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Mx Any Come Help Row the Boat

Open Post
  • TheRowBoat

    May 11, 2020
    Hello there! I'm new!

    About me, probably best to start here.
    • I'm currently a 27 year old male college student, working on my doctorate as of right now in History. Been my dream to be able to be a professor and pass on my knowledge of history to everyone else.

    • I work what is deemed a twilight shift from about 3 AM to 9 AM in during the weekdays, but, due to how mundane the job is and how my position is to make sure things are just running well, I find myself bored and able to browse the internet.

    • I'm a big nerd in all the aspects of life, as you will no doubt notice from the fandoms that'll probably earn their own tab on this page. And my love of history as well.

    • Experience oh right. So I've probably been roleplaying for about five years now I would say, only started doing it when I turned eighteen, but my partners seem to like what I do.

    • And hey, if you're interested in doing an RP, feel free to hit me up on here on either a PM or post in this thread.

    Requirements(?), feels weird calling it that, let's say Preferences

    • Communication is key here friends. We all know we want to be able to communicate with one another and enjoy our RP experiences, so don't be afraid to just shoot a quick message about potential post delays or the ilk. And hey if you just wanna talk, feel free to do so.
    • I'm also available on Discord.

    • I am never one to get on someone's grammar. Trust me, I've had enough professors get on my case about sentence structure (a concept that still boggles my mind in all honesty), but let's just do a quick double check over what we type and we'll all be peachy.

    • I'm more of a quality guy than a quantity guy. But, if you can only post one paragraph, that is more than okay with me. Again, we're all busy in this day and age. So just do the best you can, and make it the best damned paragraph you got.

    • Not too picky on character sheets, or if you want the story to detail who and what our characters are.

    • Gotta love me some third person writing, plus it allows us to play other side characters more effectively if we need to.

    • Love me some plot and smut, and am willing to do all sort of ratio ranges from 90:10 to 10:90.

    F-list - Warning

    Above is the list to the f-list of my kinks and stuff, if there is anything you'd like to do, or find confusing on mine, or want to discuss something with me, feel free to talk about it in the PM when we're talking about characters, plot, and general ideas.

    Plots: Just a lot of plot ideas I like. It would be too much to list every single thing out here. Especially with every single variation.

    Fandoms: Also going to be a lot. Also can be used as like a strange outline for things I enjoy and we can take elements from. We can also insert OCs into these worlds.
    • Mass Effect (Let's forget Andromeda and the last half hour of 3)

    • InFamous (Or a universe in which weird super powers are just emerging)

    • Final Fantasy (A big favorite, that strange Japanese interpretation of fantasy)

    • Legend of Zelda (Big fantasy nerd)

    • Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat (Or any situation in which we have fighters representing nations in a complex plot)

    • Kingdom Hearts (Final Fantasy again with vague weird concepts)

    • Fallout (Love me some satirical retro apocalypse futures)

    • Bloodborne and Dark Souls (Strange and dark fantasies)

    • The Elder Scrolls, specifically Skyrim (Again, big fantasy nerd)

    • Borderlands (Weird satire Mad Max sci-fi)

    • Pokemon (Always a big favorite)

    • Dragon Ball (Series as a whole)

    • Naruto (Basically Ninja Dragon Ball)

    • Bleach (Basically Ghost Samurai Dragon Ball)

    • My Hero Academia (Basically Super Hero Naruto)

    • Gundam (The big mecha aspect)

    • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (So weird, so amazing)

    • DC Comics (Big fan of the comics, let's ignore the movies and use the good bits of the comics)

    • Marvel Comics (Big fan of the films, like the comics, not so much the modern stuff)

    • Amalgam Comics (Come on, what isn't awesome about fusing Batman and Wolverine!)

    • Lord of the Rings (Come on, big fantasy)

    • Star Wars (I can go on all day about it)

    • Avatar: The Last Airbender (Big fan of the world, and the amalgamated animals)

    • Dungeons and Dragons (Big fantasy nerd)
    • One Piece
    • Lots of other anime and manga and games. Just feel free to propose an idea.
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    Cravings on the Mind
  • One Piece
    Charlotte Katakuri, the Minister of Flour, second son and third child of the Pirate Emperor Charlotte "Big Mom" Linlin. The second-in-command of the Big Mom Pirates and Charlotte Family, Katakuri has crafted himself into the ultimate being. One who never eats, never drinks, never rests, and is never seen even on his back. A stoic and imposing figure on the exterior, though akin to his Devil Fruit has a softly sweet Mochi center for his family which he serves as the older brother to the elder members and the unofficial father figure to the younger members of the massive family. Despite his cold exterior, he is not afraid to show affection and concern for his family.

    This RP could be a longer-term focus on one specific member of the Charlotte Family beginning at any point in the One Piece timeline. Or could be a series of short-term RPs which can shift to the next sibling. I would be playing as Charlotte Katakuri and you as one of the family members.

    Possible Charlotte Family Members to play as:
    - "Demon Lady" Charlotte Amande, Minister of Nuts, third daughter, and seventh child. Reserved and quiet. (The blue haired one in the NSFW image)
    - Charlotte Custard, sixth daughter and 16th child. Arrogant and prideful much like her triplet Charlotte Cracker. (The purple haired one in the NSFW image)
    - Charlotte Angel, seventh daughter and 17th child. Whilst in born in the triplet set of Cracker and Custard, Angel did not inherit her sibling's arrogance and pride. But is much more sloven and lazy.
    - Charlotte Broye, Minister of Meringue, ninth daughter, and 20th child. Regal and craven.
    - Charlotte Mozart, 12th daughter and 31st child. The family jester, much less serious, and far more willing to tease her family.
    - Charlotte Smoothie, Minister of Juice, 14th daughter and 35th child. Carefree, yet will cruelly execute any task assigned. Third-in-command of the Big Mom Pirates and most likely to become First Mate if Big Mom were to ever lose her position of power and Katakuri ascend to the seat of power. While closest to Katakuri in terms of strength in her own words, "...remains leagues above me."
    - Charlotte Cinnamon, 16th daughter and 37th child. Youngest of the long-lest hybrid triplets which contains her older sister Smoothie. Artistic, yet snooty.
    - Charlotte Galette, Minister of Butter, 18th daughter and 42nd child. Condescending and stoic, yet soft on the inside. (The red haired one in the NSFW image)
    - Charlotte Poire, 19th daughter and 43rd child. Younger twin to Galette. Ravenous and childishly sadistic. Katakuri and Poire share a particular bond over the shapes of their mouth, stretched and cut with rows of sharp razor teeth.
    - Charlotte Praline, Minister of Design, 21st daughter and 47th child. Possessive and loving. Only Charlotte family member besides Big Mom herself who is taller than Katakuri. A half-human and half-hammerhead shark mermaid.
    - Charlotte Pudding, Minster of Chocolate, 35th daughter and 76th child. Benevolent, kind, self-conscious hiding behind a facade of a cruel and violent woman.

    Charlotte Katakuri and Monkey D. Luffy's fight in the climax of Whole Cake Island still concludes with Luffy's ultimate defeat. However, rather than Katakuri taking the noble option of falling on his back to allow Luffy to escape he takes his stands tall and tosses Luffy out of Tot Land. However, not without taking the payment of taking of the Straw Hat Crew's Navigator Nami. The Straw Hats not in the shape to fight back choose to retreat, leaving Nami to be on the receiving end of whatever Katakuri pleases.

    Yes, me as Katakuri again. While my partner portrays Nami in alternative ending to the Whole Cake Island Arc with a bad end for Nami.

    In the aftermath of the Paramount War and the Battle of Marineford, the world is rendered completely different. Sengoku has stepped down as Fleet Admiral, the Straw Hats have gone into hiding, the Supernovas are diving into the New World, the Seven Warlords have been reduced to four with three of their members having left in various accords. And on top of it all, one of the Four Emperor's in Whitebeard has been killed in battle by Warlord in name only Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard and the death of 2nd Division Commander and son of Gol D. Roger in Portgas D. Ace. Though one Warlord's actions were damn near traitorous in allowing for Monkey D. Luffy's escape, the actions of the Kuja Pirate Captain and Kuja Empress Boa Hancock. After chasing Blackbeard into the New World, Admiral Akainu has been assigned to bring in the Warlord or have her demonstrate her loyalty.

    I always found it kinda weird how Boa Hancock was kinda just left off without so much as a slap on the wrist for aiding Luffy in escaping. In this universe in the two-year timeskip she isn't so lucky. Could also setup for an encounter between Akainu and later future Fleet Admiral Sakazuki against Silvers Rayleigh.

    14 years before the death of Gol D. Roger and 38 before the rise Straw Hat Luffy a pirate crew more fearsome and infamous ruled the seas, the Rocks Pirates captained by Rocks D. Xebec. The crew served as the home of Rocks D. Xebec, Edward Newgate, Shiki the Golden Lion, Captain John, Miss Buckingham Stussy, Kuja Empress Gloriosa, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaidou. Charlotte Linlin and Kaidou history seems long and storied. No doubt with both their relative youth, wanting to prove themselves, and Linlin's nature to nuture the younger Kaidou no doubt something happened.

    Simple and sweet. Some encounters and RP between Kaidou and Linlin in their younger days as crewmates on the Rocks Pirates before eventually splitting and becoming their own captains.

    The death of Portgas D. Ace shook the world, but took it worse than the son of Kaidou, Yamato. In his rage Yamato took to challenging his father for his freedom, only to be ultimately bested in brutal fashion. However, Kaidou not approving of his son's continual rebellious nature seeks to put an end to it in punishing fashion.

    Pretty straight forward and simple as well.


    In one of her many break offs with her on-again off-again relationships with Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson unwittingly ends up with someone who is able to give her the attention she needs. Even if that source seems dangerously toxic, but a source which can give her the power and ability to pursue her dreams and passions. All while the being clings so dangerously close to her. It just so happens to help he can deliver nineteen inches of Venom directly into her.

    Pretty simple. Venom slowly corrupting and preying on Mary Jane and slowly turning her into his.

    A similar set of ideas to Toxic Temptations, however this time it is with Peter's clone. Ben Reilly. The Scarlet Spider, overcoming Spider-Man and becoming the Superior Spider. Thrusting himself both figuratively and literally into Mary Jane's life. Besides, Mary Jane make actually prefer the superior body to Peter. Could it be that Peter was the fake all along?

    Probably more to come... but that'll be added and updated with each post.
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