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Fx F or NB Lesbian Robin Hood, A Lesbian Pirate, and Some Lesbian Space Explorers Walk Into a Bar . . .


Oh, shit, we can edit these?
Jun 3, 2020
Hi! My name is Emma, and welcome to my request thread!

To start off, I'm attracted to women and feminine nonbinary peeps, but I don't mind what gender you are irl as long as you're willing to play a femme character. I typically post around 3-4 short-ish paragraphs (or occasionally 2 very long ones), but I can adjust for my partner's preferences! That said, I am in the quality over quantity camp, so I'll typically focus more on moving the story forward than adhering to a minimum word count.

My roleplays tend to really focus on either emotion (especially in realism/slice-of-life), or adventure (in the more sci-fi/fantasy themed rps). In terms of smut vs story, I like pretty much any combination that has a noticeable plot. Getting more into the erotic side of my roleplays, I really like romance and always value partners who put a lot of work into making sure our characters have good chemistry. I also like to push certain boundaries (as you'll find out), and I'm not afraid to break certain taboos.

However, nobody is without their limits, and mine are blood, underage characters, rape (except for somnophilia, and even then I'm only ok with it being very mild dub-con), non-humans, and excessively male-gazey descriptions/overt creepiness.

When it comes to the venue for roleplaying, I really value my anonymity. This means we should keep our roleplays in the PMs or threads here-- not a big fan of roleplaying over Discord, email, or any external venues.

Before I get into the list of roleplays I wanna try out, I should include a mild content warning for incest. All characters are 18+ and consenting, but I do have a soft spot for family x family scenarios.

Anyways, here are some plot threads if you're interested in roleplaying (note that the "you" in the blurbs can be either you or me):

Realistic Roleplays

The Roadtrip (cw: incest):
So your cousin is tagging along on your family's annual road trip. Big deal-- she doesn't live with you, but she's still family, and you get along well enough. Besides, she takes trips with you all the time, so this isn't much different. But then she comes out to you the day before the trip and something changes. She's a lesbian like you, and that awakens feelings that you've always ignored. Something inside you finally acknowledges how beautiful she is, and when she says "I love you" in response to a joke or an impassioned rant, your heart skips a beat.
So now you're on a trip with the woman you love. You read somewhere it's legal in your state for cousins to get married and that makes it worse. You're trapped in a gross, miserable place. She could never love you. Could she?

This roleplay can be finessed to have a final destination where the underlying feelings finally bubble up, or we could just have some fun gallivanting around wherever the road trip takes us as things build. This one's a bit more erotic (probably 30/70 smut to plot ratio) and really engages the turmoil of forbidden love. Subtle hints and brief moments of weakness drive the buildup in this one-- perhaps circumstance can conspire with the cousin's own lack of self-control to exacerbate her feelings until they inevitably reach a conclusion (which can be anything, just let the roleplay find a natural end).

Sci-fi Roleplays

The Explorer:
The Galactic Imperium is on the verge of oblivion. The insurgent, Tara Maldenas, is garnering support as she decries the interplanetary monarchy's power. Meanwhile, every royal family under the Imperium's banner is vying for control, offering potential wives for Lord Harkol in the hopes that the Lost Princess, a kid heir who myseriously vanished nineteen years ago, does not return in the arms of a bounty hunter and reclaim the line of succession for her family.
You hide from the chaos in your rickety ship, bouncing from planet to planet as you salvage broken-down machines or hunt the occasional bounty. You are a wayward urchin with no connection to her past except for an ornate ring with a purple gemstone on it. You don't care about that, though-- all that matters to you is staying alive in a cut-throat, chaotic galaxy where rebels, criminals, and tyrants make the landscape rough with danger.

Obviously, the urchin in this rp is the Lost Princess. I wish I could imply that without giving spoilers, but I really can't. Anyway, the other character could be any number of people-- a space knight who knows her true identity, her partner in crime, a bounty hunter. Hell, they could even be Tara Maldenas herself! This is a roleplay that focuses more heavily on the adventure and world-building (10/90 or 20/80 ratio for smut/plot). It can be a grand epic in which the fate of the Imperium is decided or something as simple as two interplanatery criminals trying to survive together.

The Lonely Voyager:
For years, you have bounced from planet to planet in your rickety little starship, a rogue explorer wandering the cosmos. You've fought bad guys with lazer guns, you've helped rebels topple inter-planetary empires, and you've even carried precious MacGuffins that have saved many worlds. But you are adrift, in truth, directionless, disenfranchised from the infinite world around you. Yours is a world of isolation, and no matter how many good deeds you do, you will always feel like Cain, exiled from every world, disconnected from every sentient being you meet.

In this rp, I would really hope to lean into the individual characters a bunch. Maybe the rogue meets someone on one of her adventures who starts to penetrate the wall that she's built around herself. Maybe she finds another less experienced drifter and becomes the other girl's mentor. Since I'm a huge fan of romance, that is the default angle for me, but it could just blossom into a really good friendship. Or perhaps they could even become bitter enemies.

Fantasy Roleplays

The Woods:
The people of your village live in fear of the monster in the woods. Legends abound of a horrifying beast-- a flower that talks, slime that follows travelers at a distance, an enchantress who tempts young women to sin-- but none are verified. You have always been adventurous, but have been a little wary of the woods. So much of them is unexplored, and the monster stories have been enough to keep you at bay since childhood.
But curiosity always kills the cat, and eventually you go into the forest. There you learn that darkness can be beautiful, and the fear of your village was misplaced, demonizing a sweetness you have never known.

I guess forbidden desire is really something that I'm a huge fan of, because that's what this story is all about. The girl who goes into the forest winds up meeting the legendary monster (we can create the monster together). Of course, the monster has to be humanoid (and I'm also not too wild about furries), so monster girls are perfectly welcome in this rp! In reality, the monster is actually rather friendly, giving this story plenty of opportunity to explore themes about the evil mythology imposes on women. Or it could just be some fun with a wholesome monster girl if you don't care about that. The ratio here is pretty versatile, so we should discuss it before starting if this interests you!

The Pirate Queen:
You've finally snapped. After years of scrounging on the streets, desperately clawing at the ground and begging for food, starving half to death, you've disappeared into the underground just like so many before. When you met that charming girl while begging outside the local tavern, you didn't expect her to bring you back to her ship. You didn't even expect her to have a ship. Either way, now you sail by her side, a sword in your hand and a gun on your hip. You might not feast every night, but you don't end the day hungry anymore.

I fucking love pirates, so I had to include a pirate rp. It's not inherently fantasy (though fantasy is totally cool for it!), but that's the closest I could get. While romance isn't necessarily a requirement for this rp, I enjoy a touch of it (as always). The main focus here, however, is adventuring on the high seas and embracing the radical freedom that's always at the heart of piracy.

The Bandit:
You met her at the Maytime Faire. She sat beside you during the Bardic contest and the two of you spoke about the performances-- sharing your awe at the good, laughing raucously at the bad. When it came time for the Maypole Dance, your strand was right next to hers and you laughed together. She wore a green velvet mask so it was no surprise that you didn't recognize her until her arrow knocked King Thomas's crown off of his head. You had always admired the woman that they call the Verdant Archer, but the incident at the faire, as well as the friendly conversation leading up to it, may have turned your admiration into a small crush. Now you spend as much time outside Bandit's Wood as possible, hoping to catch a glimpse of her as she robs some unlucky baron blind.

Yes, it's Robin Hood for lesbians, but if you genuinely think that isn't an awesome idea, I don't know what to say. Like the pirate rp, this one doesn't exactly count of fantasy intrinsically (supernatural elements aren't a requirement), but it's close. And, of course, fantasy elements are more than welcome! The core of this rp is the story about a girl meeting her idol and developing a crush. It can go nowhere if you want, of course, or the ultimate goal of the rp could actually be to have the girl's feelings grow. This seed could go quite a few directions, tbh.

World of Darkness
This one's a bit more open ended-- I actually just have a setting in mind here, not really any story. And yes, it is a rip-off of the Onyx Path ttrpg setting that inspired the title. What can I say? I'm a bit . . . lacking . . . in the originality department.

Anyway, welcome to a world where normal life merely a thin mask that reality wears to hide its truly dark and chaotic nature. Secret cabals of vampires run the cities behind the scenes while werewolves roam the wild, ripping livestock and lost hikers to shreds when the moon is full. Magicians shape the world around them in secret while otherworldly invaders try to keep the magic in check. Ghosts haunt decaying mansions and fairies haunt dark fens and forests, all the while cybernauts roam the digital space, discovering the secrets that humanity didn't know it had touched with the invention of computer science. In this terrifying hidden world, anything is possible. Perhaps a hiker has a terrifying run-in with a werewolf. Perhaps a college student stumbles onto a magical cult lurking in the dark corners of her campus. Or perhaps a lonely girl gets kidnapped by fairies and dragged to the Seelie court. The point here really is the setting, so plot isn't a huge deal here (in terms of plot vs. world building, of course-- normal smut vs. story rules still apply).

Anyways, thanks fro reading my request thread! I hope I caught your eye and didn't weird you out.
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Added another rp that's basically just a knock-off of every World of Darkness game ever made.
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