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Fx Male the virtue of that fruit {eve's request thread}

Apr 4, 2020
hey there! I'm Eve. thanks for checking out my request thread!

here's what I can offer you:
  • at least 3 paragraphs per post, if not more. I will always match your effort, and if you'd like me to supply a writing sample or something to help you figure out if we are compatible, I'll never be upset that you've asked.
  • clear communication, updates on my availability, heads up when I know I'll be out for a few days
  • active and meaningful participation in brainstorming, plotting, and writing.
  • like any relationship in life, I will give you respect, kindness, and sensitivity to your needs
  • RPs in PMs preferred
  • certain fandoms are okay! I will never say no to Reylo
here's what I want from you:
  • all that I've listed above. I like to give what I get!
  • romance involved in the plot somehow. this doesn't mean it is the entire plot—hardly—but that it is instrumental to the character development and choices people make.
  • EDIT: I hate that I have to add this on here, but I recently had an experience in PMs that has led me to feel like I must make this clear; if you approach me in bad faith I will not roleplay with you period. If I don't reply to your message immediately, it is not appropriate for you to insinuate anything about my intentions; do not be passive aggressive, rude, spiteful, or cruel. If you want to know whether I'm interested, a simple follow up if you haven't heard from me for a few days after I've read the message will suffice. as a woman IRL, I am really fed up with men demanding my time, attention, and energy, and I don't wish to replicate that exhaustion on here. If you are the type of person that expects attention the second you want it, then know that we are not compatible RP partners. HOWEVER, if you are willing to communicate openly with me and let me know if you're feeling ignored or worried that I've forgotten to reply, I will always be open to that and will respect you immensely for it.
here's what I like (* indicate craving level):
  • student/professor
  • detective/corruption/darker vibes**
  • forbidden romance (huge sucker for this)
  • bad girl/good guy
  • rebel girl/royal guy***
  • enemies
  • family friends who hate each other
  • characters whose parents are rivals
  • traditions being questioned**
  • angel/demon**
  • fairy tale gone wrong
some beginner plots for us to play with:
  • MC is a sacrificial bride to a giant dragon, YC is the one tasked to perform the rites. But when MC derails the ceremony and takes YC into the dragon’s lair with her, they are forced to work together to find a way out.
  • YC is a vampire living in isolation, protecting the mountains surrounding the village he once wandered too far from. MC is a young woman cast out by the village after being accused of adultery. She accidentally walks into his cave, looking for shelter.
  • MC is dating YC’s older brother. But YC has been in love with her for years. This one is especially bare bones, let’s have some fun with it.
  • YC is a recently promoted detective and MC is the daughter of a career criminal
  • MC finds out that her father made a deal with satan, YC is the person who comes to "collect"
  • YC is the young but seasoned detective with a secret, MC is the new partner he didn't want. MC catches on to YC's secret, and working together becomes harder, especially when our top enemy realizes that MC is YC's biggest weakness
  • MC is a disillusioned vampire and YC is a human that wants to kill a supernatural creature that is a long-standing enemy of MC. They team up to hunt the creature down, and in the process delve into what it means to be human, to love, to desire, and to fear.
a few notes about me: my imagination is cinematic. what does this mean for us? I tend to incorporate a lot of musical inspo to my posts (usually via hyperlink). I don't expect you to follow suit; I do it for my own immersion into the world and story we are building. however if it inspires you to do the same, I'd love that. I'm not looking for any fandom RPs right now. even with the more magical/fantastical plots, slice of life is my speed. I like to examine what it means for characters to make choices in their respective contexts and how those choices matter to their desires, fears, and hopes in the long run. my bare minimum is 80/20 plot to smut ratio, but depending on the RP I can adjust either way. PLEASE RESPECT THIS WHEN YOU MESSAGE ME. IF YOU MESSAGE ME WITH A SMUT HEAVY RP, I WILL NOT REPLY. but to be clear, my main focus isn't smut. I think it adds a necessary element of intimacy to human relationships, and I write to investigate human relationships so it feels natural, if not honest, to embrace its importance in the world of any story.

if you have ideas you'd like to run by me, or anything here has sparked your imagination, I'm very open to that.
I don't have an f-list and I likely won't make one. I can tell you that I enjoy: age gaps (won't go below 18 please don't even ask), praise, complex dynamics, slow build, teasing, high stakes/forbidden relationships, power play, sweet talk, soulmates

I can tell you that I absolutely do not enjoy (please don't even ask): noncon, rape, gore, violence, bathroom stuff, sadism, cruelty, anything along those lines. if you can't tell already, I am a tender heart​

send me a PM with some general info about you so we can jumpstart the process. what are you looking for? what kind of things do you like? what makes a good story?

looking forward to hearing from you -- stay safe, stay hydrated, and chill out to some beats in these tough times
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I have an idea based on this image that I'd like to try out. think dystopian, supernatural, dark romance. PM me if you want to hear more about this idea specifically

and, of course, the music.
*brushes the dust away*

wow, it's been a while. life has been very hard. if we have an existing RP please be gentle with me. I will do my best to get my brain back up and running on our plots, but it's been a rough month so don't expect anything magical.
hello! the weather has turned bleak here! I'd love a little twist on The Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood.

a reminder as well to any who reach out - please read my entire request thread! it helps both of us! and of course, I will read all materials you send me as well <3
bump! if you’ve reached out before and I wasn’t available at the time, please don’t hesitate to reach out again!

cheers, chill out to some beats while you browse
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