Fx Any Story based + Smut based rps!


Jun 20, 2014
So, this is my new search thread, I thought I'd keep it quite basic. If you've met me before, I'm very laid back in what we could do in a roleplay. That being said, here are some rules:

1. Please don't leave plotting up to me, I can't gauge if you are actually interested in the roleplay if you don't show it somehow. Also I am not creating a story for only me to enjoy, that would be so selfish, so please please please give me ideas and suggestions!
2. Must be over 18, this goes without saying.
3. I don't mind if you are a guy, gal, or other.
4. I am happy to play multiple characters.
5. Come to me with any ideas for stories, I am more than happy to hear them.
6. I'm not going to make an F-List, but hard turn-offs are:
vore, scat, oversized anything, futanari, furry, and more as I think of them
7. I am happy to play platonic relationships, but if you want more with smut I will only do that in FxM where I play a girl.
FxM = Accepting.
FxF = Not Accepting.
MxM = Not Accepting.
8. I prefer story ratio 80/20, 70/30 plot/smut. Smut based roleplays are fine too, but I may slowly lose interest unless we can keep it fresh and exciting.


9. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: Please communicate with me, I don't mind if you don't want to do the rp anymore, you don't even have to give me a reason but please please please let me know. I hate getting ghosted when I try to communicate if someone is still interested like it's not hard, we don't know each so there won't be any hard feelings. I will be disappointed, sure, but I'd rather know you aren't keen anymore.
10. I will 100% keep checking in with you if you aren't posting, don't get me wrong I am more than happy to wait for posts, just let me know (if your schedule changes or whatever) that a post is coming. I won't annoy you unless it's been like 2 weeks and I'm still waiting, and even then, it'll just be a check up.

  • Gang/mafia (This would have a lot of dark themes and violence)
  • Post Apoc
  • Modern
  • Fantasy
  • Modern Fantasy
  • Gifted/Mutant - think along the lines of x-men
  • Medieval
  • Feudal Japan - samurai, ninja, etc. this one can include more supernatural themes if wanted, such as yokai, demons, etc.
Fandoms: (only willing to canon in some cases)
  • League of Legends (canons) ***** CRAVING - smut or story
  • X-men (no main canons)
  • Something similar to Yona of the dawn

Things I will not role play or will take a good plot to agree to:
  • slice of life
  • Furries and anthros

There may be more as I think of them, I can't really remember them all at the moment.
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