Plague Raven
- Joined
- Sep 12, 2018
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Village Elder's House, Rustic Town
"I thought these guys only developed two tails when they become Nekomata. Orin got her tails pretty early!"
Holding his Black Cat Orin towards the village Elder, Kirsch expressed himself.
"Ahahaha... you're the expert, aren't you? If Slimes can become Queen Slimes and Alraune Liliraune, all while staying the same stage, what's to say something minor like this isn't possible?"
"Mmmm... yeah, I guess you've got a- wait, how'd you know about that?"
"Because you have shared them with me."
"I don't know... Nekomata can walk just fine. Orin is... well... I don't know whether I should see if the problem wears off after evolution."
"You've grown very attached to your Lilim to care for them like that."
"Is that a bad thing?" Kirsch asks.
"That is up to you to decide, Kirsch, what do you think?"
With Orin being held by one arm and his free hand petting the top of his Pandora's Box Kaya, he thinks about it, his face a bit saddened.
"I don't think it is. My Lilim haven't done anything wrong to me. Some people believe they will eventually, but until that time comes, Orin and Kaya are the best company for a lad like myself."
"What would they say in response to that, I wonder? With Pawn-stage Lilim lacking the ability to speak the tongue of man, you might never know. Anyways, as much as I enjoy your conversations, don't you have a delivery job to do? I hear the distance is further than usual, and your current team's a bit bigger than the normal kind."
"Before you go, Kirsch, I noticed that you do not have a weapon of your own, or your own fighting ability."
"Well, I did learn some Barrier magic to protect myself," Kirsch responds.
"Better safe than sorry," the Elder hands him a dagger in a sheathe, "the cruel cannot solely rely on attack, and those who wish not to fight must strike back if the situational calls."
"Heeeeey gang!"

Kirsch Blanche
Self-certified Lilim Researcher
Kirsch walks towards four others with Orin in hand and Kaya strapped on like a backpack, her keyhole watching his back. This was his team for the trip. He had met some before during trips made for two to three, but never four or more. The task for this team today was to head trough the path of the uncreatively names Alptraum Alps, named after the leader of the Imps. Also known as the Alp Alps or the Alpsquared, the area wasn't even appropriately named - its highest points were hills. The Alp Alps was a forest.
But the important thing they were briefed about previously was that the Alp Alps were how it was primarily Imp territory. Most of the time, Imps would leave upon evolving, but with so many of them, one is bound to be an outlier, but that should be easy to identify and avoid, seeing how Imps evolved into beings very different-looking from themselves. Imps were more mischief and less threat, among all things.
After that - their destination - Bronze Town, in which they will deliver their goods, and take the parcels and letters from bronze town back to Rustic Town.
But back to the task at hand.
"You all look pretty prepared."
He looks towards a floating fish belonging to Fujiyori. The Tomes that Contractors carried had additional spells imprinted into them - one of these spells was allowing aquatic Lilim to hover in the air like it were water.
The spell didn't trigger for the fox-snake hybrid that slung around Jarvan, however, since it was a species capable of dwelling on land.

A carrot-like silent critter peeked from behind the legs of Jakki.
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