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Working on a (mech-based) game-inspired setting for a story I want to make, comments appreciated! (ConCrit Edition)


Awoo? Awoo!
Apr 18, 2020
Hello! I'm working on a story setting that started just as a mech setting but as I worked I started incorporating more games ><

Anyway, all I have so far is a stream of consciousness Google Document, but I'd love to know what it gets people thinking. Would also be cool to get some people to bounce ideas with and show the story as I work on it! Please don't hesitate to speak with me :D
Okay, My observations right off the bat, Mechwarrior and Gundam Wing would have to have a merger, otherwise Gundam Loses out by sheer numbers. The general technology levels from Battletech are several times more advanced than what was seen in Gundam, IE you have things like the FTL Jumpships, Black Box Communication Units, and the ability to manufacture serious amounts of mecha.

The territory claimed by humans is likewise huge compared to Gundam. That largely happened in the Sol system, with the main three planets being earth, mars, Jupiter, and associated moons, with several orbital platforms. Whereas in Battletech/Mechwarrior, you have hundreds of star systems colonized and claimed by humanity.

In terms of Mechs, Gundam Wing's have a far superior edge in combat ability and or agility. IE, the main differences between the "Super Robot" and "Real Robot" Genres.

Phantasy Star, I am assuming you mean the Sega Genesis RPGs. Its not impossible to have those characters in a mecha based storyline, But my instincts are telling me that all of the reality that the characters experience would be housed on a hyper advanced computer system, with them all existing as programs and software, similar to a holodeck in the later renditions of "Star Trek"
(I could be wrong on this.)

Those three could mesh easily well, using either Mekton-Z as a system, or even GURPS.

The other Genres you named, I am not familiar with, I would have to do some research and get back to you.
Oh hey, I forgot I posted this here...

Thanks for your words! It looks like you understood this as a sort of direct mashup of the series themselves, where I had been working off of using them as inspiration.

Either way I've worked my way past this stream of consciousness and actually have lore! (And a dice system that a friend made that we're gonna test)
There's some nuances to the lore that I don't think i got written perfectly but if you wanna give it a look I'll go ahead and link it. :)
Oh hey, I forgot I posted this here...

Thanks for your words! It looks like you understood this as a sort of direct mashup of the series themselves, where I had been working off of using them as inspiration.

Either way I've worked my way past this stream of consciousness and actually have lore! (And a dice system that a friend made that we're gonna test)
There's some nuances to the lore that I don't think i got written perfectly but if you wanna give it a look I'll go ahead and link it. :)
Coolies, I'll have to look that up once I get home.
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