Mx Female Mag's Current Cravings! (A Small Collection of Big-Time Cravings)


A Shiny Rock
Oct 7, 2015
• Hi there! You might know me from my other thread, but this one here is just a tiny collection of current cravings from my main thread as well as new, experimental ideas I want to try with a partner or two.

• I work a 9-5 job, on the east coast of the USA. I will be more active in the evenings and weekends, but can hop onto BlueMoon when work is slow.

• I'm a fan of smut in my RPs, but I want it clear I also enjoy playing as/with interesting characters & writing cool stories. If you're up for horny stories with actual characters and plot, I'm your guy. As for kinks, I hope my f-list provides a good idea of what I'm into, I don't cover each and every kink in there so if you have questions, please ask!

• I RP via PMs first and foremost. I could use Discord if you like a "play as we go" style, I cannot sit and rapid-fire responses to you.

• I don't believe I have a standard post length, I wouldn't ask that of you either. Typically I aim for 2 paragraphs but it depends on the situation. I think if we are able to provide each other with good posts and we can work off of each other, we will have a great time. I believe not every interaction needs to be several paragraphs, such as our characters having an important or intimate conversation. But on the other side, numerous, bland & short responses can be very discouraging.

• A decent grasp of the English language is preferred. As long as I can read your posts and understand them, we will be fine.

I love OOC chat! Let's chat! If maybe you're a bit overwhelmed with life and aren't up for RPing, or you have the time for quick chats rather than detailed messages, etc.. chatting is a nice way to keep in touch and know you're still interested!

Current Big-Time Cravings:

(*Willing to swap out Uraraka, I just like the alliteration in the title)

So for this one we would be playing ideally in an alternate universe where Uraraka was not accepted to U.A., there's no reason this can't take place in the normal universe but I feel like her being rejected may drive her to some of the unethical choices she would be making. Uraraka's biggest drive to becoming a hero was that so she could make a lot of money and help her parents live an easy life. But, what happens when she's not in hero school? She ends up taking a lot of odd jobs for cash to slip into her parent's wallets. This series of odd jobs ends up with her working for some criminal activity, but she decides if the work is going to be done anyway, why can't she do it and put the money she gets to good use?

She ends up getting wrangled into escapades with The League of Villains. Commonly using sexuality to get things she needs or to distract some heroes while the big villains get things done.

I have a plot in mind to what the League is after, but other aspects are welcome. I'll list a couple ideas to get the brain juices flowing: Getting romantically attached to one of the villains, becoming a bit of a call girl for heroes (or villains!) for extra cash.. I'll admit I thought I had more, but I'm open to suggestions as well!

I anticipate playing all canon characters for this, there's only 1 "original character" and that's a faceless bossman who organizes the jobs for her. We would have no need to meet him or flesh him out, he's just a character to move the plot along with new jobs.

I don't really have a big idea here, but I'm always in the mood for some fantasy settings. I've been big into Diablo lately, and with Baldur's Gate 3 out as well, I'm always eager for a fantasy adventure.

However, I think I want to center a character with some sort of lewd power or trait. Such as:

A healer that can heal party members with sex. Generally I play this as a female companion who has this power, but I'm open to trying it as a male character with this power as well. Whether they were born with this power, blessed by a diety, picked up an enchanted necklace, or something else you have in mind.

A character that is fueled by sex with their party members? Maybe a lesser incubus or succubus or warlock who needs to appease their patron deity with sex?

Like I said, I don't have a big idea. If you'd like to play some horny characters who adventure together, hit me up!

Now perhaps this isn't the best RP idea for me to be craving right now because I'm behind, I've only seen the first episode of the newest season which featured Mitsuri so my assumption was that she played a big role in this season. So, if you do crave this, please keep spoilers to a minimum!

Just kinda craving an RP where Mitsuri is out doing her thing, slaying demons and getting captivated by guys. Maybe the demon fights are lewd in nature? I don't have a big overarching plot in mind, might be able to get something going based on your kinks or ideas. But, if the idea of playing Mitsuri against some canon characters and some horny demons interests you, come by my PMs and let's discuss!

One idea I do have is maybe we take it a few steps back and we can play out her path to becoming a Demon Slayer? Just a little head-canon fun that weaves in a good amount of plot to the smut I'd like to see.

No big plot idea but I like the concept of a younger, perhaps inexperienced guy discovering he has some sort of hypnosis or mind control power. Something that he discovers purely by accident in a very unbelievable way. Generally I think a good setting for this is college where he could be living on his own but I'm open to suggestions!

I enjoy having this guy learn different aspects of his power, for better or worse, examples:
  • Say he accidentally had gotten a close friend to suck him off, but she realizes that was a very bad move and something she doesn't want and cuts him off or is maybe more resistant to those advances of his?
  • Maybe he discovers too many commands can overload a partner's mind?
  • Learning how to properly and efficiently phrase his commands? Almost like those cliche genie wishes where you have to be awfully specific? He could suggest to a partner that she's horny and yes it works!.. But she's going to quickly excuse herself so she can hook up with someone else instead of the guy.
On the other side of that we can also develop his powers to be stronger, deeper and more complex as we go on. Define some goals or big plans and see where that takes us!
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Bumping to see if I can get any interest in the Stardew Valley/Monster Fucker idea. I'm currently on vacation at least through the weekend so I cannot provide as routine replies as I would if I were home but I will be back to a normal schedule by the 5th!
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