Mx Female A town called Silent Hill M/F F/F

Jun 20, 2013
I am really wanting to do a Silent Hill roleplay, an original setting so none of the main characters from the games unless they are being mentioned in lore i.e newspapers or come across something of theirs like Harry's notepads(save points) where he left notes in the carnival, things like that. I am wanting original characters that have their own backgrounds and are in Silent Hill for a reason unique to them.

When it comes to the story, characters etc. I want it to be known up front that I want this to be completely story focused, a romance may form between the two main characters but unless the story really goes to a point where a sex scene would happen, I'm not planning on any sex, so apologies if you were coming in hoping for more smut involved. The characters would find themselves suddenly in Silent Hill separately, and after some posts on finding their way around and dealing with whatever horrors they find on their own they'll meet up and we go from there .

Now there's no real linear structure for this in the sense of I do not have every detail planned out on what the characters are going to be going through, or what their end goal is other than to find a way out of the town of course all the while finding out why they are there, so some brainstorming will be needed. Another reason for the brainstorming would be that I'd love to hear any ideas from you on how to make the time in Silent Hill even more horrifying for our two characters. :)

Next, on to a few things before messaging me for roleplay, first of all NO DITCHING, please, if you lose interest or decide not to keep roleplaying for whatever reason, let me know, sure it may be disappointing but honestly I'd rather know than wait a week and wonder if everything is okay. Plus I'll respect you more than people who don't respond or ignore any attempts to check if things are alright thinking it's easier to just ignore than to simply say you lost interest in the roleplay.

If there is any romance that happens, we are able to decide beforehand if we want the roleplay to be M/F or F/F

Threads or PM's, though PM's are easier for me for sure to keep track of.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope someone is interested!
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