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Mx Female Ouroboros' Idea Thread (M seeking F or someone to play F) (NSFW Links)


Mar 24, 2020
United Kingdom
Currently in the process of re-vamping the thread slightly, and by re-vamping I mean adding for NSFW links as inspiration :D

  • Prefer to play Male and dominant characters but don't mind playing female sometimes.
  • I am married IRL so please no flirting, my partner is aware of the site and has also been a member in the past.
  • Story always has a place in my roleplays but I'll be honest and say I have a preference for smut driven stories.
  • I enjoy playing multiple roles and don't mind my partner doing the same if they wish to.
  • My kinks are in my sig but just to lay out the main dislikes. Don't enjoy hard vore, blood, scat, underage, non-con (don't mind dub-con as long as it resolves with the victim enjoying it eventually). If there's something not on my list you like, feel free to ask, I am quite open minded about most kinks.
  • I do very much enjoy hypnotism and mind control, bimbofication, casualness, corruption, betrayal and stories with fantasy and/or sci-fi themes. I also have a thing for stories where the villain wins and I sometimes enjoy cuckolding as a kink. (As the instigator not the victim)
  • I prefer to roleplay on Blue Moon, can be via PM or threads.
  • I have no preference on the gender of my partner, so don't mind if you're male IRL and want to play a female character.
  • No one sentence replies please. I can't always write tons myself but I will always aim for at least 2-4 paragraphs and if given enough to work with I can always write more.
  • Struck through ideas are currently taken, am unlikely to be interested in those unless you have a variation based on the premise in which case, I'm all ears.
  • Send me a PM if any of the below ideas take your fancy. Nothing is set in stone, always willing to adapt for a partner. If just the themes catch your eye but none of the ideas are to your liking, PM me anyway, always happy to hear ideas.

In general I wouldn't mind doing scenarios in the following worlds. (All characters who might be below the age of site rules in canon will be aged up as appropriate in any rp's)
  • Harry Potter
  • Percy Jackson
  • Mass Effect
  • Persona 5
  • Final Fantasy 7 - 15
  • Dragon Age
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • DC/Marvel (or both)
  • Game of Thrones
  • Witcher
  • Disney
  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses

----- Specific Ideas -----

-Loving Nature-

I saw this image recently and I like the idea of acting as GM for someone to play her or a character along those lines. Don't have a concrete plot in place but would be fun to brainstorm a smutty and druidic world for her to interact with. Can be more smut-focused if that's your preference. She could spend her days cultivating the bounty of the forest by what means she has at her disposal, enjoying the company of the creatures she has befriended and just loving nature in her own special way.

-Sex Sells-

Looking to do a celebrity based plot. Can be a real life celeb or an original character but either way I'm looking to do a corruption based story. A young female celeb signs with a new agency or gets a new agent. The agency/agent begins to suggest a new approach to her work and life. Bit by bit they'll change her image to become more objectifying and sexual. They might spin it as being empowering but the result will be the same. I'd enjoy it if the plot involved some form of hypnotism/mind control. Regardless I'd rather as usual steer clear of non-con. Wouldn't be opposed to some dub-con elements at first but as she becomes more and more corrupted I'd prefer it enthusiastic consent took over as she becomes a happily depraved slut for the masses. (Doesn't have to be Maisie Williams, I just liked those images).

-A Game of Houses-

A scion of House Stark, raised as a ward at Highgarden. The daughter of the Tyrell family grows up alongside him but is betrothed to a son of House Baratheon. During a visit to the royal court, the Stark it seems has caught the eye of the Targaryen princess. Stark loves Tyrell and she him but she is betrothed. The princess fancies the rugged Northerner but finds the Baratheon has taken a shine to her as well. The complicated web of intimacy comes to a head during a tourney at Highgarden to celebrate the aforementioned betrothal.

So this one doesn't necessarily have to be GoT related, can be set in medieval Europe or another fantasy setting. What I'm interested in is the idea of us both playing two mains. Again if it is to be GoT then the houses can also be switched and I'm happy to switch the relationships etc but I do want to write something along those lines. A whole complex love... square, I guess? Obviously this one is more story heavy than a lot of the below ideas but I'd still like to include plenty of smut. Not looking for anything too weird or extreme in terms of kinks. Again doesn't have to be those faceclaims I used as examples above.

-Fuckdoll Academy-

Welcome to the Fuckdoll Academy. Here at the Academy, we're very proud of our students. All students must learn how to use their bodies. The ultimate goal for a Fuckdoll is to have nothing in their minds except servicing cock and our girls just love being the centre of attention. We make learning fun for our students as we shape the most submissive and loveable dolls. The girls have a very strict and rigid learning program. Lessons including...Vaginal, Oral, Anal and many more. We're always on the lookout for new staff to help educate our girls and make them the best Fuckdolls they can be.

Despite the smut-heavy intro there, I'm actually look for someone literate with this one that can help world build this setting I have in mind. Although it would be fairly smut focused, I'd still enjoy interaction between the different characters and someone who can play more than one role would be appreciated but not compulsory. Kinks are obvious but just in case, submissive characters, fandom characters, bimbofication, school setting.

-Life as a Recovering Succubus-

Life is hard for anyone but especially for a succubus among humans. She's on Earth and doing her best to blend in, hiding her natural tendencies and being good. Her boyfriend is such a nice guy but well... he's a nice guy. Not what she'd normally go for. Her desires are building and who knows what's going to happen when they finally bubble over.

Looking for someone willing to play the succubus in this one. The prompt can be changed but NTR/cuckolding is a kink I sometimes enjoy. Figured it'd be fun for her trying her best to stay on the straight and narrow, eventually caving as the various men in her life make her cave. Happy to play multiple characters for this one. Don't mind the setting, modern, sci-fi or fantasy. Can also play it in a setting where her true nature is hidden or one where fantasy creatures are out in the open.

-The Power of Advertising- (alternate title, Just Do it)

It's the not too distant future and thanks to the ever expanding power of technology and our understanding of the human mind, advertising has become increasingly more and more powerful. Screens are everywhere, showing off new products and they're very very persuasive. You want that new phone. You want to eat a yummy new burger and screw how many calories are in it. Even better, this new sex toy is out, just come try it out in store. Just do it.

So this scenario will also mostly revolve mind control. I would act as GM for YC going about their day in this world. I imagine there would or could also be an element of casualness. I basic premise is that everyone knows that adverts can basically control you but due to lack of oversight and other factors, people have just learned to live with it and a lot of people just wear contacts or lenses to avoid the influence. However maybe YC slips up one day and finds herself drawn towards an advert she finds she can't resist and she finds herself tumbling down a rabbit hole of shameless consumerism and corruption, loving every minute because every purchase and every indulgence just fills her head with happy chemicals.

-Down the Rabbit Hole-

I've wanted to write an adult version of Alice in Wonderland for a while. The basic premise would be following the rough plot of the book/film but with adult themes. For example, Alice tumbles down into Wonderland, only to encounter the 'White Rabbit' whereupon he hypnotises her with his pocket watch and has his way with her. She could end up getting teamed up on by Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee and then she'd get blitzed on hookah with Absolem and lets him fuck her brains out.

Obviously pretty much all the characters would have their appearances changed. Don't want to write Alice getting it on with an actual caterpillar. Kinks and themes are negotiable as always.

-The Gym Bunny-

Looking to write a story where YC starts attending a new gym, possible hiring a personal trainer who works there or the owner to train them. She is unaware that the owner has set the gym up so they can play their special brand of workout music. The tracks are laced with subliminal messages, signals etc that can slowly control the minds of the attendees and YC starts to fall for it.

Would like to do a scenario that involves gym clothes that can become more and more scanty as it progresses, with YC becoming convinced that basically getting molested as she works out is a perfectly normal part of their routine.

-The Malevolence-

Basic premise with this one is of an evil meta-entity. It has existed outside the various Disney worlds/plots and is fed up of the good guys winning. It decides to insert itself into the narratives and ensure the bad guys win, corrupting the princesses and indulging itself along the way. I'm happy to write in most Disney settings. Have a preference for Aladdin, would love to play as Jafar corrupting Jasmine.

Also just craving anything smutty and Disney related in general, does not have to follow this meta-plot, I'm happy for it to be unconnected scenes involving canon characters.

-All of Time and Space-

Looking to do an episodic type of plot. Basic premise is an alien entity capable of travelling through space and time, picks up a human woman to act as his companion on his adventures. The alien is a lifeform that feeds on pleasure and basically just wants to travel and enjoy himself with good company. Think Doctor Who but with more smut.

This really is open to everything. Can visit any time period, any setting and could even be fine to throw in some fandom and can call them alternate universes.


The future has brought a new theatre of warfare. Human soldiers now fight alongside Androids, artificial beings who are practically sentient and add a new dynamic to battles. The Androids all feature a suite of memory chips that equip them with the knowledge and skills required to be so efficient and deadly. However what if someone was to start switching out the combat chips with different chips. Ones that contain information about more enjoyable pass times.

So, as you might be able to tell, I've been playing Nier: Automata recently. I have NO IDEA what inspired me to start a smutty rp along those lines. Premise is I'm looking to play a soldier who fights along an Android. One day she asks him for assistance configuring her chips and he realises that although the Androids are currently only used for combat, if he was to slip something else in there, he might be able to teach her some more enjoyable techniques. This can involve any number of kinks because the idea is the Android would be programmable to enjoy or take part in anything the soldier can get his hands on. Would be willing to tweak the plot to it not being set in a warzone.

-Doki Doki Love Club-

Due to ever shifting morals and social norms, in the not too distant future people have become a lot more accepting of sex. You're a student at the local high school/college/university. A group of students have recently come together to begin a sex society to celebrate this new liberal attitude towards sex. They have a very strict vetting process, weeding out anyone who might be abusive etc.

Basic idea is either myself or yourself can play the student who wants to join the club. The other person would then be either another new member, a current member or even the club president. The main kink here would be casualness as the club members wouldn't shy about being intimate, trying out different clothes, toys, positions etc. Don't mind including a bit of romance if that's your preference. Also will clarify I'm not expecting you to play an entire harem for MC. I'd like to feature other characters because it's a club but can keep things 1-1 if you'd prefer.

-Luna Loves Good-

Looking for someone to play Luna Lovegood in an idea I've had floating around for a while. Would be fun to incorporate bimbofication elements described in below plot ideas but isn't a requirement. Either way I'm looking to write a plot where the girl with her head in the clouds enters a taboo relationship with one of her professors. The exact circumstances of which can be up for discussion but generally looking to play an older (not too old) wizard who has his way with the younger witch.

-Bimbo Academy-

YC attends an academy or finishing school for young women. A lot of students have been going missing as of late. The staff claim they've been dropping out or being pulled out of school by their parents. This is suspicious at first but even more so when your best friend and roommate disappears overnight. You go the confront the Principal and thus begins a spiralling descent into a seedy plot by the male staff to kidnap their favourite students and turn them into their own personal harem of bimbos. And you're next.

Would be looking to initially play the principal in this one and if things become more long term, other staff members. Themes include mind control, bimbofication and body alteration.

-Of the Blood-

It's your birthday. Your mother is throwing a big party for you. During the course of the night, your mother introduces you to a young man. The way your mother acts around him makes you think he must be an old boyfriend. Something about him is intriguing though, something is alluring. You find yourself besotted with this man and soon enough you begin to learn the sordid truth of your family and your bloodline.

With this one I'm looking to play some kind of immortal, of unspecified origin or a vampire if you'd prefer. Either way the story goes that every generation the being visits the same family to impregnate his daughter, then he vanishes and the cycle continues. Would like to involve elements of hypnotism/mind control, the being enchanting and brainwashing YC into being infatuated with him and happy with the arrangement. Would be looking for someone to play the daughter or potentially the young mother if you'd prefer. Also, wouldn't mind if someone wished to play more than one character but that's not compulsory.

-Daddy Dearest-

YC has for a little while now been dating your current boyfriend. His father however has always behaved in a very inappropriate manner. He's the opposite of your boyfriend, stern, domineering and old fashioned. Whereas your boyfriend is kind and honest but comparatively a bit of a wimp and doesn't seem to be able to pluck up the courage to confront his dad. So YC takes it upon herself to do this yourself

Looking to play the dad. This scenario would involve infidelity, cuckholding and ageplay. The idea is YC would either be very innocent and is seduced by the dad. Or YC has been trying to remedy her previously wild ways by dating a nice normal guy but that begins to get too boring.

-The Ship's Slut-

A girl is found lost at sea by a crew of pirates. Fortunately for her they don't feed her to the sharks but unfortunately the crew is a famous and dangerous lot, bound for a long journey at sea to find hidden treasure in far off lands. Tensions become high at first but soon an arrangement is made where the girl finds herself a role amongst the crew that will be to everyone's liking.

Looking for someone willing to play the girl and I'd be the captain and then additional crew mates. This can be a historical setting but would prefer a fantasy setting as I like the idea of the crew being a mish-mash of people from many walks of life. Potentially different races and some with different abilities. Either way they'll all come up with fun ways to enjoy the girl, humiliating and using her until she breaks and she starts to love being their plaything.

Also open to a tweak on this idea that came up recently. Instead of a woman lost at sea, YC could be a mermaid or similar creature. She comes up on deck one day and is quite happy to meet this very friendly band of pirates. Perhaps she'd just naturally promiscuous. Perhaps she's adorably naïve. Either way an element I'd like to include (not compulsory) is that she keeps getting pregnant when she visits the crew, the pirates tossing her back in the sea when she's grown a belly, something she's not angry about and comes back on deck a little while later for some more.

-Please Will You Come-

This one is a bit more up in the air. I'd like to do a scenario where YC has reached out to invite a certain someone to come celebrate a special occasion, currently going with birthday. I like the idea of it being her 18th but can be older if you're not comfortable playing someone that young. The certain someone can be a few options and this could also alter the setting. It could be a famous celebrity who likes the look of YC and decides to swing by. It could alternatively be a god/demi-god who YC prayed to come. Either way things will escalate and MC ends up enjoying himself with YC. This can involve Casualness/Free Use elements but doesn't have to. I just like the idea of the parents being on board and even happy with MC's home invasion and defiling their daughter. Can be fantasy or modern setting, I don't have a preference.

-St. Imperium's Academy-

MC has just begun their new role as St. Imperium's new student therapist/counsellor. Little does the Headmistress or the students know, but he has plans other than just providing care to the students. His machinations involve placing the whole school under his thumb and having his wicked way with whichever student he desires.

So, this one I'd really like to the mind control kink. The method isn't set in stone, can be straight hypnosis but MC could also have magical powers. Looking for someone who'd enjoy playing a student for the counsellor to enthral/seduce. Would enjoy if someone was willing to play more than one student but understand not everyone enjoys that so wouldn't be offended if you'd prefer sticking to one character. Other kinks that it could involve would be bdsm, uniforms, age-play, degradation, humiliation and corruption.

-Making a Bimbo-

This one is pretty straight forward but a bit darker than the above. Looking to do a plot involving most if not all of the following (can miss kinks out if they're ones you don't like), degradation, public humiliation, misogyny, forced costumes/slutwear/lingerie, forced lesbianism, forced prostitution, slut-shaming, objectification, bimbofication, gangbangs, hair-pulling and face-slapping, dirty talking, piercings/tattoos/body writing, watersports, bestiality, incest, collars and leashes, dub-con and mind-breaking with an ending that leaves YC character hopelessly destroyed with no chance of ever living a normal life again.

Looking to write about a female teacher who finds herself curious about one of her students. Every time she sees him, it seems like he has a different girl on his arm (or two at once) – giggling, bleach-blonde bimbos, dressed like they belong on a street corner. They dote on him, desperate to please. They obey him. Her curiosity, and her unsated hungers, grow until she builds up the nerve to talk to him. And then, it slips out. She wants to be a bimbo. There’s no mind-control involved, her intelligence isn’t actually being reduced, she’s a smart woman being trained (with punishment, if necessary) to behave like a slutty airhead and forced to conceal her brains. She’ll get used to it; when properly breaking down a whore-in-the-making, her self-respect has to be the first thing to go.

-Royal Court Mage-

MC is the royal mage to an old and useless king. The mage feels underappreciated and put upon by the king's ever-growing list of demands and needs. Most importantly, the education of his daughter(s). He decides to finally get things his way and elects to seduce the king's daughter(s) and with enough time, usurp control of the kingdom for himself.

Looking for someone willing to play the daughter or daughters if you like playing multiple roles. This one would be in a fantasy setting, standard D&D type locales. Would enjoy it involving mind control through arcane or alchemical means but doesn't have to.

-Demon World-

Some time has passed since the demons came. History is blurred about why mankind first struggled against the invaders. Because now the world is perfect. Men and women grow up understand the bliss that comes with being under the heel of their demon masters. True the demons like to sat their inhuman sexual desires with whatever human catches their interest. But to serve your masters is to know true joy, so all the better.

So, looking to do one or more scenarios in the above setting. I like the idea of playing a variety of demons, as they come in all shapes and sizes. Their one distinguishing feature is they give off a mind-altering musk that arouses humans and makes demons irresistible. All of humanity was brainwashed some time ago and every child born comes under the same effect, so yes, this one involves Hypnotism/Mind Control. Almost all the demons are bigger than the average human so also likely to involve characters with large cocks. I'm interested in doing one or more slice of life type scenarios. Don't have any concrete ideas for this, so if you can imagine the life of someone existing in this world, then let me know what your ideas are.

-Demon Invasion-

Humanity is on the brink of losing their world. Mysterious beings we know as 'demons' appeared suddenly and are taking control of everything. Humanity could have banded together to stop them but it seems they are their own worst enemy. Despite being horrible to behold, something about the invaders awakens things in the humans they encounter. Measures have been taken against this weapon the demons possess but no resistance seems to hold out for long. Their musk isn't the only way they have of converting you to their side. Piece by piece, mankind is losing their world and those who give in, seem to be rewarded with bliss.

So wanting to do a few scenarios in this world, a prequel setting, as it were, to the above Demon World setting. Again, would like to do one or more slice of life scenarios, YC taking the role of people living during this ongoing demonic apocalypse. Would also enjoy playing a variety of demons and would like above, include elements of Hypnotism/Mind Control. YC could be a soldier who gets separated from her squad and is hunted by a demon(s). Could be holed up somewhere trying to wait it out but a demon finds your hiding spot and comes for you. Could be a holy woman seeking shelter in a church/temple until the demons show that such things mean nothing to them. Also open to other ideas if you have any so if you come up with something, hit me up.

-The Empire of Service-

In a distant land, humans and the other races have fought for supremacy for over a century. There also exists many races of monsters that have raided human lands for generations, capturing and defiling their women. Aided by powerful bands of mercenaries, the human kingdoms have gradually pushed back their old rivals.

But the mercenaries would not settle for these victories. Led by the cruel general, the sellswords declare independence. With the support of some of those same monsters, their new nation attacks human and other races alike, carving out a kingdom where men reign supreme and women are little more than slaves.

So those who've watched a hentai called Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo Wa Hakudaku Ni Somaru (what a mouthful) will recognise this plot. Don't have any specific desires for what I'd like my partner to play in this one. Could be the Queen/Princess of one of the other nations, human or other. I would be looking to play the mercenary general and can also be some of his soldiers for group scenes. Kinks/themes would include misogyny, humiliation, dub-con, corruption, group sex and can potentially include some darker themes if people are that way inclined.

-White Rabbit-

Looking for someone play as the White Rabbit or a similar style of character. The bio/backstory etc aren't compulsory but the character design I'm more into. There's other comics the artist has done about her if you're interested but for those who want the tldr version, she's a super heroine with a massive libido and sometimes would rather get fucked than save the day. This one I'm envisioning as quite light-hearted but could get a bit darker with her being kidnapped and enslaved. As always, hypnotism/mind control are a big favourite so playing a villain with mental powers would be fun.

Character Bio
Other Art

-Hypnosis Harmony™-

A young man attending an upper class finishing school has just received a package from his father. The boy has never fit in with the other students and has often been on the receiving end of bullying and scorn. His father however has just sent him a phone with a special app installed. If used correctly it can alter the cognition of the target and with his new weapon in hand, he's going to blaze a trail of revenge through the entire school.

Looking to play the young man and seeking a partner who'd be interested in being one of the students (and others if you enjoy playing multiple roles). This story would involve mind control, non-con elements, humiliation and has the potential for other 'darker' elements but nothing too extreme.

-The Human Empire-

Humanity has touched the stars and quickly discovered there were no great alien empires awaiting them. Instead they are masters of the galaxy, outstripping any other races they encounter in terms of intellect and technology. They have also discovered that one or more of the races they've encountered react very strangely upon experiencing qualities that humans would consider normal.

Don't have any concrete plots for this idea at the moment. I'm imagining a Mass Effect type scenario, a human captain with an alien crew for them to play with. Could also be a first contact type scenario with a human ambassador meeting an alien races representative. This one can feature mind control but doesn't need to necessarily have to, the idea being the natural pheromones and other qualities humans exhibit can actually send certain aliens into a heat like state.

-Dissuading the Bully-

YC's child/step-child/sibling/step-sibling etc is being bullied by MC. The relative of YC is a wuss and doesn't stand up for themselves and is getting picked on a lot. YC decides to take things into your own hands and confront the bully and put a stop to this

So this one can go in a few different directions. It can be non-con but I prefer dub-con. My preference would be YC would be seduced by the bully and essentially cuckold the relative.

-The Warrior's Trial-

YC is a young shieldmaiden, who has begun tutelage under a veteran swordsman. Unfortunately, she isn't the sharpest blade in the armour and it turns out her tutor is just looking to get his rocks off with a younger woman and takes full advantage of her naivety and innocence. An incident one day leaves her stranded from her tutor and their group, leaving her to fend for herself in a magical land filled with a variety of creatures, all with one thing on their mind.

Looking for someone to play the shieldmaiden. My preference for her would be to basically be a medieval bimbo so quite naïve and gullible. Looking to initially play the tutor and if it ends up being something more long term, a variety of fantasy races/creatures she encounters on her journey. This can include anything from orcs, illithids/mind flayers, demons, tentacle monsters etc. I have a few ideas for encounters but it's always malleable. Would like the story to include mind control, i.e. the shieldmaiden getting hypnotised or dominated in a variety of methods by the creatures she encounters, otherwise it starts getting into non-con territory. Which I'm ok with to a degree but would prefer it be dub-con.

-Queen of Green-

She was an elf, he was an orc. Can I be any more obvious?

Looking to do a scene where an innocent seeming woman, doesn't need to be an elf, falls for and is corrupted by a huge hulking greenskin. Various kinks can be included but I'd like the orc to be brutish but able to be tender when needed. Able to screw her brains out but happy to cuddle after. If your preference is something more rough and less loving can go for that. I had an idea where the elf is looking for a husband and so ended up working in a human tavern to find someone but comes across the orc instead.

-The Yellow Brick Road-

A previous partner and I wrote a really good and smutty story about a perverted version of Alice in Wonderland not too long ago. I recently saw Wicked on stage and I figured it might be fun to do a similar concept but with Dorothy exploring Oz.

Basic premise is Dorothy will be following the general plot of the book/film but the various denizens of Oz will mostly be looking to have their wicked way with her. Certain characters will probably be gender bent for this purpose. The Wicked Warlock of the West for example. I also like the idea of Dorothy being quite naïve or gullible at first and becomes corrupted by the lewd nature of this smutty world she finds herself lost in.

-Beef for the Shortstack-

This one is easy to explain. I want to write how we get from this scene to this image. Not looking for it to be the actual characters from Critical Role, for those who know this scene and/or these characters. I'm looking to play a big hulking beast (or man) opposite a busty shortstack. Doesn't have to be a goblin, happy for her to be Midna (or Midna-esque), or a halfling.

Not looking for anything too plot heavy with this one but I'm always happy to hear ideas if people want to brainstorm something more long term for this idea.
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