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Mx F or NB The Dark Scribes Story To Be Told


Apr 8, 2020
A wolf remains a wolf, even if it has not eaten your sheep. - The Black Hole

A little about me:

I’m and older writer/RPer with a long history of writing and roleplaying. I’ve been writing since I was a teenager and that’s a long time ago, so I’ve been around the block. I’m a gamer and have a lot of things in the gaming community that take up my time apart from working full time. I've recently taken a long break from RPing and writing but have been pulled back in and feeling the need to start back again.

Storywise, I write traditional third person fiction and can get fairly lengthy in my post depending on the scene and what I might be working with from my partner. I can get pretty long in the words for my opening post, so be warned, I know some don’t like that much. I also understand this is my prerogative, I don’t expect as much length from my partner. I do expect to average at least two to three paragraphs though and usually move to match my partner's post length.

Now, down to the brass tacks, what am I looking for. I’m looking to tell a great story with my partner. To me story is the forefront of why I write and the only thing I’m looking to get out of writing. Now, obviously, being on Blue Moon, I eventually expect that the two characters will get down to adult situations, the sexy parts, but I don’t force it and I don’t expect it to come in the first three posts. The story will dictate when things happen.


Writing partner:
Since I understand life happens, I can deal with one or two post a week or once a day, heck I'm ok with it being weeks in between for good RPs. I have no specific need on length, but I do get a little perturbed if I write a long, detailed post and I get a one line answer. I understand that some post will be short, especially if the action is getting built up. You don’t want to write to much and step on your partner’s character.

I think my only hard and fast rule for a writing partner is they never ‘godmod’ my character, never write how or what he is feeling or thinking or doing. If you want to include something of a reaction immediately in your post, I expect a message asking would your character do this? I would do the same should the situation arise. I understand some writing will require you to move my character or such so I'm usually pretty understanding of physical 'godmodding' though not mental and emotional.

Where to Play:
I'm good playing either in PM or Thread. In addition I've recently set up an email just for RPing to keep track of things so I'm ok playing by email as well. I have in the past played via Google Docs as well, so that is another option. I don't find Discord conductive to RPing but I do use it as a gamer and am happy to chat OCC about the game or other things via Discord.

Things I love in my story:
Story, story and more story. There was a time when I’d write a post just for the jollies of writing. After my long absence from writing, I don’t want to waste the imagination. I want an interesting story, a titillating idea. I want to have fun exploring the story of the characters involved and what is happening. The erotic preferences above pretty much remain the same. If not sure, feel free to ask.

Things I dislike in my stories:
Ovi... the thing with eggs.

Created a list thing: F-list - Warning


Since I have no history on this site I'm going to post two writing samples from the first post of two of my favorite RPs.

Police sirens filtered in through the open windows of the studio apartment Gunnbjorn ‘Gunn’ Trygg had rented in the Rogers Park area of Chicago while he tracked his quarry. It was outside the hustle and bustle of the city but it was a straight shot down North Clark Street to downtown. He’d learned it was always better to bunker dow in an apartment then live like a nomad out of a motel room for a long hunt. Between the Salvation Army and Goodwill, he’d outfitted the place with a queen size mattress and box spring that sat on the floor along with a square dining room table to fill the studio apartment, along with some odds and ends for the open kitchen. An old TV sat on a small stand playing the local news, the weather man saying it was going to be a rainy night.

“Good,” he muttered, sitting on one of the two chairs that remained. The other two had broken under his abuse in the few days he’d had them. Rain was good. Trolls liked rain, it would bring them out.

Most people would consider him insane for thinking about trolls, but he had learned long ago there were things in the shadows of this world that people had long since considered myth. The old faiths had left men’s hearts so they only saw silly superstitions because it didn’t fit in with the concepts of the White Christ. Raised in Minnesota in the traditional ways, he’d found it hard to believe in the things his parents talked about when he was surrounded by Christian culture all the time. But then, when he was old enough, he went on his spirit quest and found Bear. Soon, the world opened up to him and he saw into the shadows, saw the things that lurked outside of human perception. Bear taught him how to invoke him, to become one with the wild. It was not about simply letting go, going berserk as they liked to say, but of focusing the raw rage and emotion into a razor’s edge.

Sitting at the table, he slowly disassembled his Sig Sauer P22 Dark Elite and set it on the towel laid out on the table, next to the Mossberg 500 tactical shotgun. They were not traditional weapons but they certainly could slow down most creatures for a bit, especially with the right placement. Next to them lay his axe, gleaming steel covered with special runes along the edge and the blunt hammer side, a well wrapped yew wood handle through the middle. The rest of the table was laid out with various daggers made from different materials like silver and cold iron along with strange chemicals in tightly seals jars. It paid to be prepared when out on a hunt.

Grabbing a black duffel bag, he piled the various extras into the bag along with the clips and shells already in the bag. The Sig went into a paddle holster he slipped into the waistband of his jeans so it was at his side. He slid two spare clips into a case on his belt behind the gun. The short barreled shotgun hung on a special shoulder ring under his left arm. Pulling up his faded blue jeans, he slid two daggers into the brown harness boots before covering them back up. Rising, he threw a black long coat over his frame covering all of his weapons. A dark red button up shirt peeked out still from beneath, the collar opened far enough to show his greatest weapon, the wrought iron Thor’s Hammer that symbolized his faith and the silver Valknot that symbolized his dedication to Odin.

A light drizzle had started by the time Gunn rumbled into downtown on his black Indian Chief Vintage, a black helmet covering his face. His headlight shone into the darkness of the moonless night as he pulled off North Michigan Avenue heading down to the Navy Pier. Trolls liked water and trees so it was probably the best place to start. If they weren’t there, he’d follow North Columbus Drive down through the Museum district.

He’d only gotten a few feet down the street when he heard the scream echoing over the falling rain, the rancid scent soon filling his nostrils. More than that, he could feel them in his gut like strange butterflies pushing against his insides. It was impossible to figure out where the scream had come from, there were so many buildings to bounce off of around here. Turning around, he ended up pulling his motorcycle off into a parking garage off West Wacker Drive as it was going to take some tracking to find the troll. Taking his helmet off, he ran his hair through his long, blonde locks as he set the helmet on the seat.

Breathing in the air, he slowly started down the road following the elevated rail tracks down, sheets of rain falling on either side of the raised platform. At the corner of the next block, he saw the name on the building across the street and was given pause. A strange feeling moved through his body, the name had to be more than a coincidence. Niflhel was spelled out in big red letters on the club. Sliding the duffel back from his back, he felt the comfortable weight of his ax against his side as he moved to an alley that ran down the side. The smell of the trolls were heavy in the air as he searched for a back entrance, rain pattering on his shoulders.

“I do not understand,” Ciaran bellowed, exasperation on his face. “What is the point of this ancient custom. It is bullshit.” A crooked smile came over his lips as he watched his mother and father look at him with shock, not use to the vulgarity of mortality in their presence. He had traveled among them a lot since his child hood, since he’d seen her so long ago, and gotten a taste for mortal life.

“That is enough,” his father cried out, his dark eyes glittering in the quiet of the room. “You question our very existence. It is the way, and that is all there is too it.”

“Ciaran,” his mother interjected, giving his father a chastising look. “You have enjoyed your time among the mortals, have you not. If the balance is not maintained, we cannot exist with the mortal word. All would be lost between our two realms. The Black King and the Red Queen must come together and be joined for this to remain.”

He glared for a moment as his mother but saw she spoke the truth, feeling the fight leave him in that moment. Perhaps he could not change their mind now, but perhaps when he showed them how useless it was for this union to be forced they would falter. He was not ready to give up his freedom for any crown or queen.

“You will go to her with your escorts and the pact shall be sealed. Make yourself presentable for the mortal world.”

Ciaran looked down at the silken attire he wore and reached out his will, warping the fabric over his body. It twisted and slowly changed until he was left wearing a pair of black jeans and white button up shirt, a black suit jacket covering him. His broad chest and shoulders filling out the jacket and making it look more rugged then civilized. His feet were stuffed into a pair of black harness boots. Brushing his hands over the stubble on his chin, he pushed his hand back through his shoulder length hair, feeling a bit more human with the look.

“I suppose it will have to do,” his mother said, looking at him with some distance. “He gets his style from your side I believe.” She looked back at her husband who remained quiet, not ready to spar today.

A man walked up behind him, his body lithe with a feminine face. Long, blonde hair fell down around his shoulders as he looked towards Ciaran. He was dressed in a suit that looked like it had come off the rack at some designer store at the mall, everything in impeccable order. He motioned for him to lead the way, energy rippling along one wall to indicate a opening in the planes. The man’s eyes held little emotion unlike the human’s who’s company he’d come to enjoy.

He paused at the entrance and looked back at the guy, a crooked grin on his lips. “Do you mind if we at least stop at Starbucks first? I could use an iced chai.”

Settings and Interest for stories:

Mixing things up

Those who have worked with me know I like to take a little bit of this and mix it with a little of that. I rarely write completely historical settings, preferring to throw in fantastical or mythical elements. I like to think I have a good knowledge of various histories but when I write in them I want more than what I can get out of a good book.

Japan and Japanese myth and history

Since I was a little kid running around in a ninja outfit at night, I have been fascinated by Japanese culture, history and myth. I have a decent knowledge of it and am always eager to learn more. Most of my fascination revolve around the samurai and ninja though it also encompasses yakuza and myths. I am heavily influenced by both history and Japanese cinema, though not a huge fan of anime.

Native American myth and culture

I am part Seminole and have been fascinated by the various tribal cultures. I am basically a mutt so finding out I had this one culture to cling to I became fascinated them all along with Native American religious beliefs, having spent some time investigating shamanism. I am well versed in most of the tribes, from the Inuit up north down to the Incas down south. If I don't know something I'm pretty good at dinding it out as I have a number of resources I've used over the time. RPs involving Native American culture and characters hold a special place for me as it was the majority of stuff I first wrote when I started to RP.

Other Cultures.

I am fascinated by most other cultures as well, both modern and historic. I have a keen interest in learning more about them and investigating them. Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern and more. Admittedly I prefer having a bit of mythical in those ideas but will consider ones without the fantastical. I am an intellectual creature and love adding more information so tackling new cultures and ideas stokes my creativity.


I love fantasy, both classical and urban. I don't always think in the classical fantasy ways when coming up with my ideas but I always have a touch of them in most of them. It is my bread and butter. It is my preferred genre when reading. I also love worldbuilding which fantasy gives you complete freedom in that respect.

Steampunk/Dieselpunk/all the other punks

I have grown to be fascinated by Steampunk and often add a touch of it to my RPs. Both the aesthetic and the mutability appeal to my creative side. I could probably go on but lets just leave it at that I love Steampunk


I think if you are going to have sexual content in an RP it should have passion, in one form or another. I love to see passion overwhelm a story where it's not just about the kinks but it's just about experiencing the person. The want to experience a person in every way, with no boundaries, unable to keep your hands, feet or body off a person. If you are going to have those characters in a relationship, why not have it full of passion where it makes the words burn and the loins ache.

More to come as I clarify them in my head


Vague Ideas and Cravings

Stray Cat Strut

So, this one is based on a story I tried to start way back with a great writer who I had many stories going with but had a very hard time with this one. It was about a alchemist who’s life is ruined by another, flames consuming him and his life. It takes the woman he loved and burned him. He is left broken. Unable to deal with things, he retires away to a small house in the country, deep in forest. He wears a mask and covers keeps his burnt left side hidden away. One day, a small cat finds his way onto his land, hurt and starving. He helps and heals the poor thing, tucking it away to rest. He goes to bed feeling good at having done something nice for once, but to his surprise wakes up with a catgirl house guest in his bed. Perhaps she was running from something or someone, something that will catch up to them.

Of note, the male character is pretty dark and in despair which can be difficult for some to deal with, at least in the past it has. He’s faced some tragedy and it’s broken him, in addition to the scars he wears on the outside. So I understand this might be difficult and not for anyone.

The Game

Inspired by an old idea, a veteran of wrestling is forced out of the sport by injury and addiction after starting to get some heat. He is picked p by the newly started GLOW wrestling league to help out and lend itself a known name. The former wrestling is hooked up with a woman who’d character has a dark back story but he doesn’t know that ancient spells are being used by the owner to bring in more eyes. Slowly, the woman wrestler is becoming her character, whatever that is can be discussed, and the veteran is along for the ride and trying to help her. This would be some 80’s goodness with what I imagine would be an interesting power dynamic as I imagine the female wrestler isn’t a push over as she becomes her character.

Permanent House Guest

My character has been having a bad week and decided to take it out at the bar, drinking and playing pool until he is broke and hammered. He heads out despite being too drunk to drive not willing to admit he can't do it but when he hits a sharp turn, he goes over the steep embankment and crashes. He's found but a woman who brings him back to her house to attend too, he's got a concussion and some bruising but nothing too bad. She keeps him well in those first day or two but then he is good and is ready to get out, get back to his responsibility. But she's not having any of that. Sort of a take on Misery without the shattering of ankles. Perhaps it's forceful at first but maybe he learns her reasons. There are many ways it cold go.

Appalachian story. (Man of Constant Sorrow)

A vague idea where your character is a city girl or at least a woman of the suburbs. She some how ends up lost in the Appalachian Mountains trying to get away from some people wanting to hurt her. Perhaps it was a plane crash or perhaps it was just a wild drive that went off road and they lost track. But now she is lost and suddenly she finds help in a backwoods man living far off the grid. There are a number of ways this can go, from straight romance to a serious D/s story line, perhaps even some D-con. I’m fairly open for this one.

Passion unbound

Ok, this is a super vague idea/craving that I find hard to pin down into a story idea. When I was young I watched a VHS tape, yep that long ago, that was sort of an adult education production and it stuck with me. It was basically about making love with your whole body and I always think about how much you must be into someone to say rub yourself over various body parts. Not exactly a story idea but something I’m craving to fit into a story of just unbridled passion and desire.

Dragon Age rp

I'm writing one Dragon Age rp with a friend and it's gotten into the lore deep again and I'd love to work on brainstorming another RP in the setting. Perhaps a Human noble and City elf set in the happenings of the first game. Or I always found the flirtation with the dwarf scout in DA Inquisition very amusing, and frustrating that it couldn't become a relationship option, so maybe a human and dwarf. Nothing definitive yet so very open to brainstorming ideas.

A more kink/smut specific thread

Favored Genres:

Urban Fantasy/Modern

Known settings I would love to tell a good story in:
Video Game/TV/Movies
Mass Effect Universe
Star Wars – KOTOR era especially
Skyrim – Elder Scrolls setting in general
Dragon Age setting
GI Joe
Saints Row
Titanfall/Apex Legends

Favored RPG settings
Legend of the Five Rings
Dragon Age
Kindred of the East
Unhallowed Metropolis

Possible Pairings




Patient x doctor or nurse

Best friends


Owner x neko

Owner x android

Doctor x patient

MILF x Teachet or Principle or tutor

Curvey women x friends boyfriend or brother

Father x daughter

Mother x son

Brother x sister
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Story Ideas

High School of the Dead

Let me preface this one by saying I’m not a huge anime/mnaga fan but I do appreciate them, and have friends that are huge fans, and I grew up on Starblazers which was just a dubbed version of Space Battleship Yamoto. But I do occasionally find the manga or anime that really is enjoyable and sticks with me. Anyway, on with the idea.

I don’t want to play any Canon characters nor do I want my RP partner to write cannon too, unless they really want to for some reason. Nor is knowledge of the manga/anime necessary. The story starts in a high school when the dead suddenly start to walk. A desperate bid to get to safety starts. Cell service goes down. People are becoming savage all around. Eventually an EMP detonation is made making all tech useless. The Airport is supposed to be where all the defense force has set up for evacuation but when you get there they are all dead, nothing is left. What do you do now?

I am looking for a story that starts the day of, when the dead first attack, starting at the high school. I lean towards a TeacherxStudent pairing with me playing the Teacher though I could consider a FatherxDaughter pairing. I don’t normally write multiple characters but I’d be willing to write a second male character as well if there is a preference. I’m also pretty open to how the story unfolds, it can be a nice romance, a power play or even a D/s type relationship, I feel like there are many possibilities with the setting and characters.

The Legend of the Lone Ranger.

Johnathan Reid was born on the plains of the expanding west, his parents trying to make a new life together. Always out playing in the land, he stumbled on a young Indian girl who had stumbled into a coyote trap, the jaws holding her firm. He helped her out and bandaged her ankle while hiding her away from the ranch hands after her. They part ways but remain secret friends. One day while out playing with his new friend, he returned home to find the house burning and his parents killed. He ends up having to stay wit his friend’s tribe, living with them for two or three years before his uncle comes from back east to get him finally.

He is raised back east with his big brother for a few years but he goes back to Texas to join the rangers. Jon goes on to college and gets a job working for the Secret Service. One of his first assignments was to investigate strange reports of organized crime and possible sedition coming from upper Texas and into Indian Territory. Jon enlist his brother Dan to help and when word reaches them of a recent attack, they gather a posse and head out. But they are betrayed and ambushed by Bartholomew “Butch’ Cavendish, believing to have killed every one of them. But Jon remains and he is found by his old friend who nurses him back to health. Finding everyone corrupt in the area as he recovers, he realized there is only one option. He will become a phantom working to bring down Butch’s organization with his friends help, though he refuses to cross certainly lines. The Lone Ranger is born.

Basically, looking for someone to play the gender swapped Tonto. Obviously, some playing around with the original will be required so a different name and such. I like the idea of this friendship blooming back up while also being vigilantes, and it possibly develops into more, and how that effects everything else. Could him having deeper feelings push Jon to break some of his ideals to protect or save her? It just feels like an interesting twist on a Legend that many people consider passé these days.

Star Trek idea

A vague idea but I’ve become fascinated by the Enterprise series again and enjoying the early idea of the Star Trek universe. I’m thinking of the idea of a relationship developing between a security officer and a science officer who is often on away missions together. It offers up a dual story idea of following adventures on a planet, it could be a continuous plot or multiple happenings, along with the developing relationships. Relationships between officers not in the same division is not forbidden but it’s the early frontier, so there are a lot of complications in a developing relationship as well.

Gorean Inspired Fantasy story.

So I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of the books, I read the first few but the whole weird Counter-Earth thru-line never rung with me. But a lot of the things mythology and stuff around kajiras that have been taken up by the fans intrigue me and I love the concepts. So I kind of want to take a lot of the concepts of Gor and slaves/kajira but take them into a unique setting separate from the Gor universe. A unique world we can build up, I'm kinda leaning towards a more Conan style world.

Dark Waters Run Deep

I’ve been obsessed with 80’s flicks lately and I watched an analyst of Underwater and it got me thinking of some various ideas. The idea of combining something like Leviathan or The Abyss with Lovecraft’s The Temple. A group of men and women have signed up for a research and mining operation in the deep blue, the deepest station built yet. It is a minimum two-year tour. In exchange everyone gets a piece of the profit, a stake in the endeavor. The place is tight quarters and there is only so many people you can interact with. Perhaps the two main characters have gotten together for a game of chess or a video game, so they are not strangers.

My first idea is the guy, my character, would be part security/part maintenance diver while the woman, your character, would be a scientist or engineer working on her own project while also working the mining. They are fairly new to the base, the whole project is fairly new, and the woman wants to check out an unexplored area with the diver driving her out in a small sub. There they discover what appears to be an ancient city underwater. Eventually they get back but then something starts attacking the station and it’s a run to get off and get to safety.

There are a few ways this idea could go and I’m up to consider variations. It could start undersea and they continue above water. How dark the horror is can be adjusted in many ways, I’m open on most things.

Never Deal with a Dragon

My character made a deal with a powerful person, a dragon in disguise, to get himself and his sister out of the Sioux nations. He was a member of the military, a well-trained mage. He’s been running the shadows since, living off the grind, when his chit gets called in by his benefactor, a small run with two or three other runners, one of them being yours. They are told to pick up an item, vague at best. Perhaps it turns out to be a person or an item or an AI program. But they get it and all hell breaks loose, they barely get out with the other members going down. They are on the run with no help and trying to figure out what is going on. Whatever they have is wanted by a lot of groups and they are all coming to them to get it.

Accidental Binding

M/F Vanilla, soft dominance/pleasure control, teasing, edging, handjobs, ect. (I’m open to other possibilities that fall into this pleasure domination.)

Scenario: Martin was a simple librarian who loved introducing others into the joys of reading as well as helping students research papers. He’d never been very conscious of the other sex, misreading their signals, so how was he to know the attractive blonde was flirting with him, his oblivious dismissal of him pissing her off. The decided to swap one of the library’s first editions with some ragged book she’d found in a strange new age shop. Unfortunately, Martin was overly enthusiastic trying to catalog this strange book that he’d found on the shelf, where one of the expensive books of the collections should have been, that he didn’t’ even realize the Latin he’d spoken aloud at first.

Before he knew what was happening, Martin had bound himself to a succubus from the netherrelms, the spell an ancient bargain of power, in return for given the succubus total control of the man’s pleasure. He found himself having incredible luck but it meant being teased until it was painful and then teased even more until release.

Setting: Modern Day

Requirements: Someone to play the succubus. I’m open to various kinks and so willing to discuss variety.

Other Info: I'm open to a lot of negotiation on things on this one but I do want to core of the pleasure control to remain.

Spirited Ways

My character has been gifted with the gift, and the curse, of psychic mediumship. He can see and talk with the dead. But he has hid it away, not letting others know about it after his parents sent him for therapy and had him committed for a short time believing the ‘voices and images’ he saw were a mental disease. So, he tries to ignore it as much as possible, plodding through life. But one day a woman’s spirit comes to him and pleads with him. She doesn’t remember dying, but then most don’t, and she doesn’t know what’s going on. She needs to see her body. He finally relents to talk with her and help her but when he looks up her info, there is no obituary, not mention of her being dead. But there is a small article about her being missing. So the mystery begins.

Motobushido: The Motorcycle Samurai


“The Way of the Samurai is, morning after morning, the practice of death, considering weather it will be here or be there, imaging the most slightly way of dying, and putting one’s mind firmly in death.” – Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure

This is a weird one and I’m not totally set on an idea yet. It’s based on an RPG setting that I’ve never gotten and probably never will play, but mainly I love the aesthetic. A similar aesthetic has bene carried on in Into the Badlands TV show. Think Samurai movie meets Biker flick.

My idea with this one is a ronin samurai, a samurai without a Pack is without a master. They travel from city to city taking what jobs they can. Perhaps they were hired to protect the town leader’s new beautiful wife when the place is attacked and he must keep her safe. Perhaps she’s got her own skills but has been hiding them, but not everything has gone sideways. Or perhaps she is a geisha in a bad down and the samurai finds himself drawn to her. Perhaps he’s not the only one taken with her and he must get them out of there but nothing is that easy. I’m pretty open on this idea s it’s pretty broad in its idea.

Arranged Marriage idea. (Fantasy setting)


The five kingdoms of Arelios have enjoyed an extended peace for almost a generation now, though squabbles still remain. There is a prophecy known among the wizards and magical folk that a girl of ancient name shall become queen and that she shall choose a king, and together they shall rule their world. And their son shall rule the galaxy. And now, as the great Beast has returned to the world with his army of destruction, it appears the prophecy may be coming soon, or is it just false hope.

Heavily inspired by Krull, It’s more stealing the overall concept and running a different way with it. The kings of the two largest kingdoms of Arelios have agreed to marry off their princess to the other kingdom’s prince to cement their alliance. The Beast army is ravaging their way across the continent and only the combined forces can hopefully stop their bloody march. The prince and princess are married in a traditional wedding binding themselves to each other, though they have never met and hold no love for one another. But they understand sacrifices are needed for their people so they commit to the ceremony.

As the wedding concludes, the castle is suddenly overwhelmed by an attack from the Beast army in a sudden strike, killing both kings. The prince and princess get away, or perhaps they are buried in rubble to be found later, either way, they are left with a ruined castle and a land under siege. An old mage finds them on the run or in the rubble and tells them there is a way, an ancient weapon to possibly defeat the weapon. As a complication the Beast has taken a fancy to the princess, now queen, and has ordered her captured. With no kingdom, the two royals must go on a journey together to find the ancient weapon, learn secrets of the land and perhaps learn to love one another.

The Paladin’s Temptation

He was not always the nicest of persons having grown up hard on the streets, doing whatever was needed to survive. Eventually, he joined a raiding crew for more money than what he’d been doing to live hand to mouth. On one raid, he goes to a temple to take their treasures but the old priestess won’t give things up easily, there is a struggle and he knocks her down, ready to kill her. And then he saw it, his mind and eyes flooded with the beauty of the Goddess. He wept for the first time he could remember in a long time. The goddess asked him a simple question that day and kissed his cheek, his world forever changed. But he was a man of violence, not a scholarly priest, so he jointed the temple as a Paladin to dedicate himself to bring her honor.

The mother superior has called on him now, a woman needs to be escorted across the country to safety at the main temple. Perhaps it’s a princess looking for refuge from a royal plot or perhaps it’s a priestess/sage who’s learned something others don’t want her to know. So it would be a journey of them across the country while being attacked. The level of tech could be from your standard fantasy into a steampunk/western level depending on feel and preference.

The Wishing Well

A man has just had his heart ripped out by the woman he thought he loved, driving up to the overlook they used to like to park and watch the stars. But then his car won’t start so he starts wandering towards some possible help, stumbling on a wishing well in the middle of the park. He says he is wishing for true love but in his heart he’s just sick of live and wishing for an end. The coin clinks down at the bottom when suddenly it comes flying back out at him, followed by a woman soon later.

This one is pretty vague and I don't have any definitive ideas but the idea just struck me, lots of possibilities I suppose.

Norse/Valkyrie Story (MxF)

Norse mythology! How about a romance between a Valkyrie and a Viking who was supposed to die in battle. I found this little quote while doing some research, ‘Like other northern Eurasian shamans, Germanic warrior-shamans are occasionally depicted with “spirit-wives,” in this case from among the valkyries, the female attendant spirits of Odin.’ But really, would a romance stop the Valkyrie from taking him anyway? They seem pretty cold... although if you follow some of the tales, there are Valkyries who are with a person because of that person's predestiny. Some tales tell of warriors that are meant to die and go to Valhalla but the Valkyrie is meant to sorta be there to help him towards his destiny.

Though the idea of a Valkyrie there to take his life but something happens would be interesting. And I imagine piss off Odin or Frejya, depending on who was supposed to get his soul, since half go to either based on myth.

Well, of course it would toy with the mythology a bit. I was thinking that perhaps she's given to her warrior to take and she watches him, gets to know him and it triggers something that makes her just curious at first -- not an instant love story, necessarily. She just wants to know more about him. She could even take the form of a 'normal' woman, even knowing that inevitably she'll need to take him to Valhalla. So, perhaps he begins to live a 'charmed' life, like he can literally not die in battle, until she decides that it's time.

The story could go a few ways, being set in Norse times or it could take a more 'Highlander' type approach and be set in modern times. The full extent I figure would be worked out with a partner.

Her First

Your character is the second most powerful woman in the realm as sister to the Queen. It is a matriarchal society where women are the rulers and intellectuals of the society and men live to service the females and know their place. The royalty are expected to maintain a harem of men as a sign of their status. The queen's sister has put off starting a harem even though she has the room for it but now her sister the Queen is forcing the issue by making her take the winner of the coming glatorial fights that are part of her sister's official coronation. The position of the 'First' is a high honor and gives the male a higher status among the society, though never close to equal of a woman,

My character is from a different society. He comes from a martial society where men rule the tribes but women rule the household. Although he is the chief's, many see him as weak and this is only worsened when their ship is damaged in a storm and the have to land on strange, foreign land. When one of his men kills a soldier, he insists on taking the full blame for it as their leader. Normally such an act would end in a death sentence but because of the exigent circumstances the woman presiding over thing offers him a chance to prove himself and secure his men's freedom by fighting in the games.

The man fights with a passion and ferocity never seen before quickly going through opponents. However, his last opponents is the new queens hand picked champion and he cheats to get an advantage over the foreign fighter. Blinded, MC puts up a good fight but is slowly whittled down until the death blow is about to fall. But your character saw the cheat but no one else has it seems, and this man is so different from the men of your land. You do the only thing you can do and award the Quebec's champion the victory but announce you are taking my character as your 'First'.

I see this as a power play idea, a dominant female trying to keep a dominant male under her.

Vague Story Ideas:
Dragon Age vague idea: Just as the Architect evolved to free thought another Darkpawn has emerged and is looking to be the next Archdemon, slowly trying to gather an army. The Grey Wardens sent out a team to investigate. This could be two Grey Wardens or a Grey Warden and other type of character.

Destiny vague Idea: Based on the base game, two guardians have been resurrected by ghost and joined the last great city on earth. Rumbling is coming from the moon and with so many fronts being pushed, the Vanguard send their newest guardian to the moon.
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Slice of Life ideas:

Surprise Guest

Your character is new to the city and the apartment building, perhaps feeling a little out of sorts, but is enlivened a little when a nice resident helps her get her couch into the place. They strike up a conversation and get friendly. My character has been busy so when he helps your character it’s really the first social interaction outside of work. He’s a book editor and you are a voracious reader so he gladly lends you books from his extensive collection. Perhaps you have even exchanged keys to check on things, plants or pets, so you use yours to let yourself in to return the keys.

But for some reason you are fascinated by the smell of the place and it’s been awhile. Perhaps you are feeling a little risky or you found a interesting photo book in the collection but whatever it is you find yourself on the bed playing with yourself, almost there and lost. And just then you hear him in the doorway, turning to see him just standing there. Now the question is what happens, do you finish or run off embarrassed. How do you look at him again? How can he look at you? Perhaps you both liked the voyeuristic nature and start playing, teasing until you crash against each other down the road. A lot of ways this could go and a lot of different kinks that could be incorporated.

Earning the Grade

Perhaps your character has always been the smart one in school, perhaps a loner though, but something about Mr. Watkin’s class forced you to struggle. Or perhaps your character has never liked school and just wants her diploma but Mr. Watkin’s class tripped up her plans to be gone with everyone else. They’ve been forced to take a summer school class to get their diploma. The school informs you that no one else needs to take a summer class of English Lit this year so it will be a one on one class. And worse, it’s going to be with Mr. Watkins who’ve you failed once.

I see this as being something either end of high school though it could be moved to a college level summer class as well. The story could be a slow burn taboo story of teacher and student growing more intimate, a straight romance, or we could also add BDSM elements as wished, it’s fairly open.


A well off man learns about his brother and wife died in a car accident and their teenage daughter was seriously hurt. The brothers were estranged but he still finds the need to take in his niece. The girl is confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life and has seriously gotten depressed but is happy to find her uncle is going to help her, better then going into foster care. The uncle treats her good but she keeps feeling down because her she feels she'll never have a normal, especially emphasizing no one will want her or love her. The uncle tells her he loves her and if he was younger and not her uncle he'd gladly snatch her up. After that point, they tease each other and flirt until the niece calls him out telling him to prove someone, that he, would want him.

I see a few variations on this. It could be a former family friend that had a falling out but had been named as a godparent who comes to the girls rescue.

Title: Chance Meeting

Content: M/F, Van to D/s, BDSM, possible Shibari

Scenario: Your character has never liked flying but her best friend is having a wedding across the country and she is the maid of honor, so there is no way she’s missing it. She books a plane ticket despite having serious fears of flying, hoping the medication keeps her calm though it doesn’t seem to be working. But as she’s starting to freak out as they taxi, he sits next to her and starts chatting her up, cool and calmly. He even cracks some jokes and compliments her, is he flirting? Her nails dig into the arm but they take off, she has no hysterics thanks to the kind stranger who sits next to her, pleasant as can be. Before she knows it they are landing and he is leaving, mentioning his hotel, but she doesn’t think anything of it.

Heading to meat up with the bride, she’s told about the grooms friend coming to the wedding, a photographer, and he’s into those kinky things YC has talked about with her. She’s embarrassed. She’s always kind of been intrigued by BDSM and/or Shibari but she’s voluptuous and that stuff is for those skinny girls. There is no way she’s going to bring that up, and then the man from the plan walks in, the grooms friend, who the bride has been seated with her… and maybe something about her curiosity was mentioned. Will she be bold when he is flirting with her and assuring her that her ‘size’ is not an issue.

Setting: Modern; perhaps Vegas or East Coast depending.

Requirements: Someone to write the voluptuous woman with some kinks.

Other Info: The idea could be played from complete vanilla and romantic to some kink like Shibari or even to more heavy D/s and BDSM. Something to discuss as open to consideration.
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General Posting:

I like to consider myself a decent writer. I can be overly lengthy in early post as a pace is set, matching my writing partners. I can only be as good as my partner in these types of stories and I love the work that can come from these pairings. If you are not sure, PM me. I'm a nice guy and keep my evil side well in check. I’m a detailed driven writer and I like to make my post extensive, not novella length but 3 or 4 paragraphs is fairly normally unless there’s a reason to keep the post short.

I write multiple types of stories and characters. I love to stretch myself as a writer and to exercise my imagination. These stories are, for me, an intellectual exercise to broaden my writing and my imagination, to come at things in ways I never would have before. I’ve been coming up with stories since I could play with action figures and I’ve been writing stories since my teens. I try to post once a day but right now it's looking more like 3 times a week as work is quite busy for me right now.

I am a male. I normally write a male character. My preference in romantic or erotic story is for someone with feminine curves. This normally will mean a woman, though I am open to trans and trap characters as well. I have a tendency to play a more dominant character though it depends on the story, they can range from romantic to harsh depending on the story crafted.

Most of my characters are complex and broken in some way, sometimes they are trying to fix it other times they like their broken parts. I have a tendency to write mature males in their 30s to 40’s though I do occasionally write late 20’s. I’m a mature male so it’s my zone. Currently I’m posting about two or three times a week depending on life or the muse, though I try to post once a day it is difficult a target at this point.

Some weeks I can post once a day and some weeks I might be struggling to post two or three times a week depending on my work scheduled and what I have going on. I will always try to put out on my Absence thread if I'm going to be out more than a few days and/or I know ahead of time I'm going to be away from the computer.
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