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Mx Female A fluffy romantic with a "killer" ambition~

Flare the Devil Hunter

Dante's Disciple
Jun 10, 2020
Somewhere with demons!
Hello everyone! You may call me Flare, or Jack if you prefer, and I'm here to talk a bit about what I like, a few ideas, and how I roleplay. Let's begin with likes!

Now I am a big furry, Flareons are adorable X3, but I also have interest with demons/angels, cybernetics, supernatural, magic, and weapons. What I like in a pair is a male and female that, at some point, settle down and fall for each other. This can be done in various different ways, so not everything has to be direct and sappy: bloodshed and wars along with conflict may bring them together. I'm fine with any amount of smut and plot, as long we both have fun and enjoy the story. I also, and please don't kink shame me lol, have a thing with humans x Pokemon (Flareon specifically) and human x furry in general. I find the story and smut can change so much from the usual human x human, allowing many methods to unfold the roleplay, and also because I find it hot haha! MAJOR NOTE: I tend to have romance in every roleplay. Not because it's attractive or immersive, but it helps fill a void so to speak. Now let's move on to ideas! (Though not limited to~)

Pokemania Romance

As a trainer wanders about, setting off to collect all the Pokemon to complete her pokedex, or at least fill the pokedex those that she likes. One day, the girl stumbles upon a unique Flareon that sets itself apart from all the others. Due to its characteristics, it sparks a drive to catch this Flareon and have it for herself. But as time passes by, attractions develop, and with such, conflict too. (As to how it develops is up to you)

The Aeternal War

Demons and Angels, two beings that remained at odds since the dawn of time. With both sides desiring total control of the Otherworld, wars have broke over what is called Pandaemonium, with the angels trying to keep a very powerful artifact sealed from demonic contact. But when a demon and an angel have a similar goal to set aside this eternal conflict and come across each other, will they survive hellfire and holy waters, or submit to the great division that splits the two? (This WILL be action packed and things are going to get bloody too. But the goal is for a greater cause)

Under the Cold Steel Heart

When a trained military man has cast his humanity aside and already devoted to keep the world safe from another dangerous war, he utilizes his near-completely cybernetic body to reach all over the world, known as a cold assassin slicing every opponent in half or to bits. But on one certain case, a very special girl is brought into his life: Unforgettable and persistent. What should happen if the two come together and find romance in the air amidst all the bloodshed?
(Not as action oriented, but definitely gory and bloody)

Embrace the Cuteness, and the Fur (Undertale related)

What does a girl do when she's wound up in a different world (or place) where hideous amalgamations coexist with...a cute attractive goat boy? Anything goes on such a wild ride! Maybe they flee together or remain there as one. Perhaps the girl is freaked out and just wants to treat it all as a nightmare, but the soft fluff always calm her down. (This, as said, is a wild ride. Literally can be adjusted that "anything goes")

Devil May Love/Kill (OC yet kinda canon)

Its a demon apocalypse! The city is overrun by frightening nightmares and demonic flesh growing from otherworldly trees! We better call Devil May Cry- Wait, He's already dealing with enough demons? Does this mean hope is lost? Hell no! Introducing a new Devil Hunter, Daevos! Armed with his own weapons of devils and angels, he brings the two together by being a son of both heritage. But who's to say a little love can stop the energetic fighter? (Obviously, DMC related, I shouldn't have to explain what to expect X3 but if you're curious, ask me any questions!)
Now it's time we finally talk about my writing style: I do first person BUT does not mean you have to. If you ask me to do third person, I'll try to do so, as I've gotten a tad bit experienced with it, but it kinda gets me stumped when writing out sentences from time to time. I do not have a preference to how much you write, but common literature is something I bet we all want, haha. I usually type minimum of 4 to 5 sentences but can do two paragraphs if preferred. Again, type as much or little as you want. In addition, I have ADHD, so if I skip a vital detail, I do apologize.

One last thing I want to say: I hope all of you are having a great day!
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