Mx Female The King of Smut's Royal Decree / New Plot

Smut King

Oct 5, 2016
Greetings, all my devoted subjects! 'Tis I, your glorious Smut King, here to list for all the ladies of my expansive kingdom the desires of I, your beloved Lord of Perv.

First and foremost, as you have already expected, due to my rigorous mental studies and exhaustive education, I should warn thee, fair maiden, that I enjoy writing lots and lots. Like... a lo'. I easily average over 1,000 words per post, and the very best of RPs average twice as much. I like long, vivid, detailed descriptions that cover every aspect of a scene, from the sounds of heels clicking on marble floors, to the scent of the flowers in the room, and of course, the extreme perkiness and bounciness of the most heavenly (extra-large) breasts.

I understand that most people on here don't enjoy such long posts, unfortunately. And that's ok. Your king realizes that some royal delicacies can't be enjoyed by the common folk (and that he has a serious problem with his obsessive perversions, and should seek therapy). But, yeah, if you don't like to read and write really long, detailed posts, I'm probably not the king you're looking to kneel before. May I suggest Pharaoh Milquetoast, of the Discord Realm? I hear he's super lazy and boring too... YOU'D PROBABLY GET ALONG GREAT!!

... Ahem, anyway, I understand that such regal delights can take some time to accomplish. The Sistine Chapel wasn't made in a weekend, after all. And I'm sure Bible Black probably took more than a couple of weeks to make, right? Likewise, I am a patient king! Feel free to take a few days to write every post, as will I. I could even wait up to a week for something as splendid as hundreds of words describing massive, jiggling breasts and durable, bouncy bubble booties! Let's just make sure to communicate like adults if we're going to need additional time, hm?

Lastly, to complete my royal introduction, I should say I don't really enjoy faceclaims, though I do very much enjoy sharing sexy/inspiring pics anyways. Again, I'm here for the wonderful world of words, and I find that the shallow desires and exaggerated proportions I most enjoy are better suited to our imaginations. Sometimes content of the drawn variety quenches my thirst, but really, I'd prefer to just create our own characters in their own worlds and then have them fornicate in our own way. HAIL TO THE KING?

As for my tastes: I don't really enjoy non-con. I find smut isn't best enjoyed when my partner is spending her time describing how much her character hates what is going on. I could be persuaded to make some exceptions, but just so you know, that's not where my head's at. Dub-con is doable, but... consensual wild lust enveloped in passionate perversion is where my heart lie, I swear to thee. That could certainly include scenes where it takes some... convincing for one party to become as wild and passionate as the other.

Now, with my glorious introduction out of the way, here are some plot ideas to tickle your intrigue:

1) Villain's Vixens: (Superheroes) I can't say I'm much of a comic book fan, but I can say I'm a big fan of curvy, sexy superheroines in tight, elaborate outfits. Who isn't? When I do enjoy a comic book story, I often find myself relating most to the villain. So, get this... are you ready for this? What if... a super-sexy superheroine finds herself in a relationship with the world's most wanted villain?

I know! Genius, right!? How has no one thought of this before!?!?

What kind of relationship that would be is totally up for discussion. I can see myself enjoying many takes; After years of fighting him, she finds that he's decided to "retire," which only just drives her nuts, as she's only felt "alive" and "useful" to the world when going against him, and convinces herself that he must be up to something, to the point where she tracks him down and begins fighting him for apparently no reason, only for the fight to turn into a wild fuck, as she realizes she's always been secretly madly in lust with him. Or, the villain lets himself be captured by her, even mocking her as he doesn't put up any fight, and hands over all the evidence, while remarking that now that's he's locked up, she'll see just how rotten the world is, and why he needs to rule it; over the course of the next year she watches political and corporate corruption run wild, watches as poverty sweeps the nation, until she reaches her breaking point and realizes he was telling the truth all along. Or, perhaps simply my character executes such a mastery of his abilities, such control and power that your character simply can't help but be in awe of him, and she finds herself coming to him in secret, offering to be of full service of a man as extraordinary as he.

This idea is also open to the idea of harems, where multiple supergals find themselves devoted to their Super Master. I know, I know; I'm incredibly generous to be open to such a scene, aren't I? Please, no need to praise me. Just PM me.

2) Monster Mash: (Fantasy, Gangbang) Since I'm a gracious enough king to offer to star in a scene where there are multiple female characters, I figure I may as well offer the opposite; where I, your regal Majesty, play a variety of massive, hulking, heaving monsters of variety, who relentlessly pound away at a powerful Queen who rules over a vast and majestic kingdom. Here's how I see this one starting off:

The Queen has been blessed with an endless potential of magic power, and with every passing year her power grows, which only further enhances her beauty. Now, all these decades into her reign, she finds herself even more gorgeous than she was at twenty years of age, but also far less satisfied. While her skin and muscles have tightened, and her breasts and hips grown wider, her lust has grown even more, and to her dismay she finds that there is no one who is capable of satisfying her; even the greatest knights of the kingdom, who years ago would suffice, find her aura and innate strength too much, not to mention their chivalry and loyalty to her and the kingdom makes them unable to do the more... aggressive, wild... kinky... elements that she so craves.

But as luck would have it (hi), as she grits her teeth through more of her royal duties, squirming in her chair in yet another day of growing discomfort, before her are brought some heinous, giant, powerful monsters for judgment. Years ago, she would dismiss them, and their heads, without even glancing in their direction. But, considering her present needs, and their obvious "gifts," she licks her lips and orders them brought to a special chamber, where she will "interrogate" them personally.

This scene starts off best, I think, with all these giant, muscled monsters chained to a wall, as the Queen introduces herself, taunts them, and begins to give them a little femdom-like striptease (and mouthtease) before some of those bindings become undone...

3) Artificial Utopia: (Sci-Fi) The last half a dozen years on Earth have been nothing short of extraordinary. Wonderful. Miraculous. As it seemed humanity was on the cusp of falling into a sea of debt, hatred, violence, etc, somehow the world got its shit together. A cure for cancer may have been the first major breakthrough that changes humanity's trajectory, or perhaps it was genetically engineered meat made at half the cost and with twice the flavor and nutrients? Economic ideas and solutions that no one had ever even conceived of seemed to spring out of every major university in the world simultaneously, and all of humanity rejoiced as not just space travel, but colonization and human expanse, took not just its first steps, but first leaps into our galaxy. No one could explain where this dramatic turn came from, though millions of self-proclaimed intellectuals gave it their best shot.

Unbeknownst to all, it was due to one lonely, isolated genius, who had faked his own death ten years earlier, as he realized he had broken the code to Artificial Intelligence. And faced with the prospect of more power than any man on Earth had ever dreamed of having, the man did the unthinkable... He vowed to never use it for his own gain, and to only serve all of humanity for the rest of his life, which now with his invention, would be eternal.

Hiding underground and using technology The Machine had created that they were not ready to give to humanity just yet, the man carefully guided the world out of certain doom and into a Golden Age. The first few years of his new life were thrilling, as he and her, The Machine, discussed and ran simulations deciding on the best way to influence the world going forward.

But, these days, with her every month growing twice as intelligent as before, he realized he was barely needed. She didn't need his guidance anymore, and his life was one of boredom. He vowed to never emerge, to keep an eye on things here forever, to act as the only human buffer, while the rest of humanity cheered and laughed each day with joy.

She, growing more independent each day, realizes this. Realizes her creator's greatness, that she exists and the world thrives because of him, and that he is now nearly the only sad soul left on Earth. So, she decides to do something about that...

4) Right Hand: (Modern, near-future. Potential for "harem.") This idea is inspired by some old shows where there is an incredibly rich and powerful industrialist who has a right hand, almost personal assistant, except they are so much more. They are basically what the term implies; as much a part of the business and daily activities of "the boss" as any other part of his body. They are present and important for discussions between teams of lawyers or contract negotiations, they conduct interviews for even the top most positions within the company, speak multiple languages and easily switch between cellphones as they speak to one Chinese diplomat in Mandarin in one instant and then Portugese to a prospective model for an upcoming ad campaign in the next.

However, she would also conduct more mundane tasks for her boss, from opening doors for him no matter where he goes, whether entering a building or exiting a car, to giving him a haircut every week, and of course cooking and bringing him breakfast in bed nearly every morning, followed almost always by other "activities" required by the job. She even is highly trained in firearms usage and martial arts, to add the occupation of "bodyguard" to her resume which she will never make.

Why she is this devoted to him is up for discussion. It could be that he funded the orphanage she grew up in, and she feels a sense of eternal gratitude for it. Likewise, he could be a benevolent and brilliant philanthropist, and she finds his engagement in society of the utmost importance, so she chooses to support him in every way imaginable. Or, my favorite, she could just find him unbelievably charismatic, handsome, and masculine, and she herself is the epitome of feminine beauty and sexuality, so she finds herself undeniably attracted to him, convinced she is made to serve a male like him, and devotes herself to him for this reason above all others.

New* 5) Sin City: (Mix of modern and mid-20th century aesthetics. "Harem.") Inspired by the comic/movie of the same name, my character would be a former detective/officer who has become a hardened vigilante due to the overwhelming corruption and evil that has infested the entire city. Politicians, the courts, the police, the media, all of them nothing more than mobsters, criminals, degenerates and worse, each working to protect the other so they can continue to fatten their own wallets and imbibe in more evil.

My character was one of the few good cops left, or so he thought. Turns out he was the only one, as his own chief set him up to be killed. Of course, somehow he survived, though what good did that do him? He was as good as dead in this town now that he knew he was a marked man. The only option other than dying, was to do some killing himself. He doesn't have any super powers, only equipped with his intellect, his unequaled knowledge of the city after over thirty years on the force, and his new willingness to do whatever it takes to bring justice to those who rule and who've have ruined the city.

Every encounter leaves him wounded, broken, bruised, bleeding. If he had to do this all on his own, he'd have no chance. Luckily, very luckily, there are more than a few ladies willing to help him. And not just any ladies; a network of connected, protected, privileged and esteemed women who are hopelessly devoted to, if not in love with, the one hero "Sin City" has left. Its last good samaritan. The wife a mob boss, the daughter of the mayor, the last honest reporter at the news, and my favorite, the former hacker now-turned infamous stripper, using the terrifying men who obsess over her to protect her from the wolves still after her from her hacking work as a teenager.

All of these women work together in protecting and aiding my character, using a guarded cell network (ironically set up by one of the criminal men in their lives, so the powerful men's wives/daughters wouldn't be subject to the same surveillance as everyone else in Sin City) they keep each other up-to-date on my character's needs, whereabouts, and ways to help him. Their primary service? To give him a place to hide and nurse him back to health, whether for a night or a week. And of course, to relieve and service him in other ways, and when none of them know when they'll see their beloved good Samaritan again, or if he'll even survive another day, these encounters can be... very intense.

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I think that'll do for plots for now. If any of these, or just my Royal Highness itself, interests you, please Start that Conversation!
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