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Mx Any The Pen is Mightier (every bump a new plot idea)

May 27, 2020
A Bit About Me: I have been roleplaying for about 12 (ish) years now, and I've written in all kinds of settings, creative and academic. Typically I shoot for an average of 3-5 paragraphs, but I really just end up matching my partners. Typically I shoot for 60:40 story to smut. I also want to say that I'm sapiosexual so the better you write, or the more passionate you are in your writing, the happier I am. This is my first time setting up a big thread like this and I'm sure I'll be coming back and editing everything, or adding more in. This is for certain not an exhaustive list of all the idea rolling in my head, but it is a few of them that I've got the time to write up today. I try to respond daily, but life happens. For example I had a pretty big mental health week last week and wasn't able to respond. I try to keep my partners up to date through posts or through OOC (OOC communication is very important to me.) and I do not enjoy ghosting or being ghosted, but I understand. Also I love world building, it ties into the whole sapiosexual thing. I also really like music in my rps, it just enhances the story for me. I'm not sure the moment I prefer to leave messages for planning and rp in the threads, it just makes more organizational sense to me, but if messages are the only option then that's fine.

My Kinks: Because of the sapiosexul thing so long as it's well written and passionate I can typically enjoy it. Sure there are things I've grown to enjoy more, but that list is far too long and I'd forget a lot.

My limits: The only things, (at the moment) I've seen that really do not go well for me are: scat, vomit, diapers, and bad writing. Just kills the muse.

New Availability: Working around 40 hours a week, trying to get out 3 posts a day, expected turn around on replies 10 days.

Revamped thread: At the moment all of these ideas are open.

Hi potential partner, are you thinking about doing a role with me one would classify as 'dark' ? A fun game I've started playing with my partners is answering the question below as an ice breaker to help us get used to each other quicker. Don't worry this isn't one of those 'if you don't answer this I won't respond' or 'if you answer this wrong I won't rp with you' questions. Just an ice breaker that I came up with through an accident with another partner.

The Question is: what do you suppose goblin dick tastes like?




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Dux Bellorum
Genre: Historical Fantasy
My Character: Arthur Pendragon
Your Character: MorganaleFey, Guinevere, Myrddin Emrys,

The legend of King Arthur is a story that has carried through time and appealed to people across cultures and generations. A story about a Romano-Britain defeating Saxons, enjoyed by the English, adapted by the French, retold by Americans, there's even versions of his myths in Hebrew and Yiddish. We talk about the historical King Arthur because he comes from a period in time where we have almost no history.

To be brief here's what we think we know about the historical King Arthur: Constantine III is his traditional grandfather, who was declared Western Roman Emperor in 407 CE, and was murdered in 411 after surrendering in a siege and promising to take holy vows in return for his life. Constantine's younger sons Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther were left in Britain, which came under the power of Vortigern. Vortigern then betrayed the Britons by offering the Saxon chiefs Hengest and Horsa the Isle of Thanet, and then Kent in return for their daughter, until the betrayed him in the Night of Long Knives and took over much of Eastern England.

Horsa died at Aylesford in 455, Hengest in 473. Defeated by the brothers Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther Pendragon.

From then two other meaningful years exist for Arthurian legend, 518 the year of Arthur's twelfth victory against the Saxons at Mt. Badon and 537, the year that Arthur battled against Mordred at Camlann.

I would like to tell a story filling in the gaps. With a focus on the Welsh stories and history. Meaning no Lancelot. But there will be Bedwyr who returned the sword Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake who forged it from bog iron. Caius who grew up as a brother to Arthur. Gwalchmai Arthur's nephew from the Orkneys etc.

No prior knowledge of the myths or history required.
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