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Journy of A Life time.


Jan 9, 2009
A midnight black streak rushed through the wood easily dodging through the thick undergrowth. Four black paw dug into the dirt as he rushed along the path he had taken every year, but normally he was another week out in the woods to let his blood cool more from the heat of the mating season. He had never taken a mate merely because there was only one female that he had ever wanted but she was out of his reach. He raced faster crossing a large stream in one bound pleased with the growth he had put on during this summer. His chest had filled out more giving his front legs much greater power then they had before and he looked a great deal larger then when he had left.

Always in the summer he left so that he never pounced on the female he wanted in a fit of heat from the mating season. Ever since they had both turned fourteen he had done this just to allow the cooling of his blood. However this year he returned a week early so that he could travel with her when she left on her journey. He just hoped that he wasnâ??t still too hot and could control himself. Midnight, for that was the name she gave, him rounded the last bend in the path he had made and pulled to a halt in the middle of the glade where they always met after he came back after the summer.
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