A Bundle of Ideas


May 3, 2020
Hi! My name's Jay. I'm 22, and I'm open to any pairings of characters, able to play a variety myself!
I'm looking for someone that would be interested in a longer term roleplay opposed to a short one-shot.
I may have fallen off on a hiatus due to personal reasons, but I'm back craving to rp.

I only roleplay on Discord, as I can respond there a few times a day. On site I'm a hell of a lot slower.
A bit about myself before I send you on your way to my ideas. I've been roleplaying and writing for a few years now. I very much prefer writing in the third person
but I can adjust to first person if its necessary. I'm happy and prefer to multiple characters opposed to sticking with one character throughout the story. I can also play a variety, male, female, futa, anything that fits for the roles or the plot. This also applies to playing as humans or inhumans, I'm happy to do either.
When it comes to response size, I really don't have high-standards. I just ask for two-three sentences a response. I can do a paragraph or more though if that's your preferred style. I have a preference for more taboo, sci-fi, or fantasy stories, the less likely it is to happen in real life,
the more fun I think we can have with it.

Anyhow, here are some of my ideas and undeveloped roles I'd like.
Some of my ideas are a little on the slim side, but that's just to they can be adapted pretty easily.
I'd be happy to hear your ideas if you want to bring some to the table
or to discuss some changes to any of these plots to make them fit better for us.
Of course nearly any of these roleplays can be smut heavy or plot heavy, I'm more than happy with either!
I hope to hear from you!

It is 2020, in 1972, the beings that were once thought to be purely mythology emerged into the light of society. There was great tribulation in the world’s attempt to merge the humans with the mythicals. There were violent riots and attacks in the beginning, but in recent years, things had begun to settle. A city was built in the midwestern United States and proclaimed itself to be the first University to bring together the humans with the many mythical races. It's goal was to attempt to bring peace between them all. In the years afterward, many other appeared around the world. These universities brought together people from around the world, different walks of life, different cultures, all into one city to unify the many races that inhabited their world. Y/C would be a freshman student at Magnus University. the first of these schools. Y/C can make friends, enemies, join clubs, go to parties, find their special someone, sleep around with everyone just to experience the uniqueness of each mythical race. The path is yours to forge.

Anything can happen, the roleplay is very free-form. Explore as you wish and you can interact with any character in any way. I have many characters, any of which you can talk to, befriend, date, have sex with, hang out with, fight, argue with, etc. Anything is possible
The world fell to nuclear war. But it wasn't the end of all life that humanity thought it would be. Groups of humans and/or furs survived for generations. Though every few years a harsh winter took over the planet. It wasn't the worst to deal with as long as they could stockpile food or migrate to warmer areas. The worst part were the results of the nuclear fallout. Animals were mutated by the radiation, some with simple color changes, horns or extra limbs. But others changed to resemble creatures of mythological stories. Some people were mutated as well. Though they had a very specific mutation, to commune with mutated beasts of the world. They were outcasted by the human communities, mostly out of fear of their being different. Y/C is one of those mutated humans/furs, forced to survive on their own from a very young age. Though fortunately, how powers gained them a helpful ally. The harsh nuclear winter is coming once again.

We'd essentially pick an animal or mythological companion for you. It’s a free roam world you’ll be able to explore and survive in.
Leaves crunched under her feet as the brunette made her walk to her job. She stood at 5’8, with a slender build, though fit. She had an ample ass and breasts that weren’t massive, but perky and hand-filling. She was wearing a red-and-black flannel and dark blue jeans, black converse on her feet. The storefronts she walked past were dark, all closed. The cafe where she worked at was always the first place open. She walked into the Coffee House, greeted by the younger boy who helped her open when he wasn’t off at college. “Morning Sonni,” he chimed. “Good morning Jake,” she said back in a low voice. Even she needed her morning coffee. She turned on the neon ‘open’ sign in the front window and moved behind the counter, preparing energy for the morning as she tied on her black apron with her name tag on it reading, “Sonya.” The usuals all came in, she was proud to have a couple of customers’ orders memorized. A few made small talk with her while she made their drinks. Though one customer caught her vivid green eyes. She didn’t recognize y/c. Perhaps they were new in town, or just their first time coming to the Coffee House.

(Doesn’t seem very “fantasy” I know. But Sonya has a secret, perhaps you’ll uncover it. Perhaps you have your own.)
Y/C had a hard life, they fought tooth and nail just to survive. But everything couldn't end so suddenly could they? Y/C was lying in an alley, back against the wooden wall of a brothel, or tavern? That didn't matter. Not when their gut was bleeding out onto their hand. Though as their life flowed slowly from their body, a figure stepped in front of them. They were the picture of beauty, everything that Y/C could every want. They wore elegant clothes they hugged their form quite nicely. Bright blue eyes fell upon Y/C. "Looks like someone is in some trouble tonight." They knelt down and cradled Y/C's cheek in their hand. "I can make everything better. For a price," their silken voice hummed. Y/C could feel their pull, a yearning deep in side, some carnal desire.

In this RP, your character could be anyone. A rougeish character that always had to steal and resort to darker mans of survival. Maybe killed for stealing form the wrong person. Maybe they were upper class that got mugged for some coin or assassinated to achieve some goal. Could be a simple farmer or soldier that just happened to be in the wrong place wrong time. Whatever their livelihood, they had to make a choice; either die in the alley, or forge a pact with the somehow far-too-powerful succubus or incubus (Your choice). The RP would then consist of either continuing their life, or making a new one as a warlock. Either way, they must follow their patron's will and commands.
Slice of Life
We have always been at each other's throats, arguing over the smallest things. You always went out of your way to irritate me, and I did the same, but thankfully spring break was starting. Unfortunately we were going on the same trip with our friends. On the first night we were all sitting around the fire, in front of the lake house. We were bickering over something when our friend Jake cut in. "That's enough. I’m tired of you two arguing constantly. We’ve got this lake house for two weeks. This has got to stop. How about a bet; for the rest of the two weeks you two are going to be dating. First one to get pissed or even fall for the other, loses. Winner chooses the punishment. Also, it's only between the three of us, no one else can know. You get to punish each other and no one has to listen to your arguing. You two in?”

This could easily be a plot-heavy romantic roleplay or a heavily smutty one involving our characters as well as perhaps the rest of their friend group.
Muse A has been looking for a new roommate for quite some time after their last roommate left. It could be due to a break up, a better job somewhere else, any reason really. But, they finally found a roommate in Muse B. It isn't long before Muse B is moving in. The two get along wonderfully, perhaps too much so at times. Could it be the beginning of a powerful romance? Or the spark of passion that starts some casual fun between the two roommates. Though there's one issue. Muse A or B is a futanari/hermaphrodite and has kept it a bit of a secret. How long could she keep it a secret? How would her secret be unveiled? There's plenty of possibilities.

I'm open to playing either the role of Muse A or B. Same as for playing the roommate that has the secret or not. Hell, if you want it could turn out that they both are. There's plenty of ways to go about it.
Science Fiction
The human race was killing Earth, pollution and a lack of attention on the issue had caused much of the soil to become infertile in recent years. The population was dwindling. As a last ditch effort, the nations of the world came together in a single project. Phoenix. The project was to build a massive ship for deep space travel. Aboard, thousands of people were selected to have a space on the ship. Y/C was fortunate enough to be one of those people. When they left Earth's atmosphere, the people went into stasis chambers, the rest of the journey being watched over by the multiple A.I. aboard the ship. When The Phoenix neared the habitable planet, Upsilon Major, the people were woken from their stasis.

Will landing on the planet go smoothly? Will something go wrong in the approach? Does Upsilon have life already, or will humanity be the first? There's plenty of directions this roleplay can go and I'd be happy to discuss what would work best for us!
In a bustling near or far future a war completely reshaped society as it was known, the world is run by the rich and powerful. Crime syndicates are quite abundant and have near free reign. Though there are some clusters of society that have been left behind technologically and culturally. Some are more tribal, others bands of criminals or more like a group of hippies out in nature. Allison is from one of the more tribal groups of the world. Though, struck by her own curiosity about the world beyond her small settlement, she decided to leave to explore. Though, what she will find beyond the safety of her people could be wildly different from what she expects.

Will she find a budding romance with a nice man who wants to show her the world? Or will she fall into depravity, imprisoned or enslaved by one of the many hostile groups or criminal organizations that rule the great cities? That is completely dependent on what direction would fit the best for us. We can make a sweet, slow burn romance, or we can make a dark, brutal story that no living thing should ever be subjected to experiencing. Totally up to what we find fits best between us!
Y/C is about to embark on their pokemon adventure. Will they take on the eight gyms of the region and battle the elite four in an attempt to become the region champion? Will they help the professor document every pokemon in the region? Or will Y/C succumb to the taste of power that comes with being a trainer. Trying to manipulate others or joining up with an underground crime syndicate?

I would be taking up a kind of DM/GM role since I could play a few characters at once. Whether you'd like to control multiple characters as well, pokemon and/or trainers, or if you want to leave that part to me is totally fine. The roles are also reverseable if you'd prefer playing other trainers along the way or even the "protagonist's" pokemon. There's also of course the option of the classic pokemon designs or more humanoid versions of them.

Supernatural being x Human
Robot(A.I.) x Human
Student x Teacher
Boss x Secretary

More ideas will be added as I come up with them.
I'll likely reply faster on my Discord JRourke#7131​
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