Hello stranger!
I hope all is well with you. I'm looking today for an RP to help scratch more a more specific of an itch. One based in a TTRPG type of setting, and the other based in the Warcraft setting. I'll write just a little about both and I'll link more to my original post about who I am and how I operate. I do want to note, these are NOT short one shots nor are they geared towards smut. There will be some fun dirty scenes in them but on the whole it will be far more story driven.
TTRPG/D&D - This setting isn't as solid in the Forgotten Realms but I would like a world in that same vein. Medium to high magic setting, varied and diverse classes and races of the world. Given how open these settings usually are I don't want to restrict myself by pitching a character concept that may or may not work in my initial posting. I'll work with my partner to create a character that meshes well with whoever they want to create. Please do come to the table with a few ideas for both your characters and some story and plot points you'd like to hit on.
Warcraft - The idea with the Warcraft setting is a bit more unusual of one. This is also a long term RP, but I want to retroactively RP from the beginning of the original launch of the vanilla game and work our way through each expansion as they happened. After vanilla, each expansion would be a new story arc that our characters would interact and experience differently. Eventually, we make our way up to the current expansion and can play through the expansion as it's being rolled out. My character concept here is a younger human (not Kul Tiran) Shaman. She's a sweetheart, even if a little bit skittish. I'm receptive to all humanoid races except for the tauren and undead, I might have a hard time with the pandaren as well but we can talk about it.
Here is more about me if you're interested. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!