude form. She looks up at him again, and smiles a little. She didn't fully understand his way of teaching, she she was grateful he was willing to do so, especially when the laws of their tribe forbade women to learn water bending to fight.
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