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Mx Female Looking for RP on Discord - Smutty, dirty, dark (NSFW)


Oct 12, 2018
Hello out there and thank you for taking the time to browse my thread. Specific plots will be added over time.

So, the intro comes first, right? Ok then.

I'm an older guy (by internet standards, I'm ancient) that's into darker themes and very smutty roleplaying. I've been RPing online for a long long time, and BMR is a natural fit for the things I love. My writing style varies from partner to partner, but my personal favorite is 3rd person present tense. I like to write about things as though they're happening right in front of me.

As far as availability and venue, I'll likely reply to RPs a couple times a week to once a day, depending on what's going on in my real life. Please be understanding that I do in fact have a real life and it comes first. I'll do the same for whoever I play with as well. Currently, for both organizational reasons as well as personal ones, I play exclusively on Discord.

What I like writing?

I like very dark themes and kinks to be a central focus of my RPs. Smutt is also a central part of my RPs, with the ratio being somewhere between 60/40 and 80/20 in favor of smut. However, that said, I like there to be some background and just enough plot to hold the whole thing together in a cohesive way. Rape, force, bondage, blackmail, threats and coercion are all common themes in things I write. I really enjoy writing men who break down and tame proud young women and teens. Lots of D/s and Master/slave(or pet) elements find their ways into my RPs as well. My favorite age range for YC would be 15-23 or so, bright young girls with their whole futures ahead of them. Some of my very favorite kinks are facefucking, bondage, public use, humiliation and degradation, harem building, size and age gaps, and corruption. Corruption and humiliation especially being favorites lately. After all, what could be more rewarding than taking the local school's valedictorian and turning her into your own private eager to please little fuckdoll?

So, with that in mind, since I don't have any specific RP plots I want to type up and put out at the moment, here are some generalized ideas.

1: Corruption themes for innocent, smart girls.
  • Religion and religious settings and all the trappings are especially a favorite. Bible camp, churches, private Christian/Catholic schools. All are ripe for some very kinky themes to show up in.
  • Prideful, smart girls also find a soft spot in my heart when it comes to these themes. Bring me a beautiful young girl that's worked her ass off to get to where she's at and has a bright future that I can rob her of, and we'll get along just fine. Student athletes with a full ride guaranteed on graduation, the class valedictorian, bright young career women... All are perfectly acceptable participants for this kind of scene and plot.
2: Betrayal amongst friends and family.
  • I enjoy the idea of a girl's best friend turning her over to her new Master and helping her much more innocent friend be broken for his pleasure.
  • Mom telling her new husband that she wants to see him break down his new step-daughter into the same kind of eager to please plaything she is for him is also a winner.
  • Cuckqueening is an interesting idea to me as well. Mom or a wife offering up her daughter or another sweet, young teen for her husband's enjoyment is a fun idea.
3: Scifi and Fantasy.
When it comes down to it, I'm a nerd and I like nerdy things. So having a character that can use magic or advanced science to help fuel his kinky shenanigans is a winner in my book. Some favorite concepts from these settings and ideas include but aren't limited to the following.​
  • Body control and modification. I love the idea of MC being able to shapeshift, especially controlling his own body in fun ways to make sexual adventures more interesting and unique
  • Bimboification. One I don't get to play very often because it's kinda niche (and that's alright) is the idea that MC can control YC's body and mind in some ways. Not necessarily full on mind-control, but even just being able to render YC very suggestible and lowering inhibitions is a favorite.
  • Tentacle Monsters and Monstrous Humanoids. I love to play as these sorts of beasts and creatures. Minotaur and Mindflayer/Illithid are a particular favorite and play well into the other kinky ideas I've mentioned before.
My dislikes?
Those are easy enough to cover. I don't like having my character controlled in any way. I also don't like young children, animals, sharing with other men (outside of specific circumstances), scat, or gore. I'm sure there are some other extreme things that didn't pop to mind, but I'll make sure to let my play partners know if we're venturing across any lines of mine.

Specific Plots will be added as I go and I'll be adding links here, as well as bumps/replies that contain them.
Predatory Landlord - Harems, ageplay, mff, mother/daughter incest, cheating, dubcon, blackmail, etc.
Grooming and Indoctrination - Abuse of Authority, religious themes, agegaps/ageplay, coercion, etc.
CamGirl Blackmailed - Ageplay, blackmail/non-con/dub-con, recording/photography, etc.
Lockdown Sports Special - Abuse of power, non/dub-con, blackmail, bets, recording, sports themes, etc.
Celebrities - A lot of variety. FMF, blackmail, non/dub-con, ageplay, degradation/humiliation, etc.
The Stables - noncon, ageplay, harem building, bondage, abduction, humiliation/degradation, etc
The Young Pornographers - dub-con, ageplay, humiliation, filming, rough, cuckolding
The New IT Manager - dub-con, blackmail, age gaps, harems, possible Cyberpunk themes.
Long Term Revenge - Mother/Daughter incest, non/dubcon, ageplay, humiliation, revenge fucking, etc.
The Farm - Kidnapping, non-con, ageplay, harem building, bondage, etc.
Serial Rapist - Home invasion, rape, ageplay, series of one-shots, and lots more.
Small Town America - A small town in Midwestern America, home to brutal rapists, serial killers, corrupt police and clergy. (M and F Players/Characters available)
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Current mood and bump: Racially fueled hate-fucking.
Arab gal in Hijab anal fucked by "police officer." (the look on her face at around 5:27...)



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Current mood: older man fucking and degrading teens.
Younger girl with fox ears facefucked.




The crux of the premise is that there's a man who owns a small farm, has a barn, and likes to collect girls.

Usually, the back drop was that the farm was along side a large state or national park and hikers and other folks would wander onto the property, then detained by my character for trespassing. Of course, detainment by him would inevitably lead to the girl(s) in question being added to his collection. The girls kept in the barn, other than a well broken pet that could stay in the house with him, visited and abused for his entertainment and pleasure.

Kinks: Ageplay, raceplay, non-con, humiliation, abduction, abuse, BDSM, harem building, dark and gritty.
Current Mood: Girls competing for and sharing cum.
Three Asian teens sharing a nice white cock and cum.




A group of high school students, a nice, friendly, charming little friend group, has been making porn videos together. Girlfriend swaps, threesomes, very straightforward sex scenes. Their content has all been light and fluffy, focused on being cute and sensual as the group all explores their sexuality together.

That all changes when a older man gets his hooks into the group. Whether it's one of the parents, a teacher or other authority figure, or whoever else you'd like to see twist this lovely little group to his whims is up to be decided. The results are more or less the same regardless who the guy is though: the content becomes darker and darker.

What were once loving, affectionate scenes featuring real young couples are suddenly swapped out for an older man brutally fucking the young girls. Cuckolding the younger men or even making them engage in threesomes with him and their girlfriends. The girls are also degraded. Facefucking, brutal sex, BDSM, and otherwise rough, kinkiness is introduced to them.

Kinks: Ageplay, psudeo-harem-building, FMF and MFM threesomes, cuckolding, rough and degrading sex, possible BDSM elements.
Current Mood: The destruction of some mother/daughter relationship.
Redheaded shoplifter fucked in front of mom.




New IT manager uses immoral hiring practices to build his personal harem of young, talented technologically inclined pets. Could also be hiring interns, etc. Could also be using IT access to blackmail and take advantage of girls around the office. Maybe planting things on their computers to make them look bad or that they could get fired or even arrested for. Or, maybe it's more kinky slice of life and he legit finds dirty, kinky porn on the gal's computer or in her internet activities.

Cyberpunk Twist: The IT Guru makes himself the perfect pets and playthings out of girls that come in to have mods done. Could be he tells them their mods will take longer than they really will then "borrows" their bodies. Could be he takes "favors" as payment. Could be he adds implanted software to put the poor gals at his mercy. Bonus points for if it's dark and gritting and his clientele is younger and he does it on the black market so these poor girls can avoid age restrictions on implants and cybernetics.

Kinks: Age gaps, Harems, Blackmail, Dub-Con, Office Settings,

Cyberpunk Kinks: Ageplay, Dub/non-con, Psuedo-Mind Control, kidnapping, etc.
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