Come home with me.
- Joined
- Apr 25, 2020

I'm looking for brutal, sensual and macabre encounters in the genre of erotic horror. Short stories in the Lovecraftian spirit. I play this character:
"A long time ago, there lived a jorougumo named Hatsune who gathered enough celestial energy that she was able to take a human form. One day, a mysterious monk came to Hatsune's nest and nearly annihilated her for taking a villager's life. Severely wounded, Hatsune went into hiding, concealing herself in plain sight and walking among humans. By consuming the flesh and blood of her victims, or by having sexual relations with them, she can obtain life energy and conserve power."
What makes cosmic horror different from other horror subgenres? In short, the focus of the story is the insignificance and powerlessness of the individual human, and humanity as a whole, in the vast, cold and indifferent universe. There are things out there that might casually use you as a snack, an egg sac or a disposable toy as they please, and you can't stop them. Ultimately, Earth and all of its inhabitants are a pathetic footnote in the grand scheme of things. This is an untenable thought to us, who are used to thinking ourselves quite the big deal, when we really are not. Such a story should touch upon a fundamental, existential kind of fear, buried deeply under all the trivialities that normally occupy our minds. And we're going to get off on that. Confused? Read on.
>Character gallery (nsfw)<
>Setting gallery (sfw)<
>Kink list (general, see below for more)<
Me | You | Us |
Hatsune fits into any setting. Modern, fantasy, outer space, neon-noir, historical, post-apocalyptic, even some canon settings -- anything you can think of. No matter where she is, she has one role: a monster hiding in plain sight among humans and preying on them. The spider is stealthy, seductive, cunning and opportunistic, and has a variety of interesting abilities that she puts to creative use. Her tactics often involve isolating her target and then making her move on them, sometimes in broad daylight. She is also incredibly persistent: no amount of security, magic or technology will stop her. She'll always find her way to her morsels. Once she gets her hands on her prey, she enjoys torturing and humiliating them, before violating them, draining them of blood, devouring their flesh, or any combination of the three, and not necessarily in that order. Those who strike her fancy may find themselves filled to the brim with her eggs, which soon hatch into thousands of writhing arachnid monstrosities. Hatsune is an ecstatic and passionate predator, thrilled by the hunt and the terror of her victims. She kills to feed, to breed and sometimes just for sport. Which role will you fill? | Your character can be anything, as long as you design him or her to be lifelike and fitting into the chosen setting. I want to feel like I'm hunting a human being. | My interest is energy drain, through vampirism, vore or sex. I play two kinds of endings: madness or death. Choose, or I'll make it a surprise. |
Scene type and setting examples | Expectations |
- Home invasion - Web in a dark alley - Web in a vacant building - Web in an ancient ruin - Kidnapped in public - Nightlife/club encounter - Posing as a prostitute - Posing as a casino croupier - Infiltration using hypnosis - Occultist beseeching for power - Journalist digging for a story - Detective investigating a murder - Alone in the wilderness - Abandoned space station - Bustling space station (of the grungy backwater type) - Ship or spaceship mid-transit - Battlefield - City siege | - Design your own character. Don't ask me what I want. Read this thread and judge for yourself. I want your original interpretation. - Your character must be human. - Write 1 - 4 paragraphs. - Have style. Know your character's mind and body. Help me set an atmosphere worthy of a cosmic horror story. - We play through threads or PM. - I enjoy saying more in fewer words. Therefore my stories are short. - Feel free to post att whatever rate you please. - I have an irregular schedule and may fall of the radar without warning occasionally. Nothing personal. |
Kinks (must-have) | Optional | Not interested |
- Energy drain - Non-con - Erotic humiliation - Violence - Fear - Seduction (if scene-appropriate) - Pursuit (if scene-appropriate) | - Lovecraftian surrealism - Gambling - Footplay, shoes, socks, stockings - Oral, rimming, body worship (receiving) - Choking/breath play - Venom (paralytic, psychedelic or aphrodisiac) - Hypnosis - Oviposition/breeding - Extreme silk bondage - Extreme violence/gore - Spider vore (injecting acid into the prey and then sucking out the cocktail) - Hard vore (tearing and consuming the prey's raw flesh) - Filth (disgusting environments, weird alien juices, toilet stuff etc) | - Vanilla - Romance - Protracted combat - "Keeper" endings. I break my toys. |
Interested? Send me a note with an idea for your character. I'll be waiting.

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