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Fx Male (Finally Updated) Frau Anonyme’s Search for the Perfect Partner

Frau Anonyme

Feb 10, 2019
Hello, there! You can call Fill Anonyme. This is my request thread that I will be updating with roles of interest to me as they come to mind. I apologize ahead of time as I know this post will be a bit long, but it'll hold almost everything you'll need to know about me so that you'll be able to tell if we're a good match or not.

I am a 26-year-old female from the United States, Texas more specifically. My work seems to be all-consuming lately and my free time is much more limited than it once was, so one reply a day is all I'll likely be able to muster up most of the time. I understand that things are different for everyone, so I won't give anyone a hard time for being more or less available than me, I just ask for the same consideration in return.

A childhood of near-constant reading formed the fairly literate person that I am today. I do have a very slight preference for third person-past tense because I think it reads more like an actual story (I'm not sure if that even makes sense haha), but at the end of the day, I would be just as comfortable writing in first-person. I'm sorry to say, but am a bit of a grammar freak. Don't get me wrong, everyone makes mistakes, everyone has slip-ups, I know that I do for sure, and even though I'm going to proofread this post, there will likely be a mistake in here somewhere. So, I'm not talking about the occasional mess-up, I'm talking about the people who never use capital letters, commas, periods, and quotation marks, or the folks that still don't know the differences between the most basic homophones (there, there, their, wear, where, weigh, way, whole, hole, too, to, two, etc.) Clearly, there are exceptions for the people who don't speak English as their first language, but if you're an adult and English is your native and primary language...get it together, buddy. I know I sound like a crazy person and I am sorry, but everyone has their pet peeves and this is one of mine.

I like to world-build, but I'll admit that I'm fairly new to it. For a long time, I would take part in stories that my partner and I would barely plan out enough to get started, and then we would just go and basically wing it from there, but I've discovered that I like the planning. It used to be tedious, but I've realized that we can create a more detailed and overall more interesting story if we have the world around the plot mapped out even just a little bit.

When it comes to the length of my replies, I can crank out 4-10 paragraphs, but my average post is usually 4-6. For those of you who are able to type out novella-like messages every time, I just don't have that in me. I always do my best to write out my character's thoughts and emotions and describe the scene and I always try to match my partner's efforts but to give 15+ paragraph replies every single time is just not something I can do. For any future partners, all I ask is that you really try your best and give me at least two decent paragraphs to work with.

I'm really not into the easy and simple lovey-dovey stories anymore. I'm not anti-romance, I'm all for it, but adding conflict and drama or bringing darker themes into the mix makes it all the more interesting. I don't want cliche and sappy.

I enjoy smut as much as the next person and they will always have a place in the stories that I take part in. With that said, I like to make it clear that I'm not looking for stories that are just sex. Too much sex and it gets boring and repetitive and leaves no room for other interesting plot points. I think that smut is important to the stories I like to write that have couples of various sorts in them, but the platonic interactions and the adventures they go on or that go on around them are just as important. I don't like to give a plot-to-story ratio, because not every writer or every story needs the same parameters; I think that with a fellow mature writer, we can come together and create a good story with the right balance for us and our plot.

I am not generally sexually dominant in my stories, but I'm not afraid to lean in that direction a bit. However, if you want a full-on dominatrix, I'm not gonna be able to do that for you. I'm not really into stories in general with non-humanoid creatures in them and I'm definitely not into writing smut involving them. That's not to say I have anything against the people who like it, I just very much do not.

I don't have any specific kinks that I would particularly like to include, but if you do, we can definitely talk it out.

Adela looked over her shoulder and smiled, greeting the older man with a curtsy as she turned to him. "Lord Garontor." Her eyes shifted briefly to the group gathered behind him and she nodded to them respectfully. "I'm adjusting well enough, I suppose," she chuckled lightly. "It hasn't been easy, but not nearly as difficult as it could be. People are becoming more accepting of me and my role here, but of course, there is still opposition. As much as I may pray to the gods that I just wake up one morning and every day from then on will go easily and smoothly, I know that is not possible. Undoing decades, if not centuries, worth of unfaithfulness is likely not something that can be achieved in anything less than a lifetime."

After arriving at the capital, the young priestess came to the realization that her goals of reviving her people's faith and returning her kingdom to a state blessed by the gods would likely not be something she would be able to achieve before death came for her. Even with the crown's generosity, there was too much pushback to make the swift progress she had naively hoped for. It was a hard thing to accept because it made her feel like a failure and it made her feel stupid. The human part of her wanted to quit now, to stop before putting in all the hard work and long hours that would certainly lead to failure in future years. One night several days ago, she had packed all of her things into the two bags she came with. It was the dead of night and she had gotten it into her head that she needed to leave, that the High Council had been wrong in choosing her, and that she didn't truly have what it took to do this role properly. She thought herself a failure like the handful of priests that had tainted the line before her. But it had been her faith that kept her here. It was her faith in beings greater than herself that gave her the want and energy to keep working. It was her faith that told her failure was sometimes inevitable, but that it was always necessary to work your hardest.

When Lord Garontor looked to the sky, she did as well. She had spent her time in the courtyard watching the clouds and had yet to grow tired of it. Looking at the sky was something lots of people enjoyed; admiring the wispy clouds on a sunny day or gazing up at the heavens to watch the stars glimmer against their black background, but she found that it was rare that someone enjoyed watching the way the sky darkened ominously with a storm the way that she did. Some people found fear in the inky sky and the thunderous sounds that shook the earth, but Adela sensed the storms' power as they combined the elements into something terrifying and awesome.

Garontor's voice drew her attention once again, but she could not bring herself to smile at him this time; his words warranted only a sympathetic look. "There are people in the Temple that think people are war are just evil. They look at people at you and King Hylan and your sons and the princes and see evil men that did evil deeds. I do not see it like that. I see men that lost their ways from the gods and felt they had no other choice but to fight." She looked back to the sky as rain began to fall, fat droplets that sprinkled down randomly and sporadically, splashing against her face.

"Our people are unwell, war has ruined our souls and our minds. The men who did not die in battle came back with their bodies and their minds scarred from the things they suffered. Women and children are scarred from losing their husbands and fathers and seeing their homes and land burn. My heart breaks for my people when I think of the things have lived through and I do not want this in our kingdom's future as well, it needs to stay in the past where it belongs. I do not want to be a burden or bother to the king, but I will be if that takes. I will fight for our people's safety and peace even if I must hang for it. Someone has to be the one to fight for the gods."

At the sound of steel greaves from behind, she knew exactly who was approaching. She and Garontor both turned and as he bowed, she dipped in a curtesy. "Is it ever the wrong time to whisper and scheme, Your Majesty?" She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Her gaze focused on the king closely, trying to pick out what it was that seemed different about him. It had been less than an hour since they'd seen each other, yet something was different and it was more than his change in wardrobe. The rain began to fall harder and she blinked out of her daze to glance up at the sky. "Yes, I would say we're ready to travel," she said with a small laugh.

I'm in no way tied down to only these settings. These just happen to be ones I enjoy in particular, but I'm definitely still open-minded to stories set in any time or place if it's interesting enough!
  • Westward Expansion in America
    • After a brainstorming session that ended up going nowhere, I've been craving a story with a Western-ish theme to it. There are several different aspects of this time we can focus on or combine: the creation of settlements and towns, cowboys/ranching, the Wild West and outlaws, the gold rush, etc. If any of these interest you or you have any ideas of your own, let me know!
  • Ancient Rome
  • Victorian England

My character is the daughter of the current president of the/a local motorcycle club. The club is more of a gang, really, and is involved in illegal activities as well as a handful of legal things for money. My character leaves immediately after high school to escape the club and the life that has a way of sucking people in, but she returns a few years later when her father becomes sick.

Your character's role in this story would be entirely up to you. Maybe you're an old friend, an old romantic interest, a second in command, a new recruit, a police officer, or a member of a rival club/gang. For this story, I think it would be interesting to figure out who you're going to play and then build the story around our roles, rather than the other way around- if that makes any sense!

My character is a young woman on the run with a hefty bounty on her head. For nearly two years now she's been traveling around the west, leaving a trail of dead men behind her. She's been spotted only a handful of times since the beginning of her supposed killing spree, but people know she has recently passed through when a dead body is found with her signature red handprint stamped on the victim's face. With every man found, the price on her head goes up.

This is an idea I came up with a potential partner that we just never got the chance to play out, but I'd still like to give it a go. I've got an idea of a background for this character and why she does what she does that we can discuss if you're interested. Your character, as always with me, is entirely up to you. You could be someone trying to collect the money offered for me, another outlaw, someone I happen to befriend during my travels, it's up to you! I think that a romance would play interestingly into this story given that just falling in love and "settling down" isn't exactly an easy option for her. I'd love to hear any ideas you might have to grow the story.


If I've caught your interest, please send me a PM, do not comment on this thread. Let me know which idea of mine you'd like, or if you have one of your own that you would like to discuss! Please come prepared to brainstorm and contribute to the story, I'm not a fan of doing it all myself. As you have the right to look into my content, I will look into your past posts if they're available to try and get a feeling for your writing style. If I don't feel that we are compatible, I will let you know in a polite message.
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