Mx Female Furry LF LT Misc Plots


Apr 9, 2015
This is my second post, and I use it for more specific plots I'm craving the most. For now, I'm searching for furry pairings only. My main thread is here

What I'm looking for in a partner
-No one-liners.
-No ghosting, please. If you don't like the RP for any reason, just let me know. I'm ditch-friendly.
-Help with the creative process, please.
-I'm open to a conversation about our RP.

What I offer
-Semiliterate to Literate.
-One to three paragraphs (Depending on the part of the story that is happening)
-Friendly OOC Chat.

Right now, I'm craving plots that involve these kinks:
-Furry (Both Characters)
-Huge Breasts

Breeding SlaveXMonster
Arranged Marriage
Married Couple

The asterisks are the ones I'm craving more at the moment.

-Mending Soul: YC is a slave that has been mistreated and is broken. MC is a doctor of slaves, and the slavers pay him with YC, as they see no more use of it. It's an RP focused heavily on caring and kindness. Events could add situations to create drama and tension.

-Salubri's Saga*: As the name suggests, I'm craving to play as a VtM Vampire Healer Elder who other vampires are persecuting. You can be either another race that is being helped by MC or even another vampire.

-At the End of the Leash: I'm craving to play a submissive slave anthro male.

-Little Points of Light****: I love Darkest Dungeon, so I want to have an RP as dark and bleak as that. Everything is against the characters, as they try to fight against all odds, risking life and limb as they try to save the place, finding solace in each other. Gore/Bad Ends/Fear/Mutilation/Violence and the kind of kinks appropriate in such a place. Despite everything, I would like to keep a glimmer of hope in the setting.

-On the Prowl: I would like a plot where MC is a monster furry who catches YC and turns it into his breeding female. This could be rough or a little bit more relaxed, depending on the likes and dislikes of the other person.

We can discuss the plot details. I am fine with any setting as long as it has one of the aforementioned kinks.
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