Mx Female Plot first, smut second (NSFW)


Apr 26, 2020
Hello there friends! I am going to keep it short and neat.

I am looking for a long-time roleplay partner. One where story character development and slow realationship build will come BEFORE the smut. If you are looking just to smash, then I am not your guy.

A little bit about me:
-Will be 30 in the next ten days. No point of denying it anymore.
-Being RPing for basically my entire life. Doing written RPs for around 12 years. Consider myself semi-lit.
-Got a full time job (essentail worker, so I keep working even now), maintain a relationship, try to work on my first novel and have some other stuff going on. Therfor I am not able to reply as often as I would like.
-Lives in GMT+2, so there is probably some time difference between us. Also, English is not my mother language, and my spelling and grammar are not perfect. Take that in consideration.
-Can play both male and female character.
-Can double, tripple, and more than that. In many of my games I find myself playing ALL the side characters and NPCs.
-Playing trough PMs, at least for now.
-Always up for BDSM, bondage, pet-play, enslavement, gags, spanking, whipping, nipple clamps, light humiliation, foot fetish, gentle femdom, and many more I don't remember at the moment. Feel free to ask me for specific kinks.
-Will not do: Futa, gay male, piss/feces, excessive gore, death, bestiality, furries (if it's just ears and tails then it's good), mutilations, inceset
- I am a switch, and can play both dominant and submissive characters. But I am itching to play a sub, since it's been AGES since I got to play one. If you are willing to dom me I would love you forever.

Now for the plots! I got several fandoms I would like to play in, or in a simillar settings, as well as a few original plots.

((Usually I prefer playing an OC, but might be convinced into playing a canon characters))
-League of Legends
-Mass Effect
-Katawa Shoujo
-Madoka Magica
-Record of a Fallen Vampire (I can't be the only one who read that amazing manga!)

Original plots:
The Guardians:

Imagine a world where magic exist, hidden from the eyes of humanity. In dark allys witches cast hexes and brew potions for the highest bidder. Fairies and elves lives in the forests, while dwarves dig tunnels in the high mountains. Angels flies in the sky above, and demons schems against everything that is good. All those, and many more, managed to hide themselves from humans, who believe them to be merely legends.

But there is one secret that was managed to escape even the legends.

There is a group of people in this world. They have many names-Hashomrim, wasi, voogden, custodes, huoltajat, Jiānhùrén, caomhnóirí, and many more. But all those names have one meaning-The Guardians.

Each one of The Guardians contain, inside his body, the center of a major power of this world. For example, Guardian of the Oceans contain, inside his body, the center of power of all the water in the world-from a single raindrop to an entire ocean. Trough training, a Gurdian may connect to his or her power and use it, tough far from easy. There are many restrictions on a Guardian using such immense power, with the major of them being their powers being a living, conscious being, with thier own mind, personality and ajendas. The powers will stay inside the Guardian's body, until one of two will happen: either the Guardian will die, or the Guardian will willingly take the life of another human being. Then the power will leave it's former host and search for a new one. But until it will find it, it can be caought by anyone strong enough, and be bent to the will of even the villest of beings.

Since so many would kill to get thier hands on such powers, The Guardians are in constant danger, and thier best defence is anonymity. Thier exsitence is kept so secretly, that more ofthen than not The Guardians themselves are not aware of thier stattus, and they live and die as a normal humans. However, ocassionaly a Guardian is been exposed. When that happens, a bodyguard will be assign to protect the Guardian from any harm.

In this scenario we can do either a bodyguardXguardian, or a guardianXguardian. I can play either role. Notice that a Guardian is always human, but the bodyguard can be of any race.

Unlikely partnership trough hell:
The year is 1942. World War II reages trough Europe. The Nazis have just began what they called "The Final solution"-the complete annihilition of the Jewish population. Trough those horrors, one Jewish boy manages to escape the train to the death camp, and escpe to the forest. There he is been found by an elf, who nurse him back to health. After recovering he tries to convince her and the rest of her kind to help him fight the Nazis and save his people.

Recruitment from behind the stars:
Unsurprisingly, all of humanity was in an uproar at the first, authentic contact with an inteligent species from another planet. Some hoped for a mutal exchange of technology and colutre, to send both species into new golden era. Others have warned from an invasion that will either enslave or wipe out humanity completly. However, both of them appeared to be wrong. Az the Sayas did not came to conqure earth, but they did not came in peace either.

A combination of long lifespans equals to hundred of earth's years, together with very low birth rates, have naturally caused the Sayas' prefer non-violent ways to dispute resolution, an attitude they kept both for internal affairs and to dealing with other creatures. Of course, they still had thier own military power-they weren't naive fools who took words and promises for granted. But it has always been small compared to the fleets of other, more militant races.

But recently things have changes. It began with several ships gone missing around Karpal, one of the planets the Sayas have colonised. At first they tought it was either some space rubble who damaged the ships' comunication devices, or some small pirate's gang who took this area to ambush in for civilians ship. The obvious answer were to send armed and armord patrol ships, which could deal with both of those threats. But none of those ships have returned from Karpal either. And soon enough communication from the entire planet were cut off completly, leaving the entire galaxy in the dark. The other races, even those considered allies of the Sayas were not thrilled at all to send thier forces against an enemy they knew nothing about. And so, the Sayas found themselves alone in a war in which they are more likely to lose than anything else.

The solution for that problem were humanity. This race, which were so far only studied from great distance, made perfect candidate. They were inteligent, but not very developed technology-wise. They had a tandancy for violence, and they romanized, even worshipped the war in extreme cases. They had very unique abilities that could make them dreadfull warriors if exploited correctly. And most important-they had the numbers. Blllions of them, many of them living in poverty.

The Sayas have offered humanity a deal-to help them fight this invisible enemy. The Sayas will supply the weapons, trainings and inteligence. Humanity will supply the blood. In exchange the Sayas will help humanity colonize other planets, so they could leave thier dying world.

Many have answered the call. Some were thrill seekers. Others wanted to help build better future to thier loved ones. Others simply didn't had anything better to live for. But all of them knew that it was very likely a one-way trip.

Those are my ideas. If you have an ideas of your own, or any question, please hit me! Double meaning!
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After a hiatus, I am back in business!


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