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"Prisoner of War, Oh JOY!" ((me and Lan More))


Jan 9, 2009
Senka Deshinov looked somewhat disconnected with the world as she sat in a dingy Nazi cell. She wasn't the only Russian women solider that had been captured, but off course in the army the men would always outnumber the women. She wasn't a front line solider, no. That "privilege" was only given to the men and with good reason. She was a sniper in the Russian army. At first she had worked alone, having no partner with her on tasks and missions. She was probably one of the best snipers in the army, with a confirmed 77 kills. The men had taken to calling her "Hawk Eye". However most of them stayed away from her as she was cold and disconnected, it seemed, of having any emotions. The men saw this as somewhat irrie. Pretty soon the high ranking officials got word of it and assigned her a partner for some sort of companion ship and perhaps a vent for any emotions that she had. So far it hadn't really helped. She'd manage to crack a smile or to, or chuckle once in awhile but not much else. Still, they considered that her psychological health was at a higher standard than it had ever been before and to this day she still had a partner. However, her partner had not been captured, he had gone back to get help, but they had found her before they could get back.

Why had she joined the fight in the first place? Women tended not to be known for their service on the battle field. The Russian army was one of the first to allow women to join their ranks. When the war fist began, the Nazi's had invaded her town. They burnt the whole town to the ground and slaughtered all the men of their village right before their eyes. Even the smallest of male children were not spared. Any women that objected was captured and most likely raped. Those that kept their mouths shut, lived and escaped. She was one of those. She had managed to escape with a few other women, however once they had escaped, they had nowhere to go. So instead of standing around waiting for the Germans to capture the again, they ran to the nearest army base. They were given food and shelter and offered the chance to join the fight. They were probably the easiest people to enlist. The hurt they felt in their hearts would have them lust for vengeance. The out of the 7 that had escaped, 4 of them joined, including her. The rest were sent back to safe areas of the country to begin new lives.

The 4 of them grew very close. They were all trained in how to use a sniper rifle, and a hand gun. They learnt tactics, how to move around silently and other skills that would assist them. Then they were shipped of with other female soldiers to the camp they were in now. During this time, the four of them had grown quite close. Their reasons for joining were one in the same after all. Senka had lost her father, brother and Fiancé in the bloody massacre. She and her mother were the only ones left in their family. She and her mother had escaped with the 7 women. Her mother now resided in Moscow, working as a seamstress.

Senka sighed to herself. She was dressed in her military uniform, designed to combat the harsh Russian winter. Her red hair was up in a messy bun and stuff up inside her fury woolen cap. Her uniform was marked with a few decals, denoting her rank of lieutenant. Her uniform consisted of a large over coat, then a jacket, a shirt, a pair of thick trousers and black boots. Hardly flattering, however that was not its purpose. Its purpose was to keep her alive in the cold.

She reached inside her shirt and pulled out a ring on a chain. It was her engagement ring, only simple in design, but what it represented way the complete opposite. It was made of a sliver band with a large green stone in the middle and smaller white ones around it. He had told her he had chosen green because he loved her eyes. She held it in her gloved hands for a moment, her mind drifting back to those somewhat happy days before the war, in a somewhat blissful state for a moment. However, footsteps approaching made her quickly put it away from view once more and she was back in reality, in the cold nazi prison cell. She couldn't believe she had been captured, and now she was stuck here till the Russians came and got her out or she was left to die.
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