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Mx F or NB A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away {Star Wars Request Thread}

Nov 20, 2017
New Yawk


This thread is a search specifically for Star Wars content. If you want my general request thread, go here. All of the details about me in that thread are mostly applicable here as well. I'm mostly looking for more story than smut for this, so figure about a 90:10 ratio for plot:smut. This is certainly negotiable though. I am open to DMing, being DM'd for, or plotting collaboratively for this. I'm also open to group content, but I'd rather not DM for a larger group.

Unless you are wanting to play a particular canon character against an OC of mine, I have no interest at all in the Disney canon and all of my inspirations will come from Legends material. Alternate universes with mixed material is fine. I have no ill-will toward people who like the Disney canon; just not my thing. On that note, I don't play canon characters for a main (side characters and cameos is alright, but if I'm DMing, most of my content will not be involving canon characters). Although I have others in mind, my main characters for this will be listed in the spoilers below. I generally will not be playing more than one of them in the same RP, but I will play plenty of side characters.

All that being said, I am open to your character(s) being original or canon. There are many, many, many canon female characters of interest to me in Legends, so I can name some but they would not be exhaustive. Some possible characters of interest to me would be almost any character in SWTOR, Darth Zannah, Darth Talon, Mission Vao, Vima Sunrider, Mira, Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, Abeloth, Darth Cognus, Meetra Surik, and I'm also open to genderbent versions of other characters if you like. Like I said though, I'm totally open to original characters.
Just please don't give me some Bella Swan kind of character who is going to be super boring to write against. In a galaxy where you can be a Sith, Mandalorian, Witch of Dathomir, soldier, pirate, smuggler, assassin droid, etc -- why are you gonna be Bella Swan?

Plot ideas are flexible until I know what my partner is looking for.

The Durasteel Desperado
Gunslinger, underground kingpin and Republic privateer; former smuggler and gladiator for the Hutts (which is where he got the name Durasteel Desperado). He's absolutely filthy rich with a sprawling enterprise and some of the rarest tech in the galaxy.
**Strictly Non-monogamous**
My SWTOR main and my favorite of my Star Wars character. In-game, he would have taken the role of Voidhound, Outlander, and Alliance Commander. For these reasons, this also makes him my most formidable Star Wars character.
If you're curious, I chose Akaavi in-game, but still romanced Lana and Risha (and literally every other female he was permitted to flirt with). My headcanon is, was, and always will be that his relationship with Akaavi is polyamorous and Desperado could never be in a monogamous relationship. Flirting is too ingrained in him.

Personality: Dashing and smart-talking, he's the quintessential rogue. Best believe he's going to have some hilarious witticisms about him and a whole lot of confidence. In that respect, you can imagine his personality a lot like Flynn Rider's. Despite some unsavory ties though, Desperado has a heart of gold and although he doesn't follow the Jedi code, he follows his own down to the letter. Bullies and slavery are some of Desperado's least favorite things. His underground network tends to be at odds with the Hutt Cartel, the Black Suns, and the Exchange quite often for this reason. In-game, he easily attained max light side points, but he is not a purist. If he feels you're a danger to the galaxy, he won't hesitate to execute you -- but he's also quite willing to give people second chances.
Extra Abilities: Okay, so a lot of people take issue with the non-force users in KotFE and KotET because they feel like a non-force user shouldn't be able to accomplish the feats performed in them. To that, I say poppycock. It just underscores how awesome the character is. But let's explain it a bit, shall we? It's mentioned several times (notably by Satele and Oteg) that at least the Republic non-force users still use the force, but in fundamentally different ways. A few that I think would be absolutely devastating for someone like the gunslinger would be shatterpoints, valor, and some things we wind up seeing in the Bane Trilogy. Namely, in the first book in the Bane Trilogy, we see Dessel in the Gloom Walkers (a non-force using Imperial trooper squad under the Brotherhood of Darkness) unconsciously use the force to sense enemies around him, slow down time, make impossible sniper shots while blinded, and predict the immediate future. As Dessel was not trained in the force at this point, I think it stands to reason that someone else could develop these kinds of skills to a perfect craft when only mastering those skills. Now, take into account a gunslinger with incredibly fast reflexes who has essentially 100% accuracy, can predict the immediate future, can identify all of your weaknesses at a glance, experiences time at a slower pace, and has a significant amount of range to his attacks. Is it honestly any surprise that he'd be mowing down Sith Lords left and right given that information? Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of imagination.

Mastodon Mand'ingo
**Always Dom or non-D/s romance**
Alright, get the giggles out now. I know, the name is funny.
Mand'ingo is a big boy; he's an irresistable force of muscle and armor with a flamethrower, shields, a blaster, and you name it as part of his equipment. He'd be Hunter in SWTOR. The most prolific bounty hunter in the galaxy. He used to take on all jobs, but nowadays only takes on jobs from the Blacklist, the most difficult jobs on the market that don't make the Blacklist somehow, or the ones that will make him the most money. You have to have deep pockets to hire him, but doing so essentially assures success.
Although what you might expect for a Mandalorian, he's always a professional and has a tendency to let his heart get the best of him on missions that involve innocents. It especially helps if he has someone soft and tender-hearted as his sidekick (Mako was perfect in-game and honestly, if you want to pay as Mako, I won't mind at all). He's pretty straight to the point, fairly serious yet not unfriendly -- but if you even disrespect someone in his inner circle, you've signed your death warrant. Your best option if you want a pure romance and your only Star Wars option for monogamy.

Darth Pythameidas
Sith Lord
**Open to feminine non-binary**
**Always Dom**
**Mind altering pheromones**
**Strictly non-monogamous**
Half zeltron, half human
In-game, he would be the Empire's Wrath. A Sith Lord of terrifying power and little patience. However, his ire is usually aimed more at people who he believes deserve it (which are often other Sith and bullies). He's not the "mwehehehehe I'mma kick a puppy" caricature. In fact, I played him making about 75% of the decisions light side. Seductive, domineering, sadistic when the right conditions are met, uninterested in the Empire, mostly interested in growing and developing more power for himself, protective of those he considers 'his'. Finds the Empire's treachery and racism idiotic. In his mind, the Empire is his for the taking and he will remold it into his own image to be a benevolent monarchy. He doesn't inherently have a problem with the Republic, but he thinks they are prone to idiocracy and have a tendency to oppose the Empire on principle. If given the chance, he would broker an end to the conflict.
If you want BDSM, this is the character you want.
One of my few bi characters, but is always always always a top, will never be romantic with anyone other than females (and even then, you're still basically his property once you submit to him), is going to use you primally, and will only take on subs who are sufficiently feminine or prepared to be sissified.
If you're curious, he romanced every available partner, but the one I picked was Vette. That said, when he tells her and Jaesa, "I am a Sith Lord; I will have you both", best believe that that was the end of that discussion and they both submitted to that proclamation.
Real name is Midas ex D'Amore XVIII. He is the descendant of the character below.

Midas ex D'Amore
Zeltron Prince
**Usually Dom**
**Mind-altering pheromones**
**Strictly non-monogamous**
I have a sheet for him that I used for a systems RP. All of the content will be found there.

EDIT: The above says I have no interest in the new Disney continuity. That aversion has diminished. I don't like the sequel trilogy, but I do like Mandalorian, Rebels, Battlefront II, and some others. I am willing to play against Rey, but only in limited scenarios.​
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