Fx Male The Epicenter of the Damned


“Ours is the Magic. Ours is the Power.”
Jun 1, 2019
Hell with Love
The Motor City, Hockeytown, Motown, Paris of the West.

Detroit, Michigan. Known for its music, sports, architecture and the multitude of cars that rolled from its automotive lines. The city known by many names.


The once great Rock City now lays in ruin. Its once grand architecture is now fading, stained with blood and age. The ice has melted in the rinks, diamond grass is brown and dead. The automotive industry has rusted and stalled, unfinished product crumbling on the lines. The music has died.

The Epicenter of the Damned

The worlds populace, or rather what remains of it, does not know this once great city by such a name. Most are oblivious and trying to survive. There are however some that know. Those that created this dark and dismal world we now live in.

A handful of scientists, doctors, Military and the U.S Government.

Some were unknowing of what they were creating while others knew it all but no one could predict the true ramifications of their experiments. Scientists and doctors knew full well there could be...side effects. The volunteering soldiers knew there could be complications. The Government sanctioned the secret program.

Super soldiers.. That was the plan. Create a....killing machine.

Time and time again the experiment failed. The test soldier died, another was brought in. Families were told the men and women had died in combat. Failures and lies. It could have stopped there. This dystopia could have been prevented but greed and power got in the way. They continued testing, they needed to get it right. For the greater good, they told themselves, the test subjects and those working for them.

Bodies began to pile up and something had to be done with them. The Detroit River is 53 feet deep at its deepest point and it seemed just as good a place as any to dispose of the fallen soldiers.

Previous treatments of the river to clean it up from its polluted and toxic state interacted with the decaying bodies and the toxins and treatments inflicted on the soldiers. Creating a deadly pollutant into the body of water. A body of water used for fishing, swimming, a plethora of recreational usage by its surrounding cities, in both Michigan and Canada.

People began to get sick. Some began to die. Investigations found the common link but by then it was too late. Vacationers had gone home. Families had returned to their lives as best they could.

The mutated infection laid dormant, just long enough for people to believe they had a handle on the situation but then, bodies in the morgues, in hospitals, in their own unsuspecting homes began to rise, hungry.

They'd gotten what they'd wanted. Killing machines. Just not the way they'd envisioned it. They couldn't control them, their primal hunger, the spread of the infection. It was all out of their hands by now and all they could do was try to survive, just like the rest of the unsuspecting world that they'd unleashed this nightmare on.

This all begs the questions.....

If the infection was created by man....could it be cured by man? And who can survive long enough to find out?


I’m hoping for someone willing to play multiple side characters, as well, as I suspect I will be doing the same. We’ll tell the story together.

You do have to be ok with me being kinda slow in response times. For various reasons. If you’re not, we won’t mesh for that reason alone.

Moderately Lit. I’m not a grammar nazi by any means and I make my own mistakes.

Face Claims: You use RDJ and I’ll use any pretty female face you want me to use as long as I have plenty images to peruse for them.

Yes, Maybe and No: Those can all be found
right here.
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