Naughty Spoop
- Joined
- Mar 30, 2019
Hello there!
First of all: This thread is going to contain a little less fancy formatting, since it's a rather specific idea I had, so I keep it as short, concise and rambling-free as I can
(For details about me as a writer and general guidelines, please take a look into my other request-thread here or down below in my signature)
Now for the fun stuff:
I noticed, that I play quite a lot of rps, where my characters are on the recieving end of all that tentacly fun-stuff. And as much fun as that is, I'd enjoy to be on the other end of the appendage once in a while
(Disclaimer: I posted this here, because I tend to play the more...uhmm...penetrative part, though with eldritch tentacle-creatures, discerning a gender is not always easy)
TL;DR: I'm looking for someone (IRL gender irrelevant) to play a charming human telepath in a story of wartime adventures in space, tentacles, corruption and smart hive minds!
Now for the story:
Mankind has settled the stars. And among the wonders of space they discovered was one, rather peculiar and slightly scary planet: Covered by wild jungles and inhabited by a wide array of mostly dangerous lifeforms. The interesting thing though was, that evolution seemed to work exceptionally fast on this world. Almost every few months, new species emerged and went extinct, replaced by even more terrifying creatures.
A few unlucky incidents and a few insane telepaths later, the humans found out why.
This planet was ,in fact, a single, giant hive mind. A creature so successfull, that it had conquered the whole planet and, with no way to leave it, spent the past millenia essentially playing around, spawning creatures and essentially hunting, devouring and violating itself.
But (unlike most Hive Minds in traditional SciFi), this entity was quite intelligent.
Under normal circumstances, the government would probably just have the planet quarantined and left the hive to itself, but at the time the planet was discovered, humanity had been stuck in a rather nasty, long war with some alien species and it looked, like they would loose.
And here was a planet, inhabited by an incredibly hungry and incredibly bored creature, that had spent the last centuries designing the perfect predator.
Out of desperation, the hive is offered a deal: Help defeat the enemies of earth and in return, devour as much enemies as you like.
Needless to say, the hive was exhilarated.
So humanity gained a (morally questionable) ally. The cargo-bays of some larger ships are converted into breeding grounds and telepaths are assigned, to communicate with the smaller sub-hives attached to the military.
So much for the (slightly convoluted) setting. Now, the pairing I'm looking for here would be one of these sub-hives and a (preferably pretty
) female telepath.
Concerning kinks, most of them are pretty obvious: Tentacles, monstrous creatures, oviposition (usually I'm a little iffy with pregnancy-adjacent stuff, but I'm willing to give it a try here), some corruption and maybe light mind control (Not mandatory! I know how difficult that is to include without taking away a characters agency completely)
The story could go either into a slightly darker, more corruption-heavy direction, or maybe even something almost romantic.
But as always: The finer details of the plot are up for discussion! I'm always open for some input. Roleplaying is a collaborative thing, after all!
Alternatively: If you have an idea, going into a similar direction, feel free to shoot me a message as well!
So much from my side for now, thank you for your patience!
First of all: This thread is going to contain a little less fancy formatting, since it's a rather specific idea I had, so I keep it as short, concise and rambling-free as I can
(For details about me as a writer and general guidelines, please take a look into my other request-thread here or down below in my signature)
Now for the fun stuff:
I noticed, that I play quite a lot of rps, where my characters are on the recieving end of all that tentacly fun-stuff. And as much fun as that is, I'd enjoy to be on the other end of the appendage once in a while
(Disclaimer: I posted this here, because I tend to play the more...uhmm...penetrative part, though with eldritch tentacle-creatures, discerning a gender is not always easy)
TL;DR: I'm looking for someone (IRL gender irrelevant) to play a charming human telepath in a story of wartime adventures in space, tentacles, corruption and smart hive minds!
Now for the story:
Mankind has settled the stars. And among the wonders of space they discovered was one, rather peculiar and slightly scary planet: Covered by wild jungles and inhabited by a wide array of mostly dangerous lifeforms. The interesting thing though was, that evolution seemed to work exceptionally fast on this world. Almost every few months, new species emerged and went extinct, replaced by even more terrifying creatures.
A few unlucky incidents and a few insane telepaths later, the humans found out why.
This planet was ,in fact, a single, giant hive mind. A creature so successfull, that it had conquered the whole planet and, with no way to leave it, spent the past millenia essentially playing around, spawning creatures and essentially hunting, devouring and violating itself.
But (unlike most Hive Minds in traditional SciFi), this entity was quite intelligent.
Under normal circumstances, the government would probably just have the planet quarantined and left the hive to itself, but at the time the planet was discovered, humanity had been stuck in a rather nasty, long war with some alien species and it looked, like they would loose.
And here was a planet, inhabited by an incredibly hungry and incredibly bored creature, that had spent the last centuries designing the perfect predator.
Out of desperation, the hive is offered a deal: Help defeat the enemies of earth and in return, devour as much enemies as you like.
Needless to say, the hive was exhilarated.
So humanity gained a (morally questionable) ally. The cargo-bays of some larger ships are converted into breeding grounds and telepaths are assigned, to communicate with the smaller sub-hives attached to the military.
So much for the (slightly convoluted) setting. Now, the pairing I'm looking for here would be one of these sub-hives and a (preferably pretty
Concerning kinks, most of them are pretty obvious: Tentacles, monstrous creatures, oviposition (usually I'm a little iffy with pregnancy-adjacent stuff, but I'm willing to give it a try here), some corruption and maybe light mind control (Not mandatory! I know how difficult that is to include without taking away a characters agency completely)
The story could go either into a slightly darker, more corruption-heavy direction, or maybe even something almost romantic.
But as always: The finer details of the plot are up for discussion! I'm always open for some input. Roleplaying is a collaborative thing, after all!
Alternatively: If you have an idea, going into a similar direction, feel free to shoot me a message as well!
So much from my side for now, thank you for your patience!