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NBx Any White Femboy/Trap/Sissy/TF Seeks Dark Dick


Apr 2, 2020

He was right, in a strange way, I did look good like this. My appearance had never been... the epitome of masculinity exactly, slender frame, long dark brown curly hair, androgynous features. I liked the way I looked. But I liked this too, he was right, I did suit makeup, I did look good, I did look hot. Hell I'd fuck me. I felt different, I felt... confident but in a way I'd never been confident before, I felt... pretty. I felt good, but it didn't feel natural, didn't feel right.

I'd lost a bet, my friend group often had these silly little bets, but I had no idea the end result would be so... enjoyable. It hadn't taken long, I wasn't a particularly hairy man aside from my head, being hairless felt... different, felt good, but it didn't quite feel right.

I walked to his house appreciating the feel of my silky legs rubbing against the fabric of my jeans - like a girls legs....

It all happened so quick. We started drinking. I was strangely glad the rest of our group had bailed, it felt good to be alone with him, felt good to be alone with him looking like this, but it didn't feel quite right.

We kept drinking. We decided I should wear some of his exes clothes just to see. I looked good, I looked hot, it felt good. But it didn't feel right.

More drinking. Black hands on my body, black lips on mine, caressing, squeezing groping me, eking out unsaid desires, my desires, but ones he knew better than I did. It felt good, but still, it didn't feel right.

I lay on my back, legs open, white cock poking out my panties, huge black dick centimetres above. I wasn't a small man, but Jesus fucking Christ, the contrast was unreal. Massive black over a little above average white, black encompassing white, overshadowing, dwarfing.

He lays it on mine. God he felt so heavy.

He thrusts, jet black cock easily enveloping mine. Fuck. There was so much power in that single thrust. In that cock. In him.

He lifts his cock. He drops it. 10 pounds of black meat drops against my white penis.

I gasp. I was panting, moaning.

He slaps his cock down.

"Fuck" I gasp, writhing, I grip the sheets, moaning like a bitch in heat.

I'd never been this aroused, never been this turned on, never needed anything as much as I needed that big black cock. He was the epitome of masculinity, he was a black god. And I wanted to be his little white girl. This felt good, this felt right.

Well, hello there! So, as you may have guessed by the thread title and little teaser, I'm looking for an interracial play with a femboy! I'm looking for at least multi paragraph messages, however I'm actually pretty open with specifics, I don't mind if it's a transwoman, a femmboy or just a cute boy taking black dick, as long as they're taking black dick! I have a preference for playing in first person, and plays that are a bit more... tender and realistic than this kind of stuff can often be - but of course that's just a preference not a requirement. That's also not to say that by the end the boy won't be being treated like a dirty little slut, just that he'll take it slow at first! I'm open to playing with pretty much anyone, I'd obviously prefer to be playing as the submissive character, but if we get along I'm happy to play as the black top. I do have some other pairings in mind, aside from the friends one, but I figure this stuff is best worked out in messages and conversation, rather than just being decided beforehand by one person.

So really, this is a very open prompt, if anything in it interests you at all, please just message me and we'll see if we can work something out!
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