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Fx Male Why have all those muscles to pick up a feather? (BBWs need love too!)


Fallen From Grace
Feb 18, 2020
Kicked out of Eden
Welcome to my Request

Thank you for taking that brave step out of the realm of porn stars into my humble request thread! While I do not body shame anyone, this is about being able to play out another perspective than the petite toss over your shoulder sort.

About the Author:
I have been in the role playing scene since AOL had a section for it. I was about ten years old so (Embarrassingly) we are taking twenty five years!
I reside in the USA in the Easter time zone.
I work full time and have a part time job. While certain times of the year hold me hostage, for the most part I will be responsive. IF the muse abandons me I will tell you and try to be vocal about that.
I have discovered that using the PM system here for me is complex when I do not have access to a computer and thus Discord is where I like to play.
I am a RL submissive with about twelve years actively in the lifestyle and many more years of studying it, I will absolutely become disinterested if you claim to be a Dominant but have no idea what that means.
I will, however, accept people who are honest and are willing to learn, it is always okay to learn something new! Remember Safe Sane and Consensual.

I stress this strongly, it is easier for me because it can go anywhere I go. I am able to switch between OOC planning and actually writing much more quickly than I can here where I have to exit my writing to enter into OOC PMs. I am a friendly person who is always willing and happy to pay attention.

What I am looking for in a partner:
Romance but not mush.
Strong but not abusive.
Dominant but giving.
Intelligence. Let me expand on do not need to be a rocket scientist to have this. Social intelligence is also good. Be able to keep my interest. I am a Demi sexual as I have recently learned (Never knew there was a word for it!) and if my mind is not stimulated I will become bored and muse less.
Person of power. Social, Economic, or otherwise strong of person.

What I am not looking for:
A submissive.
A passive player who waits for me to make a move.
An intolerant or impatient person.

What to expect from me:
A challenge- I keep things exciting.
A sharp wit.
Mild Taboo.

About the girls I play:
I have nothing against thin girls. Recently though, I have been getting told the girls I play are not desirable.
So I want to explain something, I am not looking to pick your guy for you.
I am not looking to spend three days figuring out physical features which appease your pallet.
I play the girls I play because they make me happy, I hope you do the same with the guys you play.
Here are some examples;
Favorite 1
Favorite 2
Sample 1
Sample 2
And she will most often have this type of hair.
Any questions?
"But Rain we come here so we can fantasize about models because they are unattainable!"
No they are not, some of us are only unattainable because we are spoken for!

What not to expect of me:
Absolute unquestioned subordination.
Domination over you.
Bathroom stuff.
Anything under age.

Pairings I am super craving:
Dirty Dancing inspired plot
Cop x Civilian
Military PTSD x Therapist
Neighbor x abused girl next door
Plus size model x Unexpected admiror
Lots of BDSM night club plots!

Kinks Since EVERYONE asks:
F-list sooo yeah no duh NSFW

I am open to other plots and ideas too as long as the above guidelines work.
I will play Via (In preference order) Discord, PM, E-mail.

Fingers crossed that the right person finds this at the right time. Also I do not care if you are female as long as you play the male described above.

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Never thought I would be doing this again… my mind is diving into places I can’t stand and I need distraction. Been out of the game for a long time due to an exclusive writing partnership but that is gone, so here goes.. bump.
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