- Joined
- Feb 14, 2020
- Location
- the gory in glory
Navré's Request Thread
abuse, dread, brutality, flashy or black violence, humour.
je suis navré: I'm sorry for your loss.
Anchored Contents
abuse, dread, brutality, flashy or black violence, humour.
je suis navré: I'm sorry for your loss.

Anchored Contents
> PM info and contact <
Writing Samples
Roleplay thread sample⫷
⫸ Writing samples ⫷
My Type (faceclaims)
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⫸ f-list ⫷
the most specific, nsfw part of this thread, served upfront because I'm nice like that
No: I don't get off to it at all, and I prefer not to do it.
Maybe: I enjoy it situationally. Let's talk about it.
Yes: it's good, I love it.
Fave: makes me wet. Fast.
I don't care for your gender behind the screen, just that you play your character's gender well.
DM me with 'guns' after you've read my PM info, notes and specifics,
or I may or may not ignore you depending on how funny your greeting is.
If I've contacted you instead, you don't have to.

BDSM It's all you people care about. I swear. I am a switch, but I can enjoy playing exclusively as a sub, masochist, dom or sadist as well. Leanings 50/50 on d/s respectively. 55/50 or 60/50 on s/m. I lean masochist only if I like the sadist. |
Characters I play / like to play alongside They'll usually be unique to the roleplay; this is just a general vibe they might have. Pains sluts. Fear junkie. Ruined little things. Beautiful monsters, broken birds, or badasses. Twisted people, sadism, bastards, perverts. Whip-smart with (or without) a heart. My characters: - Will smart-mouth YC a lot. - Smart, shrewd, fiery. - I like to add quirks. If you're interested, I play male too. |
A bit about me Nerd of all trades. Pansexual. I debate competitively and as a result enjoy banter, snark, witty insults or vicious mockery. Vibe well with chill people, or if you're the snarky type. Experience: I'm a literate roleplayer with 7-8 years of experience, heavily roleplaying on multiple sites. MBTI: Entp. It's the coolest one. Fight me. My timezone: UTC+08:00. I talk I'm generally active, will notify you if I can't be. |
In general, I do grim, weird or pulpy stuff. Black comedy is a welcome mix in these.
I put everything in a spoiler because they're so satisfying to click. If you're on mobile you might have to scroll sideways to see all of them.
Anne Rice style, classy, goth, beautiful, very brutal. Lust, stalking and obsession, either academic or from the creature's allure. Tons of bloodplay. I can play as both a vampire or a human. I think this one never gets old. General dark fantasy I enjoy warlocks or other malevolent spellcasters. Magic can have aphrodisiac-like effects, or put characters in very weird scenarios/ situations / positions. |
Crime psychological thriller
Cyberpunk Noir
A niche genre with particular requests: have everyone be a contract killer, throw in lots of guns and knives. The cyberpunk is in the setting: a neon city or concrete forest with skyscrapers and high rise buildings. High rising people step on everybody to get ahead, making life bleak for anyone not in the highest circles, and rampant with vigilantes and an obsession with assault-based body modification. Intelligent characters in this setting make me wet fast. |
Sci-fi / space opera
2 kinds: 1. Aliens (possibly the least dark because I'm more experimental with this one) We'll write something exciting, wacky and fun. Very alien and freaky. The only reason why I have this here is because of a dream. It was of a humanoid alien with pink lashes and slick, cool pastel skin (coloured a bit like a saturated pearl) who rode a monster of a motorcycle with a decapitated demon head chained to the back of it. He happened to be the police in the desert planet he lived on and had been trying to arrest me. Then I was at his house, which was entirely made of translucent glass. We had sex in it. 2. Laboratory setting Short term, at most. A hyper-intelligent scientist conducts experiments on a captive. So many ways to twist this one, trust me. It will involve human experimentation, be it mental or physical, like the sci-fi lab setting but the tech being experimented would be more war or arms-related. Can be set in a modern war setting, which crosses over into: |
This gets its own section completely, since there are tons of different eras with their own plots.I have a soft spot for particularly brutal eras. I also like something political, with intrigue, gossip, blackmail; or executions or man-hunts; prisons, pirates, soldiers, warmongers; rebels and paranoia, exploration, discovery, the edge of the frontier. And king sounds like kink for good reason. You don't have to have a History degree (I certainly don't), just a decent grasp of the setting.
I am mostly looking for another history/war nerd who also wants to explore history's darker sides. Refer your friends if they are history buffs or war nerds!
Freak show (link)
Think the traditional circus with a ringmaster, clowns, acrobats, jockey, whatever. Tons of freaky people or medical oddities. We can build the circus together. I'm quite flexible on roles for this. If you want to run a harem for me I will adore you. Setting is flexible, can be eastern or western; preferably in an economically prosperous era like the roaring 20s, where people had time and money to spend on entertainment, because that would make sense. |
Victorian steampunk
Steampunk is Victorian science fiction, I read somewhere before. For the kind of thing I want to do, think Frankenstein. Shylocks, flying airships, power-hungry inventors, gem-encrusted guns, the danger of electricity. Airships again. Those are awesome. There can be conspiracy plots or outsider conflict from the Victorian class structure and political environment; with a sense of weirdness. Or it can be over-the-top. The characters might be wry, understated persons of mordant wit and significant accomplishment; the inventor, the virtuoso or Renaissance man, the explorer. |
1700s. Golden age of piracy, any region.
They could be violent, they could be slavers, substance addicts and bastards; ransoming a nobleman, raiding merchant ships, ranting about grimy life on board. Chased by imperialist officers, threatened with execution. We love them all. Maybe there are rumours of magic. Of sirens, curses, sea monsters. |
Vikings, Viking raids in the 8th to the mid-11th centuries.
Skalds and berserkers, princes, princesses, warlords, raids. This could be a war story, an exploration story, or a murder mystery, as one tribe takes out an important figure in another... Fantasy mixed: I love Norse mythology, particularly the properly genderfluid Loki. We could mix the mythology in the setting, maybe a tribe where people are, so to say, intimate with their gods. |
War heavy, gruesome setting like the Mongols or Romans
Cold war
Russia Space Race |
(taboo, possibly sensitive) Link to the vibe I'm looking for, in more detail. I've had the least luck with this on other sites, because this might be my most taboo one; so naturally they are particularly welcome. WW1 or WW2 setting, and usually involves a prisoner of war who catches a soldier or officer's fancy. May or may not be set in a concentration camp, village/town/ city under siege, or any other setting where my character is trapped. The soldier is usually from a tyrannic state. DISCLAIMER FOR THE ABOVE
This is so you don't get the wrong idea, that "oh, he gets off on Nazis". I don't. It's not about the party or person, but the situation: I like power play in its most realistic setting, and war settings allow for exactly that. On a personal level, I do not condone the actions of war criminals. I will not roleplay with anybody who does, as affiliation to these parties is incredibly harmful to people in real life. In addition, don't talk to me about your political belief in real life. I don't want to learn that you weren't the grammar type of Nazi. I will not glorify or romanticise these matters, and I'm capable of handling them delicately -- I'm quite well-read in the subject, it's film and literature. I would ask you to do the same. |
- British India |
gif inspiration
Or simply, a visual story prompt.
Tell me something interesting about these gifs!


See if my tastes and manners are what you like.
Roleplay on
- forums.
- PMs.
- discord.
My posts
100 - 3,000 words, my length might not consistent.
I write as much as I feel like I need to write to push the plot along.
Starters / the beginning of parts in the story will be longer.
Your post
I'd like a mirrored amount of content, instead of length.
Don't like aimless, filler paragraphs.
Have understandable writing. Decent spelling/grammar.
Typos here and there are perfectly fine.
- Realistic.
- Description only is okay.
My Post Frequency
Minimum once a week,
maximum multiple times a day.
Will let you know if I will post less than that.
Preferred Partner Post Frequency
Ditto to mine.
Or let me know if you won't be active.
I don't actually have a schedule I need you to follow.
I'm patient with replies as long as I know that you're still interested;
I've even waited on someone for a few months before, so the RP snails are safe from the boot.
- forums.
- PMs.
- discord.
My posts
100 - 3,000 words, my length might not consistent.
I write as much as I feel like I need to write to push the plot along.
Starters / the beginning of parts in the story will be longer.
Your post
I'd like a mirrored amount of content, instead of length.
Don't like aimless, filler paragraphs.
Have understandable writing. Decent spelling/grammar.
Typos here and there are perfectly fine.
- Realistic.
- Description only is okay.
My Post Frequency
Minimum once a week,
maximum multiple times a day.
Will let you know if I will post less than that.
Preferred Partner Post Frequency
Ditto to mine.
Or let me know if you won't be active.
I don't actually have a schedule I need you to follow.
I'm patient with replies as long as I know that you're still interested;
I've even waited on someone for a few months before, so the RP snails are safe from the boot.
Creative Freedom
I usually prefer complete creative freedom which means I prefer not to play pre-made characters or worlds.
I'm the most chill person ever for worldbuilding. Go ahead and contribute, design or detail whatever you want in a scene. I don't plan much (if I do, I'll tell you) so you won't mess anything up; in fact, I'd prefer for both of us to worldbuild together. I'll bounce off whatever you write.
OOC Discussion
Straight communication, no meandering tact.
I will tend to be (even brutally) honest myself.
If I don't think you're contributing to the plot, I will say so, and I will ask you to contribute or I will request we drop the roleplay.
If I don't like something you do, I will request you change it. I won't be rude though. Do the same for me.
Consent and communication is important between roleplay partners, especially for heavy scenes.
Personal chatting
My characters are not me, and I am not them.
I strongly suggest you treat either as appropriate.
Am I picky?
Very, but not in the way you imagine.
I'm picky with particular styles rather than literacy alone.
I hadn't always been like this, but now I believe that there's value in roleplaying with anybody.
As long as it's raw, honest writing, i.e. you mean what you write, I think it's good.
I might ask to see a writing sample from you before accepting a request.
I never ghost my partners.
I will be upfront and let you know immediately if I want to drop something, or if I am losing interest.
In return, do the same. Don't just be flaky, it's not cool.
I usually prefer complete creative freedom which means I prefer not to play pre-made characters or worlds.
I'm the most chill person ever for worldbuilding. Go ahead and contribute, design or detail whatever you want in a scene. I don't plan much (if I do, I'll tell you) so you won't mess anything up; in fact, I'd prefer for both of us to worldbuild together. I'll bounce off whatever you write.
OOC Discussion
Straight communication, no meandering tact.
I will tend to be (even brutally) honest myself.
If I don't think you're contributing to the plot, I will say so, and I will ask you to contribute or I will request we drop the roleplay.
If I don't like something you do, I will request you change it. I won't be rude though. Do the same for me.
Consent and communication is important between roleplay partners, especially for heavy scenes.
Personal chatting
My characters are not me, and I am not them.
I strongly suggest you treat either as appropriate.
Am I picky?
Very, but not in the way you imagine.
I'm picky with particular styles rather than literacy alone.
I hadn't always been like this, but now I believe that there's value in roleplaying with anybody.
As long as it's raw, honest writing, i.e. you mean what you write, I think it's good.
I might ask to see a writing sample from you before accepting a request.
I never ghost my partners.
I will be upfront and let you know immediately if I want to drop something, or if I am losing interest.
In return, do the same. Don't just be flaky, it's not cool.
Roleplay Content
I like dynamic character development, realism and strong settings make me horny.
Aftercare, is important to me. Doesn't have to be frequent, might be rare or only promised, but I do not do roleplay that are averse to it.
Be creative! This doesn't always have to mean complete originality: this just means always doing or trying something in a different way.
Plotting Speed
High stakes and fast plots, please. I like grime and drama.
While I prefer fast plots, I can write slow-burn or tension.
However, I would be pickier with writing style when it comes to slow-burn roleplay -- I want to enjoy how it's written rather than just what I'm reading.
Don't hesitate to ask me about doing this style, though!
Preferred NSFW content
High. 50/50 ratio, up to 70/30 or more.
I'm a smutty writer who will drive a plot.
There's an aversion to smut-focus writing here, but I assure you I'm not someone who will write you porn.
Just because I already write a lot of SFW on my own, I'm not really look for that in a roleplay.
Character death
- Preferably none during.
- Okay as an ending.
I like dynamic character development, realism and strong settings make me horny.
Aftercare, is important to me. Doesn't have to be frequent, might be rare or only promised, but I do not do roleplay that are averse to it.
Be creative! This doesn't always have to mean complete originality: this just means always doing or trying something in a different way.
Plotting Speed
High stakes and fast plots, please. I like grime and drama.
While I prefer fast plots, I can write slow-burn or tension.
However, I would be pickier with writing style when it comes to slow-burn roleplay -- I want to enjoy how it's written rather than just what I'm reading.
Don't hesitate to ask me about doing this style, though!
Preferred NSFW content
High. 50/50 ratio, up to 70/30 or more.
I'm a smutty writer who will drive a plot.
There's an aversion to smut-focus writing here, but I assure you I'm not someone who will write you porn.
Just because I already write a lot of SFW on my own, I'm not really look for that in a roleplay.
Character death
- Preferably none during.
- Okay as an ending.
1. Leave a roleplay.
More of a personal thing, but I crave resolution.
Explained more later, under the next section.
2. Talk politics with me.
I have opinions (mostly liberal), and when they don't align with yours, and we don't
drop the topic fast, I tend to find that our relationship can sour quickly.
We're both here for escapism and fantasy, not the real world.
3. Control my character, or characterise my character.
If you want to do that, write with yourself.
4. Ask to do anything that is a 'no' in my F-list.
Block is my best friend right after cock. Might block you if you:
- ask me for IRL information.
- Harass me after I declined your request,
or harass me in general.
More of a personal thing, but I crave resolution.
Explained more later, under the next section.
2. Talk politics with me.
I have opinions (mostly liberal), and when they don't align with yours, and we don't
drop the topic fast, I tend to find that our relationship can sour quickly.
We're both here for escapism and fantasy, not the real world.
3. Control my character, or characterise my character.
If you want to do that, write with yourself.
4. Ask to do anything that is a 'no' in my F-list.
Block is my best friend right after cock. Might block you if you:
- ask me for IRL information.
- Harass me after I declined your request,
or harass me in general.

My specific RP style.
TL;DR: I will only do short term / oneshot roleplays. Though we can be long term partners.
Right, so I crave resolution. Always. Whatever starts must finish.
Therefore, I only write short-term because I want roleplays to finish.
I've been roleplaying for long enough to lose trust in long-term roleplays ever coming to a resolution, so no, I won't be interested in long-term RP proposals.
Generally, I'd go for a three-part plotting structure, with a beginning, middle, and end; containing one plot-relevant NSFW or at least a sexually charged scene in each.
However, we can still be long term partners. If we get along after our roleplay ends, we can definitely start another.
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