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Fx F or NB Cyberpunk Dystopia

Elisa Varyn

Jun 19, 2019
So, first things first. I've been away from this site for quite a while, for reasons I'd not go into too much detail over, but which include a hospital stay and considerable fatigue after that point. I cannot promise daily replies (though I will always aim for that frequency or better), so if that bothers you, best turn away now <3

Now, onto..
The Idea:
The future is neither bright, nor orange. The future is, as the title suggests, less than perfect. Imagine if you will a world (or a nation of your choice) in which corporations no longer simply seek to lobby or impose their influence upon those in governance, but govern themselves by means of the simplest mechanic out there; market share. Intellectual property and the licensing thereof have become the key services and goods for the every day consumer, for in a truly digital world, the consumer owns none of it. Oh block furniture sure, a bed is a bed whoever you are, but the biometric lock to your apartment door? The one installed as a result of the Biometric Personal Security Act? They own the software, your data, your access. Your genetic code is a commodity, targeting healthcare ads for maladies you won't have for another forty years, and that healthcare? Provided by the corporation, as a for-profit venture of course.

Now imagine this all going just one step further with the advent of transhumanism and the wide availability of cybernetic and grafted enhancements. Your DNA becomes your bank account number, your consent whether explicit or implied transferred digitally to whichever branch of the corporation most benefits from your credit. So what of money, currency, value? Simply, contribution to the flow of the corporation-backed economy brings with it certain advantages, tied explicitly to your genetic code. The more profit you make, the more referrals for products go via your profile, the higher your discounts. In short, wealth is rewarded by more of the same, while those unfortunate enough to be born at the bottom of the pyramid have the least to gain, and the most to lose. There are no discounts for those who cannot help the corporation's bottom line, so they must pay their tithe in full. Crime? Oh, the law is corporation law of course; that which is for the good of the corporation cannot be punished, but penury and hard labour await those who attempt to take shortcuts. For those who cannot be dissuaded, there is a far more effective punishment.

In a truly digital world, your very genetics are a commodity, information linked to everything you could ever need, whether you want that link or not. In a truly digital world, you can be, simply.. wiped. All your information, gone. Everything that ties you to the world, to the economy, to the lock on your own door, gone. Those who are wiped are, as far as the corporation is concerned, non-people. Living corpses, the dead waiting to die, human flotsam that surely will sink beneath the waves and leave nothing of worth behind.

So what if another 'provider' were to come onto the scene? What if, hypothetically, a woman should choose to begin offering her own implants, her own genetic passcodes, at cost or less? What would happen, in fact, when non-people try to claw their way back up the pyramid?

The Typist:
Apologies for the long read to get here, but it's an idea I've been toying with for a while and the one that got me back onto this site. Hopefully it'll be one that works well as an rp too!

I'm based in the UK, and much prefer third person and past tense, although if you'd prefer to do first person in your posts then that's perfectly fine too. I do in the real world have a strong preference for femininity, and that is true in the digital realm too, although please note that a major exception can and will be made for female characters who are actually genuinely strong. I'm not into the bodybuilder type, but if your character is an athlete, then please do give her the appropriate physique, I honestly find nothing sexier. The same goes for characters who prefer not to shave, this is the future damn it, and the future can be body positive even if it's a hellhole too.

I'd prefer PMs, too.

The Kinks:
No, not the band.
Big favourites are foot play, watersports, equality within a relationship, unique appearances, giving oral, buttstuff in general, and often roleplay within roleplay. Public can be fun too, exhibitionism in any case, but only where it fits the rp. Big one here, romance, I love a good romance.

Limits? Well... it needs to make sense within the world we build, so in a future version of the world that we inhabit now, plenty of societal norms can have changed. That's fine, but it doesn't make beach ball sized breasts feasible. Effectively anything 'hyper', 'macro', and so on are probably no goes. Furthermore, consent is required, I have precisely zero interest in roleplaying a rape scene with you. None.

Within that framework however, go wild. Your character has a fantasy of choking mine on their dick until she pokes, cool, your character is your own and I'm not about to kink shame you. Once again though, consent is a requirement, and not just with me, but with my character!

PM me if you're interested, and don't worry if everything above just gave you your own idea, share those too! Oh, and I'm more than happy to fangirl over our characters <3
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